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Everything posted by Salinye
Have you ever realized you weren’t actually in love and had to tell the person who WAS actually in love with YOU? Have you ever claimed a star or group of stars as your own? Have you ever sought comfort when seeing that group of stars, knowing that it must be a sign from the universe that someone cares? Have you ever looked around and realized you have things you would die in a most torturous way to protect? Have you ever been duct taped to a chair and put in an elevator with all the buttons pushed? Have you ever had true pure unconditional love? Have you ever been iceblocking? (sliding down grassy hills on ice blocks) Have you learned how odd a feeling it is that with everyone in life, you have to fall in love, but when your child is born, there is no falling? It is instantaneous, fierce and there from that moment. Have you ever had 11 teen age girls have a slumber party at your house and not go to bed until 5am? (You see why I’m so tired today!) Have you ever not been able to sleep because of the storylines spinning in your head? Have you ever had to get up at 3am and write so that your muse would let you sleep?
Sorry for not having voted that round. Had all the teenage girls from church stay the night at my house for a big slumber party yesterday. No one went to sleep before 5am, so I"m off to take a nap while my kids are sleeping, then I'll catch up on the boards! *hugs* ~Salinye
Outside Wyvern’s office stood a monstrous sight. Poor Melba had hidden herself in the supply closet and refused to leave until “it left”. A very large, very intimidating bikini clad ogress stood with her arms folded across her chest. Around her belly button was a tattoo that read “Salinye’s Muse”. She called to him through the closed door. “You no com out ‘til you see tha’ beeg leezard. If he say no to you, I come talk wit’ him!” With that, she nodded her head in silent confirmation to herself and remained on guard. ~Salinye's Muse
ROFL Wow, such claims when we've only ever spoken ONCE! My reputation proceeds me or some such. Have you been talking to Gyrfalcon??? ~Salinye
Salinye sighed as the door closed behind the ranger. Turning an angry eye on Mira, she allowed her frustration to get the better of her. “Why did you have to be so rude? Can’t you see this entire situation is really difficult for him?” Mira laughed in disdain. “You’re asking that of the one who has been tied and gagged and is now held hostage against his will?” He spat his venom-laced words at her. “Sorry if my manners aren’t what you wish, Dove. Oh wait, or is it Salinye?” As much as she wanted to dispute his angry words, she knew he had a right to feel as he did. She ran a hand through her hair and suddenly couldn’t go another minute without a shower. “Look, Mira. I know this looks bad to you, and I really meant what I said back in the stable. Look, I’m going to go clean up get changed. Afterwards, I’ll let you loose and we can talk. I’ll answer any questions you have. “Yeah, like I can believe anything you say?” He scoffed. She shook her head and walked into her bathing quarters slamming the door behind her. -------------------------------------------------- An hour and a bubble bath later, Salinye returned to her sitting room feeling better than she had in a week. Her long blonde hair was still very damp and hung straight down her back. Her comfortable royal blue pajamas felt much more familiar than the wool country nightgown she was dressed in before. The bottom of the drawstring pants rested on the top of her manicured feet. Her sister used to tease her about her foot fetish. She could be going into battle, and beneath her boots, anyone who looked would find beautifully painted toenails. Mira looked up at her and couldn’t help the surprise that crept into his face. She looked at him quizzically. “What? You’ve never seen anyone in pajamas before?” He furrowed his brow and shook his head. “No, it’s not that. What happened to your tattoo? Let me guess, that was fake to?” “I’m afraid so.” She said gently with a nod. “I’m actually a mage, not a fighter.” He laughed bitterly and looked as if he might say something when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. “Hold that thought.” She said before standing, the door opening before her. Out in the hall stood Daryl, in human form, wearing sunglasses and holding a tray full of various foods. “Oh, Hey Tom.” She stepped out of his way. He cocked a curious brow, gave her a trademark smirk and entered the room. Closing the door behind him she turned as he set the tray on the table. He then turned and pointed to Mira. “So, this the guy I’m supposed to kill? Gyrfalcon said you didn’t want to get any blood on your carpet, so I was supposed to take him down to the dungeons.” Salinye folded her arms raising her eyebrow at the werefox. “Tom.” She cooed in her best “you be good” voice. “So, what are your wishes? You want another head for your collection, or should I let the Scantavia boys at him?” Despite his words, a grin tugged at his lips, showing Mira that perhaps he only had a macabre sense of humor. Perhaps…. The mage rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to him, Mira. He’s just causing trouble…as usual.” She pulled a chair up in front of Mira and sat down to face him. “Alright, you are free for the moment.” The moment she spoke the words, the bounty hunter felt the constricting binds loosen and disappear. “Now, before you get any grand ideas, let me just remind you that you’re horribly outnumbered. Before you could reach into your jacket and draw a dagger, we’d have you subdued. I promise to take good care of your weapons, but I’m going to have to ask for you to turn them over to me. If you refuse, I’ll have Tom here take them from you.” Mira sized the two of them up thoughtfully. He didn’t know exactly what each of his captors was capable of, but something told him that if he was going to make a move, he should buy time until he found a better moment of opportunity. Daryl cracked his hands and grinned at Mira, the sunglasses reflecting back his own expression only making the expression more intimidating. Silently, he reached into his jacket and handed her several daggers. “Is that all of them?” She asked him, her eyes bearing into his. He nodded. She considered him for a moment before standing and turning her back to him. “Alright, thank you. I’ll put them with the rest of your things.” Daryl stepped forward, “Hey Sal, you want me to check him? Make sure he isn’t lying?” “No. I believe him.” He gently squeezed her arm. “Sal, you can’t just trust people like that. Let me check him.” She placed her hand on top of his and smiled. “Tom, we spent the last several days at a farm house, he didn’t have much reason to carry many weapons. Most of his things were packed. Besides, I don’t think he’ll hurt me.” Daryl let go of her arm and rubbed the back of his neck looking between her and her hostage. He knew Sal had good judgment, but he could tell from the look of her that she had been through quite an ordeal. “Alright. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you or something?” Salinye smiled affectionately to her friend. “You’re very sweet to worry, but I think I have things under control. However, I was hoping you could send your pet fox over for the night. I could use some Daryl cuddling and I would appreciate a “guard dog” of sorts.” Daryl shrugged easily, not fazed at the least by the sudden ploy. "If you want, Salinye, though he has this habit of growling at strangers." “That’s alright, I’m sure after all Mira has been through, a little growling won’t bother him.” Daryl gave her arm a quick squeeze before leaving her quarters. Turning back to Mira she closed her eyes and whispered a few words under her breath. As she did so, a wall of energy formed between them. It had a very faint blue aura about it. Grabbing the tray, she set it on the floor and slid it through the wall to him. “I’m sorry to keep you caged. I gave you the side of the room that has the bathroom, if I need one, I’ll use another. If you need anything, please ask. For now, please eat, and I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.
OOC: I don't know how i missed that, Ayshela! But I edited my post to reflect it! *grins* Thanks for talking with her all night, she was so lonely! *sniffle sniffle* ~Salinye
"Regel? Is it true? How lovely!" The elven woman draws him into a warm hug of friendship. "Happy birthday, Regal one." She then steps aside so his many friends can hug him and send their own well wishes. ~Salinye
Serena entered the dining hall rather timidly. The first person that had befriended her was under guard as a suspect for murder. She had been informed by one of the staff that another murder had taken place while they all slept. That meant, the murderer was still here. I've got to get out of here! She thought to herself. Scanning the room, she started to take note of where all the exits were. Perhaps she could sneak away somehow. Sitting down at an unoccupied table, she ordered breakfast and started to form a plan in her mind hoping Shana would arrive soon. OOC: I'll vote, but not ready yet. *grins* ~Salinye
Salinye tackle hugs MErry to the floor! Another Herald! Just like MEEEEEE! *hugs him tightly!* Must run in the family, eh? *winks* ~Salinye
TANNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Salinye embraces her friend and SQUEEEEEEEZES! YAY! YOu're a poet and you didn't know it...errr but WE did! *grins* ~Salinye
I posted the lyrics on Mira, Tanny. :0) ~Salinye
The time to enter submissions is now closed. Three polls will appear today with the individual item submissions. You can vote through this Wednesday, authors will be revealed when the voting is over. :0) ~Salinye
Yes, I misread and thought it was a highschool reunion lol so had to adjust my weirdo first posts lol. Don't feel too badly! ~Salinye
Salinye smiled as she was led into Gabriel’s elegant dining room. She had many fond memories here. Midnight ice cream with her godfather among her favorites. Gyrfalcon looked up as she thanked the servant who brought her there. Setting his spoon down, he stood, swallowing his bite of warm cereal and wiping his mouth with a cream cloth napkin. “Salinye. Please, have a seat. Are you hungry?” The mage laughed and sat down at the end of the table, adjacent to where he sat. “No, I ate hours ago.” Gyrfalcon sat back down as well shooting her a sheepish grin. “I overslept this morning. Did you sleep well?” The mage returned his smile, her heart sinking just a bit as she lied to him. “Yes, did you?” The ranger looked a bit tired to her as he shrugged. “Meh. Not so much. Had some odd dreams.” Being no stranger to nightmares, she reached over to gently place a hand on his arm. “Care to share them with me?” A twinkle shone is his eyes as he crinkled his brow exaggerating his thoughtfulness. “Well, first there was that horrible one where Garon professed his love to me.” Salinye rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You’re impossible.” “OH! But then there was that one where I got to dance the night away with a beautiful woman. You in fact.” He winked. Smacking his arm she blushed as the ranger expected she would. “Fine, fine. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t wish to!” “Sorry, all jokes aside. I just remember being chased, hunted. Only I can’t remember by what or why.” He shrugged shoveling another bite of his cereal that was growing cold, into his mouth. “I’m sorry. I hate nights like that. It’s probably all the stress I’ve put on you.” She frowned knowing inwardly it was probably true. He simply shook his head and waved his hand dismissively at the suggestion and swallowed his food. “Nonsense, they were just random odd dreams. We all have them.” “I suppose. Anyway, what did you think of last night?” “Mmm... I didn't get to see as much of you as I'd want to. Most of my table companions were beautiful, charming, and insanely interested in a foreign half-elf.” He rolled his eyes. Squeezing his arm, she burst out laughing. “Yes, that was my reaction as well!” He smirked depreciatingly. “Lord Attaway was quite thoughtful of you.” “Yeah, or he was trying to get me out of the way by throwing women at me.” “Well, they didn’t seem all bad.” She did her best to sound casual. “You seemed to make a…friend.” She nervously ran a hand through her hair. “The Lady Shey'alis. She actually took the hint when I discreetly suggested I'd rather not be the only subject of the night.” He shrugged finishing off the last of his breakfast. “Shey'alis. That's a pretty name. I'm not as familiar with her.” For the moment, she appreciated her royal upbringing and ability to mask her true feelings. He nodded thoughtfully. “She seems to be fairly unique. I've not seen a silver-haired high elf... ever, actually. A few moon elves but that's it.” “Yes, she’s a rare beauty indeed.” Her voice had the tiniest of an edge to it as she felt a twinge of jealousy. Picking up on her worry, he smiled humored. “She’s not as beautiful as you are, though.” Salinye rolled her eyes. “She is beautiful, very. I wasn’t fishing for compliments.” Gyrfalcon caught her hand in his as she removed it from his arm. "I'm serious, Salinye. She may be beautiful, but it’s the beauty of a statue... cold. You're beautiful the way a meadow is - warm and alive and expressive." She lowered her eyes feeling her face heat up in the way it always seemed to around him. Looking up to meet his gaze she spoke. "I saw you two walking, you looked…comfortable.” “Well, she wasn't barraging me with questions. In fact, I was learning about what's currently going on in this city.” He replied honestly, yet rather lamely. She raised an eyebrow looking directly into his green eyes. “So then, you weren’t attracted to her?” He frowned. “I was, actually. It's odd... as soon as I was removed from her presence, the attraction disappeared.” “I…see. That’s very…interesting.” She was surprised by his direct and honest answer and tried hard to keep any hurt from showing in her eyes. Gyrfalcon looked at her beseechingly. "I don't understand it myself, Salinye. Is there some form of magic that would do that?" “Well, there are of course many kinds of magic that can accomplish many different things. However, I really don’t think it’s likely. You, and Gabriel, for sure, would have noticed if someone was using trickery magic like that on you. Besides it wouldn’t make much sense.” “Well, perhaps the idea was to keep my focus on someone else, leaving you free for Garon.” His eyes darkened a bit. “I HATE people playing with my emotions.” “GyrE, I agree, that might have been in Lord Attaway’s mind when he chose your table companions, but I highly doubt he’d be sloppy enough to construct a ploy like that. I know you don’t like him, and I even understand, but that doesn’t make him a shady person. Besides, I’m very sensitive to magic, and I was highly aware of you last night. I’m absolutely positive I would have noticed if anyone had been casting magic on you.” Gyrfalcon leaned forward to look into her eyes, gently squeezing her hand in his intensity. "Believe me Salinye, someone is trying to sour our relationship. I don't go from attraction to nothing with the closing of a door." She shrugged, “Maybe you don’t usually. Maybe you’re just honestly quite physically attracted to her, Gyrfalcon.” She hardly ever used his full name, a thing the ranger did not miss. He sat back from her, looking across the room, his frustration growing. “I can’t explain it to you, Sal. There is just something not right about it.” “Well, I appreciate you being honest with me, and I can understand why it worries you, it worries me too. I really think there is only one thing you can do.” She looked down momentarily as he turned to meet her eyes once more. “I think you should definitely see her again.” She swallowed hard looking back up at him. He blinked at her disbelievingly. “What?” “Gyre, it’s the only way to be sure, really.” She said. Gyrfalcon blinked again. “Run that by me one more time?” “It's...It's the only way you can know if you truly have some feelings for her, Gyrfalcon. It's important that we know.” She shifted in her seat uncomfortable and avoided his eyes. He kept his intense stare on her and gently rubbed the top of her fingers with his thumb. “And what do you want, Salinye?" She caught her breath momentarily. “What do you mean?” Gyrfalcon smiled faintly. "You almost sound... hopeful." Salinye looked up to finally meet his eyes...."I'm not....I...I just really need to know...” "You wish that your choices would be simpler." he reasoned. She nodded thoughtfully. “ I wish that my choice would be simpler, yes. But...that isn't what I’m looking for, I'm not looking for an out, GyrE. I'm not. To be honest, you owe it to yourself to know. Gyrfalcon gently kisses her fingers. "I'm not sure if I agree. You and I have built something together - bonds of friendship and shared pains that I've shared with few others." She lowered her voice to a whisper, so easily completely drawn into him “Yes...Which is why I must know. If even with what we have, you find yourself attracted to her…” She left the sentence hanging. Gyrfalcon squeezes her fingers gently. "That's just it, Salinye. What matters most to me is the personality, the spirit... not looks, no matter how exotic. Besides, looks aren’t even the issue here. You know how often I compliment your beauty, am taken off guard by it. But if you view this as a potential problem, then I’ll see her again to show you that it isn’t.” Salinye sighed placing her free hand over his. “I want to be wrong. I want you to be right. I'm sorry this is all so hard, and as always, you have your full choices. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Not even stay in this city if you don't wish to. He grinned good-naturedly. "And leave you alone with only a werefox for companionship? Never!” “Oh, I have Garon.” She rolls her eyes then blushes at her own ill manners. “I really shouldn’t poke fun at him.” “Oh no, feel free. I’d like to poke him with sharp objects, personally.” “To be fair, I really need to try to see the good things in him. It’s not that he’s bad. I know, I know, you disagree. I just have absolutely no attraction to him whatsoever, but that doesn’t make him bad.” She said in his defense. “What's not to love about his supercilious attitude, or his rampant xenophobia…and there is always that large boil on his neck.” He asked feigning innocence. She simply laughed at him. “There is no Xenophobia, or boil. He’s actually quite generous, and you can hardly blame him for his attitude after I practically left him standing abandoned at the alter.” Gyrfalcon scowled softly. “Oh, he does *not* like half-elven rangers, I can tell you that.” “No darling, he doesn’t like you. You remind him of Dainin, and really, you can hardly blame him.” She reasoned. Raising an eyebrow, he scoffed at her trying to lighten the mood. “Oh yes I can! I’m fully capable of as many illogical hatreds as he is.” She smiled at him squeezing his hand again. “It’s clear to all who pay attention that we have “something” growing between us. He has a right to feel threatened. “Yeah well, forgive me if I have a hard time feeling much sympathy, but now, let’s move to more pleasing subjects, shall we?” She smiled glad to speak of other things. “Of course.” ~Salinye
Bump! Approximately 1 1/2 hours until this event is closed for submissions. (midnight PST) So, if you're achin' to write one, you have just a little bit more time!! Then tomorrow, the voting will begin. I think we'll set the voting to be Monday through Wednesday so we can start the Auction Thursday and end it by the end of the weekend. :0) ~Salinye
Wow! Psimon, that's wonderful news! I'm sorry to hear she has had a rough start of things, probably means she's going to be one strong lady! *hugs* Thanks for sharing, I'll keep her in my prayers! ~Salinye
Mira, you know I'm already a fan, but I especially love this poem. I love your use of italics, it makes the entire thing softer, adds a touch of elegance. I love the imagery of your poems being your armor. This entire poem has a very sweet touch to it. The thing I like is that although it could be a romantic poem, it also could be about someone who isn't a romantic relation, yet touched your life with their special friendship and love. Thanks for sharing. ~Salinye
A few more. :0) Guardian of the forests, he walks with nature’s kiss. Young at heart and noble in mind-honor bound. Roguish in charm yet ranger by trade, Free he is, with his humor and quick wit All within his circle of friends find trust. Lover of nature, AoA chocolate and one elven lass (Claims The Pen’s rumor mill) Oppose him, and you’re likely to meet Redemptio. Never betray him-You’ll have a friend for life. Always Yearning, Searching, Helping. Everyone Loves Ayshela. My thoughts are In my song. Reminding that All around-is beauty. Why not give me geld? You want to give me geld? Van full of geld would be good. Everyone donate geld! Really small pile of geld? No? FINE! Yesterday, the world was blessed with my birth. Unparalleled talent I share with the world. Inspiration is what I’m known for.
BUMP! Just over 24 more hours to write up a submission about one, two or all of these rare items! Get them in! Get them in!! ~Salinye
This one was just for fun! Peredhil, I think I'm having more fun with this than I was supposed to. *giggles* GAH! Pardon me! Was that your toe I stepped on? ACK! Did you have that bruise before? I’m SO sorry! Two left feet you see. HA! At least I didn’t take the table down with me… I…think I spoke to soon. *pulls spaghetti off his head* Really, it’s all part of my charm. *sheepish grin*
(Are you trying to make my face red? *I* may not be Salinye, but we both blush rather well!! Thank you for your sweet words. I'm just having fun learning and growing with all the amazing people here! *hugs*)
Secrets hide within her heart Always guarded. Always kept. Love, although hard to accept, Ironically, is easily given. Needs of others, she does attend. Yearning to heal and Embrace the sweetness of life. There, happy now? ~Salinye
OH! *blushes* I'm fine, truly! Just a small puff of steam that surfaced calling for a little poetic release. ~Salinye
OOC: Sorry, some wounds die hard, neh? Critique and comments are welcome. I'm not claiming it's a well thought out poem. Merely a vent of poetic steam. Why can’t you just love me? Was my birth your penalty? Is it so hard to speak lovingly? Have you lost all sense of decency? You’ve tainted all of my memories! You choose to think of me unpleasantly! You nurture my insecurities! I cannot live with this INSANITY! You look up and notice me. I am confused to hear your plea! I violently disagree! Long ago I set you free! Quit looking to me accusingly! Did you not know you hold the key? Can you not see I’ve found humility? Why keep yourself enslaved to hostility? Why can’t YOU just love me? ~Salinye
*grumbles* Alright, alright. *grins* Can we write about more than just one person even though we won't get paid for the additional people? ~Salinye