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Well, I definitely have strong feelings about both religion and spirituality. I do often think they coincide, but not always. I think most good religions tend to have spirituality entwined within them. I would call myself both a religious woman and a spiritual woman. I spent the better part of my life dabbling and studying as Stick mentioned, many different religions until I found one that brings me happiness. I don’t think I could honestly be labeled as a desperately needy person, nor as a person who is sheep like and refusing to think for herself. I feel like I have found a structured religion that works for me. I follow it, not because someone tells me I should, but because I choose to. I want to. It brings me happiness. Why would I not do something that brings me so much joy? Now, as for spirituality…I treasure my spirituality more than my religion. Granted, my religion is based around spirituality. My personal relationship with God is by far the most important part of my religious/spiritual beliefs. Now, I can understand why some people get a negative impression of religion. There are people who wield religion as a weapon to get people to conform to their beliefs. There are people who use religion for the very means that it opposes. That truly is a sad thing. But that is also when I have to remember that people error and spirituality doesn’t. People can twist and distort religion, but they can’t hurt spirituality for that is a very personal thing. However, just because religion CAN be warped, doesn’t mean all religion is. I believe good and bad can probably be found in all things. A man I admire once had this to say about his religion and others. “Tell your friends to bring the truths that they have found to the table, and see what truths you can add to them.” Even though I have found a set religion that I choose to follow, I still love to study other religions and belief systems. I love to find the truths in different religions. They are there, even if there are things I don’t believe threaded with them. I don’t feel a need to put down others religions or lack of, because I’m happy they have found a life that works and hopefully enhances their own spirituality. Finally, on the thought of forcing your beliefs on others, I will only speak on the subject of religions that fall under the flag of Christianity. Christ never forced anything, and for us to do so goes against the gospel. When people do that, they may not realize it, but they are acting against the very gospel they are likely preaching. So I would encourage people to remember that People error. We all error. Anyway, I guess that’s all I have to say about that at this time. I hope it makes sense. :0)
Serena walked around looking at different people, trying to decide if she recognized any of them. She doubted they would recognize her. Back in high school she had been among the nerdiest. Not many people paid her much mind unless it was to be snide or cruel. Since graduation, things had changed for her quite a bit. She had outgrown her gangly form and developed into a lovely young woman. She had also completed college with honors and become the editor of the successful Shades magazine. It really was too bad that getting the invitation in the mail had sent he reeling back into old high school insecurities. She wasn’t normally much of a drinker, but it was all she could do to get the nerve to show up and to escape the feeling that they all saw her just as they used to. Uhg…what am I doing here? Feeling another overwhelming wave of nervousness, she turned around and headed back for the door she came in.
LOL Fun indeed! You sigh with that shotgun placed to your head It could be worse, I laugh. You could be dead! You cry and plead that you don’t need a wife, You claim to be too young for married life! My pa, he looks upon you in disgust, Perhaps you should learn to control your lust! You will do the right thing by my daughter, Or like the fattened calf, I will slaughter! For a lifetime you will suffer and pay, Because of that careless romp in the hay. ~Salinye
Okay, Alaeha! I found two of your previous poetry exercises that i had missed and not done! So, I gave this one a try! I'm not sure it's right, but it was fun. I tried only three lines per stanza with an AC rhyme. Then I stuck the line with the shorter foot in the middle. Does it work? If feels a bit choppy to me. Mother Earth hiccupped thoughtlessly A tiny village was Shaken and swept into the sea She twirled a finger through her hair Sadly, that twister’s rage Caught that southern town unaware In her sorrow, she cried great tears That raging water would Flood the villa for many years Oh mother Earth, though we deserve Your contempt and swift ire Please us, forgive-Please us, preserve
I think this should be stickied. I've found myself searching for Alaeha's poetry exercises many times! Just a thought from a silly Salinye. ~Salinye
Kunax~ I originally started these questions as food for thought. I find I like looking through the little windows of insight that people give when they answer them. I like to know who some of the people behind the writers are. Also, they are fun and so far, people have been able to respond with conflicting opinions in peaceful and non offending ways. :0) I post them still because people have requested that I continue to do so and also because I really enjoy reading the answers and answering them myself. ~Salinye
Alaeha, I was going through old poetry I had written on this board and realized that all of the ones I liked best were once I wrote in response to your poetry classes. I was wondering, would you be willing to hold them again? I know you have some bigger poetry classes going on with the carnival, but I'd love to see some like you were doing before, if you have time. I learned so much and would love to relearn! *Hugs* ~Salinye
OOC: I was in the mood to write, so I sat down deciding to write free form style letting whatever escape. This is what turned out. I have an explanation of sorts, but I'll see what you think first. Remember it was written free style, so I'm sure it's in DIRE need of editing. :0) Did you know you saved me? I was lost, so lost. Swimming in the ocean of life. Did I say swimming? I meant drowning. Sinking to the bottom of a life I didn't understand. With all my might I fought against the current of hostilities. Kicked to free my legs from the seaweed like vines of discouragement. Held my breath against the all-consuming waters of abuse that threatened to consume me. Looking upwards, the salty residue of contention stinging my eyes I could see the lit surface of the water beckoning me to win the fight. Stretching my arm upward I reached for acceptance, and understanding, air. I was tired, and my reach fell short of my goal. I wasn't going to win this fight alone. Suddenly the glass like surface of the water rippled its protest As your hand descended into the violent pits and clasped my hand. You fingers entwined with mine pulling me upward, gently bringing me to new heights. For a moment, as the seaweed regretfully let go of my ankles I dared to hope, to envision, to love and be loved. It was only as my face was freed from its watery prison To be kissed by the sunlight and my nostrils deeply inhaled The warm breeze of unconditional love did I truly see- There is a life outside of the ocean.
(True and Pure freeform written hastily within a few minutes time.) Sometimes we get gifts that still have Celestial dust on them... Be sure when I run my fingers through your hair I am only brushing off remaining particles of Heaven. I sit here...late at night, thinking of you...You are only a room away, yet I can feel your spirit as if you are right beside me, no you're closer...You are inside me. You are half of me. I used to be only half a person, did you know that? I was never whole a day of my life before I met you. I'm sure that I stood watching over you from the clouds for three years while you forgot me and started your new life here on Earth. But did you forget me? I think not. I think like me, on the day we met you had that feeling...you know that feeling of...I know you...I've always known you...Then that day our lips first touched by accident sending our hearts soaring together...I will never forget the song you sang to me at the bottom of a trail on the waters edge...That song, your face, is embedded in my heart forever. I knew that day that I was finally being offered the rest of myself...And then as I looked at you in your white purities kneeling looking back at me saying "I will" I knew that I too was half of you. Not only are you half of me, but you have made the half of me I started out with SO much better! I have never been complete without you. I will never be complete without you. You hold my life, my heart in your hand and in your heart. I will never forget that you loved me in a way that no other was willing to do. I will never forget that you see in me something no one else could see. I will never forget that YOU alone are proof enough that we have a loving Heavenly Father, Because only He could make You. And You are half of me...Thank you for giving me reason to exist, and a knowledge of why I exist. Thank you. I owe you my life. You saved me...more than once...Before you I could not see, because Before you I was not whole. Thank you...
I'm reviving this thread in order to collect much of my writing together in one place so that I don't lose it and so that it's easier to work with for revamping, etc. I created this thread ages ago, I'm just now finally completing it's purpose. Please feel free to comment or critique anything that is here although, be warned that much of it is just as the title suggests, Ramblings...:0) Quill Quest Links (Madame Quixotic) http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9682&hl ooc thread http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9710&hl Predictions http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9683&hl QQ http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9721&hl Link to all the finished works Wayward Daughter http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...c=10400&hl= A Time For Two http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...c=12113&hl= The "F" Word http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...c=14840&hl= Marked, which stemmed from Strange Bonds, which has evolved into a novel in progress and is much revised from anything found here. http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...c=13327&hl= The Hunt http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9694&hl= Hostel Fox http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=9057&hl=
Do you consider yourself religious and/or spiritual? If so or not, what is religion and/or spirituality to you? (Again, sorry, it's been a while since I posted one of these and I stopped counting how many we're on now!) ~Salinye
Salinye kept a pleasant soft smile plastered onto her face as Garon made his end of the night announcements. She didn’t like how he grouped her with him, “We’d like to thank you….” As if they were a couple already. It was her understanding that she got this month to decide if that is the course she would take. He seemed to be under the impression that there was no choice left to be made. However, she wouldn’t challenge or correct him, not yet. She would wait a bit and see how things played out. This was all quite sudden and new and for all she knew, he was acting within his bounds and she was being hypersensitive. Another thing that upset her was that she had lost track of Gyrfalcon and Gabriel in the moving crowd. Many people had approached Garon to thank him for a lovely evening. When she had a chance to scan the room again, both her godfather and the ranger were no longer there. Standing outside the coach Garon had provided for her she let go of his arm and looked up to him with a smile. “Thank you for a lovely evening, Garon. Everything was beautiful.” “It was my greatest honor to have you at my side, Salinye.” Garon smiled pulling her into a much closer embrace than she was comfortable with. Wrapping her arms around him she gave him a hug and then gently pulled back. He smiled confidently at her; he really was handsome. Taking both of her hands in his he slowly leaned forward with the intention of kissing her goodnight. Salinye didn’t have much time to think, on one hand, she did NOT want to kiss him; she wasn’t ready for that. On the other, she did not want to offend him. Making a last minute decision, she blushed turning her face to the side so that he could kiss her cheek. He stepped back with a pleasant soft laugh. He always mistook her blush as a sign of flattered shyness. This early in their renewed courtship, she could get away with such rejections without offending. Stepping back, he bowed regally before her. “Sleep well, Salinye. May I call upon you soon?” Smiling and stepping up into the coach she looked over her shoulder. “Of course.” ----------------------- Riding through the quiet streets of Fe’Thwyn she looked out the sheer curtained windows of the coach. Some coupled that lived nearby were enjoying a moonlit stroll back to their abodes. Salinye sighed at them enviously. They seemed to be enjoying the evening happily, without a care in the world. Her eyes narrowed in on a couple her coach was approaching. The first thing to catch her eye was the gait of the male elf. She would know him anywhere. The second thing she noticed was the incredible silver hair of the woman. She stayed veiled behind the curtain as they passed, but there was no mistaking Gyrfalcon and Shey’alis. She walked at his side, her arm linked within his. They appeared to hold pleasant conversation and worse yet, she seemed to hold the ranger’s attention and stare. She felt a rush of jealousy surge up within her. She wanted to jump from the coach and claim him as her own. These feelings surprised her. What right did she have to feel jealous? Was she not the one forcing him to wait and see if she’ll choose another man or not? Furthermore, was it not her who continually reminded him that she didn’t have faith in his feelings for her? He would be foolish not to explore other options. Maybe this will prove to him that he doesn’t feel for her the way he thinks he does. Well, that would be good. At least then I wouldn’t have to have any regrets surrounding my decision. …or so she told herself as her coach rounded a corner removing the walking couple from her view.
LOL I'll do my best Aardvark-San....Wax on....Wax off.... ~Salinye
*laughs and claps a hand over Aardvark's mouth* Shoosh you! No scaring our guests with your tall tales! ~Salinye
You are all so kind and so sweet. Thank you. I feel sort of foolish, I have no major crisis going on. Just some small day to day sort of crisis that got the better of me. I'm doing well now and appreciate that you are all here for days like that to lift my spirits! *great big giant hugs to you all* ~Salinye
And, after in the dark, there was Jonathan
Salinye replied to jonathan_wolfe's topic in Conservatory Archives
Scarlot continues writing as Jonathan politely placed his application upon her desk. She never looked up and her distracted words were the only acknowledgment that she even cared he was there. “Great. Pick a room in the underground. You’ll be under consideration until you accept a small mission with some others. If you prove your worth and that you can work well with the others, you’ll be reviewed for full membership.” Her tone of voice made it clear that from her end, the conversation was over. OOC: I'll be putting a mission together for you and Katz and a few others shortly. Sorry for the delay, muse has been on a vacation! *hugs* ~Salinye -
FWAP! Katzaniel narrowed her feline eyes at the dark elven woman as a dagger stuck into the frame of the door a mere inch from her face, although, she did not flinch. Scarlot kicked her feet up upon her desk and smiled charmingly at her. “I said knock. If you want mutual respect, then we start now. Next time, I won’t aim for the doorframe.” Before the tigertaur could respond, Scarlot continued. “Now, before you can open that furry mouth of yours in some witty retort or futile threat, let me finish. We both consider ourselves strong women. Some may even call us arrogant. Both of us probably think if we came toe to toe that we could outdo the other. Who knows who is right? Perhaps if we butt heads long enough, we’ll find out.” “Until then, this is way too early to have a pissing contest, and like it or not, I am your superior around here. If you really want to be part of this organization, then you’ll have to accept the fact that I have a fair amount of power and little if anything goes on here without my authorization. Now, drop your papers here on my desk and feel free to pick a room in the underground. For now you can consider yourself in consideration. Soon, if you’re serious, you’ll be sent on a small mission with some others. We’ll see if you are able to work with people and get the job done. At that point, we’ll review you for full membership.” Scarlot did not remove her feet from her desk. She merely held Katz’s gaze waiting to see how she would respond. The thing about Scarlot is, you never know when she’s talking to hear herself talk or when she’s testing someone. OOC: Sorry for the delay, Katz. Been distracted! *hugs*
Salinye found herself back in the conference room that she had called people to several days before. Was it only several days? It seemed so much longer to the mage. Time had a way of extending itself through one’s memories. Events that take place within hours can take up virtual miles of thought, every action packed second stored in it’s own respected place. She ran an absent-minded finger over the spines of the books upon the shelving, each book claiming expertise on this society or that race. Knowledge collected from some other scholar, warrior or self-proclaimed adventurer. How could we really claim to know a group of people unless we had lived among them? Until you’ve submersed yourself in their culture, studied their histories and heard tales of their future aspirations, how could you really claim to know them? Furthermore, was it really any different with individuals? She didn’t think so. This brings us back to the issue of time. People make judgments. Sure, the moral person tries not to judge without careful consideration, taking the time to weigh all the facts. However, we sometimes find ourselves in a position without time, yet still with the need to make decisions, judgments. Sometimes the results of these half educated decisions cost a person nothing more than extra explanation, or of lost time, itself. However, ask any military leader and he’ll tell you the results of these decisions can be life and death. He’ll also tell you that he stands by those decisions regardless of the outcome because after all, a decision had to be made, and somebody had to make it. Salinye wasn’t vain enough to compare herself with any great warrior or leader. However, she did feel she was at a crossroads. Something was happening. She was suddenly finding herself surrounded by people, friend and foe. She didn’t truly know any of them well enough to make any sort of educated judgments about them. True, they had fought side by side, but self-preservation is a strong instinct. It tends to override most other emotions when a matter of life or death arises. On one hand, up until a few days ago, she had been finding herself rather drawn to The Pen. Thoughts that it might just be the type of community and home-away-from-hostel she had been searching for. On the other hand, some of the members there presented themselves as shady at best. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue for Salinye. Many people frequented her hostel, and not all seemed forthright about their business or travels, but that didn’t matter. All were welcome at Custos Manor just as long as they didn’t give her a reason to think otherwise. She expected no less from Pen Castle. However, now that she was seemingly under attack, the character of people surrounding her now became of grave importance. She already knew that Gyrfalcon was more than he let on and this most recent letter from her “anonymous informant” seemed to paint a less than stellar picture of the Loremaster and founder, Ozymandias. She wasn’t sure of his history, but this new letter did inform her that he specialized in phantasm magic. She knew that Ozy came from the group of people that called themselves “archmages”. She was very unfamiliar with them and wasn’t entirely sure she believed the story of their pasts. She was skeptical of a group of people that claimed to be constantly killed, sent to a hell and reborn. It didn’t go along with the mythological or spiritual teachings that any of her people had studied. However, according to the letter, phantasm magics can often include mental attacks/manipulations. Just as she wasn’t sure of the people around her, she also wasn’t sure about this unknown pen pal she had acquired. However, she was careful to look at all sides of the situation. With the new information about Ozy, her “informant” for lack of a better word, also told her of some whisperings he/she had heard around The Pen. Several times her name came up in less than pleasant conversation. Murmurings of unleashing undead and hordes to do the work for them , had been mentioned. She looked at the letter reading the last few lines again. As always, my lady, Salinye, my information could be wrong. However, if there is even a chance that it is accurate, then I feel it is worth mentioning it to you. I hope this letter finds you well. Just to be on the safe side, I have included this protection from undead potion. It is not the most powerful potion you have found, as I am still a learning mage. I hope it is not needed, however, if it is, I hope it finds you well and is of use. Tucking the note back into seemingly nowhere, she sighed sitting down in one of the high back chairs. Running her hands over her face wearily. She still hadn’t regained her energy and the mental stress was weighing on her, and she was only barely able to conceal it from the others. Interlacing her fingers, she placed her hands upon the table and waited to see if Merelas had passed on her request for a meeting, and who would attend.
My character will be Serena. Super ub0r geek in highschool. After graduation, she came into her own becomming quite successful and beautiful, however, not being able to escape the demons of her past, she still feels like the rejected nerd on the inside. *grins* So, she got drunk for the reunion type occassion. lol Every reunion has to have one! ~Salinye
Ahhh, good call, Ayshela! I missed that! *grins* Sorry Kunax! You see why we guilds work as a team. ~Salinye
Serena swayed to the side leaning on the side of the building. Pulling a crumpled up piece of paper from her black silk purse, she matched the address that was hastily written on it with the numbers on the building. “Yep, this is the place.” She thought to herself as she tucked the paper away, snapping her purse securely shut. Placing a hand to her roughly styled black hair, she smoothed the front of deep burgundy spaghetti string cocktail dress and walked up the stairs. Not quite drunk enough to slur her words, yet tipsy enough to sway a bit, she entered the room ignoring the people in her search to see if there would be an open bar at this shin dig.
Yes, you can write for one, two or all three rare items. Also, you can bid on your own, if it is won. Yes, you would end up with no geld exchange, but you would have to have the geld initially to win and you would end up with the item, so I think that's fair. :0) That answer your questions? ~Salinye
LOL I'd happily write one up for you, Gwai. I seem to remember you asking me to do something like that back before my hiatus. *hugs* I'll get on it. ~Salinye
ANOTHER AUCTION! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Only this one is just a little bit different! We the guild leaders have come up with a fantabulous contest that will end with an auction. This will be our last collective event of the Summer Solstice Carnival. You will still see individual events here and there, but this will be our last Grand Group Gala! (Say that ten times fast, will ya?) Anyway! Each of the guilds has come up with the name of a rare and unique one of a kind item. Your job is to write up a description of what those items are. You dream it up, and we can make it work! Things you may want to include could be, the history of the item, it’s appearance, how it works, limitations, down sides of the item…etc. Here is how the contest works: 1. I will post the name of each item. You then are welcome to write a submission on each, any or all three of the items. 2. You pm your submission to the guild leader in charge of the particular rare item’s submissions. 3. When the deadline is over, each GL in charge of the individual submissions will put up a poll with each submission listed. (Authors name will not be revealed until after the vote is over. Each submission will instead be numbered.) 4. The Pennites will then be welcome to read over all the submissions. They will be given 3 days to vote on which submission should be attached to the item. 5. Once a submission is chosen, from that time forward, that *IS* the description and history of that rare item. 6. Finally, we will auction off all three rare items to the highest bidders. (Details on how the auction will take place will be posted soon. We are still discussing that, and I think it will probably be an open public auction this time.) 7. The winning geld amount will be awarded to the author of the winning submission. (Basically this means if my description is chosen, and Mira is the winning bidder for that item, then I get the geld he bid.) Now, just to clarify, all winning geld will not be awarded until after the bidding is final. So, everyone only has the geld they earn previous to the contest to work with. If your character wins one of the rare items, then you can forever have free use of it in your writing and rp’s. :0) Now, for the list of rare items: The Coin of Endless Schemes-PM submissions to Alaeha The Pendant of Canla the Silver-Tongued-PM submissions to Katzaniel The Faithstone of the Zealot-PM submissions to Salinye DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS SUNDAY AUGUST 1st.
Very nice, Wyvie. :0) I know all three, but I won't say so that others can guess. :0) ~Salinye