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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Salinye

  1. Salinye grabs Finnius up into as much of a bear hug as the mage can muster. "Thank you, Finnius. The tour was better than I could imagine. I'll be sure to tell all the ladies what an incredible date you were!" With that she winks at the purple Finnius Whateverwhatever O'Harpy and retires to her room pondering the things she had seen and learned. ~Salinye
  2. I am most like.....*drum roll*... I know, the shock nearly killed you, eh? ~Salinye
  3. I'm stressed out of my mind! Someone say something nice! ............. Please? ~Salinye
  4. *hugs Psimon* Hey, long time no see...I hope you'll stick around. :0) ~Salinye
  5. Salinye steals Ayshela for a quick hug, then smiles and steps aside to let others get to her. ~Salinye
  6. Salinye glides through the crowd awaiting her turn at each promotee and gives them a big hug and well earned congratulations. :0) ~Salinye
  7. All right! It’s time to announce the long awaited results of the bachelor auction. But, before I do, I wanted to reiterate a few of the finer details. This entire event was for the sole purpose of having fun and getting to know our neighbors here at Pen Keep. The ladies paid for the bachelors, so they get to pick how it will work in each partnership. So, you have several options of how to work this. 1. She can choose to have her partner write something about/for her. 2. She can choose to have her partner write up how their supposed date went. (Here the bachelor can choose to make it a nightmare, humorous, chaotic, no one says it has to be romantic! :0)) So, ladies, if you pick this option, remember you are placing the date in their creative hands! 3. She can choose to get with her partner and co-write the date or something entirely different. For instance, perhaps your partner can travel back in time and you want him to take you back so you can stop that tree from falling on your dog….etc…*grins* However you choose to work it, just make sure you have a good time and hopefully get to participate in some fun, creative writing and even perhaps get to know a Pen Friend better. :0) If the first part and/or final one time post (depends how you are doing it) is posted by the bachelor by Sunday, July 25th, then the bachelor will earn 20 geld instead of 10 for his participation. :0) Now, for the list…Some women have two bachelors, such were the ratios. One ambitious and crazy gal even has three. *grins* Purple Shadows-Ozymandias, Jirah Tanuchan-Peredhil, Merelas Salinye-Gyrfalcon, Finnius Katzaniel-Daryl, The Death of Rats Jade-Vlad Ayshela-Nuncio, Xaious Tzimfemme-Orlan, Mira Zariah-Gwaihir Mynx-Gryphon Izabella-Falcon2001, Dean the Adequate Signe-Regel Alaeha-Aural, Mr. Bunny, Elrohir Yui-Wyvern, Jonathan Wolfe Have a great time, and don’t hesitate to pm me with any questions, comments, concerns! *hugs to all* ~Salinye
  8. I would probably want to create my own character, unless you wish for me to sit this one out since I am a newcomer. I was in Ozy's original game (I was the wolf mwahahha) but you can let me know. :0) ~Salinye
  9. I'll play. :0) I don't know which character I'll dream up yet, as I don't think you've declared a definitive theme, have you? I know how to play this IRL, we call it mafia, but I need to brush up on your rules thread. :0) ~Salinye
  10. I don't mind if you bid together, just GET THOSE BIDS IN, ladies. *grins* I can't start making announcements until you do. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif ~Salinye
  11. Well, not all dates have to be romantic! Some could be the worst of your life, or an adventure between friends, or something completely comical. Even miss Yui bid! *grins* Also, instead of having your bachelor write up a date, there is always the option of having him write something for/about you instead. :0) ~Salinye
  12. LOL Gryphon! Not sure how, but I scored 100 on you and I'm positive I guessed on a couple of them! Funny, I score 100 on yours and Zero on Zadown...I'm on a roll!! *grins* ~Salinye
  13. Did *YOU* bid on anyone Elwen? You should. :0) Goes both ways! We need all our gals a voting! Come on ladies! Don't make me hunt you down to get your votes. I know of several of you who must have forgotten what day it is because I know who you want to bid for! GET THOSE BIDS TO ME! *hugs* ~Salinye
  14. OOC Note: If Wyvern missed anyone, you can blame this elf! It would be my fault! But, if he did, I'm sure he'll add you in! Just pm me. (He can't get pm's atm. Having connectivity issues, I believe.) ~Salinye **added Nuncio and Elrohir to the list, P.**
  15. GOOF PRIZE! I am REALLY hurt..I mean RIGHT through the heart that Mr. Bunny didn't take my proposition seriously!! *throws down the fake bunny ears and poofy tail* Last time he hears from ME! *storms away a woman scorned!* ~Salinye
  16. YAY! Salinye throws confetti and hugs Xaious and Tanny! Awards well deserved!! ~Salinye
  17. AYSHELA! *glares at her friend* You need to rebid. I *KNOW* you have 106 geld, but you can NOT bid on ALL the bachelors! *shakes her head* Some girls! *grins teasing* ~Salinye
  18. Mr. Bunny and I alone in a carrot patch-forever bliss MWAHAHAHHA *adds a last minute bribery haiku*
  19. I cannot express what love is to me, for it is within. It is the air that I breathe. It gives me reasons worth living. It’s in the thoughts of my mind. Making memories forever cherished. It’s in the beat of my heart. It inspires me to forget all past pains. I am here because love is within me. I shall never let go.
  20. LOL if anyone specifically requests mr. Bunny, he's ALL THEIRS! *grins* Otherwise, whichever lucky lady wins you, Stick. They get to choose which character they wish. So, better just have Mr. Bunny trim his whiskers and put on his best hat! ~Salinye
  21. For those of you who don't want to pour over the long sign up thread.... Xaious Peredhil Finnius Merelas Regel Gyrfalcon Daryl Falcon2k1 Gryphon Orlan Stick Jirah Ozzy Aural Death of Rats Mira Dean the Adequate Gwaihir Vlad Jonathan Wolfe Nuncio Elrohir **edited to add a couple of names I left off!**
  22. BUMP! Ladies! I'm waaaaaaiting! Thanks, Tanny! ~Salinye
  23. Katz, you've got some issues, honAy. And I don't mean that boyfriend of yours, either. ~Salinye
  24. Ladies, if you'de like to win a bachelor, it is time to send in those bids! Here is a link to how to do that if you haven't already read it! Now, my inbox should start filling up right about now! ~Salinye
  25. roflmao Z, I have defied all the laws of statistics on yours. Time to read up on some of your stories. *hugs* ~Salinye
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