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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. Zariah, pm Alaeha, as she asked me to be in a group with her and is looking for more people! I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know you wish to join! ~Salinye
  2. Well, I think I know these two. :0) Last i saw like they lived in a cage these two are goons mighty and brave Guido and Nuncia? I read his two poems but not on this board vampiric discribed in well written lore. This one is most certainly Psimon!
  3. Ohhh, I stand corrected. I missed Gryphon in those riddles! How could I do so? *grins* I'll guess the others when I have a free minute! *zooms off to her busy lifestyle* ~Salinye
  4. I use the black skin and I see the geld on everyone. ~Salinye
  5. Dove wrapped her good arm around Mira’s waist and leaned her forehead between his shoulder blades. Clenching her teeth she grimaced as every bump and gallop sent waves of pain radiating from her wounded shoulder. She called out in agony as their horse shied violently to the left as another explosion rocked the small town. Somehow they managed to stay mounted and continue to flee the chaos. Mira, glanced down at the blisters forming on his hands. Raising one to touch his neck, he felt the same scorch marks burning his neck and face, the same he had seen raising upon Dove-anywhere the demon blood had touched them. Giving the reigns a good stern shake he dug his heels into his steed, spurring it on faster. Reaching the edge of town, the bounty hunter spied a stable that was still half standing. Throwing an arm behind him to ensure Dove didn’t slide off as he abruptly changed course heading for the stable, he slowed his steed. Circling the stable, he stopped his horse as he saw what he was looking for. There in the rubble of the destroyed side of the structure sat a full watering trough. The bounty hunter removed his hat and slid off his mount. He supported most of Dove’s weight as she slid off the horse after him, slumping into a sitting position at his feet. She no longer grimaced or even made a sound, her senses having given way to a dull half awareness from the shock and blinding pain. Seeing the water, he could no longer stand the burning blood upon his skin and quickly threw his coat to the ground, his fingers anxiously working to rip his blood stained shirt away from his skin. Leaning over the trough he splashed the cooling water over his face, arms and chest, which were riddled with welts and scorch marks. Sighing in mild relief, he looked over to the mage, in contemplation. He knew her shoulder was out of place- that much was obvious. However, he thought the more immediate danger might be the searing blood that was causing welts, much like his, to rise upon her skin. She had been between himself and the demon during the battle, and therefore was much more covered with it’s black blood. Mira may not know a lot about women, but he thought that removing a ladies clothing while she was unaware was probably to be avoided unless there was no other options. In this case, there was another option. Quickly brushing his dripping hair back from his face, he walked to the fallen mage and gently picked her up, taking care to disturb her injured shoulder as little as possible. “Sorry about this, Dove.” He said before completely submerging her in the watering trough, head and all. Pulling her back up to a sitting position she broke the surface of the water with a gasp. Raising her good arm she swung to punch him. He deftly caught her hand mid-swing. “Well, that’s a hell of a way to say thank you.” Sputtering and coughing, the cold water brought her a little more back to her senses. She looked up to his seared face questioningly then grabbed at her shoulder as new waves of pain shot down her arm. Another explosion shot up from somewhere deeper within the town. Mira took her hand encouraging her to get out of the trough. “Yes, we need to do something about that shoulder, but we must be quick. We’re at the edge of town and not even close to being safe.” Dove nodded standing. Drenched she stepped from the trough and leaned against a wooden post that was probably a supporting beam for the stable, at one time. Gripping it, she looked to the bounty hunter and gave him a grave nod. Understanding her signal, he gently grabbed her shoulder. After a moments pause, he not so gently popped it back into it’s socket causing Dove to yell out in pain once more. “I’m sorry. I know that hurts.” The mage nodded. “No, it’s alright.” She was exhausted and weak from blood loss. “Okay, I know you’re not doing all that great, but we have to get out of here. Get you someplace where we can get those wounds on your back treated. I’m sorry, but I’m not a healer. I suggest we take the less traveled path through the east woods, unless you know of a better way.” He looked at her for any suggestions. Dove knew that with minimal effort she could teleport them both out of the city. However, anywhere that she could easily teleport him would bring him too close to Gyrfalcon, and the ranger wouldn’t be expecting such company. Despite his kindness, she had to remind herself that Mira was here to kill Gyrfalcon. Finally, she met his eyes again. “No, the East path sounds good.” Dove spent the rest of the ride slipping in and out of awareness. Her wits were about her enough to keep herself upright upon the horse, but anything beyond that was slowly beginning to feel difficult.
  6. Nope, I see it on both of you! *steals their geld and runs* ~Salinye
  7. OH! Good call, Yui-Sama! *hugs her wise partner in crime* ~Salinye
  8. *Salinye smiles becoming a quick fan of the poetic tongue of The Raven.* I guess I'll take a stab... This I would have to say is none other than Mynx. *smiles* These kind and generous words, I think are about me. *blushes* This of course must be the wonderful Miss Ayshela. This would be the ever-mysterious Zool Zoolio. This one was a bit harder for me, but I’ll guess Xaious I’m going to guess “Death of Rats, The Grim Squeaker” for this one. Hmm, I’m guessing the ever playful Wyvern? This one could be no one but Stick! (The Big Pointy One) Master Peredhil…Interestingly protected, indeed. *laughs* Orlan, I’m guessing. If not, he’ll want to know of his competition! You have stumped me on this one, Riddler… This of course, would be Gyrfalcon. *mock glares at the ranger for making her blush so…* This would be the best cuddler at The Pen-Daryl! Alas, you stumped me again with these last three stanzas! Perhaps someone else will be smarter than me! I guess we’ll wait and see!
  9. Well, seeing as this is from a previous writing event, I do remember who it was, so I won't guess and will leave it a mystery! Lovely poem, though! ~Salinye
  10. This event is being hosted by Salinye the simple mage, not by Salinye AVV Guild leader. :0) A little idea that has been tickling in my brain. I was going to pass it off to the AAA to post, but they have such amazing contests lined up, I thought I'd just host it myself! This event will earn you 15 geld! We have a HUGE poets society here and everyone likes it when someone writes about them. So, my idea is this. Write a poem or a riddle about another member of The Pen. Then let us guess who it is about! Give subtle clues and see how well we know our neighbors! I would suggest posting your poems in individual threads so we can all make our guesses on that thread. In the subtitle, just put something like "Riddle me this riddle me that" so people know it's part of this event and something they can guess on! In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions or give comments about this event here. :0) Also, you may write poems about as many people at The Pen as you wish, but will only be paid for your first two submissions. :0) Please hold off from announcing WHO it is about for a 5 days or so. That way lots of people can guess! :0) Ready, set, GO!
  11. I moved my post to the banquet hall, because in a moment of late night insanity, I decided to try a sonnet forgetting it was a team event. *blushes* BUT I'll be back with a team! You have been warned! ~Silly Salinye
  12. If you open a post by orlan, you will see it in the left hand column under his avatar and info. It's not set up in everyone elses accounts yet. :0) ~Salinye
  13. ALL HAIL THE GREATNESS OF ORLAN! He was able to work out a few kinks and geld will be kept in the left hand column somewhere underish your signature. If you want an example, click on Orlan or find a post by him or some such. :0) EVERYONE starts out with a generic 25 geld to work with. :0) We are keeping tally of when you spend/earn geld and it will be regularly updated in your profile by a handy dandy elder or three. :0) Happy Festivities! ~Salinye
  14. Well, this is quite beautiful. I love the flow of it. I love the way you weave your words. I am a true romantic at heart, and although I am unqualified to critique it from a technical standpoint, I can tell you from a readers standpoint that it's wonderful. :0) Thank you for sharing, Raven. ~Salinye
  15. Orlan just let us know today that for some reason that field is only showing up to admins. So atm, we guild leaders are in the deciding process of what we're going to do instead. :0) As soon as we figure it out, I'll post it! Good observation! ~Salinye
  16. Well, as I've said before, I often refer to my muse as a bikini clad ogre. She's horrifying to look at, yet you have this sick fascination that won't let you look away! She runs me ragged, and as she is an ogre, is useless to fight with, although we jump in the mudpits and try. Nine times out of ten, I need to do things her way, or my writing just plain stinks. ~Salinye
  17. Happy Birthday, Nyyark! How come your birthday is NOOOOT on the caladar? *raises an eyebrow* Are you hiding from us? *grins* Well anyway, *hugs* and the happiest day to you! ~Salinye
  18. Here, KAtz. I found one as an example. :0) Just click here. :0)
  19. Yes, and if you do a search by hmmm...can you search by titles? If so you'll find LOTS of analogy threads. I used to number them. Or you could do a search on me and you would probably find them as well. I do regular Analogies and life questions, although, I seem to have been slacking lately. :0) ~Salinye
  20. Muse.... Ready....set....GO! ~Salinye
  21. PS. Fill out your bio! It's hard to be nosey without that! ~Salinye
  22. Muse....how to describe one's muse. It's the desire, the passion and the nagging annoyance that controls your creativity and your ability to write. Someone might say they've lost their muse if they can't seem to get anything decent written down for a time. Me, I want to write all over the place, but my muse is screaming at me "WAYWARD DAUGHTER FIRST!" BTW, I am NOT a witch. *hides her broomstick in Yui's closet.* Enjoy, and don't worry, we'll lure you into writing soon enough. Mwhahaha ~Salinye
  23. If I could remember the l33t spelling off hand, I would have spelled it right!! *grins* I hope your birthday is full of fabulous memories worth writing about! ~Salinye
  24. *blushes from the request* Thank you for reading Wayward daughter! It is being finished, in fact, my muse is rather stuck in that storyline and making it a struggle to write in anything else! I often describe my muse as a bikini clad Ogre, so as you can see, I don't win many fights with her! Zadown and Ayshela answered your question rather well. My onlyother suggestion would be to pm people that you are curious about and ask them if they would mind pming you their character descriptions. Most people are quite in love with the creativity and things they have created about their main characters and would happily oblige. :0) Welcome to The Pen. I hope we see more of you soon! ~Salinye
  25. Although Dove’s confidence in her swordsmanship was growing, she met her match with a particularly smart demon. It had been hanging back from the fight in observation. Its yellow eyes moved quickly over the enclosed battle. It saw two from his side fall by Dove’s sword. Their mistake was that they rushed in, arm raised, attacking with a downward strike. She was expecting this, so defending herself had been easy. Fools. They deserved to die, it thought throwing itself toward her. Dove saw the creature coming from the corner of her eye and shifted towards it, her sword raised over one shoulder, ready to parry and strike. The demon dove straight at her, just as the others had, his arm raised up as if to strike down on her. Grunting, she swung at it’s arm as it neared her. The demon spun to the side at the last moment, her sword slamming into the ground beside her. Not wasting any opportunity, the creature used the momentum of its spin to slam into her body. Already being off balance from missing her target, she was easily thrown to the side slamming into Mira, who tried in vain to catch her, before they were both knocked to the floor. Finishing it’s spin full circle, the monster raked it’s claws across her back. Dove screamed in pain as the black material of her shirt ripped revealing deep gashes in her creamy skin. Mira looked into Dove’s pained face for a moment before he looked past her with wide eyes. “Duck!” He whispered intensely to her. She immediately curled her head down under his arm, her cheek pressed to his ribs. Just as she did so the bounty hunter raised two daggers shoving them deep into the demon’s eyes as it bounded down to finish them off. It howled enraged backing off from them a bit, but not before some of its hot black blood dripped down onto her neck, searing it in pain. Grabbing the sword that lay beside them, she took a guess and shoved it behind her with all the force she could muster, driving the tip within the thing’s chest. Mira grabbed Salinye's shoulder and shoved back forcefully, driving her arm backwards towards the demon, and driving her sword into its chest. She screamed again as her shoulder dislocated, but by that time, the hilt of the sword was pressed against the demon's sturnum. Dove let go of her sword as her arm dropped limply to her side, while the demon sputtered and clawed at the hilt before slowly toppling forward, thick, hot blood spraying across them as it does so.
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