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Everything posted by Salinye
Chapter 2: Salinye smiled as butterflies swarmed around her, playfully dancing along the golden strands of her hair. Moving carefully, the cloud of butterflies parting, she reached the protective shade of the tree. Looking up she smiled as she could hear the murmur of voices hidden within the green canopy above her. Sitting for a moment on the soft plush earth, she removed her sandals. Standing again, she smiled as the sleek blades of grass poked up between her well-manicured toes. Looking up into the leafy canopy she called out, "Hello up there, care for a visitor?" The murmurs from above fell silent for a moment before the leaves parted revealing an upside down Gyrfalcon hanging from his knees extending her a hand. "Salinye, just who we wanted to see." He replied with a smile as she took his hand allowing him to help her up to sit within the branches. Leaning her back against the trunk she smiled to Annael. "Miss Annael, thank you so much for allowing me to visit you in your splendid tree." The fallen angel smiled coolly back to the wizardess casually fluttering her black feathered wings. Gyrfalcon lowered himself from his branch to Salinye's with the dexterity and ease of a ranger. Straddling the branch he faced her, causing her to press her back a bit harder against the trunk of the tree in surprise. He too smiled, only his smile was of the sort she had never seen grace his features before. It was dark, edged with ill intent. A rush of adrenaline pulsed through Salinye's body as the aura of danger grew stronger around her. Looking between her two new friends, confused and startled, her fear grew as darkness suddenly fell all around them. Looking up through the leaves she could see the twinkling of stars as night descended upon them. Bringing her knees to her chest and standing up on the branch she looked down considering her options. To her dismay the ground appeared hundreds of feet farther below her than it should. "I...don't understand." She said softly looking back to her friends-turned-foes. Annael laughed a deep demonic laugh while Gyrfalcon looked up from his perch answering coldly, "You don't understand much, do you Salinye?" The wizardess could only stare in horror and confusion before calling a spell to her lips that would magically whisk her away. To her shock, as the last of the spell tumbled from her lips, she found herself standing numbly right where she had been. "Oh, did you think we would allow you to keep your magics? Where is the fun in torture and death if your victim can fight back?" Annael said as the ranger stood extending her a hand to help her to her feet. Salinye stood numbed searching the recesses of her mind for a way out of this situation. Her search was cut short as the immediate area around them darkened a few shades while dropping several degrees in temperature, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Noticing a new smirk on Gyrfalcon's face, she slowly turned her head to follow his gaze. As she did so she found herself staring into the pale face of Tamaranis. He stood floating before her, his hands clasped behind his back. The vampire smiled, his fangs gleaming as he leaned towards her. Completely wrapped up in her fear and forgetting she was standing on the branch of a tree, she took a step sideways attempting to distance herself from him. In doing so she began to fall. ...And she fell... ...And fell… As the branches above her got farther and farther away, she awaited death at any moment. Not daring to look towards the ground she squeezed her eyes shut bracing her body for the impact. I'd rather die in a fall than at their hands. She thought to herself. Suddenly, all was still. Her breath coming in shallow terrified bouts, she listened, as all was quiet around her. Slowly opening her eyes she found she was lying at the base of the tree. Sitting up she noticed a small form in the distance coming towards her. Scrambling to her feet, still wary of the dangers above her, she was about to run when she recognized the creature lopping towards her. "Daryl" she sighed immensely relieved. She attempted to take a step towards the fox when a cool hand encircled her wrist. The three from the top had at some point descended to encircle behind her. Trying desperately to free herself from Tamaranis' strong grip she looked towards Daryl for help. "Daryl, Please help me!" She called out to the fox. In response, the slightly larger than normal fox, slowly morphed right before her eyes. His body contorted as it grew from the cute playful fox into a tall menacing Were-fox. Salinye was momentarily relieved as she assumed his change was in preparation of her defense. However, the truth of his intentions revealed themselves in the menacing gaze of his amber eyes as he stared at her crouched, claws extended and ready to attack. Salinye slumped to the ground in absolute terror, her arm raised above her as Tamaranis still held her wrist. Without her magic, further resistance was futile. Her entire body grew tense, as her eyes remained locked with Daryl's. An unseen nod from Tamaranis sent the go ahead and the were fox leapt towards her. Salinye screamed in terror, turning her head and throwing one arm up in defense. Her scream echoed through the nearly vacant night filled halls of the Hostel as she sat up in her chair, the smoldering embers of the fireplace the only light in the room. Brushing stray blonde strands from her face she mumbled an incantation and immediately a globe of light appeared next to her illuminating the room. It was just a dream, just a random nightmare. They aren't starting again, this was just a random nightmare, she told herself as her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She was just getting her breathing under control when rushed footsteps could be heard coming down the corridor towards the sitting room she had fallen asleep in. The same disgruntled druid she had awoken earlier, followed by several woodsy type guests that had been occupying the garden rooms, burst through the entryway looking around alarmed. "What is going on in here?" The disgruntled druid demanded looking at her confused to find no apparent threat. Salinye gathered her senses standing to face the small crowd embarrassed. "Nothing, my friends. I'm sorry to have alarmed you, I...had a nightmare." The druid stared at her dumbfounded before spinning on his heels mumbling about getting more peace and quiet in the city. The rest of the guests required a few more assurances that she would be fine, as they were of the caring kind. After finally shuffling the last of them back to bed, the wizardess simply bit her lower lip softly sinking into her thoughts, silently convincing herself that THOSE dreams were not returning. This was just a random dream. Not one of THEM.
Chapter 1: Salinye stood in the front room of her hostel, affectionately known as 'Custos Manor'. Taking a quick walk through its familiar corridors she noted it was mostly empty this eve' save for a few druids and rangers in the garden rooms. When she drew up the plans for the hostel she had rooms built into the outside back garden. The walls of each room were made of lattice, which would be incredibly revealing if it weren't for the various climbing vine like plants and flowers that were planted at the base of each wall. The lush greenery climbed the lattice enclosing the rooms with natural privacy. The rooms had been a huge interest to those of her guests who never did feel quite right inside walls and among carpeted floors. Sitting down on one of the stone and marble benches nonchalantly tying her blonde locks back out of her face, she reflected on the events of the nights. Vampires! Who knew they truly did exist? The thought brought a fresh coat of goose bumps to rise on the wizardess’ skin. She had spent too much of two years in torturous dark elf prison to trust anyone associated with the dark arts. She always believed Vampires to be things of fantasy, created in the minds of adults to scare children. Yet, here she had talked to one, and apparently, he wasn't the only one at The Pen. This will definitely take some getting used to. Her night had been spent in a tree, of all places. Gyrfalcon, a half elven ranger and Annael, a woman with black feathered wings and usually surrounded by butterflies, seemed friendly enough. It's not that pale Tamaranis wasn't friendly, she just wasn't sure of him. He, and his lifestyle, unnerved her. Then, of course there was Daryl. She jokingly threatened to win his affections and steal him for her own, however, she would never really. She could see the strong bond of friendship between the half-elf and were fox. She would never seek to disrupt that. She liked the people at The Pen so far. She wanted to be part of them, wanted to trust them, but it wasn’t easy. Not only because she didn't know them well, but also because of the danger she could bring to them. Sighing she stood turning to walk back into the manor frustrated by her own thoughts. A movement in the rose bushes to her left caught her attention. Turning with lightening quick reflexes, she raised her hands in front of her calling a spell from the recesses of her mind to the tip of her lips. Her cobalt blue eyes turned deadly serious as she called out in a strong controlled voice. "I will not hesitate to disintegrate that corner of the garden and ask questions later! Nor will I give you a second chance! Show yourself now!" There was only a mere half-second of hesitation before the movement in the underbrush began to slowly work its way forward towards her. Salinye held her ground ready to strike the moment the foe showed its face. Just as the very front leaves began to shake a red and white fur clad face poked his head out with a sheepish grin. (As much as a fox can grin) "DARYL!" Salinye said exasperated dropping her arms to her sides and falling back onto the bench waiting for the adrenaline to slow its racing pace through her body. The wizardess anger was short lived as the fox leapt onto her lap nuzzling her beneath her chin with the top of his head. Smiling softly and shaking her head she pushed the fox back so she could look at him. "What are you doing here? Did GyrE send you?" Daryl simply shook his furry head side to side. "No?" Well then you should return to him right away! I'm sure he's missing you and wondering where you are! He'll think I stole you as I jokingly threatened to do!" In order to emphasize her point she stood picking him up and put him on the ground facing the large iron doors of the garden. "Now, off with you." Daryl looked at the iron gates then back up to her, then to the iron gates again. Without further contemplation the fox turned with surprising and unexpected speed and darted away from the gates into Custos Manor leaving a surprised wizardess to smirk before turning to chase after him. "DARYL!" Daryl scampered from room to room, always just a few steps ahead of Salinye, despite her better knowledge of her own hostel. Still, Daryl’s lack of experience finally led him into a corridor with no way out. He turned around and started to look sheepish, which was hard for a fox to do, when the door beside him opened. "What’s all this racket?" the old druid said irritably as he twitched his sash tight. He didn’t even notice the quiet ripple of the hem of his robe as Daryl slipped by him and into his room. Turning to confront Salinye, he put his hands on his hips. "Well? I was told that this was a quiet place to relax, but instead there’s all this Gaea-cursed racket! You’d think I was in a city!" Salinye had to spend the next fifteen minutes soothing the druid’s ruffled feathers before he quieted down. By that time, Daryl was long gone out of the decorative window and loping towards home, satisfied that Salinye was safe for the short term. The same could not be said for Daryl. Barely fifteen minutes away from Salinye’s hostel, Daryl heard the baying of a wolf pack and cursed to himself in Fox, Kitsune, Werefox and Wolf. Of all the luck...! Looking around, Daryl could find no place defensible enough to take on an entire pack of wolves, and so he ran on. As he did so, he mentally reached out, and was surprised to find their presences nearby. Pleased, the werefox called on ancient alliances. We come . A voice responded mentally. Daryl reached a clearing a short while later and stopped at the far end, turning to face the path he had traveled. Within a few minutes, the wolves arrived, and Daryl understood why they had chased him. Leading them was a great wolf with glowing red eyes- a worg. Daryl growled deep in his throat at the sight of the foul beast. The worg snarled at the wolves, ordering them to spread out as it stalked forward slowly, thinking the fox had been brought to bay. It was planning now to slowly kill the fox, and savor its dying agonies. A deep-throated growl from the bushes halted the worg. Foxes appeared all around the edges of the clearing, and the wolves seemed amused. Then larger forms appeared, creatures as large as wolves, with bony plates covering their foreheads and shoulders and extending down their spines. Lips pulled back from sharp teeth as the dire foxes snarled at the wolves. Now the wolves turned back to back, realizing that they were clearly outnumbered. This effect was heightened further as Daryl changed to his hybrid form, standing easily. "Fools! Kill them!" the worg snarled, turning its head away from Daryl. A mistake. Daryl charged forward, impossibly quick, claws raking across the worg’s face and neck. The beast tried to back away, but the werefox pressed the attack relentlessly, clawed hands batting the worg’s face impossibly fast. In desperation, the worg leapt for Daryl’s throat. Daryl spun out of the way and landed a roundhouse kick that blasted the worg across the clearing, into a tree. The crack of its neck snapping echoed in the hushed clearing. "Which of you is second?" Daryl said quietly in Wolf. A grizzled male stood out from the pack slightly. "Leave this place, and trouble not the foxes of this forest. You will live- for now." The wolf considered this, then lead the pack away. Daryl turned to face the dire foxes. "Thank you for your aid." he said in Fox. We honor our debts. The grizzled leader of the dire foxes assured Daryl as the gathered foxes dispersed back to their dens and ranges. Daryl bowed formally to the dire foxes as they departed, then reached within himself. Changing back to a fox, he continued on his path back to the Mighty Pen.
Well, this rp has been going on in the conservatory for over a year now. I've decided that since we have a portion of the pen who don't like to read rp's, but do enjoy stories, that I would try to merge the rp into a smooth flowing story. This will mean editing a bit and cutting a few things out, but all in all I'm trying to stay as true to the original writing as possible. However, the original and ongoing rp link can be found here. :0) I also will go through and add all the authors to this in the morning. I'm very tired atm and am afraid I'd miss people. :0) A random IRC rp started this thread. What started out as a carefree meeting of friends has turned into quite an adventure! Originally I started this to sort of introduce Sal to The Pen and reveal some of her past. However, I've been here so long, the story may not serve THAT purpose. Lastly, something to keep in mind is that this story started over a year ago. Sal (and I) were very new to The Pen. So she hardly knows the other characters in the story. That remains a writing challenge still in the rp. To write Sal as mistrusting and unsure of her Pennite comrads. Also, it took a lot of will power not to rewrite my own posts because I feel like my writing has gotten a little better since I've been coming here. (Which is a nice Kudos to The Pen!) So, you'll have to bear with some less than great writing on my end at times. :0) How fun to see progression, though! I have been so honored to write among so many amazing people and talented writers. People whom I now call my friends. :0) The peices of this story version of Hostel Fox were written by the following writers: Salinye, Gyrfalcon, Tamaranis, Annael, Yui-Chan, Ayshela, Merelas, Alaeha, NTraveler2, Ozymandias ~Salinye
Tanny, your suggestions were much appreciated and valuable. I'll be making some changes. :0) I also responded to you. Thanks to you both! ~Salinye
Well, I've thought a lot about this one. First of all, when I think about which would be worse to lose (outside of the choice) I have different reactions. Losing a child is so horrific, so unthinkable, that it's amazing that anyone even survives it under normal circumstances. As a mother I would have to work very hard to get it together enough to still be a good mother to my remaining children. The thought of losing my husband is devastating in a whole new way. It would be like losing half of myself. My bestfriend, my soul mate. But also, when I lose my husband my children are also losing their father. I have to figure out how to support myself and my children as a single mom. Not to mention all the emotional pain. So when it comes to the choice, I would be choosing to kill off not only my husband, but to leave my children fatherless. It's something to consider. However, when the choice is presented in the "bad guy gun" manner, the choice is a no brainer for me. I would choose my husband to die. Not because it would be easier, but because it would be the right thing to do and my husband would want it that way. Also, I figure God gave me those kids to take care of, so I need to always intend to do so. It's not a very realistic situation, as anyone asking that would most likely be playing head games and planning on killing us all anyway. But it is interesting to hear your thoughts on it. :0) It's nice to see people hold Children so very special. ~Salinye
Wow, so much talent here at the pen. I ROCK at stick figures if anyone needs a stick figure sig! *grins* ~Salinye
Dear Diary~ Today is officially the day of POOP! Yes, you read it right. Let me explain. Within the first hour of waking up the puppy (What made me think I need a puppy when I have four young children again? OH yes, temporary insanity, that's right.) pooped in the house TWICE! So, I cleaned that up only to see that one of my twins has diarrhea running out of her diaper and down her leg. So, cleaned that child up, tossed her in the tub, etc. Figured I might as well throw the other twin in too. Good thing, because his diaper was full of diarrhea too. Oye. So, get that all straightened up and decided to let the kids run through the sprinkler, after all it is like 85 degrees outside and they've been sick for weeks with no fun. SO got them all in shorts, sunscreen covered etc. Got the sprinkler going and decided to do a few things on my computer. All of a sudden I hear my son (4 years old) run into the house screaming and running upstairs. In the meantime, my other son (1 1/2 years) starts screaming outside. So I think the dog must be on him again or what not and so I run outside. My daughter informs me he's just mad because he got sprayed in the face. So I come back in the house thinking, okay, then what was Carter screaming about. Then, right on cue carter runs back down the stairs still screaming. Only this time I can understand him. "MOM I GOT TO GO POOP AND I TRIED TO GO UPSTAIRS BUT DIDN'T MAKE IT!" I look down and sure enough there is a lovely trail down teh hallway up the stairs, back down the stairs and down the hallway again. .............. What did I do? You ask? ............... I hugged him, cleaned him and it up. (more baths) Then I thought to myself, "It's good to be king." Maybe my next entry will be less dirty....Here's hoping... ~Shelby
Old scenario. Gun to your head, you have to choose who lives. Your spouse or your child? I know the noble answer at the time might be "I won't choose, so shoot us all if you will, but I'll take no part in the decision making or this mental head game of yours." BUT I don't want to hear that in this thread. I know this is rather dark and morbid for a Salinye Life Question, but I don't mean for it to be. Obviously this choice is near impossible, but I'm more interested in hearing the why's, thoughts behind the decision and the justifications. This all stems from a conversation between a bunch of wives last night and I'm interested in getting your perspective. So, although a morbid and unthinkable choice, if you had to pick A or B, which would you say and why? I'll add my thoughts later so as not to lead anyone down one road or another since I've had time to think this over and recent discussion on the topic. ~Salinye
Okay, I've had pieces of this book in short story form. It is only now that I finally am starting to put it into novel form. It's more important for me to actually get the story out of me and into writing than it is to have everything perfect, so you may find a lot of errors and editing needs, I just find I have a hard time wrestling with both aspects and winning both wars! BUT I really would like feedback. :0) If any of you are proofreaders, I'd love correction, but would prefer that sort of thing in pm's and I plan to edit as I go. I edit pieces I've previously written better than when I'm in the middle of plotting the scenario for that piece. Does that make any sense? As for other types of feedback, I'd love it here. :0) Just the harsh proofreading stuff like "I hate to shred this entire post, BUT...this is what you need..." I'd love that sort of critique in pm. :0) Anyway, I hope it pulls together well and look forward to see if anyone follows the story and what they think. :0) ~Salinye
(This will be a project being written over time and I ofcourse appreciate feedback. I'll be starting a thread in the Critic's Corner, so if you have feedback I'd appreciate it if you left it here rather than on this thread so the flow isn't broken up. *Grins* Thanks a million.) Prelude The door shattered behind her, charred splinters splattering against her back as the last words of the life-binding spell painfully spilled from her lips. “S’landre Shyani!” she whispered intensely, her body shaking gently as her life began slowly slipping away from her. A bright aura of light surrounded her and her child. It swirled around them as if alive. Warm tears streaked her paling face as she kissed the infant upon her soft cheek, ignoring the elf that fell to his knees behind her, wracked with desperation. “No, Ellowyn, no.” He whispered to her rapidly slumping form. Even in this time of defeat and devastation, he couldn’t help but admire her long auburn hair that tumbled down her back in the chaotic way it always had since her early childhood. The little bit of light left in the room reflected off her natural golden highlights, something he had always loved about her. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes fell past the kneeling form of the dark man, through the shattered hole where the bedroom door used to stand, finally to rest upon the body of her beloved lying motionless in a pool of his own blood. Her lip quivered lightly, her heart sinking into a dull numb. Shifting her gaze from her husband to the man that knelt before her, she recognized him for the first time. Fresh tears pooled behind the rim of her eyelids. She searched his face for answers, for an explanation. The only noticeable emotions lying within his eyes were a gleam of madness tinged with regret. “Why? Why did you do this?” He asked reaching out as if he might touch her, yet stopping midway dropping his hand to his lap. Ellowyn looked away from him back to her sleeping infant, a new pain filling her face from the ache she already felt-the longing for a child lost. The baby girl was unusually serene and peaceful despite the horrors that had taken place within her home that night. “You can’t kill her now,” she spat at him. Her heart was already too weak to summon the true pain and anger she felt, but within her eyes danced a rebellious flame. “You can take away the things I love in this life…” Here she paused to look past him once more at the lifeless form of her husband. “…But you cannot prevent our union in the next, and now, you cannot end Shyani’s life prematurely in our absence.” “If your husband had been a true father, he would have been able to save you and her.” He said maliciously. “My husband…” She paused to take a labored breath, the time of her life quickly drawing to a close. “…Bought me the time I needed to save her life, and now shortly, I will return to his side, never to be divided again.” The man, hardly recognizable as an elf so darkened was he by the evil within him just stared at the woman, his own pain and failure clearly written upon his features. She met his gaze with as much cool defiance as her wilting body would allow. Several times he opened his mouth to speak failing to find the words. Finally, as his hurt faded into a grimace of ill intent he grabbed her face bringing it within inches of his own. “You are a fool, Ellowyn. Death would have been a kind gift to your daughter. You would rather die to save her from death rather than spend your life at my side.” His madness intensified as the truth of his statement weighed harder against his emotions. “Just listen to me! I want to be sure these are the last words you hear before the last of your life slips from your body. There are things worse than death, Ellowyn. I’ll be sure that those things find her.” She lifted a hand to touch his face. The act was so unexpected that he let go of her allowing her body to slide completely to the floor. “You were such…a good…man.” She whispered before falling very still as the last of the aura of light that centered on her faded completely increasing the vibrant glow around her child. The fallen elf grabbed his head between his hands, and howled in agony and rage.
Happy Happy Joyous birthday to a splendid person! I hope you create writeable memories! ~Salinye
They say the longer it takes you to figure it out the more intelligent you are. :0) ~Salinye
I'm still working on it, so I must be one of the REALLY smart ones. Click here! ~Salinye
It’s so lovely….the feeling….reaching for something that has meaning. Something so beautiful….so pure….perfect. Salinye’s arm involuntarily rose as her mind and emotions extended themselves to new heights in an attempt to attain the wholly unattainable. Just as it seemed she may be able to comprehend the light-the word and bask in its beauty it was gone. Like wisps of smoke floating away from a wick that was just moments before alight with fire it dissipated into nothingness-Meaningless. Nothing more than unkept promises to taunt her soul. The void left by the absence of the music, the singing, the all-encompassing light was suddenly filled with the darkness of the night’s events. Like waves crashing upon a rocky ocean ledge the memories returned to her making the ache for the lost light more painful. Rather than cringe and the mental lashings the mage did the only thing that seemed logical. She laughed with the glee of a careless child. ------- All heads turned to look at the mage as she sat on her haunches, soaked with the sweat of exhaustion, dirty and- laughing. The looks directed towards her ranged from horror to concern to downright confusion. Wrapping her arms tightly around her legs she pulled her knees up to her chest and threw her head back howling with laughter. Most everyone was either slumped to the ground exhausted or nursing wounds. Gyrfalcon knelt beside Yui attempting to keep her comfortable. It was Merelas who first broke free from his surprise and slowly rose to approach her. He crouched before her, his eyes laced with concern. She only continued to laugh seemingly oblivious to his presence. “Lady Salinye”? He asked placing a hand gently on her shoulder. The mage jerked her head to look straight at him. Her laughter ceasing the instant his hand touched her shoulder. For a few seconds of dead silence she only stared at him, or more truthfully, through him. Finally, in a quick, unexpected movement, she raised her fist and punched the fire elf squarely in the face while screaming at him in the tongue of the drow. “YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME FORGET WHO I AM! YOU WILL NOT WIN AND I WILL TEACH YOU THE TRUE MEANING OF PAIN IF YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!” Merelas fell backwards onto his back his hands covering his now bleeding nose. He wasn’t sure which hurt more, the blow to his face or the blow to his pride. Within moment the brief scuffle was over as the offending wizardess found herself pinned to the ground for the second time of the night, this time by the intimidating hybrid form of Daryl. Her threats quickly turned to sobs until the blanket of unconsciousness finally enfolded her. ------------------- Elsewhere.... Triel’s eyes widened, his demonic chant cut short as the powerful impact of the Holy Word momentarily impacted his very soul. He watched in the scrying mirror as images of his undead hordes turned in vain attempts to flee before scattering to dust in the wave of righteous power. The mirror cracked in a spider web pattern, a plume of foul smelling dust rising from it as it did. The drow scowled throwing the mirror across the room shattering it against the stone wall. The creature at his feet rippled its grotesque skin in pleasurable anticipation. Triel tapped two fingers against his pursed lips in contemplation. Smiling sadistically he called for a servant. “I love it when they try to fight back.”
*laughs* Finny~ It isn't as beautiful as the poem you wrote for Katz, but I'LL TAKE IT, you crazy blue nut! *sinks back into her "I'm sick pity party"* ~Salinye
Happy Birthday fellow Washingtonian! May your day be merry and bright...wait, that's Christmas, huh? ...... Have a HOlly Jolly Birthday...wait..that sounds familiar too. ..... Oh well, just have yourself a merry little birthday, eh? *grins* ~Salinye
Have fun wherever you find yourself, Deg. :0) ~Salinye
*hugs her Ozzy friend* You know my vote. :0) ~Salinye
First of all, I just wanted to share that I just now about had a heart attack because fly landed on the keyboard and out of the corner of my eye I thought it was a spider. BLECH!! Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a great rest of the week and weekend. We have a dear friend arriving tomorrow from out of town and he'll be staying until Monday, so I'm sure I'll be MIA after tonight until Monday night. :0) Val and I have been hammering out some great things for the AVV, so for those of you who have emailed me and what not, look for some changes and a reintroduction to the rp guild early next week. :0) I think it will be GREAT! :0) Now, on a completely random note: I got my braces off today!! *does the moonwalk* OW! See you all Monday! If you need me, just pm me, I'll check in on that. *hugs to all!* ~Salinye
Gwai, Second place is just the first loser when it comes to love! ~Salinye
Pshaw! Stalkers just keep it real, honAy! ~Salinye
I'll be sure to scold that boyfriend of yours, Katz! Someone with such talent should not be neglecting his love letter duties!! BTW, I think mine wasn't quite as eloquent as Finn's. BTW, Zadown...always a fan of your work. ~Salinye
**Talked to Fin and hope this will cause of trend of faux suiters fighting for Katz. She is rather wonderful, isn't she? Worthy to fight over in the most overdramatic and silly ways we can dream up if you ask me.** Katz~ (May I call you that too?) As lovely as that love letter was, I truly don't think Finnius is the best choice in this establishment. Why would you choose the blue over the blonde? Why not consider me as your one true love. Sure, I'm a woman, and that could be a problem, but still.... I too have been watching you, and not from behind the bushes with binoculars like Finnius. No, I chose a much more subtle approach. I just followed you around from a distance in costumes like Bugs Bunny, Grover, or ChibiWyv. Let me tell you the upsides of choosing Salinye over the Finster... I, unlike him, have never been eaten by a canabalistic wife. I've never been possessed by a demon. (Again, unlike him) I own my own hostel, so we'de already have a place. I am hidden royalty and can claim my status at anytime. (Well for a price, but we'll talk about that later.) I'm dead hot, I mean really, just check out Yui's picture of me. Lastly, I'm fun and can blow up people who annoy you on a regular basis. Now, on the downside, I do have a wee bit of mental baggage, an evil drow necro who wants to kill me and ayone who loves me, and then again, I AM a woman so, there would be no intimacy (not my cup of tea), but hey, who needs that when you have a kick arse garden? So anyway, Katz, snookums. Think about it....Go for Blonde, not blue. All my love and sugar crums, ~Salinye
Well, I can't really in truth apologize for leaving-for even now life off the net will always come first for me. However, what I do feel I need to apologize for is the manner in which I left. I feel like just going from very very active to non existent in the flip of a coin did not show much respect for the people here that I admire, adore and respect so much. For that, I am humbly sorry. I won't go into my reasoning for leaving, as that is deeply personal. However, I can share with you that I wanted to come back before now, but the longer you're gone, the harder it is to return and the more anger you imagine is awaiting you when you do. It is not in my nature to be so disappearing and flaky and I sincerely hope it never happens here again. Now that that is overwith, as Yui has instructed I am not to apologize, but am to shout "REJOICE FOR I AM BACK!" Although, I think that doesn't quite fit into the "humble apology" Post very well! I have missed this place and all you wonderful people so much and am so happy to be back. :0) I look forward to picking up some dropped storylines again and spinning new tales as well as getting the AVV up and running in all it's glory! ~Salinye
My dear Yui-Chan! What could I ever say so that you would know how much I love your painting of Salinye. You are so talented and especially gifted at capturing people's characters exactly the way they envision them. Thank you so much. It's beautiful and I'm so thrilled. I can't wait to see the close up of her amulet! *hugs Yui to pieces* ~Salinye