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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. “…an absolute outrage!” Came the harsh whisper of Sylvia Celestialgrace as Gyrfalcon was escorted from the gardens through the estate and into the main entrance hall. The elven woman spun on her heels to face them with a curt smile as she heard them enter. Behind her stood a rather impressive elven man. He easily stood 6 foot 3 inches tall. He had graceful well-chiseled elven features. His hair was sandy brown tied neatly back into a ponytail that ran a quarter of the way down his back. He was attired in the finest of clothing. One might mistake him only for one of the influential noblemen of Fe’Thwyn if not for the amulet of Kaelin’Dar that hung from his neck. Seeing a holy symbol around a man’s neck might inspire assumptions that the man is a priest. However, judging by the broad shoulders and muscular physique Gyrfalcon would guess a paladin. Rarely did rich elven priests have need to keep themselves so physically fit. “Ahhh, M’lord…No’Dessu, wasn’t it?” Sylvia asked with that same cold condescending yet oh-so-polite demeanor she had used while speaking with him earlier. “Indeed, My lady. Your memory serves you well.” The ranger replied barely resisting the temptation to match her tone. “I’d like to introduce you to Lord Lothanius. You’ll be his guest during your brief stay in Fe’Thwyn.” The man she introduced as Lord Lothanius stepped forward bowing formally, almost ceremoniously. Yep, definitely a paladin. Gyrfalcon thought returning his bow in greeting. The two men’s green eyes locked in mutual curiosity. “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Lothanius.” Gyrfalcon said politely. “I assure you, the pleasure is mine.” The paladin returned, the tension filling the room so thickly it would seem one could slice it with a knife. “If you care to gather your steed, I’ll meet you out front shortly.” “Of course.” The ranger said with a bow of his head then turned to the Duchess. “Thank you for allowing my horse to be tended to. I appreciate it immensely.” Walking past them towards the large double doors that served as the main entrance to the manor a servant scrambled to open the door for him. Once he had left the manor and was out of hearing range Sylvia’s gaze turned into an ice-cold glare. “I’m telling you, Gabriel. I don’t like the feel of this.” She said in a lowered tone. Gabriel placed a kind hand upon her shoulder. “Give me a couple of hours with the lad then meet with me. I have some thoughts brewing within me that I think might help make this situation a little more favorable for everyone.” Sylvia’s eyes remained cold, yet her tone warmed slightly. “Very well. I’ll meet you at your home in two hours, but I want our meeting to be alone.” Gabriel nodded his agreement before bowing respectfully and taking his leave. Gyrfalcon stood outside the manor patting the neck of his steed gently. He was sincerely grateful for the obvious good attention the stable master had given the horse. He made a mental note to be sure to thank him later. “Ahh, M’lord No’Dessu. A fine animal, I must say! Now, if you would follow me please.” Gabriel said striding past the ranger walking purposefully down the cobblestone streets. Their journey through the city to the paladin’s home was one made in silence giving Gyrfalcon a chance to take in the scenery. Being in a residential area they passed one estate after another. Most of the entrances began with a lofty intricately decorated gate. Some had pillars and statues representing their family name or crest. Some even had guards on duty. It was obvious these were among the wealthiest families in Fe’Thwyn. Most if not all were probably royalty of one form or another. Although the ranger admired the beauty and elegance of the elven craftsmanship and architecture, he really wasn’t one to be impressed by lofty standings. What did surprise him, however, was Gabriel’s disinterest in him. He rather expected someone that Salinye was close to would be more “real” and less formal. After winding through several streets they arrived at the paladin’s manor. It was less impressive than the other’s they had passed, which made Gyrfalcon like it more. Gabriel was quick to call the stable master and have arrangements made for the care of his horse. The inside of the paladin’s house was elegant and regal, yet simple. Following Gabriel into a sitting room the paladin fell into a chair in a relaxed manner that was the complete opposite of the rigid formal attitude he had presented thus far. Smiling sincerely he motioned to a chair across from him. “Please, have a seat. Now that we’re out of the public eye we can talk as men.” Gyrfalcon sat down a bit relieved not to have to continue the charade of forced formality. “Thank you, Lord Lothanius.” The paladin laughed good-naturedly small laughter lines forming around his emerald eyes. “First off, when we’re alone, feel free to call me Gabriel. Salinye has told me much about you. I’m sure you understand the need for our discretion.” Gyrfalcon smiled nodding and noticed a framed sketch upon the fireplace mantle of Gabriel and Salinye. The drawing was from about the waist up. Salinye had her head tilted to the side in laughter while Gabriel looked upon her in adoration. “Yes, you two are close it would seem.” Gabriel followed his gaze to the sketch and smiled fondly. “Yes, I love her.” “Really?” Gyrfalcon raised an eyebrow his voice neutral yet colored faintly with displeasure. “Of course.” Gabriel studied the ranger humored. “She is my god-daughter. Did you worry otherwise?” Gyrfalcon smiled. “Not really. You are her godfather? You must have known her father well.” “Yes, I did.” The paladin’s tone took on a respectful air as he spoke of her father. “, He was a general and a good honest man. I was his right hand, he counseled with me often. We respected each other greatly. When duty called him away, I would often watch over Salinye and his household. He was a man who loved his family.” “Salinye speaks fondly of him.” Gyrfalcon said with a smile. “As she should. They were very close. She took his death very hard. Speaking of close, Sal also speaks rather highly of you, Gyrfalcon.” The ranger couldn’t help but smile secretly pleased. “Yes, she’s a good friend. We’ve grown close since her arrival at Pen Castle.” “Yes, you must be “close” indeed for her to summon you at this particular time in her life.” Gyrfalcon shrugged slightly. “We’ve saved each other’s lives, Gabriel. It’s natural for us to be close friends.” A sly smile grew across Gabriel’s features and he looked as if he were about to say something more when a servant entered the room. “M’lord, your attention is required in your study.” Gabriel sighed. “Ahh yes, I have a few back to back meetings this afternoon. I’m sorry to abandon you. Please make my home your own. Explore my estate as you wish. My staff can show you to the quarters that will be yours while you’re here. You can feel free to clean up and rest. I’m sure you’re tired after your long journey.” “Please, don’t apologize. I understand when duty calls. I appreciate the hospitalities.” Gyrfalcon replied a distant tiredness sneaking into his eyes. He really could use some rest. Gabriel nodded politely before leaving the room. Shortly there after a polite servant met the ranger named Melvius who showed him to his quarters.
  2. Miss Annael! How lovely to see you back! *hugs* I hope we can catch up soon! ~Salinye
  3. Pssst, Ayshela...James *IS* Lumpen. *giggles and hugs her* ~Salinye
  4. Lumpen! Lumpen's Birthday? How DIVINE!!!!! *runs into the room sweeping Lumpen into a HUGE hug* Happy birthday, Lumpy! I umm...woulda got you a present, but um..I didn't know, so remind me I owe you one! *smiles* ~Salinye
  5. You guys are lucky! Turn on the news, it's craziness! In Issaquah a tree split a house in half and some poor woman is pinned in her bathroom by it! Then down the street from us, the wind blew all the trusses off a house! Not sure if it was new construction or not. But if it was a finished house, then that is some SHODDY construction. If it weren't for the danger factor, it's actually kinda cool to have such high strong winds. Also, if you listen to the news TONS of people are without power. Ours keeps flickering, but we haven't lost it yet, and I hope we don't!!! If it's heading your way tonight, move all the garbage cans and loose things in to the garage! ~Salinye
  6. Can you believe this wind? Trees are down EVERYWHERE! Including two on my street. (One right onto my neighbors house. :0() I went to go get my haircut and it was crazy. I saw three houses with trees down on them. BIG trees too! They say the reason so many trees are coming down is because the wind is coming from a rare direction and so the trees sink their roots in to protect themselves from wind assault from the opposite direction. (Where it usually comes from.) I thought I would be blown away when I went out to talk to my neighbor! I can't believe it's this strong! Here's to hoping all you other Washington People have power and tree free houses! ~Salinye
  8. Wyvern-I was going to think up something clever here, but Alaeha just ruled with the Pinnochio “I wanna be a REAL dragon.” Thing. :0) Gyrfalcon-The prince from Sleeping Beauty, because he’s the only prince in all the movies that actually carries a bow and is useful. *grins* Ayshela-Cinderella because she’s always helping everyone and doing good things we just know she’s going to jump in a pumpkin and come out a queen one day! Alaeha-Is Bugs Bunny while in the blonde wig comic routine. (*giggles* Don’t ask!) Yui-Belle because she’s headstrong, cute and always has her nose in a book. Consequently, she’s commonly followed around by a brute. (Aegon) Gwai-Scuttles from The Little Mermaid. “Have I ever been wrong before?…..I mean when it’s important!” Lumpen-Snow White. *Snickers* You can ask HIM why. Orlan-The Tramp from Lady and the Tramp. Zool-CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST!! YAYYYY! Peredhil-Rafiki from the Lion King. “Wise old voodoo Jamaican Baboon in Africa.” Somehow it just fits. Falcon-Ariele from The Little Mermaid just because he’d die and go to heaven if he was a hot red headed chick in a shell bikini. X-Sabre-The Beast from Beauty and the Beast because there is a prince in there somewhere that rough exterior!! :0) Merelas-The tiger from Alladin. I mean how could you NOT want to just hug him? Ozymandias-One of those male Egyptian dancers on the side of the pots in the opening song of Hercules! Valdar-One of the gargoyle’s from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. They have pointy ears, observe everything and just toss in a smart arse comment now and then. Damon –Pain and Panic from Hercules. They try awefully hard to be good evil demons, but somehow just don’t quite pull it off. *grins* Cyril-Owl from Winnie the Pooh! Racouol-Captain hook from Peter Pan just because they share that whole one eye thing. Tamaranis-That bad guy from Hercules who rules Hates and has that kickin’ dry sense of humor. Stick-Thumper from Bambi. Just on principal alone. Justin-Cronk from Emperor’s New Groove. “Squeak Squeakity Squeak squeak.” Nyark-The skunk from Bambi. “You can call me flower if you want to.” *giggles* Rune-Tinker Bell because she’s sweet, cute, helpful and Everybody loves her. Aegon-The Chimney Sweep from Mary Poppins just because he’s a bloody Brit! Degenero-The Vegetarian shark from Finding Nemo. Tara-That main cat from Aristocats. *sings* “Everybody! Everybody! Everybody wants to be a CAT!” Daryl-I know the obvious would be the fox from fox in the hound, but we’re not going that route. I choose..hmmm *thinks* Alladin! Little riff raff street rat thief!
  9. Salinye pauses midsentence as the curtains of her study are rustled by a gentle breeze. As the winds carress her face and dance in her hair they deliver a message bringing a smile to her face. "Ahh, Cyril is back. How fortunate for us all." Leaving that thought verbalized within the wind she turns her energies back to her research. (Nice to have you back, Cyril! Thanks for the kind rp response!) ~Salinye
  10. CHAPTER 2!!! *stamps her foot all demanding like!* YOU! *points to X-Sabre* Off to your desk and WRITE WRITE WRITE! (Nice to have you back) ~Salinye Writing Slave Driver
  11. If you could liken people at The Pen to Disney Characters, who would you make people and why? (*snickers thinking this oughtta be interesting*) ~Salinye
  12. Dove was just sipping the last of her stew from a bent spoon when a light shadow fell across her table. Looking up she found herself staring into the towering figure of Bob. Before she could inquire anything of him, he pulled a scroll out from a large coat pocket and dropped on the table before her then turned to leave the tavern. “Uh..Thanks.” She called out an edge of sarcasm in her voice. She thought perhaps she heard a grunt of response just before he ducked (literally) out of the door, but she couldn’t be sure. Unrolling the parchment she read the directions to Urgarte’s mansion with a slight smirk. So, the games begin. She thought leaving some coins next to her bowl. Rising she left the tavern. Squinting against the sun she slowly made her way towards the mansion a slight wave of nervousness rising within her.
  13. (This would have been posted last night had the st00pid boards not been down all night. *casts an irritated glance at the board*) Damon~ I read this earlier in the day and your words stayed with me. However, I didn’t have the time to write a response with my thoughts until now. (Having children and not feeling so hot delays my thoughts from getting onto paper.) I wanted to first address the following statement: This is the first area that concerned me. See, it goes against the innate desires not to care for ones own life. Many people say they don't care if they live or die, but I think inside it is a slim few who truly do not care. If people/other animals/plants did not have a natural desire to strive and fight to keep their existence many more things may have been wiped out of the gene pool long ago. I would think this would be the first area I would start looking at within myself. Do you TRULY not care for your life? Do you just feel like you don't care for your life because you don't care for the things going on in your life? Is it possibly the people you are around that you truly don't care for? Is there some abusive/bad events that took place that make you feel this way? I would want to look at those things and first try to get my love of myself and life back. Perhaps there is a way to convert lack of desire to live and love life over to lack of desire to be surrounded by people/environments that make life or how you view yourself undesirable? Secondly, I don't think your thoughts are a twisted mentality-Even if I can't comprehend them. It takes an honest person to see that he has an issue that is probably not healthy, yet recognize that in his heart of hearts he wants that unhealthy habit in his life to some degree. Is enjoying inflicting pain upon yourself or enjoying the taste of blood common? No, yet, I wouldn't be surprised to find it's more common than most think/believe. However, in the general scheme of life, I would venture to call it an uncommon hobby/stress relief. My first question in this area would be this. "Do you have any desires to move that practice from inflicting pain onto yourself onto another person?" You don't have to answer that here, just a question to ask yourself. Because you view this practice as something pleasurable, do you imagine it would be pleasurable for someone else to have it done to them? Because if you have those thoughts then that is something you don't want to hesitate to seek help to overcome. Not everyone has the same views as you and even a small urge or curiosity about harming someone else should be addressed immediately. Not only for others safety but for yours too. Now, please don't take offense to that last paragraph. I'm not assuming you want to harm other people for enjoyment. Just sharing my thoughts. You seem genuinely concerned about this. Concerned enough to seek advice here. So although I am nobody, and not even close to an expert in this area, I will offer my thoughts. :0) As much as I know you want to hear some opinions in favor of this habit, I couldn't in clear conscience give you such a vote of confidence. In truth, the habit can be harmful to you in the long run. I'm sure this is the advice you have been given by many people, but I would encourage you to seek help from people you trust to overcome the self inflicting pain habit. Not only because it's not good for your body, but also because you may discover there are other reasons you do these things. The human body is a beautiful thing, and perhaps there are deeper reasons why you want to harm yourself that not even you see. Perhaps once you start overcoming these things you will discover things about yourself you didn't even know and will be able to grow in ways you never were able to before. I sort of view it as backwards programming. Would you want to be programmed differently so that you found joy and stress relief from positive healthy actions instead if it was possible? Regarding the anorexia, if you're not working out regularly, and not bulemic (spelling) then I would assume you use starvation practices? I urge you to look up the effects of starvation practices as a weight loss tool. The long term results may surprise you if you haven't seen them already. I can fully understand the need to feel attractive and beautiful, but I'm betting you are attractive at healthy weights as well. My advice would go back to the "backwards programming" theory. Why do you only see yourself as attractive at harmful weight? Would you choose to feel attractive and sexy at a healthy weight if it were possible? You are right, the bottom line of all of this does come down to you and your desires and choices. Sometimes we have to choose to make a decision that goes against our primal desires, but by doing so we improve and enhance our lives in ways that we may never have thought possible. Usually it's the first step, the deciding and taking the step that is the hardest part. Again, I am nobody, and no expert, but as a fellow penner and generally clear headed and caring person, these are my thoughts. I hope they only come across positively and if nothing else help you delve into the sources of your issues more clearly. :0) ~Salinye
  14. “She’s speaking in drow. She originally asked what you want with her, followed by idle threats.” Jirah said surprising Yui with his knowledge of the dark language. “You speak Drow?” She asked suspiciously. “Some.” The thief smiled. “All in the line of work.” Salinye lay still her chest heaving with every worn out deep breath. She was too tired to fight or struggle anymore. This came as a relief to Yui who held her in place using every last ounce of her own physical strength. “Salinye, open your eyes. Look at me.” She said out of breath. Salinye shook her head as if trying to physically clear the mental haze within her mind. Small wisps of reality began to seep through as Yui’s voice weaved in and out sometimes reaching her mind with the sweet melody of the huntress’ tired tone and sometimes with the distorted darkness of the drow tongue. “Salinye. Open your eyes.” The phrase echoed through her mind until at last she had the sense to understand the suggestion and comply. The first thing she saw as she opened her eyes was blurred hues of gold and caramels contrasted against white. Salinye blinked repeatedly attempting to clear her vision. After a few moments the gold and white hues merged into the tired form of Yui-Temae sitting on top of her looking into her face worried. She looked from Yui into the face of a man she didn’t know as the reality of the night came flooding back to her in an overwhelming wave. “My hostel…” She muttered trying with little success to sit up. “Yui, I’m fine. Please let me up.” The huntress narrowed her eyes searching Salinye’s face for any hints that lingering dark magic affected her current decisions and actions. Whether she was convinced the mage was back to herself or not, she decided her options were limited and heaved herself to the side allowing the elven woman to sit up. “Lethia.” Salinye muttered crawling to the girl’s side surprised to find the stranger at her side offering aid. “The girl will be alright, Salinye. She’s just unconscious. We’ve looked her over.” Yui stated once again propped upon the wall. Looking over her shoulder she cast a quick glance over him. “I don’t have time to find out who you are. Just tell me if you’re on our side or not so I know if Yui and I need to kill you.” Jirah raised an eyebrow at the weakened mage and barely refrained from laughing at her threat. “Well, I’m not on the side of the undead overrunning your hostel.” “WHAT?” Salinye cried as if hearing the statement itself was painful. Trying to stand, the mage only succeeded in crashing back down to the floor once more. Reluctantly she accepted the thief’s help. Jirah flung open the door as a commotion was heard within the corridor. Holding onto his arm, her balance steadily returning to her they stepped into the hallway coming face to face with Gyrfalcon, Daryl, the grumpy older druid, Annael and Ayshela. Each had their various weapons drawn. Salinye’s eyes were drawn to Daryl, particularly to the weapon he carried. “Are you guys alright?” Gyrfalcon asked as a large bang was heard from somewhere on the outskirts of the hostel. Salinye ignored his question asking Daryl, “Why do you have a drow crafted weapon?” Daryl looked at the weapon in disgust. “Well, that explains a lot.” He said breaking the long hook bladed weapon in half so that it was more the length of an axe. This motion caused the wizardess to recoil in surprise. His unexpected strength brought a brief flash of her nightmare to her mind's eye. Jirah narrowed his eyes at the werefox but kept silent for the moment. “I thought I heard voices.” Merelas said from behind her followed by Adrynna. Another large crash could be heard. “I don’t know where the others are, but Yui and Lethia are in my study. Let’s gather in there for the moment until we can figure out what our best move would be. I need briefed on the situation. I have no idea what’s happening out there.” She slowly walked unaided into the study. “Where’s Ozy?” Yui asked once they had all gathered within the study. “I haven’t seen him.” Gyrfalcon replied. The rest shook their heads indicating they also didn’t know. The huntress creased her brows worried. “Alright…I don’t know who sent this attack or where it’s coming from or why they are equipped with magical drow crafted weapons. However, the answers to those questions are going to have to remain unanswered for a while. Right now, I’d love to hear any suggestions as to how we can end this onslaught….And quickly” Salinye added looking out the window at the overwhelming numbers of undead.
  15. Salinye smiled reminiscently as she gently ran a finger over the words she had just read in one of her father’s journals. She always did love reading in the Celestialgrace Estate gardens. I think perhaps my Salinye will be filled with the spirit of the bull rather than the dove as her mother expects. Her adolescence has been trying for her mother and humorous for me. How she loved and missed her father. He knew her so well. She was certain if he was still here that she wouldn’t feel so alone at this crossroad. He’d help her make the right decisions. She casually flipped through the journal pausing as the word “Attaway” caught her eye. Promising Salinye to the first-born son of the Attaway family is brilliant politically. I respect Lord Attaway greatly. I can only hope his son will grow to be as honorable as his father. I watch the youth and at times I’m not entirely sure. The way his eyes follow my daughter tells me he is more than pleased with his promised union. However, I sometimes think perhaps a cloud of deception hides behind his hazel eyes. I will continue to watch the lad in hopes his demeanor improves with maturity. Salinye couldn’t help but wonder if her father would still wish her to marry Garon Attaway. Despite the impressive political standing the union would bring both families, she couldn’t help but think her father would hold her happiness above those things. Closing the journal her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of a guard. In her reverie she had not heard him approaching. “My lady Salinye, you have a guest.” Salinye’s heart quickened slightly as she smiled a true smile of relief. Gyrfalcon, at last he’s arrived. She thought relieved that he had shown up before the three-day deadline her mother had given her. Setting the journal upon the bench, she stood spinning around to face the guard and her guest. It took every ounce of willpower within the mage to keep her smile frozen upon her face rather than sinking into a frown as her heart did into her stomach. It had been a long time since she had looked into Garon Attaway's handsome face. If only his disposition matched the beauty of his elven physique, perhaps she wouldn't have fled their union before. However, Salinye was never one to be swayed by outer appearances. Why he had remained unmarried over the years Salinye had been gone remained a mystery to her. It certainly wasn’t due to lack of interest. Nearly ever elven lady in the town would gladly sit in the honored position of his bride. Lord Attaway bowed deeply before her lightly grasping her hand to place a gentleman’s kiss upon the back of it. Years of Elven training kicked in as she robotically curtsied with all the demure of royalty. “Lord Attaway, what a surprise.” “Imagine the restraint I’ve had to exercise in not visiting you until now. However, be sure I wanted to rush over the moment I heard you had returned. I put aside my own desires in order to give you and your mother time together to get reacquainted.” He said his eyes never leaving hers while still clutching her hand in his. “How very thoughtful of you.” She smiled gently removing her hand from his. Turning she picked up her fathers journal and placed it within a bag next to the bench. Garon watched her every move. It had been years since he had seen her. When her mother and he decided to invite her back extending his hand to her once more in marriage he more than believed she would not come. Yet here she was. Salinye finished tucking the journal away and turned to face him once more. Blushing lightly she looked away uncomfortable to be caught under such a gaze. “Forgive my stare, Salinye.” Garon said as he realized his eyes may have lingered uncomfortably long upon her. “It’s as if I’m looking at a ghost. You’ve been away so long. I thought I’d never see you again. Yet, here you stand before me. Even more beautiful than I remember, something I didn’t think possible.” A hot blush rose in Salinye’s neck to fill her face as she averted her eyes once more and cursed inwardly. She hated how easily she blushed. The last thing she wanted was for him to take it as a sign of her being pleasantly flattered rather than the extreme discomfort she felt at the way he looked at her. Forcing strength into her stance she raised her eyes to meet his once more. “Your words are too kind, M’lord. I assure you, I am not a ghost. I am the same person I was when I left.” Her words a subtle indication that her feelings had not changed. However, the message was lost upon the Duke. “Of course you’re not a ghost.” He said offering her his arm. “But a vision to be appreciated.” Salinye took his arm politely allowing him to walk with her through the gardens. She just wished the courtship style flattery would stop. “How have you been, M’lord? As you said, it has been a long time.” “Please, Salinye. We are to be wed. Call me Garon. There is no need for such formalities between us.” Salinye clenched her jaw as he spoke assuming her decision would be to throw herself into his arms gladly accepting his offer of marriage. “However, I have been well. My business of import/export trade has become quite successful. In fact, we are the most successful trade business in Fe’Thwyn.” The pride was evident in his voice. “That’s wonderful, Lor…Garon. It pleases me to hear of your hard work paying off. Your father must be so pleased.” “He would be, were he still alive.” Salinye stopped to face Garon Attaway. “Garon, I am so very sorry. I always liked your father so much. When did he pass away?” The Duke could see the sincerity in her eyes and smiled softly. “Two years ago. He would have loved to see us married.” Salinye lowered her eyes to the side at his small attempted guilt. “Ahh, let's not speak of unpleasantries. I've long since forgiven the sins of your youth. We all make mistakes." Salinye left her eyes aside afraid that if she looked back into his face he would see the strong defiance rising within her. He simply took her shy appearance as guilt threaded regret. "Salinye, I can’t stay long, business calls. However, there is a large dinner tomorrow night. I was hoping you would attend as my honored guest. “Of course.” She nodded in reply. “Wonderful, I’ll see you then. We have much to catch up on.” Bowing to her placing another kiss upon the back of her hand he turned and left the garden leaving Salinye to slowly make her way back to the bench she was originally sitting at to pour over her fathers journal and her own thoughts.
  16. Dove sat alone at a table eating some stew. The tavern she chose in Tel Reth seemed the most frequented. She wasn’t sure where she was expected to meet the men wanting to hire herself and the other bounty hunters, however, she suspected she’d run into one of them before long. One of them had to know where they were supposed to meet. For now, she’d sit, enjoy a meal and wait in silent observation.
  17. Yay! *does the happy dance* Welcome back, of course! ~Salinye
  18. LOL No good Thanksgiving starts without flooding the kitchen and having to turn the water off to the kitchen!!! *grins* At least I can't say my life is boring. *smiles* Happy Thanksgiving! ~Salinye
  19. I hope you'll reconsider and I'm deeply sorry you feel this way. :0( ~Salinye
  20. *gently strokes the ring within her hand.* Myyyy precious.....My precious....*looks up and glares at everyone who wants to steal their precious away from them! ~Salinye
  21. I am thankful for... My beautiful children, my prince of a husband and best friend, my extended family both born into and chosen, the good friends that surround me, slurpees, the ability to dance, the desire to laugh despite a less than humorous past, for TURKEY and MASH POTATOS, for my husband's good job, for Melaleuca, for education, free will, a loving Heavenly Father, good movies, good music, the ability to cry, learning to forgive, for living in a country who's lands are not commonly war torn, for my freedoms, for government (yes, they're moronic 75% of the time, but could be worse at least I'm not slaughtered for my beliefs), for slurpees, for The Pen is Mightier than the sword, for online friends who seem closer than friends you see every day, for friends you see every day that you couldn't imagine your life without, for choices, for the opportunity to get back up after I fall, for slurpees, for sunshine and rain, for mountains and clouds, for doctors and vets and dentists, for Costco and Safeway and all kinds of modern day conveniences, for the love I am submersed in every day, the laughter that rings through my home, for the life I live with joy, and last of all, for slurpees. Happy Thanksgiving! May we all be thankful for the little things. (and not so little things.) ~Salinye
  22. What are you grateful for? ~Salinye
  23. Excellent, Ayshela! Dang you summed that up SOOOO well. *remembers two ER trips for migraines.* Morphine = Release from fetal position, eternal trembling pausing, husband doesn't look so scared for you, peace..finally.... ~Salinye
  24. WOW! Rune, you really know your stuff. Half of your post was foreign to me!!! *tips her hat to the unix queen* ~Salinye
  25. You should add this to the list of char descriptions in the green room. Very helpful to have on our pennites! ~Salinye
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