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ROFL That's Awesome, Rev! Who knew those Quakers were such a randy group?? http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif For me, trust is a double edged sword. Some of you may have noticed, but I tend to be an cards-all-in-dive-heads-first kind of girl. This applies to pretty much all aspects of my life and relationships are no exception. I tend to have really good intuition about people, so if I give my trust, it's usually not something I regret. However, I have had some bad experiences. In the end, I'd rather trust than not unless given a reason not to. However, once someone does something for me not to trust them, it's very hard to get that back. Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me. You know the saying... I've been married long enough now that it's hard to imagine not fully trusting the person I'm romantically entwined with. My husband is half of my soul and I know that he would die before giving me any reason not to trust him. As romantic as that is, the truth is that when you have that much trust in someone, they have the greatest ability to wound you, so I'm grateful I've given that trust to such an amazing man who is more than worthy of it. ~Salinye
Yes, yes, I know the song! Unfortunately, my conference took 12 to 13 hours of every day, so I didn't get to see much of the beautiful state, but I had a good time. It was hard being away from my children! Thanks to those who popped into messenger to keep me company at night. I appreciate it, sincerely! I made it home safely, survived being away from my children (barely) and am getting back to real life. BUT, I do have a funny story for you. We bought this new beautiful home. It's 2 years old, I can't believe it's ours and it's just heavenly. So, I litterally signed the papers right before I had to head to the airport on Wednesday. We've been living in it for a few weeks as the mortgage industry is all up in arms and our closing date kept getting shuffled around. Anyway, since I'm not used to the various nuances of my house yet, I left the washer machine running while I went to sign papers. They are these really cool front loaders and I'm pretty excited about them too. (When you do as much laundry as I do, you want a nice machine!) So anyway, I guess the washer machine REALLY jumps around a lot during the spin cycle. Oh, I need to back up and tell you that the entire house has this dark earthy green colored carpet, which I know may sound weird, but it's quite lovely. Very earthy, not bright or crazy green. SO... While I was signing papers, the bumping of the spin cycle knocked the bleach off the top of the machine, popped the lid off and there is an 8 foot spray pattern from the washer and dryer closet all across the loft and even into the master bedroom. It bleached it bright freakin' yellow! I ran up the stairs to get my bags for the airport and froze! My kids came tumbling up behind me and said "I didn't do it!! It wasn't me!! I didn't do it!!" So then I just had to laugh because, I mean really, what could I do? Bleach is forever. Oh well, at least now it feels like home. ~Salinye
Hi all! Sorry this is a day or so late, but it's a good one. The thing I might point out here is that there are different kinds of relationships. Obviously ones that are romantically entwined comes to mind first, but there are other relationships, friendships, business partners or associates, etc. :0) Can't wait to hear your thoughts! At the beginning of a relationship, do you trust your new partner unless there is something specific to make you do otherwise, or do you withhold your trust until he or she has earned it? ~Salinye
Sorry to be quick, I'm really pressed today. I would help! The bachelor/bachelorette auctions were my baby, so I'm happy to take that on. Slave Master MC is something that comes naturally to me. :0) Also, if we don't have the manpower, I don't see why we couldn't just have one or two item auctions, we wouldn't need to have 3. Just a suggestion. Also, if any poets out there would be interested in where Alaeha left off with his poetry challenges, I personally, would LOVE that. Even redoing some version of those classes would be great, imo. I'm flying to NM today, so I'll check back here late tonight. :0) Also, if one person could keep track of geld, that seemed to work best back in the day. I know Orlan used to do it, but if one person (NOT WYVERN) wanted to be like a book keeper, they could update the totals once a day or week or something. ~Salinye
Well our main purpose for the trip would be Lego Land, but my best friend lives in San Fran, so we would for sure hit there and if I dared to come to Cali and not see Wyvern, I'm pretty sure I would suffer in many almost dragonic ways... ~Salinye
I'm still trying to decide which book I would pick. the problem I'm running into is that any of teh books that have fantastic things I wish were real, also contain horrific things I'm glad are not! Opposition in all things and what not. Hmmmmm....I'll get back to you. ~Salinye
...just thought I'd see if any Pennites were out that way. I'm heading to albuquerque (and yes, I did just have to google that to figure out the spelling.) ~Salinye
Hi again!! Thanks for offering your insight into my questions. I appreciate it. (Even the knife through the heart, MIRA! ) I want to clarify that I'm not in any way saying that smaller active numbers are bad. I think large and small communities have their own pros and cons. Obviously I haven't been active here for a couple of years, so I know how life can steal people away, I was just curious as to where things were at since I've been awol. :0) I think it would be neat to rekindle some of the former activities that were previously enjoyed by the pen, but wanted to see if there was interest besides my own. You see, I don't control my muse, it controls me and it's been a long time since I've woken up in the middle of the night having to write down ideas that have come to me. It's refreshing to feel such a craving need for writing again. :0) Now about a West Coast Party, COUNT ME IN! I'm in WA state. :0) We may actually be in Cali in December sometime and I have to fly to New Mexico this week for a grant writing conference. Thanks for all the input and thanks for not misunderstanding me. I wasn't criticizing as much as making sure my tromping in and posting with my fevered muse wouldn't be seen as little more than board spam. ~Salinye
Hi guys! I know that I've been gone a long time and maybe a lot of people here don't even know who this blonde wizardess that's spamming the boards lately is, but I have to ask, "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE PEN?" I mean I'm not criticizing here, so please don't feel offended. It's just that I can remember when Wyvern would have to remind us not to post too many mundane things in the cabaret room because people would make posts that would scroll off the front page on the same day! The banquet room had so many poems posted every day that one of the biggest complaints in the community was that they felt like they never got any feedback, but this was due to sheer volume and how hard it was to read it all let alone post on it. Carnival events were so popular that we could barely get one wrapped up before the next started and they started 3 months apart. I would post a life question and people would be all over it with their thoughtful insight. There were constantly classes and exercises to participate in so that we could grow as writers. I could go on and on... Where did that thriving community go? Not that smaller active numbers are bad, they are not. Having a large moving community like that has it's downsides too. It was not without it's share of drama and chaos, but it was manageable. So my point of this whole tirade of mine is that even if this community is smaller (active numbers) there is no reason why it can't be hoppin'. I think when a community is not active and rolling then when new members come to the board, they are less likely to stay because maybe the true value, that is always here regardless, is harder to see. Again, I'm not criticizing, just analyzing. Here are my questions for you: Have I missed the boat and you are much happier with a less active community? (This is okay, I just honestly don't know.) Would you like to see some of the past vigor breathed back into the board and if so would you participate and help the effort? Humor an old timer peeking her head out of inactivity by gracing me with your thoughts, will you? I'm gone all day today, so I won't be responding until later this evening. (Things rolled so fast before, you had to state those types of things lol) ~Salinye
Honestly, the only thing that I voted to do away with was the member number. I personally like everything else. I like to know what group people are in, what guilds they joined while the guilds were thriving and I really love knowing where in the real world people are located. It's just a fun tidbit. :0) Now, I know that I've been gone for a long time, but I sincerely hope that you will not get rid of the geld!! I'm so sad to hear that it's not being utilized anymore! That was QUITE fun! When we invented the guilds and the carnivals, we would have all of these exercises and competitions that allowed you to win geld. The resulting geld could be used in other activities like slave bachelor/bachelorette auctions. There was also a regular carnival event where a name title would be given and people would compete by writing up a description of what that item was and then people got to bid or something in order to win that item as a new item their characters now owned. It was quite inventive. Anyway, maybe I'm blowing on dying embers, but I think it doesn't hurt anything to be there and keeps open the potential for resurrecting some fun activities. Just some thoughts from a...well I don't know what I am lol. Am I considered an ancient because I've been gone so long? I'll have to look. Just some thoughts from a Salinye. ~Salinye
Salinye-An Acrostic by Gyrfalcon Silly and salacious! Angry and blushing! Laying about her with the Broom of Doom In defense of her own name No use her ranger, he's the one who tagged her so Yet she laughs even as she swings Enjoying their moments together. Z is a hard letter to start a poem with And a person like Zadown is hard to sum up! Definitely a unique and wonderful person Often bringing smiles to others when needed While keeping his thoughts carefully guarded No one knows him, unless he wishes them to. (The next is AKA Tamaranis) Truly a bastard, no feeling within His heart. Days of emotion Ended when the paladin died. Truth be told, I can’t help but Attempt a belief that deep inside Many layers down, that good man, Neglected, but ever in slumber is Entwined within your soul Destined to awaken once again.
Gwaihir-An Acrostic GAH! Pardon me! Was that your toe I stepped on? ACK! Did you have that bruise before? I’m SO sorry! Two left feet you see. HA! At least I didn’t take the table down with me… I…think I spoke to soon. *pulls spaghetti off his head* Really, it’s all part of my charm. *sheepish grin* A few more. :0) Guardian of the forests, he walks with nature’s kiss. Young at heart and noble in mind-honor bound. Roguish in charm yet ranger by trade, Free he is, with his humor and quick wit All within his circle of friends find trust. Lover of nature, AoA chocolate and one elven lass (Claims The Pen’s rumor mill) Oppose him, and you’re likely to meet Redemptio. Never betray him-You’ll have a friend for life. Always Yearning, Searching, Helping. Everyone Loves Ayshela. My thoughts are In my song. Reminding that All around-is beauty. Why not give me geld? You want to give me geld? Van full of geld would be good. Everyone donate geld! Really small pile of geld? No? FINE! Yesterday, the world was blessed with my birth. Unparalleled talent I share with the world. Inspiration is what I’m known for.
Okay you one-sentence wonders! I need a WHY on there! My goodness, I should have been more specific. *grins* ~Salinye
Degorram! This was excellent. I loved the way you took something we've all suffered through and gave it such beautiful imagery. At the end, when I realized the poem was about a cold, I had to go back and read it a second time. I feel like you did an excellent job! ~Salinye
HELLO! Have you missed me and my silly life questions that give us snapshots into your minds??? (warped or otherwise!) For those of those not familiar with the life questions that I used to do starting in 2003, you can find a consolidated list of them here! So, now for the new question, highly appropriate for this forum... *rules of this life question:* Please don't choose a religious text that is not considered fiction by other people as this will only lead down a road that is not uplifting for anyone.* If you could suddenly find out that one work of fiction was actually true, what book would you select? Also, why? What is appealing about that particular peice being real? Ready....Set...GO! ~Salinye
Of Deer and Green Elderly... A friend of mine's husband was asked to give a talk at Church on the topic of "The Atonement". She then told me the talk he gave and I wish to share it here in my own words, because it's just too funny. (incoming a bit of church humor) So he stands up at the pulpit, and this is how he starts. "So, today, I'd like to share a few stories I know about deer. When I was a young boy, some friends of mine and I were walking through the wilderness when we happened upon a suffering nearly dead deer. It was lying upon its side eying us. You could see the terror in the poor things eyes, but it was far too close to deaths door to do anything more than pathetically lay there and suffer. We gathered together and discussed the matter and came to the unanimous conclusion that the civilized, compassionate and kind thing to do would be to put the poor thing out of it's misery. Looking around and weighing our options, we decided that our best bet would be if we stoned him to death. So, we set about our mission of mercy and gathered all the large stones we could find. Then on the count of three, we threw them as hard as our little child arms could right onto its head. The poor thing groaned and looked at us even more terrified as we continued to try to put this creature out of its misery." He then goes into GRAVE details of how they continued injuring this deer, finally grabbing a large stone that took all of them to lift and dropping it on the deer's head. (Now at this point, please input little old ladies with blue hair in very modest dresses turning green in their pews.) His transition from this story was rather eloquent, he simply paused then ended by saying, "And now for another story about deer." "When I was a bit older I was taken hunting with my father. It was Doe season. About the second day into the trip, I got a doe within my cross hairs. Clutching the trigger nervous, I fired a shot dropping the creature. Grabbing my father I led him to where the creature was, however my excitement was cut short as I noticed small nubs upon his head. He was not a doe, infact, he was a very young buck, and he was not dead. Looking at my father, I exclaimed, "I have just shot a deer illegally! But I have to kill it! I must kill it! I could get in trouble for this!" Of course he shot the deer and took it home to file away in his mother's freezer. (Input here into your visual that any church going woman over 60 who wasn't green before was now and the previous green ones were fanning themselves trying not to be sick. Bless their hearts! Lol) Again, here came a pause and the lovely transition of, "And now for my last story about deer." "When I was grown into a young man I took a small day hike alone to think and reflect on my life. At some point I entered a clearing at the same time as a magnificent deer did. We both stopped barely into the area our eyes locked. We stood this way for minutes. (The deer obviously not used to humans or she would have fled in terror) It was magnificent, beautiful and amazing. Forever will that moment be surged into my memory. I still remember how grateful I was for that rare moment. How much I appreciated it." It was after this story that he concluded his ten minute rant on deer with the following paragraph. "...And I liken those stories unto the Atonement. When we are children we sometimes do things that are wrong and we don't realize it, and yet, the atonement is there for us. Then we grow a little older, and sometimes do things that we DO know are wrong, and yet the Atonement is still there for us. Then we grow into mature adults and have enough self-control, will power and good desires that we can fully appreciate the atonement. We can stand in awe of it and take advantage of it allowing it to become a lasting impression upon our lives." (Suddenly the little old women stopped fanning themselves, turned a little bit back to their creamy color and listened with a soft smile.) **Add disclaimer** Now, I am by NO means preaching to anyone, or trying to enforce my beliefs in any way! My soul intent on sharing these stories with you was because I was so impressed by them!! He was given this assignment, and instead of using common every day ideas and stories, he chose creative true stories from his life. This post was merely for your enjoyment. :0) Anyone who has attended church at any time, probably can appreciate the humor! **End disclaimer** In my opinion, people will remember this lesson on Atonement longer than fifty others they've heard. (That would be my guess anyway.) I guess it goes to show you that sometimes the messenger IS as important as the message!! I hope you found humor in this and enjoyed reading it!!! ~Salinye
A Page From The History Books Of Madam Quixotic (I miss her!) Ivahna felt her coach lurch as it’s lumbering sway came to a stop. The lull of the rhythmic movement had almost put her to sleep. She opened her eyes, seeing the lush curtains slowly cease their swish. She wasn’t too concerned about the stop, as they were not rare. When traveling through forests, they often had to stop to clear away things like trees that had fallen over the trail, or to water the animals or prepare a meal. She closed her eyes once again, unconcerned. Twenty minutes later, she was brought out of her light slumber by a knock on her carriage door. “You may enter.” She called back softly. The door swiftly opened and an armed guard stepped up into her coach immediately lowering himself reverently to one knee. “Your highness, please forgive my haste.” Sitting up, her royal purple blanket falling from her lap to puddle at her feet, she smiled at him. “Think nothing of it, speak freely.” Ferohn looked up at her and nodded quickly. “We’ve run into some trouble up ahead, and I think you should come right away.” “Alright.” Ivahna replied slipping her feet back into her shoes. The guard slipped back through the coach door and down the steps offering her his hand. She accepted his aid and dropped down from the carriage, the mist of the late afternoon causing light goose bumps to rise upon her skin. Reaching back into her carriage she grabbed a golden shawl, draping it across her shoulders. It complimented her deep burgundy dress nicely, her long black curls danced around her face and she nodded signifying she was ready. Up ahead of where her entourage had stopped, she could see a group of people gathered. Speeding her steps, careful not to trip on the roots that randomly poked up along the trail, she followed Ferohn, her curiosity growing. Crossing through the last of the trees into a small clearing she saw a small carriage tipped onto its side, a rather frantic horse still connected to it and pawing at the ground with it’s hooves frantically. To the left of the wreck a small crowd of villagers stood in a group muttering amongst themselves. Many of them gasped surprised when they saw her. The men pulled their hats off and bowed while the women backed away, their faces reddening in shame. “Your highness!” “Lady Ivahna!” “What is she doing here?” These words, among others, could be heard rippling through the surprised crowd. Ivahna paid them no mind. Her attention was on the limp and bludgeoned form of a winged woman upon the ground. Even in death, the woman was unarguably the most breathtaking beast any one there had ever laid eyes on. A human man lay crumpled at her side, bleeding from a head wound and sobbing to himself. Ivahna slowly dropped to her knees next to them. She had never seen the succubus in her natural form, with wings. The succubus preferred the form of a cloaked human-her attempts to not stand out in a crowd. Her assumption was that death returned Elisria to her most natural state. Ivahna knew the Succubus well. Years ago, she had entered her kingdom. She made a point to call a personal meeting with the Queen upon her arrival. Elisria was very forthright with what she was. She did not hide the fact from Ivahna. However, she explained that she had heard that Ivahna was a woman who listened to reason and did not commonly pass judgment without first weighing the situation. Elisria explained that she had come to truly love her previously indentured bed warmer, a human named Tomas Scantavia. They were married in their own private ceremony. She had solemnly sworn to him that she would never again use her magic to draw a man to her. Naturally, her very countenance attracted people to her; which is why she was never uncloaked except in the privacy of her own home. She was in effect asking for Ivahna to trust her and allow her to live within her kingdom. She wanted to raise children and everywhere she went, she could not find peace. The Queen agreed, granting her permission. The only other person within the kingdom who was informed of the Succubus’ true presence was the high priest Herick. He was given the task of helping to watch over her. He could walk among the people with more ease than the queen could. Any jaunt she took through the villages, drew too much attention. “What happened?” She asked softly, not rising and with her back still to the crowd. A multitude of voices began speaking to her at once. “She was stealing our men away!” “She’s a demon, look at her wings, we have proof!” Ivahna rose to her feet turning on them, her eyes revealing her restrained rage, her authority immediately silencing the crowd. Looking at the assortment of angry and ashamed faces of her people, she noticed the shrinking form of Herick. She couldn’t keep the shock from her face. “Herick? Herick. Please come forward.” The priest stiffened his spine defiantly, chasing the last of his ashamed glances away from his features. The group parted as he walked forward to stand before her. She simply looked at him, waiting for an explanation. She didn’t feel any questions from her were needed. When he finally spoke, he did so loudly and with a trace of arrogance. “I’m sorry, M’lady. My fealty to my God is stronger than my fealty to you. It is the oath I swore upon becoming a priest.” “What does your fealty to God have to do with this? You swore to protect her!” “Yes, M’lady, but only as she kept her vows. She has not.” “What are you talking about?” She asked, anger and pain flashing across her face. “Many of the women of the village noticed their men returning home later than usual, it was obvious what was happening.” “The only thing that is obvious to me, Herick, is that your flesh is weak. It was YOU who would not leave Elisria alone. It was to be my first order of business upon my return, but I never thought you….” Her words were choked by a rising lump of emotion in her throat. “You see.” Helrick proclaimed turning back to the villagers. “She consorts with evil. Demonic whores who would steal the fathers of your children, sexually enslave your sons.” “Stop it.” She spat at him, her temper flaring dangerously. “That’s not true. She had long ago changed her ways. You see her husband dying at her side. His soul was willingly bound to her. You have murdered more than one innocent life tonight. You KNEW she was innocent, Helrick. It was YOUR lusts that brought this about, not hers.” “You will face trial for this, Helrick” On her word, guards stepped in and began binding the priests hands behind his back and the mutterings from the crowd dropped to a dead silence, broken only by the small cry of a baby. A silent tear ran down her cheek as the priest was led away. “GO home.” She told the crowd and slowly they dispersed. Her men followed the wail of the baby to the tipped carriage and quickly pulled not one but two baby boys from it. “Take them to my carriage.” She whispered. Glancing one last time down to the babies dead parents, she said a silent prayer and slowly made her way back to her entourage pondering the changes that were sure to take place as she raised half demon/half human twin baby boys.
I know this is very rhymy and cutesy, but I have to tell you, there was a lot of emotion behind it when I wrote it. Perhaps you'll see why. :0) I wrote this during my pregnancy. Two On my knees in humble prayer I sent my requests above. If it would be His will to please send me a sweet spirit to love. If this one wish of my heart would be granted I could promise in return, to train that child to love the sun, the Lord and the ability to learn. Later that day I walked through the park admiring the beauty all around. I longed for a child to hold my hand getting lost in the sights and sounds. I thought again of the things we would share, this child and myself. The way it must feel to love someone more than anything else. Later that week I called my mom to share the news that had come. We were truly blessed for sometime soon we'de have a daughter or son. The love that filled my heart, I thought would overflow. I again dropped to my knees with gratitude to show. Later that year I sat alone in the quiet peace of my room. I passed my hand over my stomache thinking of you in my womb. The scriptures say that we are blessed tenfold, I know that this is true. For I can feel the love within for not only one but two. Now I hold you both in my arms marvelling at the perfection within you. As I reflect I can't remember ever feeling complete without two. Again I feel the urge to pray in thanks to the Lord above. For blessing me with the gift of not one but two children to love. Whom Do You See? (A poem from the pages of my life.) Leaning forward bent in half toes pointed to the far corners, Chest pressed to the floor. Two braids descending, body clad in lycra. You glance over to me, whom do you see? You laugh sheepishly; you mistook me for one of my teenage students. Most say I'll appreciate my youthful look when I'm older. When I'm older... Apples rolling down the aisle, sticky fingers tugging on my coat, Hungry babies cry. Reaching around fingers fumbling to find a bottle in my backpack. You glance over to me, whom do you see? "Has she never heard of birth control?" You whisper snickering. Most say they regret not cherishing the moments when their children were younger. When they were younger... Jumping on the bed, reading tales of pirate ships, Giggling squeals of delight. Rescuing the fair maiden from the dragon King. You glance over to me, whom do you see? "Her house is such a mess." You think. "Someday she'll get her priorities straight." Someday... Youthful look, cherishing love filled days, Priorities in order. I live to love each day, love each day I live. You glance over to me, how can you not see this? I chose this life; I happily embrace each moment now. Embrace each moment now.. From an Alaeha Challenge: Vanity Vanity An awed hush falls over the crowd As she steps from the car Self glorifying pauses and turns are Expected. Bright camera flashes; she's proud. How does she look so good? She poses-lyposuctioned stomach and hips. She smiles-artificially enhanced breasts and lips. Envious sigh-I'd look like her if I could. Young girls flip through their magazine. Naked insecurities exposed Fat thighs, drab hair, big nose. Harmful diets to look more pleasing. How much did it cost to be in her role? Their own features they pick apart, Not knowing her smile doesn't reflect her heart. Thousands of dollars, and of course her soul. (Written in ABAB CDCD Form. (I'm trying to learn poetic form.) As Cool As I Am (Inspired by someone's bio) As cool as I am, you don't see or ask. Who I am is real, but that's beyond you. I won't conform or imitate your mask, Or bow down in worship-one of your crew. As cool as I am, you're judge and jury. You take one look and condemn without trial. You'd rather knock me down in your fury. Then walk away with a sadistic smile. In the end you may find out much too late, The best things in life and from where they stem. Right now it's hard- I wouldn't trade my plate. I've known all along, as cool as I am.
(This was written as my application to be accepted at The Pen.) Ellowyn muttered to herself as she sat uncomfortably upon the hard wooden chair running her finger along a grain of the table. Tapping a well manicured fingernail of her other hand repeatedly she stared at the paper before her that was entirely blank save for one word printed at the top in bold writing and underlined for emphasis. It simply said Applicat [/u]. That was it. Nothing else. "Well", she thought to herself. "That is quite a ridiculous application. What am I supposed to do, just spout something brilliant off the top of my head? I mean, one cannot argue my brilliance, however, it is a lot to expect of a lady before breakfast!" She silently cursed the paper twirling a long auburn strand of hair tightly around her finger, a subconscious habit she had always had. The paper, in return, simply lay there, smugly taunting her. Daring her to impress it. Laughing at the thought that that's even possible. Narrowing her eyes the woman finally placed the graphite tip of her pencil to the paper and began to write - Celestial Dust By Ellowyn L'Mon Sometimes we get gifts that still have Celestial dust upon them...... Be sure when I run my fingers through your hair I am only brushing off remaining particles of Heaven. I sit here.... late at night, thinking of you.... You are only a room away, yet I can feel your spirit as if you are right beside me, no you're closer...You are - The graphite stopped momentarily before violently scribbling over the few sentences written. With an inner groan Ellowyn dropped her forehead upon the table with a resounding thud. "That's enough to almost make ME gag." She thought slowly lifting her head glaring down at the marred application. The application remained smug seeming to say to her, "I told you so." "Oh what do you know?" She said raising her voice in annoyance causing the few people scattered throughout the room to stop their writing giving her a look of disapproval at the interruption. Slinking down in her chair she again picked up the pencil determined to write something brilliant, or maybe just-halfway brilliant? Charred wood. That is the scent the elven male could not pin point until now. Charred wood is the scent of fear. Ever since he had entered the caves he had detected the smell. At first he thought perhaps some of the smoke from the fires within the hills had some how found their way through the maze of caverns and made a permanent residence among the stalactite. However, his keen elven intuition told him otherwise. The fine hairs upon the back of his neck stood on end as he rounded the corner stopping in his tracks, the scent growing thicker seemingly overwhelming his senses. "What is it?" The ill-mannered dwarf harshly whispered (hardly whispered causing the rest of the companions behind him to groan). "Tha's right, Kaldor. Alert the 'ntire place we're 'ere why don'cha?" Whispered an annoyed voice from the back. The dwarf turned to face the accusation spat at him through the darkness willing to settle the manner with his axe rather than his words when Garon placed his hand firmly but gently upon the dwarfs shoulder. "They're here. I smell their fear." "UHG" Ellowyn silently despaired once again scribbling through the words. "I smell their fear?" What is this an "I see dead people" moment?" Crossing her sandal clad feet she tapped the eraser of her pencil rapidly her anxiety growing. It was only as she noticed the disapproving glances of those around her (once again) that she stopped her face heating slightly with a blush. "Come on Elly girl, pull it together. You can do it, just write something down." Closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath of the stale library style air around her, she tried one last attempt at brilliance. "Come in RotDawg Come in. This is Jimmy 500 and I need immediate back up, do you hear me? The snake has been found. He is down, but I am requesting immediate back up before proceeding." Jimmy Johnson whispered as loud as he dared into the walkie talkie. "Roger that." Cshhhhhk "Sending back up immediately" cshhhhhk. Came the scratchy reply from the radio. Slowly Jimmy tipped the too large helmet back up and leaned his head around the doorframe to look once again into the kitchen. He could see the tennis shoes followed by denim legs sticking out from underneath the yellow gingham tablecloth in the center of the room. Moments passed by as if minutes. The strong beating of his heart the only sound within the small cottage style house. Finally, being able to wait no longer he pressed his back to the wall, raised his gun offering a silent prayer and stepped around the doorframe into the kitchen his eyes fixed on the red sneakers beneath the table. He only got two steps inside before the room erupted into chaos. Bullets flew around the room splattering blue and red paint all over the pristine whiteness that was the kitchen decor. Jimmy grabbed at his chest as paint bullets slammed into him. Dropping to the floor he watched as the red sneakers retreated under the tablecloth and was replaced by a well-armed and smiling Terry Hicks. Behind him Freddy Mealstine and Toby Clark jumped off of the counter aiming their paint guns at his head. The only thing Jimmy could think to do was yell frantically into his six-dollar walkie talkie "RETREAT! It's an ambush! I repeat, RETREAT!" The warning was cut short as a high-pitched scream accompanied by breaking glass echoed through the kitchen. Looking up all the boys froze as Jimmy's mother walked through the back door dropping her groceries to the floor... "FORGET IT!" Ellowyn finally grumbled in frustration scribbling so hard upon the smug paper, that by now was laughing at her, causing the tip of her pencil to break. Crumpling the paper up into a ball she looked at the man who stood rather stoically behind the counter. "This is just FAR too much for me to handle on an empty stomach!" Standing she grabbed her purse and headed towards the exit tossing the balled up paper over her shoulder at the rather startled young man before arrogantly prancing from the building. "Perhaps after I've had breakfast I'll be brilliant." She told herself once again strolling down the street heading towards 6th Avenue Cafe.
Mother's Day Acrostic Mother dear, you amazing Spirit, Only you could have raised me to be The person I am. It is with merit How you’ve been an example to me. Every observer can see your love is pure, Real, unconditional as solid as cement. So few things in life are this sure. Let me take this moment to lament. Of all the times I didn't make you see, Vow to you how much you've meant. Entwined in my soul you'll forever be. Writer's Block Writers Block In dismay and silent shock, my mind does tease and taunt. For me to simply unlock the words that it does flaunt. Within the prison of my head unleashed and free they want. Plots and poems stop dead within their creative tracks. This heavy burdon I wish to shed, lest the muse slips through the cracks. If I could get my quill to talk and pick up some of the slack. Free the thoughts that torment and mock this slave of creative writ. Well, that would simply ROCK!
Now, I must preface this poem with a disclaimer: "I in no way shape or form am claiming to be able to match Psimon's extremely eloquent poetic talent. However, I did write this on a whim in response to "Red Sky Shadow" and "Pulse". (Now Now Alaeha that was not a statement of inferiority, so no yelling at me! We must admit, Psimon is among the best!) Without Further Ado...(No title as of yet.) Hair brushed softly from my face, Unadjusted eyes the dark does lace. With held breath I look around No intruder can be found. It must have all been just a dream His cold touch, how real it seemed. Sinking back into a pillow haven At my side he appeared, craving. Before I could scream in surprise His hypnotic gaze caught my eyes. As I lay, my pulse did quicken, Unbeknownst his lust did thicken. What would he do, rape or molest? No, he simply wished me to rest. Among the spirits and the gods To dance in places only angels trod. He leans in now, sharp is the pain He holds me close as my life does drain. Memories through my mind do flutter, Not a single word did the reaper utter. At last he left me on my bed Not a tear or drop of blood was shed As a reminder that this strife Was an exchange of death for life. One delicate finger grasps the metal loop of the zipper giving it a gentle tug. Slowly descending the zipper parts the black leather oasis revealing a river of creamy white skin. Another hand flows down the river massaging the slender, well toned tired and achey form. As the zipper reaches its final destination, a narrow feminine contour. The woman sighs relieved gently twisting to free her leg from its leather-clad prison. *giggles* I've had this idea of an abstract imagery in my mind for a couple of weeks now. I only today finally sat down to transfer it from my mind to paper. It was originally titled "New Boots", but I didn't want to tell the title in advance. I wanted the imagery to speak for itself. :0) Hero Just as one lighthouse stands among the shore as a beacon to guide the lost home... Just as one Mountain stands tall and majestic it's presence alone the source of awe... Just as one banner alone inspires unity among an unrest nation... Just as one sun calls Mother Earth to arise from her dark slumber... Just as one river weaves through a valley offering hope, strength & life to barren lands... Such is the impact of just one Lone Man. Such is the burden...
A sweet gift from Tanuchan. Salinye Celestialgrace Weary traveller arriving anew A homely Hostel he sees from afar Grace comes from the lady awaiting Celestial in name, high-elven in shape. Haunted in heart by shadows past Powerful wizardess in her own right Born to love and live in mirth Ever playful, a caring friend. Alaeha's Poetry Exercise #7 You sigh with that shotgun placed to your head It could be worse, I laugh. You could be dead! You cry and plead that you don’t need a wife, You claim to be too young for married life! My pa, he looks upon you in disgust, Perhaps you should learn to control your lust! You will do the right thing by my daughter, Or like the fattened calf, I will slaughter! For a lifetime you will suffer and pay, Because of that careless romp in the hay. Some Haiku for a Mr. Bunny Event AHA! Three P.M. After that, I shall place my bids for bachelors! My heart is filled With love, hope, and bliss content Forever at peace ********** If this haiku could Reveal the love in my life All others would pale Written in a rare moment late at night right before bed with thoughts of others on my mind. For Those Who Need It I’d help you forget if I could. All the pent up hurt and all the pain. From those that didn’t care but should, From yourself-Just trying to stay sane. You’d rather rage than feel weak. Rather lash out in anger than pray. That just salts the wounds, it’s peace you seek. Look in the mirror take it all day by day. I’d help you forget but that would be wrong. Losing the memories wouldn’t help in the end, Don't run away. Over come it. Grow strong. Turning grief into love, it’s the way to mend. This was a gift from Vlad for a carnival event: Standing so tall- Gracious Elf. Who could you be- Other than yourself? Magic so strong- Sorceress Elf. Could it be her? There is no-one else. Feelings so kind- Caring one. Helping all creatures- Under the sun. Hiding from fame- Humble one. Hiding your strength- Never overdone. She is always there- At the end of the day- She who is there- Is Salinye. Copywrite Vlad 2004 Alaeha's poetry Challenge #3 This wizardess is far from through, so don't go dumbing up your challenges. For if we wish to learn and grow then we must stretch ourselves to heights not yet achieved. My friend, I value greatly all that you have done to help this girl in her endeavor to find some poetic verse within her soul.
This was a collaborative effort by Mynx and Myself for Cryptomancer. An Acrostic Cocky in blue jeans Rambles like a pro You can't live with him, can't shoot him... Poetry is his way Treacle shuts him up for a bit Oh someone get the man a coke! Mad as a loony bird Addicted to caffiene Notice the bald head SHINE Careful to avoid the scythe Everyone's favorite Riddler Raven Salinye-An Acrostic Secrets hide within her heart Always guarded. Always kept. Love, although hard to accept, Ironically, is easily given. Needs of others, she does attend. Yearning to heal and Embrace the sweetness of life. Just Love Me Why can’t you just love me? Was my birth your penalty? Is it so hard to speak lovingly? Have you lost all sense of decency? You’ve tainted all of my memories! You choose to think of me unpleasantly! You nurture my insecurities! I cannot live with this INSANITY! You look up and notice me. I am confused to hear your plea! I violently disagree! Long ago I set you free! Quit looking to me accusingly! Did you not know you hold the key? Can you not see I’ve found humility? Why keep yourself enslaved to hostility? Why can’t YOU just love me? Peredhil-An Acrostic Polite is this Elder who Reaches out to Everyone around him Delivering his thoughts- Healing the broken In kindness and Love Salinye-An Acrostic by Peredhil Sweet Salinye approved my poems, A wonderful Elven lass. Like a dandelion she comes and goes. In a blink of an eye her beauty you'll spy - Look speedily for she's awefully fast. You'd be hard-pressed to find another like her. Even if you search the Planes for a year.
Well, I agreed to write one, and the person I chose was Mira. Given his natural gift for song ic and ooc, I chose to write lyrics instead of a poem. Now, I've never written lyrics before, so don't be expecting the greatest song every written! I also wanted to note, instead of trying to encompass all the wonderfulness that is Mira, I simply chose one aspect of his character to mainly focus on. All of you former AMers, may be able to relate. :0) Enjoy. Untitled Mira wasn't so much a fan of this lol and I don't blame him! It was my first attempt at Lyrics of any kind. It was fun, though! Haunted by demons of Terra, Memories rip at my soul. No one here can see my sins, Yet I’m constantly raked ‘cross the coal. To give up the power was easy, It’s not one of the things that I miss. If I still had it here with me, I’d use it for righteousness. I wander this world, just searching, Searching to end my pain. My hunt is of the unattainable, My soul is doused in rain. I seek solace from my past in the future, Atonement my expectant reward. I seek that which has often been sought, My hope I’ll ever wield like a sword. Redemption has become a cruel mistress, I’m tempted by her embrace. Her smile offers forgiveness. Peace a promise upon her face. She whispers sweet words of devotion. I can’t grasp them within my hands. Holding those words I’d work wonders, Yet they wash away like grains of sand… I wander this world, just searching, Searching to end my pain. My hunt is of the unattainable, My soul is doused in rain. I seek solace from my past in the future, Atonement my expectant reward. I seek that which has often been sought, My hope I’ll ever wield like a sword. If lady fate weaves our paths In such a way that they should cross, You’ll never see my burden. You’ll never feel my loss. Dreamer of dreams they call me, I’ll help you with dagger or song. Through my service to you, Perhaps I’ll right my wrongs. I wander this world, just searching, Searching to end my pain. My hunt is of the unattainable, My soul is doused in rain. I seek solace from my past in the future, Atonement my expectant reward. I seek that which has often been sought, My hope I’ll ever wield like a sword. One thing I’ve learned on this journey, A valuable piece of insight. No matter the cards I’m dealt, In darkness I will find the light. So don’t pity me if you hear my story. I’d rather embrace you as a friend. My life here has been a blessing, In time all wounds will mend.
Dedication To A Poet Oh how you inspire me With your beautiful words Which seem to flow from you Flawlessly with such ease And grace as if your thoughts Dawn in poetic form And all that is needed Is for your quill to lie Effortlessly upon A spare scrap of parchment To perform its lover’s Dance leaving a small piece Of your heart and your soul Immortalized. If I Could Be A Poet If I could wield a poet’s quill, I’d inspire and delight. The words would flow from me at will, Oh, the tributes I’d write. If I could paint a poet’s world, The things I could reveal. All around a Beauty unfurled Bringing forth the surreal. If I could sing a poet’s song, The sound would ring so pure. Its harmony would belt along, Inviting and demure. If I but had a poet’s heart, My writings you’d extol. My words a gift I do impart Small pieces of my soul. MUSE-An Acrostic Mirror of my soul, Unleash those beautiful words to me. Shall they inspire, awe and entrance Every soul that finds them. A few lines of this came out of me about a week ago during a random rp in mirc. Ever since then those lines have been tickling my brain begging me to put them into poetic form. So, here is what resulted. I thought a lot of my husband as I wrote. Poetry isn't my strong point, but I still like to write when I feel the need. :0) Feedback is welcome. I am… The hot jagged rocks that defend the coastline Beaten down by the unending waves of daily warfare- Winning and failing, hurting and weary, Ready to stand alone if need be, never giving up. You are… The misty ocean breeze that rushes over the waves To kiss my skin at dawn’s first light- Invigorating, refreshing, peaceful, Yet full of unpredictability and strength. We are… The glow from the setting sun that washes over the sea Gently massaging out the watery kinks and stresses of life- Warm, beautiful, awe-inspiring, Forever-entwined in celestial harmony. Sick Sick! Sick! Sick! Whoever thought up this ick? Achy body, yucky tummy, No food in creation sounds yummy! I’ve got the chills I’ve got the runs, This sickly thing is just no fun! Can’t stand to be awake, can’t stand to sleep, My fever up it does steadily creep! Tums, Ibuprophen, Tylenol, I assure you that I’ve tried them all! No matter what I try or do, I still find myself in this sickly stew! I want to die, no I want to live, Something here has got to give! I’m a mommy and need to be alert, MY KIDS ARE OUT NAKED IN THE DIRT! I want to laugh. I want to cry. Silently I wonder, WHY? I scare them back in with a broom, Just in time to run to the bathroom! Reading this makes you perplexy, You wonder how I can be sick and SO DAMN SEXY! Well, it’s a gift, a natural talent, you see. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Kentucky!