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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. Zariah~ I was thinking. This might be a better publication if it was monthly instead of weekly. What do you think? ~Salinye
  2. You know, it's all about Atari Frogger!!! Also, I think it's a telling sign when for Christmas I buy my husband an atari controller that just plugs into the back of the tv (no console needed) and you get like 10 Atari games!!! He'll LOVE it! ~Salinye
  3. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's as lovely and wonderful as you are! ~Salinye
  4. Happy Happy Birthday!!! *does the happy dance* ~Salinye
  5. Even as the strands of dark magic untangled themselves from the intricate weave of her own mind and magic-lingering darkness remained. The assault from outside of her seemed to have stopped, and the great silvery knight that had appeared upon the battle for possession of her mind had ensured their victory. However, the necromancy had unleashed the demons of her memories to run rampant within her. Suddenly behind the flutter of her eyelids as she fought to find consciousness she was once again in the dungeons of Teltaleth. She could smell the dank of the dungeons, hear the howls of agony echo through the under dark. Crouching she hissed at her captors “What do you want with me?” ************** Yui and Jirah both started in surprise as Salinye suddenly rolled over leaping up into a crouch. Her eyes were unfocused, her vision clouded and her hands began to radiate with a light blue aura as she spoke at them in the dark tongue of the drow. “What do you want with me?” Jirah shot a surprised questioning glance to Yui who sat up. “She’s confused.” Returning her eyes to the elf’s she spoke clearly and carefully while slowly getting into a crouch of her own. “Sali-Chan.” Salinye looked between the two the aura of blue light growing stronger around her pale hands. She lightly shook her head as momentary confusion flashed through her eyes as reality tried to sneak through the veil of clouded memories. Salinye answered with more dark speech a blond strand falling into her deathly serious face. “I’m going to have to do something before she sends lightening ricocheting around the room.” The huntress said quietly without turning to Jirah. The thief was unsure of what to think still torn between protecting the wizardess and protecting her from herself. Yui-Temae missed little when she was in the mind to observe. It was a subtle thing, the tightening of the mages shoulder muscles that indicated to the huntress it was time to strike or be struck. In one quick and smooth move the huntress leapt slamming her petite body into Salinye’s crouched form toppling her onto her back effectively pinning her to the floor. “The huntress wasn’t large in stature, and her energies were quite drained. However she had the element of surprise on her side. That coupled with the mages own drained strength made interrupting her casting a simple chore. “Sali-Chan. It’s Yui. You’re confused and need to clear your head.” Salinye closed her eyes in obvious fear and frustration as she spat phrases in dark speech out at the huntress. Jirah moved standing over the two women not sure who to aid should a struggle occur. (To be continued...I just need to sleep first. :0))
  6. 1) A Pen Member -Gyrfalcon 2) A distance -The length of a ten foot pole 3) A place in the Pen -Annael's Tree 4) An adjective -flirtacious 5) A number -15 6) A noun -First born Unicorn 7) A verb -Spazzing An adjective -Horrifying 9) A Color -Mellow Moss Green 10) A plural noun -Wizardesses 11) A material -Velvet 12) A type of light -Rays of sun 13) A part of body -Crook of the neck 14) A name for an underling -peasant 15) An animal (plural) -Foxes 16) An adjective -hyper-active 17) A height -a cubit (not cubic) 18) A cryptic phrase -Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. 19) A verb -slinking 20) Any phrase -Could have been worse!
  7. Falcon, that was....Cold..and...Bitter..... Great poem! I echo the things the others have said. The imagery in this one was Fantastic. Thank you for painting unique gargoyles in my mind!! ~Salinye
  8. *hugs Wrenny* Is it odd that somehow I think I understand? ~Salinye
  9. BUMP (I was re-reading through this thread and WOW what an amazing insight into people. I thought maybe I'd toss it back up instead of putting a new life question up in case some new people want to add to it or incase some older people (not in age lol) care to add some updates. :0) *hugs everyone* I just like to learn about you all so much! ~Salinye
  10. Written in a rare moment late at night right before bed with thoughts of others on my mind. I’d help you forget if I could. All the pent up hurt and all the pain. From those that didn’t care but should, From yourself-Just trying to stay sane. You’d rather rage than feel weak. Rather lash out in anger than pray. That just salts the wounds, it’s peace you seek. Look in the mirror take it all day by day. I’d help you forget but that would be wrong. Losing the memories wouldn’t help in the end, Don't run away. Over come it. Grow strong. Turning grief into love, it’s the way to mend. ~Salinye
  11. Vlad, is there a rule about rhyming in haiku? ~Salinye
  12. Merelas! I liked this a lot! It sends a GREAT message, and the last line really gives the poem entirety!! *hugs* ~Salinye
  13. Annael! Hurry back! Don't forget to keep sending me those girly updates. (You know what I mean!) I'm just dying to hear how that whole thing is going. I've been thinking about you! *hugs* ~Salinye
  14. Just as Salinye was contemplating whether she could cast magic from her new reptilian form an odd sensation swept over her. She had the feeling of being sucked backwards through a great tunnel. The room whooshed by her in blurry streams until suddenly all was still. Closing her eyes to steady herself wondering what new magics had overcome her this time she swallows and reopens her eyes. Color. She could see in color again. It took her a few moments to realize she was in her own body again. Confusion further swept over her. Why am I on the ground? The bitter salty taste in her mouth made her unclench her jaw releasing Tamaranis’ hand. Touching the wet drops upon her chin she looked down at her fingers to see his blood upon them and pales horrified. How could such a beautiful night go so strange so suddenly?
  15. Happy Birthday, Appy!!! *smiles* ~Salinye
  16. Sweet 16!! Happy birthday you two!!! This is the official age of DRIVING! errr if you're in the US anyway. :0) ~Salinye
  17. Salinye walked through the peaceful, well-watched-over woods that surrounded Fe’Thwyn with the ground several feet below them. Daryl grumbled but didn’t complain as she summoned the powers of the wind to lift them as they traveled. Salinye took great care to look her best for this trip. She had spent more time primping in front of a mirror than she had done in years. She chose a dress of royal blue the color of which magnified the cobalt blue of her eyes. Her hair was half held up in intricate pin curls while the back was allowed to tumble freely hiding the silk covered buttons that ran down the spine of her gown. The distance between the meadow she teleported them to and Fe’Thwyn was not far, however, she didn’t want the forest floor tainting the hem of her dress. Stopping just below the crest of a hill Salinye gathered her courage and knelt upon the pocket of wind looking into his golden eyes. “Daryl, once we cross this hill, we will be able to see the white marble walls of the city. I’m afraid now is the time I need to ask you to wear this.” Opening her hand she let a delicate chain leash tumble down near his nose. Daryl growled displeased but lowered his head submissively. They had debated, argued, and discussed this issue for nearly two hours that morning. The wizardess showed him that the collar part of the chain was flexible enough that he could pull his head free at any time and promised she would only ask him to wear it in areas of the city and Celestialgrace household that were absolutely necessary. It was only for appearances sake, and the bottom line that actually made the werefox consent was that he did want to be able to remain at Salinye’s side anywhere she went. He didn’t know what to expect from this “visit”, however, being in fox form heightened many of his senses, and if Salinye was this tense, then there was reason to worry. She carefully slipped the collar around his neck and kissed his furry forehead. “Thank you, Daryl. I never wish to humiliate or dishonor you. I know the sacrifice you are making for me and I appreciate it.” He was still not happy, but nuzzled her beneath the chin to let her know he understood the reasoning. Standing the two walked up the hill and out of the forest setting their eyes on the breathtakingly beautiful sight of Fe’Thwyn in all its glory. **************** Sylvia Celestialgrace stood upon the balcony that surrounded a lush sitting room looking down upon the back of her daughter’s head. She received word almost immediately upon Salinye's return into the city of Fe’Thwyn. The news had fallen upon the mistress of Celestialgrace Estates like a load of bricks. Even though she had summoned her daughter she wasn't sure she was up to the task at hand. The woman retired almost immediately into her private quarters to be alone. Over the years she had undergone a series of emotions regarding her daughter. At first her daughter’s disappearance had been hard on her. She first, like any mother, mourned the loss of her daughter. Part of her, the part she would never reveal publicly, however was relieved during the years when Salinye was assumed dead. It was a few years after her daughter fled Fe’Thwyn that she received word that her daughter was indeed alive and running a hostel for vagabonds. The news filled Silvia with renewed and mixed emotions. Salinye had always been a handful, especially after her father’s death. She left home in pursuit of all the things that they had taught her to be against. Sylvia thought, perhaps once the high council stripped the girl of her royal rights that she would mend her ways and walk a proper path again, however, that was not the case. If anything it seemed to fan the fire of obstinance in the young wizardess. In truth, Salinye had turned into an embarrassment for the family. Silvia always found herself trying to explain away Salinye's association with people of vulgar appearance and her lack of care for the High Elven lifestyle and beliefs. She always felt responsible for her daughter’s rebellion. Once her daughter was assumed dead she was relieved of that burden-NOT that she wished her daughter dead, she did not. She may be a cold woman, but she was not completely heartless. She was simply intelligent enough to recognize the peace that seemed to settle over her household since her daughters "disappearance". However, knowing Salinye was alive and in the world somewhere gnawed at the Matriarch of Celestialgrace Estates and here she sat, five years later....and with a fox no less. The enchantress slowly made her way around the balcony never taking her eye off the back of her daughter’s head. As she rounded the corner to the turning staircase she could see her daughter a bit clearer. She paused, a bit taken aback by the sight of the mage as she rose in respectful greeting. A fairly large well-groomed fox at her side appropriately leashed. Salinye curtsied demurely before her mother. "Hello, mother. It is good to see you." She spoke in her natural tongue not entirely sure if Daryl spoke the language or not. Silvia ran her eyes up and down Salinye’s figure in assessment before turning her eyes down to Daryl who sat politely upon his haunches. “You look well, Salinye.” Her voice was cool and matter of fact. “Thank you.” Salinye had to use every bit of will power not to fidget nervously. Sylvia now smiled as she finished her descent into the room finally sitting down in a stiff high backed chair. Servants immediately attentive to her needs. Salinye returned to her place on the loveseat as they were offered their choice of tea. “A year after you left, you disappeared untraceable for two years. Where were you?” Salinye’s mother had never been one for small talk. Salinye didn't bother with long-winded explanations, she simply answered with the briefest answers that would be accepted. "The dungeons of Teltaleth." Her mother's normally controlled features widened in obvious surprise and horror. She thought perhaps she even saw a soft moment of a mothers concern flicker through her crystal blue eyes. "Then you have come to realize the brutalities of the Drow?” "I have never thought that there weren't those like that, Mother." "I see." Here there was a long pause as mother and daughter faced each other. "Tell me, Salinye, why have you returned in this manner?" “Because you summoned me.” “Why did you accept my invitation?” Salinye's features softened, her words pouring out of her. "I miss you mother, and I miss Zhoi. I know what you all think of me. I don't wish to compromise my personal values and beliefs, but I DO wish to compromise with you. I'm willing to work something out so that I can walk among my people again." "Then what are you willing to compromise, daughter." Sylvia bit the word 'daughter' more hard than the other words as if to remind Salinye who she is. "We've come to this stance before, Salinye. I can ask you to give up all your little campaigns and associations with the dark community, but what will that prove? You've already made your connections, made your stance clear. You will never give up "friends", that's one of the things you made clear last time we spoke when you were betrothed to that.....inky." Daryl couldn’t understand the language, but as Sylvia’s tone dropped to an icy level he jumped up into Salinye’s lap curling up protectively. "His name was Dainin Teken'Dridel and he..." Salinye's words were cut off by fierce ones of her mothers. "WE do NOT speak that name in this household." Sylvia stared at her daughter daring her to challenge her authority. Salinye bit her tongue placing a comforting hand upon Daryl's back and nodded respectfully trying her hardest to play her mothers game. Keep cool, Salinye. Continuing her fathers legacy was worth a bit of verbal lashing. "I assume you are through with that nonsense?" "If you are asking if I am still betrothed to D...him, then the answer is no." "Very well. I will not ask why, in your favor I will assume you came to your senses. Now, who is your new beau? Are you unattached?” Salinye was quick to answer, and her mother did not miss the slight blush that filled Sal's face. “I have friends that are dear to me, but yes I am otherwise unattached.” Her mother picked up her teacup to take a swallow. "Ahh yes, you and your pursuit of 'romance'. You see where that got you, right into the dungeons of Teltaleth." It took all of Salinye's willpower not to argue with the her mother, even as she was strongly baited. "Well, Salinye, my suggestion has not changed. I can only think of one solution that would be acceptable, and seeing as you have no beau-Lord Attaway still wishes your hand in marriage. If you will consent to this, then I think the high council would return your royal status. Lord Attaway is highly respected and very wealthy. If you were willing to be his bride, than the council would see you truly have a desire to walk on a proper path." Salinye could feel the color draining from her face as the thought of being Garon Attaway's bride settled in on her. In some ways it wouldn't be so bad, she had long ago given up on ever finding true love, and there was certainly no way she would ever love Lord Attaway. Most people would sacrifice a lot for their family and inner passions. Continuing the legacy her father started in working to show her people that their black and white cut and dry views on life and people were skewed was part of her lifelong dream. If no opportunities of romance and love were open for her, than what was she really sacrificing by agreeing to this union? She would win the respect of her family and city again, and regain her rights to her heritage as well as a political status that would put her in the position of actually having some sway. Sylvia continued, "It's good that you won't have to deal with any messy breakups in order to go through with this union, however, you should keep in mind that it isn't proper for one who is betrothed to be tromping around the forest with random woodelf men. I’ve had reports of the type of people you associate with." "Mother, do not ask me to stop associating with my friends, you know as well as I do that's a sacrifice I will not make." "Well, if you agree to marry Lord Attaway, what you WILL and will NOT do are no longer my responsibility. Am I correct in assuming that you returned to me knowing these would be the conditions and that you accept them?" Meeting her mother’s eyes coolly she responded. “I suspected this might be your reason for summoning me. As for whether or not I agree, I’ll need some time.” “Time?” Her mother scoffed. “What for? To decide if life is better here or in your precious hostel?” Seeing the defiance rise within Salinye’s blue eyes, Silvia knew she was approaching grounds that wavered on causing her daughter to turn around without considering her proposition. “Very well. You have three days.” ***************** Once the door to her old bedroom chambers was shut she slumped down into a chair with her elbows upon her knees cradling her face. Daryl sat up to place his front paws against her leg and nuzzle her arm. “What was that all about? Why are you so upset? What did the ice queen say? Want me to do something awful to her? Itching powder in her underwear drawer? Short Sheet her bed? Cut her hair while she’s sleeping?” He yipped at her in Fox. Salinye stood walking hurriedly to the window opening it. “I need to see GyrE.” Charles flew in the open window landing upon the windowsill chortling a greeting. She scribbled a quick missive and placed it within the wooden scroll tube reattaching it to Charles’ leg. She then spoke to the dove in an unrecognizable language and watched him fly from the room. Daryl followed her back to the chair she originally sat in and jumped upon her lap as she settled down to fill him in on her “homecoming meeting”.
  18. PSHAW! Should have kept it open! I would have had them eating out of my hand!! Plan: Kill Aegon, then claim the real werewolf did it to set her up since he had accused her and was right about Jim. *grins* Was fun, thanks! ~Salinye
  19. Yes. I very much wish to reitterate that I in no way thought the board instability was anyones fault! The very opposite. People like Rune work so hard, so it's frustrating to have it down so much! :0) Maybe it's a phase and it will blow over? It didn't used to do this so much. *shrugs* Not sure, again, I'm naive in these things. :0) ~Salinye
  20. A soft knock at the door stopped the wizardess’ chase of the fox who craftily slid across the marble floor disappearing beneath her bed. Salinye sighed throwing the thick towel over her shoulder while brushing drenched blonde strands of hair out of her face. Opening the door she found herself standing face to face with Gyrfalcon who took a step back to fully take in her bathrobe clad half drenched appearance. He tried with much restraint to keep a straight face. Only the subtle twitching of the corners of his mouth let her know how hard he was trying. She could feel a hot flush rising from her neck into her face. A regular occurrence these days. “OH go ahead and laugh. I know I look a fright! But it’s that pesky fox’s fault!” She said with good humor stepping back so the ranger could enter her chambers. Gyrfalcon looked around the room at the trail of bubbles and raised an eyebrow, “Tell me you didn’t try to give Daryl a bath. Salinye, you know he’s not a pet.” “Of course he’s not a pet!” She retorted dropping the towel to the ground beginning to mop up some of the water with her foot. “I didn’t try to give him a bath, I gave him a bath he agreed to. It’s the scented oils he was running from.” Daryl stuck his head out from under the bed looking to Gyrfalcon for sympathy. “Oh come on out, Fur face. Show the ranger how good you look.” The werefox grumbled slowly crawling out from under the bed revealing his shiny groomed red coat. “Actually, Daryl. You look pretty good. The tail’s a bit fluffier than usual, but other than that, I’d say she did a good job.” The ranger said with a humored smirk. Daryl yipped his protests to the mage. “I said NO fluffing!” “Oh you hush! It was just a little fluffing in the tail area! It looks good and I think you’ll live! It’s not like you didn’t get a nice full body massage and a bath that was enchanted to bubble for enhanced relaxation!” She scolded playfully placing her hands on her drenched hips. Daryl in response turned flipping his tail at her haughtily before jumping up on the bed to curl up and pretend to sulk. Moving his eyes from Daryl back to the high elf a smirk made it’s way back into his features. “It looks like maybe you got more of a bath than he did.” Salinye blushed again highly aware of her dumpy appearance. “Shoosh you.” “Hey now, I didn’t say you didn’t look good. You should go with the wet look more often. Really, I think it suits you. You could start a new trend of mage fashion.” He chuckled. Picking up a pillow she threw it hitting him square in the face. “I’m not playing this game crazy ranger!” She said covering her shyness at his comments with mock attitude before stalking off to the bathroom. “I’ll be out in 15 minutes. Don’t leave, I need to talk with you!” The moment the door to the bathroom closed Daryl popped up out of his pretend sulking to strut around the bed waiting to be admired. Rolling his eyes the ranger asked, “What is all this about, anyway?” “I’ll let her Royal Highness tell you.” Twenty minutes later Salinye stepped out of the bathroom dressed and looking more like herself. Her long wet locks were brushed and hanging down her back. “You’re late.” Gyrfalcon said. “Some things are worth waiting for.” She winked. “Indeed.” He smirked. “Stop that!” Gyrfalcon and Daryl both laughed at the new pink rising in her cheeks. “It’s just that it’s so easy.” “Yes well, let’s move on shall we?” She asked sitting upon her window bench. “Sure, let’s start with why you felt the need to primp Daryl.” Salinye smiled softly. Clearing her throat she began speaking as matter of factly as her emotions would allow. “I received a missive from Fe’Thwyn this morning. My mother requests that I visit. I do not wish to make the journey alone.” The half elf raised a suspicious eyebrow. “You know, I can clean up and behave fairly well myself when the need arises.” The mage couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, I know. I just think perhaps this trip would be better made with Daryl. They won’t suspect he’s a werefox. He’ll pose as my pet and thus will be able to go anywhere I do.” Nodding the ranger could see the logic in her thinking. She worded it so he would have to. “Alright. Just be careful then, Salinye. Keep yourself safe.” His tone dropped to a softer more serious one. Standing Salinye walked to her desk and pulled out an intricately carved wooden box and approached the ranger. “Don’t worry, I don’t think she’s calling me home for an old fashioned lynching. Also, I have something I want you to have.” Gyrfalcon took the wooden box into his hand and immediately admired the fine craftsmanship as he turned it over in his hands. “Wow, this is amazing work, Salinye.” “Thank you, it was my fathers. But GyrE, the gift is inside.” Looking up a bit sheepish he grinned. “Oh, right.” Opening the box he carefully removed a folded cream silk cloth. Setting the wooden box onto the desk he unfolded the cloth revealing a deceptively delicate appearing chain. Hanging from the chain was a silver rod set between what looked like wings of a bird. Recognizing the piece he asked "May I see yours?" Salinye nodded surprised that he recognized she wore a similar one and pulled hers out leaning forward to rest it in his hand so he could compare the two. Hers was just a bit smaller, more feminine than his. Before he could question the gift she offered explanation. “This necklace may look rather flimsy and plain to you, however, do not think on it that way, for it is very important. It is a link to me. The rod between the wings is actually a whistle. If you blow on it, you will hear nothing, however, Charles will. No matter how many continents are between you and my dove, he will hear, and he will come. You may send word with him, he always knows where to find me. You may think this a simple gift, but to me, it is much more. It is like giving part of Charles to someone else. Something I have never done. For if you summon him on that whistle, he will not return to me until he has found you and did your bidding, however, only your lips may summon him. All others will find nothing useful about that charm.” Gyrfalcon listened sitting on the corner of her desk looking at the charm from new perspective. “So, he would always know where you are and therefore take me to you?” “He will always know where I am. Whether or not he would take you to me would depend on the safety of the situation. However, he would always bring your words to me.” The half elf placed the chain around his neck, it’s wispy strand nearly disappearing against his skin. “Thank you, Salinye. I wish I had such a gift to give you.” “You have given me much, think nothing of it. Also, don’t let the delicate appearance fool you. That chain is stronger than steel.” “Alright.” He said rolling the chain between his fingers. “Also, if I send for you, will you come to Fe’Thwyn to visit me?” Looking up he crinkled his brow. “You anticipate a lengthy visit?” “I try to not to have any expectations for this visit. However, if I send for you, you will come, yes?” “If you send for me, an entire city of snooty high elves couldn’t keep me away.” He said winning a smile of appreciation from the wizardess.
  21. I love and appreciate all Rune does, she works so hard to make this board so awesome! However all of her hard work is for not if the board is regularly down. The past few weeks it's now at the point where it's down for an undetermined amount of time almost daily. Today has been a minimum of a 4 hour stretch. I'm not sure how long it was down before that. Is it just me, or is it time to talk about a new hosting site? I would love to keep the honors of board control in Rune's hands, I just am starting to think this host isn't worth the time and money that I'm sure is being put into this board. I'd love to hear other's thoughts. I am admittedly naive in these things, so maybe I'm way off base. If so, please enlighten me! ~Salinye
  22. The aliens stood in silent observation of the embodied multi-raced creatures below them. So many different types of species all living and coexisting in one place. Some having only one purpose for their lives, others having several. It seemed to the aliens that some were more important than others, while some were merely existing doing their duties without any recognition at all. “Interesting creatures. You see there where we’ve gone down and cut through their world? All those red covered creatures came immediately to rebuild what we had ruined. They even rebuild it remarkably similar to the way it was originally. It’s as if they can’t break out of their own mindsets. Oh, and you see there. When we dropped pollutant materials into them that particular crew of creatures immediately rushed in to break the poisons down and disperse them properly.” One alien said breaking the silence. “It’s odd they don’t deviate out of their own driven purposes. Why do you think that is?” The second alien asked. “I’m not sure, perhaps they’re forced to act the way they are individually expected to?” He answered thoughtfully. “No, I’ve been studying for a long time. I think they’re controlled by that larger structure of creatures up there.” He pointed. Nodding the other agreed. “Yes, that group definitely dominates the rest of them. It’s a wonder none of the creatures rebel.” “Oh, they have in other studies we’ve done.” “Really? Fascinating, what was the result.” “Devastation. Destruction. The entire network of existence became completely unbalanced to the detriment of it’s very society.” “Interesting.” Pulling a 7 fingered rubber glove off of his hand with a snap the alien scientist put the scalpel down. “Ahh well, let’s break for lunch.” “Sounds good to me.” With that they left the human strapped onto the lab table. There would be more time to study this unusually efficient world of coexisting organisms and creatures later.
  23. .....actually it says.....*blinks* $9.99! FALCON! I mean REALLY!
  24. AHEM! Miss Ayshela! You should not encourage him. *I* am not the only lady at the pen he has footage on, Missy! *flips to page 34 to show her herself stepping into the shower. SEE at least I had a towel on! ~Salinye
  25. *pulls out her broom of doom and starts swinging it wildly chasing after Falcon* YOU WILL GIVE ME EVERY COPY OF THAT CATELOG!!!! *BAP* EVERY COPY *BAP BAP* DO YOU HEAR ME? *BAP BAP BAP*
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