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I stumbled onto this and am SO EXCITED that I"m making it a carnival event! I am so excited about the prospect of taking quizes on YOU that I will offer 20 geld to anyone who creates a quiz and adds the link to this thread so that we can test our knowledge and learn about YOU! Now, I mean for you to create a quiz about your character not about yourself. Although, you can choose to do that as well, if you wish! I created one about myself first, not realizing that any test you make falls onto the same page. So, although I do have a quiz about me AND Salinye, you are only required to make a quiz about your character to earn the geld. If you create one about yourself as well, then that's just a bonus. :0) Here is the link to Salinye's Quiz. How well do you know Salinye? (You can feel free to skip the first one that is about ME and not my character if you wish. :0)) ~Salinye
All-The-Time Accurate Fortunes Told.
Salinye replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Conservatory Archives
Salinye sits down in front of The Master of Time and smiles sweetly. "Hello, dear. I hope you won't let that...misfortunate...situation with my muse and the uh..celing of The Confessional, effect my prediction." ~Salinye -
Mr.Bunny's Carrot Stand and Happy Haiku Hut
Salinye replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Banquet Room Archives
AHA! Three P.M. After that, I shall place my bids for bachelors! ~Salinye -
If you wish for your participants to have the geld won from your contests available for the bachelor auction, then you'll want to announce your winners tonight. However, there is no requirement that you do so! They can get their earned geld after wards and apply it to other things that are present and will be coming about. :0) Just an FYI as I know a few of you who wanted your participants to have the geld before the bachelor auction. :0) ~Salinye
Okay, you only need to include a max amount you are willing to bid total. :0) Also, if you wake up tomorrow morning and your geld total is wrong, PM me or Ayshela and one of us will re-tally it and poke orlan to fix the amount. :0) ~Salinye
I heard a rumor Jechum was banned from this board for improper spamming! ~Salinye
Salinye stood in the shadow of one of the tents watching the chaos that surrounded the dunk tank. Smiling to herself she slowly sauntered over to the side of the tank. Looking up, she saw Wyvern sitting on the platform wringing out his tail. “Pssst….Psssst…Hey Wyvie…” She called out in a loud whisper. Looking around himself several times, he finally looked down and noticed her. “Oh Sali, not you too! What have I ever done to you? Doncha wanna spare me?” He groveled assuming she too was there to dunk him. “Oh, don’t worry, Wyvie. I have no intentions of dunking you,” she smiled mischievously. “You don’t?” The almost dragon smiled as a wave of relief obviously washed over him. “No, I don’t wish to dunk you, but I do want to support Ayshela’s booth. I thought of something that might help her earn some extra geld.” “Earn more geld?” Wyvern’s ears perked up as he draped his claws over the side of the platform giving her his full attention. “Yes, Wyvie. You see, usually these dunk tanks are manned with bikini clad women.” If she thought she had the almost dragon’s attention before, she REALLY had it now. “Bikini clad women, this is good. You make a good point, Sali. Bring them on over!” “Oh, see you misunderstand me, Wyvie. I wouldn’t degrade any of the lovely ladies at The Pen that way. So, I think I have an alternative.” With an almost innocent smile, Salinye waved her hand in the air a few times concentrating on the spell she had previously prepped. Within seconds the almost dragon was suddenly sitting upon the platform in Hawaiian swim wear-coconut bra and all. Snickering to herself, the mage stepped back waiting to see when Wyvern would notice and to continue watching the chaos.
Alright, here is how this will work. :0) Sometime in the next 24 hours, our lovely and talented MC, Wyvern, will put up a post introducing all the bachelors and why we might or might not want to bid on them. (With Wyvern at the mic, this could prove disastrous. But, none the less, he is our chosen MC. For the 24 hour period that is Wednesday (no later than 11:59pm PST) those who wish to bid on a bachelor may do so. HOW? How do I bid on a bachelor, you ask? Well, I will tell you how! This is to be a silent auction. So if you wish to bid on a bachelor, you must first make a list of your top three choices, in order of first choice, second and third. You must also list how much geld you are willing to spend. Then you must email this information to me at salinye@hotmail.com (Don’t forget to put your name on the email so I know who you are!) I have chosen a non-partisan pal, Tamaranis, to witness and assist in the arranging of the bids so that there can be no question as to fairness. (Not that anyone would think I would cheat, but just to be oh so PC, you know. :0)) So, I shall now provide an example for you. If I were bidding, I would send the following list to salinye@hotmail.com no later than 11:59pm PST. Salinye here: *looks into her geld stores and sees she only has 45 geld* What the heck, I’m willing to bid it all if needs be! 1. Wyvern 2. Inspector I.M. Clueless 3. Wyvern in Drag Now, unless people specifically bid on multiple characters of the same writer, then when you win a bachelor, you can choose which character you wish to have write for you. So, for example, if two different ladies bid on Gyrfalcon and Daryl, I would treat those as two separate characters. However, if only one person bid for any of Gyrfalcon’s characters, then I would allow that lady to pick which characters perspective they want the writing from. :0) Well there you have it! Please feel free to add any thoughts or questions to this thread, and if anyone doesn’t have access to email, then you can of course pm your bid to me through the boards. When all the bids are tallied and approved and what not, I will announce whom won whom. Be warned, if there are more women than men, then some lucky ladies may end up having won two bachelors. I will ask Orlan to please have all the geld stats updated later this night so you know how much geld you have to work with. :0) All bidders will receive 10 geld for participating and all bachelors will receive 10 geld upon posting their written work. However, if the bachelors post their writings within 7 days of when the results are posted, they will be awarded 20 geld instead of 10. ~Salinye
Mr.Bunny's Carrot Stand and Happy Haiku Hut
Salinye replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Mister Bunny, friend Master of Haiku, the art Wisdom please impart I gave my muse a Gentle shove-five seven five Happiness did strive Here I sit in awe And wonder if I will pass Rabbit’s haiku class Happiness I long Have held. Don’t you think those who Try should get some geld? -
Mr.Bunny's Carrot Stand and Happy Haiku Hut
Salinye replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Banquet Room Archives
My heart is filled With love, hope, and bliss content Forever at peace ********** If this haiku could Reveal the love in my life All others would pale ~Salinye -
I know! I know! But I'm not telling! ~Salinye
Some further clarification. :0) The bachelor auction is NOT the end of the carnival. :0) There will be other auctions of sorts and things to do with your geld, so I hope everyone knows it will be worth your time to continue enjoying the various events and booths after the carnival. I'm not sure exactly when the carnival WILL end, but I suspect we'll all notice it's natural wind down. From that point, we will post an official end of the carnival. We'll pack our tents and MOVE OUT! But, our geld will stay with us, as we plan to use it for the Winter Carnival, AND who knows. Perhaps this geld thing will rub off and inspire other events and activities. :0) ~Salinye
I sort of wondered if the first one was about Wyvern? ~Salinye
Salinye walks up placing a folded peice of paper in the tip jar. It reads... "Race along side ambulences, cop cars and other emergency vehicles when they are driving with their lights and sirens on. They like that." ~Salinye
Bah, 1000 posts over 15 months. That only equals 66-68 posts a month. That's only 2 posts a day! Pfft... ~Salinye
Salinye crouches in the corner secretively summoning those in the Cabaret room closer to her. "Jonathon Wolf has pointed out that I have something monumental to announce with this post." Here, she pauses for dramatics before jumping up, throwing confetti and yelling at the top of her lungs... THIS IS MY 1000th POST! *grins* ~Salinye
Ahhhh! Happy birthday to my favorite Penguin Romantic! *hugs* ~Salinye
Yes, the bachelor auction is quickly approaching! You have today and tomorrow to continue collecting geld that can be used toward the auction! Remember, there will be other things to spend geld on, and you men can't forget about the Bachelorette auction at Winter Solstice Carnival!!! So, if you haven't participated much yet, today and tomorrow are the days to collect for the auction!! BUT...Don't stop collecting as you'll be sorry, later!! Watch for more info on how the auction will take place coming SOON! ~Salinye
Wow, Mira. What a great idea for a poem! I agree with Xaious' suggestion and really really liked this one. Kudos to you, my friend. ~Salinye
Dove heard the scritch-scratch of the door scraping against the aged wooden floor as it opened. Shuffling footsteps drew near to her bed, and a light click-clack sounded near her ear as breakfast was placed on the bedside table. Opening her eyes, she blinked against the sun that streamed in through the white eyelet laced curtains. “Ahhh, good, you’re waking up! A slightly round woman with a kindly face stood over her with a smile. “We were starting to wonder when you would wake up.” She spoke as she fussed around her room, pulling back the curtains, tidying the shelves, little things a good hostess would do. “Your boyfriend has been very worried about you. You had lost a lot of blood before you got here. He’s been very helpful around the farm these past couple of days, though.” Dove tried to sit up and grimaced as sharp pain flared within her back. “Oh, dear, let me help you.” The kindly woman was immediately at her side, propping pillows around her so that she could sit in bed comfortably. Shaking her head and feeling a bit overwhelmed, the mage looked up to the farmers wife confused. “What…My boyfriend? Past couple of days?” Her words rushed out of her in a confused jumble. Rubbing her hand over her face, she noticed her hair was now down. “I’m sorry dear, I must sound awfully confusing to you. You’ve been through so much. I’m also sorry for my assumptions. Is the gentleman that’s with you, NOT your boyfriend?” Dove turned to look at the woman as she sat on the edge of her bed. “No, he’s not. He’s…” A bounty hunter?…Complete stranger? “…just a friend,” She continued thinking it would be the easiest answer. Looking down at her arms she noticed they were clothed in long cotton sleeves. At some point her bounty hunter clothes had been removed, and she had been dressed in what felt to be a long, thick country nightgown. The collar was fairly high and old fashioned. It looked as though at one time it might have been littered with tiny pink flowers. However, over time they had faded to the point that they were hardly noticeable. “Where is my stuff? My clothes and gear and…sword?” she asked feeling a slight rising feeling of panic at not knowing where the sword that was given to her, was. “Oh, don’t worry. Your friend Mira has been keeping your things safe with him. He thought you might prefer it that way. Said something about “never knowing what is kept in an adventurer’s bag”. “Yes, I have your things, but I haven’t disturbed them.” Mira stood in the doorway, neither of them had heard him approach. “May I come in?” He asked mindful of the farmer’s wife’s eye. “Yes, you may, but don’t rile her up. She is far from mended and she needs her rest.” The woman rose to her feet walking to the door. Mira stood aside so she could leave the room before he entered, calling over his shoulder, “Thank you, Emily.” Turning back he came to her bedside pulling over a single wooden chair. “So, how are you feeling?” “Like I fell asleep in the middle of a hellish nightmare and woke up in the middle of a hillbilly dream.” She half smiled motioning to the nightgown she was now wearing. “But, I appreciate their hospitality. She said we’ve been here two days?” She asked, her voice getting a little more “down to business.” Mira nodded leaning forward and dropping his voice to barely above a whisper. “I know you’re still not feeling well, but do you think you are well enough to travel?” Dove crinkled her forehead at hearing the sudden intensity in his voice. “Sure…Why? What’s happened?” “Well, I did a little exploring, came upon a courier delivering a message from Telreth. I asked him a bit about the aftermath of the battle. He said the demons left a banner behind, signifying the work of their master.” The bounty hunter clamped his jaw a bit. “Great, so then we know who did this?” “Yes, Gyrfalcon. If this is any example of his work, then I won’t mind killing him. I don’t know if he was there when this happened or what, but I wouldn’t want us to endanger this family by being here. Chances are, he doesn’t even know we exist, but why take the risk?” Dove kept her face neutral as he informed her a bit more about the things he had learned. Her heart raced within her. She knew Gyrfalcon was NOT the source of this demonic attack, however, it was now painfully obvious that someone was setting the ranger up. She quickly sat up barely stifling another grimace as she did so. “You’re right, we need to get out of here, right away.” “Here, let me help you.” Mira said taking her elbow. She gently pulled her arm back. “No, I can manage, but thank you.” Throwing the covers back she climbed out of bed and naturally looked around for her things before shrugging. “I guess I don’t have anything in here to gather.” “No, it’s with my things in the loft of the barn,” he said opening the door for her. As they walked into the main room of the small house, Emily’s eyes flew open as she shuffled across the room towards them. “What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn’t be up yet!” She gushed blocking their way. “Emily, I thank you so much for your kind hospitality and for helping to mend my wounds. Unfortunately, we have urgent reason to leave. Things to attend to.” Dove replied hoping the woman would not stall them for too long. The woman placed her hands upon her portly hips looking at the mage sternly. “I don’t know what kind of “urgent matters” you think you can attend to while bandaged up like that. Those cuts in your back are really nasty, not to mention the welts and burns that are covering you.” Dove hadn’t taken a moment to reassess her injuries since she had awaked. Emily was probably right, but there was no time. Two days had already passed. Acting instinctually, Dove pulled the woman into a warm embrace. She immediately regretted doing so as the action caused a wave of fresh pain to wash over her. “Emily, you’re right and if there were any other way, we wouldn’t go. Don’t worry about me, I have healers that I will be able to get to fairly quickly.” After releasing the woman, the two bounty hunters stepped around her and walked out of the small home. Emily stood on the porch calling out to them, “You’re both welcome here, anytime and…deary, you’re not even wearing shoes!” Dove smiled and waved back at her. “Don’t worry, my things are out here. You haven’t seen the last of me!” Once inside the seclusion of the barn, Mira left her below while he climbed up to the loft to gather their things. A few minutes later he climbed back down the ladder and set their packs next to Ithil. “I’m not sure what our first plan of action should be, but I thought maybe we should head back to Telreth and see if we can find any of the other bounty hunters or the men that hired us. They may be dead, but at this point, I’m feeling justified in seeking this Gyrfalcon out on my own, whether I’m being paid, or not.” Dove stood about five feet to his left. Casually she lifted her right hand and began twirling the delicate fibers of an abandoned spider web around her hand. She remained in silent concentration as he began pulling down horse tack and rambling his thoughts to her. Finally, when she was ready, she dropped her web-covered hand to her side. “Mira?” she spoke softly, interrupting him. He stopped talking and turned to look at her. “Yes? Are you all right? You still look quite pale.” His genuine concern made her task even harder than it already was. “Yes, I’m fine,” she continued, holding her concentration while speaking in a quiet almost reverent voice. “You have been very kind to me, probably even saved my life. I want you to know, however things go, I’m very grateful to you for that.” Mira shuffled his feet around a bit uncomfortably as a blush began to rise in his face. “Yeah well, we’re supposed to be a team and…” “Because you’ve been so kind to me,” she cut him off once more. “I really need to apologize to you.” He crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. “Apologize to me, for what?” Dove looked to the ground momentarily before looking back up to meet his eyes. “For this.” With her words she lifted her left hand and released her spell. Glowing web like strands of magic shot from her, entwining themselves firmly around the surprised bounty hunter. Falling to the ground, fully tangled in the magical web he looked up at her, his eyes widened revealing his shock. Ithil dug his hoof into the dirt ground in agitation. “Easy boy….easy…” she called to the horse. “What the…” Before he could finish his statement, she rushed over to him, pulled a handkerchief from the horse’s saddle pack and gagged him. “I’m so sorry, Mira, but you really have some grave misconceptions.” Grabbing his gear and hers, she tucked her sword into a small magical bag of holding and placed their things at his feet. She tacked a hastily scribbled note to a beam of the horse stall informing the family that they weren’t able to travel with the horse. She then hung a small bag of gold from another random nail within the beam. Kneeling over her new hostage and their gear, she called upon her innate abilities and teleported them directly to her quarters at Pen Castle. Mira went from lying bound and gagged on the dirt floor of the farming families barn, to the lush red throw rug of Salinye’s elegantly decorated sitting room. He glanced around, immediately noticing all of the different exits from the room. Glancing at him, Salinye knew what was going through his mind. “I wouldn’t try it, friend.” She advised as she stood up with another painful grimace. “I may be wounded, but my strengths come from my mind, not my body.” Sitting down on an overstuffed loveseat she picked up the amulet that hung from her neck. Mira had never noticed it before as the chain was extremely fine, almost blending into her skin, and she kept the amulet part beneath her clothing. Bringing the winged rod to her lips, she gently blew it as one would a whistle. Hearing no sound, she then tucked it back beneath the collar of the cotton nightgown. Taking a deep breath she brought her hand, this time, palm up, to rest in front of her mouth. Closing her eyes she began to concentrate. After a few moments, a blue glowing orb appeared to rest atop her hand. ********************* Gyrfalcon sat at his desk within his sitting room pouring over this ledger and that, as he often did. He was having an unusually hard time concentrating. Lately his thoughts had been consumed with this new enemy that seemed to have risen up against him. He really had hoped the “being chased by bounty hunters” phase of his life had ended. Also, although he knew very well that Salinye could take care of herself, he wasn’t entirely comfortable with her current plan of action. He’d rest a bit easier when he got word from her. Little did he know his silent thoughts would be so immediately answered. A flash of blue light began to radiate to the left of him. Without thinking, the ranger grabbed his katana and stood. Although rational thought told him that there was no way for a magical attack to reach him within his quarters at Pen Castle, it was instinct that made him form a defensive stance. Slowly, the blue light formed to show the top half of Salinye, her hair was down, but her tattoo was still in place. “Sal?” He said lowering his katana. “Gyrfalcon, I need you in my quarters. Please come right away,” her image spoke to him quickly before fading.
I love litterature suggestions! Thanks, Mynx! I'll certainly look into it! ~Salinye
Salinye sat at Garon’s right hand side at the head of the dining hall. A picture perfect image of an elf maiden with her beau….Or so it might seem. Often her gaze was drawn to Gabriel and Gyrfalcon’s table. Lord Attaway had indeed found “interesting” company for them. The six vacant seats at their table were filled with various single elven beauties. Both of the men were in rapt conversation with them. Whatever the ranger just said caused the women to tilt their heads back in laughter. Garon followed her eyes and smiled softly turning his head to study her face, carefully. “It seems your friend has our ladies quite enraptured.” “Mmmm, he has that effect on women,” she responded without thinking. Immediately realizing her mistake she turned to look at him with a smile. Placing her hand on his she continued. “He’s a ranger. My sister, well, Celowyn, she’s a ranger now. They’re quite charming, you know. I can remember when we were young, being jealous at how easily she could attract the young men’s eyes.” She couldn’t help but laugh sincerely at the memories. He turned his hand so that he was holding hers. “She wasn’t the only one with charm, Salinye.” She blushed smiling at him, allowing him to believe her flush was from feeling flattered. Gently sliding her hand from him she reached for her glass of wine and sipped from it. “Well, perhaps his visit to the city will pay off. Perhaps he’ll find a nice elven companion.” Garon continued still studying her reactions to his words. Smiling, Salinye set her wine glass down and looked into his eyes. “That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” “Indeed.” He smiled halfway pleased with her response. ****************** Shey’alis looked into Gyrfalcon’s eyes as he spoke with her. The ranger, held her gaze finding her company quite pleasant. She was incredibly lovely, as most elven women were; however, her beauty had uniqueness to it. Her china doll features were complimented by long, flowing silver hair. “I’ve never seen anyone with hair quite like yours before” he complimented her. “It’s very lovely.” Shey’alis blushed adding endearment to her countenance. “It seems to draw a lot of attention.” Resting her hand on the crook of his elbow she asked, “So tell me, where is New Muriska?” Gyrfalcon accepted her touch easily, though it was not normally in his nature. "Across the Eastern Sea, actually. It's part of a tiny mountain kingdom, but it is home." She smiles winsomely at the ranger, and he smiled back. On the dais, Salinye frowned to herself before masking her expression.
Some geld and a kiss The maiden doth blush bright red Save moments like this Poetic pros and Laughter encircling those Who make memories
Well, this may or may not be right, but being a poetic newbie, I did what came to mind. :0) This is my first attempt at a sonnet. As you kiss me this warm day in spring Your lips meet mine with gentle longing Caring fingers entwine my hair Songs of praise my heart doth sing Stretching my hand to caress your face Your jaw a symbol of your strength Tilting your head into my sweet touch My heart doth soar in your embrace Parting I sink within your eyes Therein lie possibilities endless This first of most precious moments Love my heart doth not disguise With this kiss my soul just knew There is no living without you. Well, I can't say I'm satisfied with this, but I can say I gave it a try, neh?
Oops rofl I just remembered this was supposed to be the team effort! I was thinking that was an entirely different competition! *blushes* I'm sorry, Nyyark! I don't know what I was thinking. I really *DID* read your instructions, but then when I went back later to apply to different contests, I had it floating in my mind to try to write a sonnet and forgot about the team part. Uhg....Some times I wonder about this brain of mine! ~Salinye