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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. Salinye signs her name thoughtfully upon the paper. "A play would be lovely. Brilliant idea."
  2. Ohhh! I'll help pray for it! I HATE losing the net. It's just such a downer! Here's hoping for you! ~Salinye
  3. Matteo, I really liked this a lot. You have a very eloquent way with words. Would it be possible for us to view the picture you drew as well? I'd love to see it. ~Salinye
  4. "Ow...ow...ow ...ow....ow....OW" Salinye says over and over again as she rushes into the room with a large pot in her hands. Setting it down upon the table rather roughly causing some of the contents to slop over the sides she looks up smiling while brushing a stray blonde strand from her eyes. "Sorry, hot soup." She says in explanation pointing to the small cauldron. "Happy birthday to you both. Enjoy!" *runs out of the room quickly before tomatos are thrown at her for her bad joke.* ~Salinye
  5. Salinye runs into the room throwing her arms around her favorite fire elf engulfing him in a huge hug. "Happy Birthday Merelas!" After noticing another person with a party hat on she smiles kindly having never met Stales. "Happy birthday to you as well! I hope this year brings you both memories worth writing about!" ~Salinye
  6. Hey! I feel so lost and so behind!!! Our guild was opened and I wasn't even here to participate! I have a good explanation though! :0) We moved into our new house. I had already scheduled the cable guys to come out and wire the house for cable internet. However, it turns out our house is like a flippin' fortress! The entire second floor (daylight basement) is encased in concrete. So they needed to drill through the concrete in order to get the cable in. However, they will not drill through concrete. So we had to get a concrete drill and drill holes where they were needed then get the cable guys to come BACK to our house to hook up the cable. So, I'm excited to be in my new house, but not excited to have been without the net for so long! I'm feeling very swamped though! Lots of painting to do, we can't even move the furniture into the bedrooms until I finish them, so as you can imagine, I'm very busy. Very tired of sleeping in the living room! lol It's slow going. I think I forgot how much work it is just to take care of every day life let alone try to unpack boxes, remove wall paper, paint walls etc. I haven't even found my dishes yet! So crazy! Oh, and did I mention we had a pipe break over the weekend? lol Welcome to home ownership! I'm waiting for the plumbers to call and come out. I'd really like to use my kitchen sink again! Such is life! At least it's *MY* broken pipe! Anyway, I'm off to deal with the craziness of my life, but I will be catching up over the next day or so. Forgive me those who have needed my attention in the rp guild. I will be making that area my first priority of catch up. Justin and I still need to make many little adjustments and changes to perfect it. :0) ~Salinye
  7. ...WE ARE HOME OWNERS! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! We move in this Thursday. Today some girlfriends of mine and I were at the house (MY HOUSE!) removing wall paper and prepping to paint. I"M SO EXCITED! ~Shelby
  8. Ohh, good point. You could just make it "Gift of Fear". Do you have to change it? Is there some rule that all books have to have different titles? The other book is definately a completely different genre. What do you think? ~Salinye
  9. There is a book called "The Gift of Fear"! NOOOOO I did not post this because I think you're copying lol I just thought it was interesting. It's all about how women should listen to their natural instincts, self defense and what not. A book I was referred too as I'm about to start a self defense and karate class. :0) Just thought I'd share!! :0) I'm sure it's not even as close to amazing as your story is!! ~Salinye
  10. Welcome to the AVV! The AVV is a very special place! A place where followers of good and followers of evil are forced to work together side by side in the pursuit of righteousness…errr or gold! The AVV is a place where people can come to get work, earn some money on the side or a place where people who need a little help can come to hire some of our crew. Have a problem with that goblin uprising filling your mines? We’ve got a crew that can take care of that. Have a villain that needs hunted down and wiped out of the galaxy? We’ve got people who could take care of that too. On the flip side, are you looking for some extra income? Come apply to the AVV. Let us know why you’d be an asset to our crew. However, be prepared, you may be a priest with a necromancer as part of your crew. You have to learn to accept people’s differences in an effort to accomplish a common goal. You don’t have to like each other, but you have to work together. The AVV is run by a married couple, Scarlot Hues and Lorne Tellenar. They’re complete opposites in every way. Scarlot is a dark elf of mischievous intentions laced with just a wee bit of evil. (Just a wee bit!) Lorne upholds the righteous streak of the AVV. A high elf (why a high elf and a dark elf are married is a story certainly for another forum!) with an equilibrium of discipline and wisdom. So, take a look around our halls and if you are in need of a crew or want to be part of a crew, just look for Scarlot or Lorne. The idea is that every type of character with every type of alignment could find a home here. People in the guild can come to the AVV and hire a crew to get a mission/work done. (rp storyline) This can range from a humorous minor task to deep epic storylines on other worlds. Basically you can come to Scarlot and speak to her about what you need a crew for and she'll negotiate the terms with you, or you can come to her with an application of why you'de make a great asset to the AVV. (No one will be denied, it's merely for rp purposes. She may give you a hard time though, she's isn't the sweet sort.) [Edited by Justin to add in Lorne]
  11. Bah! I wish it wasn't so early my time. :0( 7 to 9pm on Friday is very hard! I'm so bummed! I'm glad to hear it's going so well, Wyvie. I have the live cam and live stream on right now. I hope to catch you on soon! ~Salinye
  12. Gyrfalcon seethed silently as he stalked down Gabriel’s halls his feet mindlessly leading him in the direction of his quarters. His jaw was tight and his hands clenched and unclenched as he rehashed the conversation he had just had with the paladin. If his mind had not been so inwardly distracted he would have heard the soft rush of quick steps ahead of him. Rounding a corner into an adjoined corridor he was taken quite by surprise, something that doesn’t happen often, as Salinye barreled into him. In her excitement she didn’t even step back embarrassed, which would have been her usual reaction. Instead she threw her arms around him in a huge hug exclaiming. “You were right! You were SO right!” The ranger struggled for words as he tried the hardcore shift from seething anger to pleasant surprise. He unclenched his hands, relaxed his jaw and forced a slight smile. Suddenly aware of the sweat dripping from his hair and down his face he took a step back a bit self-conscious. Salinye laughed as she let go of him. Damp spots shimmered across the front of her scarlet silk gown. “Have you been sparring? Giving Gabriel a run for his money, I’m betting.” She winked at him. “Salinye.” He finally managed to mutter. “Yes…I was sparring….Your fine dress, I’m so sorry.” His embarrassment was apparent. “Sorry?” Salinye looked down at the front of her gown noticing the marks for the first time. “Oh, don’t be. I couldn’t care at all! Besides, it was me who was running through these hallways with the discretion of a child! I was just so excited I couldn’t wait to find you and tell you the news!” “News?” Gyrfalcon ran a hand through his hair, his mind still quite distracted. Smiling pleased the wizardess nearly burst as her words poured out from her. “I did just as you suggested. After you left I thought quite a bit on some of the things we talked about. When I returned from the garden, mother was away on errands. However, the moment she returned I confronted her and demanded more time to make my decisions. Just as you said I should do! Gyre, she didn’t even argue with me!” Salinye was clearly amazed that the conversation had gone so smoothly. “I expected quite a fight or even to be banished again. “However, she only said that she could see the logic in time and granted me one month to assess the situation and make a choice. Can you believe it?” While Gyrfalcon found it difficult to rejoice with her, knowing what he did, he also didn’t want to squash her excitement. His instinct told him to yell from the rooftops that she was being played like a fiddle and that she was crazy to stay in this boiling pot of politics for one more minute. However, instead he simply smiled. “That’s great, Salinye.” “It IS great! I’m so glad I listened to you, I’m so glad you came. I knew it would be so much better if you were here.” She stepped forward as if in her appreciation she would embrace him again. Gyrfalcon used his sweatiness as an opportunity to step back from her. “I really should go wash up, Sal.” He said pleasantly, yet his distantness was not lost on the mage. Her eyes immediately reflected her worry. He hated to see it, but he also couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to spend one more second standing here with her pretending like everything was great and right on track for her. Salinye wanted to question him on the spot. However, his evasiveness was just enough to make her rethink her actions and retreat under a sudden veil of shyness. Gyrfalcon too, momentarily considered giving an explanation however, the ranger was sure that anything he tried to explain at this moment would only make things worse. “I’ll be down shortly, if you care to wait.” He finally offered with a sincere smile before turning his back to her again on his way to his quarters. “Alright.” Salinye replied with a soft smile of her own. “Gabby still in the sparring room?” “Might be.” He replied disappearing around a corner. Crinkling her brow Salinye turned in the opposite direction to find Gabriel, her gait much less joyous than before.
  13. Dove narrowed her eyes at Urgarte across the table after draining the last of the juice of an intricately carved crystal goblet. She knew the contents within it were not poisonous or she would have felt a familiar purifying tingle from the spell she had cast upon herself before arriving at Urgart’s mansion. “You’re missing out, my lady.” Urgarte forced a polite tongue. “The wine I’ve served is nothing short of the best.” A few murmurs of agreement rose from some of the guests at the table, for the wine certainly was the best gold could buy. “I never mix business with pleasure.” Dove replied icily keeping her cold glare fixed upon her host. Urgarte met her glare with a humored smile, still mimicking the perfect host. “Probably not a bad idea but for some of us, business is pleasure.” With that he raised his own goblet downing its contents in one swallow. Dove glanced around the table taking in the faces of her fellow bounty hunters. Some watched their conversation with curiousness. They all shared a desire to see the proof of payment that their host had promised. Shifting her glance back to meet Urgarte’s once more she pushed her mostly empty plate aside folding her hands in front of her and raised her tattooed eyebrow. “Well then, how about we get to business then?”
  14. (Quincunx, don't read as my life tends to give you bouts of terror! ) I don't know if many of you miss me, but I miss you!! You might not have noticed, but I drastically went from a posting maniac to a missing maniac. I felt the need to post an explanation. I am really really really under water offline in real life. I thought I'd be able to sneak back, but it's really just not going to happen for another month. We are closing on our first house this week, which I need to paint the entire inside of as well as have carpet laid and build a fence. In the mean time I have to get the rental I"m in now show ready so that it will rent out soon so I can sneak out of a lease. This I need to do while mothering 4 children, homeschooling two of them and get packed. It's all a bit much. (Even for me, the woman who thrives from too much on her plate!) All that is in addition to the couple of dozen little and not so little things that I do each day and week and frankly by the time evening comes, my head is so spinning that I can't concentrate long enough to do anything that takes even a remote amount of thinking. I think about the only thing I've managed to do is sneak onto EQ with my husband once or twice a week for a couple hours. (Which is a nice mindless break.) So, until all of this gets done, I'm not sure I can handle much here. I'm trying! I want to, but I'd hate to commit only to fail. This morning I almost lost my mind just trying to figure out where to start and how to do it all. It's rare that I get near a breaking point like that, so now it's time to just sit focus and eliminate things that aren't top top priority. :0) (You're priority in my heart, but not on my to do list!!) However, don't give up on me! I'll be perusing, and I'll return in full force ASAP! (Those of you who have enjoyed the lack of Salinye presence around here, be warned!! *grins*) Keep up the fabulous writing and I can't wait to return in full force!! *hugs* ~Salinye
  15. Wyvie! I'm so excited for you! Brilliant idea and I only have high hopes of your enjoyment and success!! I will certainly tune in on the fridays that I can! 10pm est is 7pm PST and that's right during trying to get the kids ready for bed etc. However, I'll tune in as often as I'm able. I'd love to support you! I'm out for the night this friday, so I'll try to listen next Friday! Good luck!! ~Salinye
  16. ......and you were very kind to do so, Thank you!! Thank you to everyone for the well wishes. My birthday was wonderful. :0) ~Salinye
  17. Ummmmmmmmm My birthday is NOT today, silly long eared elf! It's tomorrow! All these wrong coasters running around here like they own the place! But, I thank you both all the same. *hugs* 29 FOREVER! ~Salinye
  18. Happy Birthday you two!! James, the ripe young age of 100, eh? What are you eating over there??? ~Salinye
  19. Come on now, pull those nasty little self promises out of the closet, we all want to hear them!!! ~Salinye
  20. Well, I think I may add things to this thread in increments as they come to me if that's alright with you, James. :0) First off, I truly believe in the saying, "If you love someone and you tell them, you might get your heart broken, but if you don't tell them you might break theirs." If you love someone, tell them. Always. Not just romantic love either. It can never hurt, only help. Secondly, if we are speaking of romantic affairs of the heart, I would not classify the purpose as being to find someone you can live with, it is to find someone you can't live without. I'm a firm believer the leading cause of divorce and break up is selfishness. If people were more selfless with each other, marriages would be more of what they should be. Another thing, I really wish I could have learned earlier to truly not care what people think of me and that what *I* think they will think of me had no bearings on my decisions and/or choices. I know a lot of people *SAY* they don't care what people think of them, but it's rarely true. There are usually only a handful of people who's opinions REALLY should be weighed before you decide things. Even then, it's probably only for certain things. Kindness goes a long ways. It is true that you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar or however you say that. People are so mean to each other these days. I'm not sure if it's because they are truly mean, or the habits are just so engrained that it's just their way of life now. Be different, be nice. Why not? Another thing, back up in the relationship category. Don't settle. I believe any two good people could probably make a marriage work, but it could be SO much better if the two people are truly, madly, deeply in love. I'm not saying my marriage would equal bliss for everyone like it does for us, but I do wish that everyone could find the kind of uncondional happiness and love in a companion that I have found. Don't settle. Not even to spare someone's feelings. YOu're not doing them a favor by marrying them just not to hurt their feelings. One thing I wish I could teach myself and all people is this. (Yes, I am teaching my children this principle.) Don't feel odd with your differences. EMBRACE them. I'm serious. Learn to embrace the things that are naturally unique about you. Sometimes the things that are unique about us are not trendy or cool or whatever, but embrace them! They are you! Being able to embrace your oddities is always cool. Think back to the people you've always enjoyed the most, you'll see I'm right. Also, confidence is sexy. Believe me. I've been hit on WAY more since I've been married then I was when I was single, and I think it's soley a confidence thing. I'm comfortable with who I am and happy. That confidence radiates. Now, I add a disclaimer. I'm not miss THANG and all confident. I have my hang ups like anyone, but I'm much more comfortable in my life now then I ever was before, and I think that just sort of takes on an aura around a person. People are drawn to people who are comfortable with themselves. I have a ways to go, but it's a neat growing path! Hmmm, what else....Try hard to see people for who they are and not for who they are trying to be. One thing I found extremely life changing was to take a hard examination of myself and pinpoint my weaknesses. Then I made it a goal to try to turn those weaknesses into strengths. It's an ongoing process, but very helpful. Also, this is very important. Do NOT compare your weaknesses to other people's strenghts. People tend to do this. They notice the things they don't like about themselves and compare themselves with people who have those areas as strengths. It's just a bad self depleting habit! Don't do it! SENSE OF HUMORE SENSE OF HUMOR SENSE OF HUMOR! K, I'm sure I have more, I'll post them later. Not sure if any of this helps, but you got ramblings from this "older Pen Member" none the less! *hugs James* ~Salinye
  21. Well, I know I've been sparse lately, so have many due to the holidays. However, I have done something else over this holiday season that I have never done before. We bought our first HOUSE! I'm so excited, I can't even tell you! Anyway, we don't close until February 6th. Then after we close we want to do some things to the house before we move in at the end of February. So THIS is the good news, bad news is, I may be sporatic. I'll keep popping in daily, and will participate as much as I can. However, moving a 6 person family is a big job and a LOT of work. So, I am NOT abandoning the wonderful Pen. I just may be more sporatic than usual. :0) Bear with me! Priorities! Priorities!! ~Salinye
  22. Finnius! Happy birthday, I hope it's the loveliest!! I'd add a nice haiku as well, but I'm too tired to think straight. *hugs* ~Salinye
  23. Gabriel entered his sparring room to find a sweat drenched Gyrfalcon in mock battle with a very worn out guard. Laughing he clapped his hands. "I see you're giving my men a training session." Gyrfalcon stepped back nodding to the grateful guard, who promptly slumped to the ground. "They're well trained." he says, his voice level. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself.” Gabriel continued leaning on the doorframe casually. “I must admit, I’m a bit surprised to find you here. I thought for sure you’d be sleeping off some of the exhaustion from your trip.” Gyrfalcon shrugged. "I found that I wasn't very tired." Cutting his sparring sword through the air a few times he kept his tone neutral. “I sometimes have a hard time finding sleep in a new environment too.” The paladin said looking over to the exhausted guard. “Would you care for dinner, or do you desire a new sparring partner?" He offered smiling good-naturedly. Gyrfalcon smiled faintly, his eyes chill. "I wouldn't mind another round." “Very well.” Gabriel returned the smile noticing the tension in the air. Taking off his dress tunic he grabbed a sparring sword from the wall. After testing its balance by slicing it through the air a few times he then turned to Gyrfalcon and bowed respectfully before him. Gyrfalcon returned the bow with one exactly as deep before straightening and falling into a guarded stance. "Have you found my estate to your liking?" The paladin asked falling into his own defensive stance. Gyrfalcon began slowly circling his eyes locked with his opponent. "It's impressive, Gabriel. Much more understated then your neighbors, I suspect." "I am but a simple paladin." He replied stepping forward with a series of mild friendly attacks. "Just a simple paladin?" Gyrfalcon asked easily blocking the attacks and countering, his blade parried wide. Retracting his blade, he thrust straight ahead. "Of course. But you already knew that." Gabriel replied forced to spin to avoid the forward thrust righting himself before the ranger once again. He was surprised at such a forceful attack in the beginning of a sparring round. "You have interesting visitors for a simple paladin." Gyrfalcon said, coming ahead with overhand chops that Gabriel easily deflected while being forced to take a step back. Gabriel lunged forward with a more forceful attack to match Gyrfalcon's intensity. "I assume you mean Salinye's mother? Did you not think she would counsel with me about her daughter's well being?" "Of course, and I couldn't help but overhear the conversation, especially since it concerned Salinye." Gyrfalcon parried as he spun away from the attack, coming out with his practice blade leveled at Gabriel threateningly. The paladin smacked the blade aside in mild irritation shifting to the left for a kidney hit. "Do you commonly eavesdrop on your hosts?" Gyrfalcon blocked solidly and their blades slid together into a clinch, leaving their faces inches from each other. "I do when my host is plotting against my friend. So, been planning to marry your Goddaughter off to a walking piece of slime for a long time?" Gabriel shoved Gyrfalcon back with great surge of strength and a slight snarl. "I've been planning nothing, you fool boy. If you had any sense at all you'd see I did you a favor!” The ranger spun his blade through a defensive arc and began circling Gabriel. His eyes remained ice cold. "Oh?” Their green eyes were locked in more seriousness than a simple sparring match should contain. "I bought her a month to get in touch with her true feelings, to make a good decision rather than a rash one." Making a few idle attacks the ranger continued his heated inquiry. "Yet by your words, you must support Attaway, at least in public." Easily defending the blows Gabriel responded more interested in the ranger’s words than his sword. "What do you know of Attaway, Gyrfalcon? Perhaps he would make a good husband for Salinye." Gyrfalcon couldn’t resist a smirk "If he was, Salinye would have never run away from this city." Narrowing his eyes, Gabriel feigned an attack to the right but truly lunged for the left. "Salinye followed her heart, the result almost killed her. Do you think Drow dungeons were more pleasant that Lord Attaway's side?" Gyrfalcon spun into the path of the true blow, his blade picking it off cleanly then let his sword arm fall to his side feeling the blow of what he just heard more than the blocked attack. "So that is where she ended up. Salinye has never really talked about the period before she came to reside near the Pen." His voice was a little deflated of the anger it held only moments before. “Yet you're here to claim you know what's best for her, eh? Attack and accuse the best ally she has in Fe'Thwyn, the person who loves her most. I'm disappointed. I thought you'd be less foolish.” He too let his weapon fall to his side tired of their pointless battle. "I don't claim to know what's best for her, I wish her to be allowed to choose her own path. And according to your words, paladin, you wish the same, though I never thought a paladin could succeed in politics." Gabriel turned his back on the ranger trying to keep his temper under control while hanging his weapon back upon the wall. "Maybe I can't, but like Salinye, I'll die trying to right the wrongs. But that's beside the point. Let's drop the charades. I know I have Sal's best interests at heart, but what are your motives?” Gyrfalcon narrowed his eyes gripping his sword. "I won't claim such selfishness, I do wish that Salinye and I could explore the bond that has formed between us. But whether we do or not, I wish to let her have the time to make her own choice, one that she has had the time to consider and accept." “Well then, lucky you, ranger.” His voice was tinged with bitterness and sarcasm. “I guess I bought you that time. Don't make me regret it. It wouldn't end well.” Gabriel never was one to veil his threats. Gyrfalcon stared at his host evenly. "A word of advice to you as well... friend... threats don't go over well with me." Frankly, Gyrfalcon, I don't much care what goes over well with you. YOU are not my primary concern. Besides, if you're truly just her friend, then you're only hindering her.” Baring his teeth in what could pass for a smile he worked to keep his cool. "Consider this, Gabriel. Whether or not Salinye is willing to choose me, I am willing to let her go, no matter how painful it would be to me. Ask yourself if Attaway would do the same." “Ohhhhh!” Gabriel raised his hands out to his sides in mock surprise. “So suddenly you're not just friends then?” Gyrfalcon narrowed his eyes coolly. "Since you demand such honesty... not quite, no." "If I'm to be your ally, Gyrfalcon. You better learn to speak with honesty, and quick. Because, whether you like it or not, you NEED me as your ally here.” Gyrfalcon clenched his jaw turning to hang his sword upon the wall as well. "Then you might want to work on being a bit more forthcoming as well. As they say, trust has to be earned, and that applies to both of us." Gabriel ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I said what needed to be said to Sylvia to buy Salinye some time. I don't necessarily like Attaway, but he does adore Salinye. I don't KNOW you, but I'm willing to give you a chance because it's what Sal wants, but I'll tell you one thing I do know.…There was one other like you. Not only disliked, but shunned from here. Sal chose him, I helped her leave because he made her happy, and *HE* swore his undying love to her. I will not be so easily swayed again. I love Sal, but I don't trust her emotions right now, and neither does she.” Gyrfalcon fought the rising anger at the comparison as he considered who that other person had to be. "Then just watch and see, Paladin, and let my actions speak for themselves." “Fair enough. It will be interesting to see how much you and Salinye can bear with. They're not going to make it easy for either of you.” Here Gabriel’s tone took on a slightly softer edge as if he didn’t like the simple truth of the statement. Gyrfalcon grinned faintly. "That's the story of my life." “ ....and hers...” Gabriel added. “Now, are you ready to eat, or you'd rather attempt to kill me with a dull sword again?” Gyrfalcon smirked "Let's wash up, then eat." he said, starting towards the bathroom. "Besides, I wouldn't have killed you... embarrassed you, but not killed you." The paladin laughed as his skills were underestimated by the ranger. "You wouldn't have embarrassed me either, ancient one." Gyrfalcon paused turning around in front of the door. "Hmm... I see you hit the history books, at least. I'm doing well to keep up with a young'in like you, then." “History tends to paint bleak pictures.” "It all depends on who wrote the history, doesn't it?" “True, but as long as we’re embarking upon a path of honesty, there are things I don't trust about you. One,” he points to his neck. "You wear the collar of a succubus." Gyrfalcon raised an eyebrow folding his arms across his chest. "…And the others?" “That alone is enough for me to know you'll hurt her. But I also wonder how much of your past you have told her. Also how strong your feelings actually are, and how much is "forbidden fruit" syndrome. The list goes on, but I’ll stop there. I am her god-father, I view you as I should...from under a magnifying lens. "Think what you wish, Gabriel, the only person I have to prove myself to... is Salinye herself." the half-elf said quietly, leaving the room. “Well, there’s one place you’re wrong.” Gabriel mumbled to himself.
  24. Gyrfalcon walked through the halls of Gabriel’s estate taking in the view. After bathing he had tried to sleep, but failed miserably. He couldn’t get his mind to slow enough to allow him the rest his body craved. He thought perhaps a walk and perhaps a snack might give him time to organize his thoughts. Although he wasn’t one to commonly dress very formally, he chose the clothing Salinye had made for him. The elegant black pants and white shirt with gold embroidery around the collar and cuffs was the nicest outfit he owned. He thought it would help him blend in these foreign surroundings a little better. Pacing the halls his ranger mind subconsciously noting the layout he casually stopped to admire a painting, or a set of armor, or some other adornment that was placed for display. It was as he heard a familiar icy voice from a cracked door ahead that he stopped his gait and listened. “I’m not sure I like this idea at all, Gabriel.” Sylvia spat. Gyrfalcon could almost envision the venom in her eyes. “Just hear me out, Sylvia. Then, if you object to my logic, we’ll stick to the plan.” The paladin said calmly. “You know if you push Salinye into a decision right now there is at least a 50/50 chance she’ll split. She never has reacted well to that kind of pressure. I say invite her to stay for a month’s time. Tell her it is so she can get a feel for our life and culture again. Let her think it’s for her benefit. A chance to get reacquainted with Lord Attaway again.” “I’m failing to see how this will rectify the situation. Chances are as long as she’s here, so will that “friend” of hers. I don’t want him hanging around coercing her into an ill decision.” “Having him around for that length of time will be all for the better, Sylvia. Just think how he’ll pale in comparison to Lord Attaway over time. Salinye will always be Garon’s honored guest, the ranger will merely be observing from the sidelines. It won’t take Salinye long to once again fall in love with her past royal lifestyle, nor will it take the boy long to see it’s something he could never give her.” Gabriel paused giving Salinye’s mother time for the wisdom of his words to sink in. “You can try to force her into a union now and have a 50/50 chance of success at best, or you can give it a month of careful preparation so that she’ll come to the same desirable conclusion on her own accord. Furthermore, as you said, Salinye has lived a different lifestyle for many years now. Imagine how much more refined she could be in 30 days time with the proper preparations.” “I can see the wisdom in your words.” Sylvia finally spoke after a long contemplative pause. “However, if that ranger is to stay, then he is to be in YOUR charge. I don’t want him messing things up for us!” “Absolutely. Don’t worry about him. I’ll take care of that end.” “Very well.” A shuffling of movement could be heard causing Gyrfalcon to turn silently fleeing the corridor in stone sober silence. Does the betrayal stop nowhere?! He thought to himself fiercely. He couldn’t believe the words he had heard. He had to get to Salinye. Talk to her and get her to leave here at once. Everywhere she turned plots were planned against her. Clenching and unclenching his fists he walked numbly through the halls until he arrived at a sparring room he remembered passing. A guard looked up from where he was stretching along a wall when Gyrfalcon crossed the threshold of the sparring room door. “Good day.” He smiled pleasantly. Unlike most of the greetings the ranger had received since his arrival in Fe’Thwyn, this one seemed sincerely pleasant. “I was just about to warm up, but I’m guessing my partner got caught up in work. Care for a round or two?” Gyrfalcon smiled despite the steel within his eyes. “Certainly.”
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