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Part B to Regel's Question: "Having changed this single event, speculate on how your life might be different today." ~Salinye
Serena lifts her head from the table as she hears Jaqui's speech. Rising shakily from the table as everyone turns to face her, she spoke in a voice that trembled slightly. "I admire your gifts of protection, and thank you doubly for your attempts to protect me. It perhaps is the only reason I'm alive. I'm sorry that it also could incriminate me. I can see why it could look bad, but I assure you, you are wrong. I think if someone tried to kill me, not once, but twice, and found me protected, they probably moved on to another victim. If you would like to have me shackled, I can't stop you, nor blame you, as one of us here *is* guilty. However, there are so few of us, and if we vote wrong, then another will die. Frankly, if the killer has been so intent upon killing me, perhaps being locked up *IS* the safest place. Please, let's find the actual killer, yes?" She looks around the room imploringly with fear in her eyes feeling as if she didn't have a friend in the world. ~Salinye
You know, I really don't think Regel meant to offend anyone. I think it is near impossible to claim that people don't have at least a few things they wish they had done differently. Perhaps regret is a bad word because many wise people have learned how to learn from bad choices or situations and move on from them. I think perhaps what Regel meant by this question originally is Do you have anything like that? Something you wish you had done differently. Something that maybe still comes to mind once in a while. Not would you change it, not do you regret it, just what is one of those things? I think by Peredhil pointing out early on in the thread that regret wasn't his healthy option, most people took the question down a different line of thinking. Which is GREAT. That's the whole purpose of these questions. There is no wrong or right way to answer. I think I've seen enough of Regel to know that he wasn't trying to offend anyone, only that he hoped to edge people to answering the question in a way that would allow them to also answer part two of the question. We've discovered something interesting, though. Regret is a controversial word! :0) Now, you certainly don't have to answer this question in any one way or another. However, we're all good to each other here and I honestly don't think our kind Regel meant to hurt anyone. (INfact, I bet he'd regret it if he has.) ~Salinye
Hey, I saw that I was accussed and I do have a rebuttle, it's 10pm and this is the first I've gotten to sit down and I'm exhausted. If I don't get to it tonight, I'll get to it in the morning. Sorry for the delay...one of those days... ~Salinye
*hugs* It's a beautiful poem, and makes me feel like I can feel how you feel. Wow, I should put that line in the repetition contest. I hope you feel better! ~Salinye
LOL When did you put that quote on your sig?? I believe Lumpy is speaking of the Canter (sp?) of endless booze. It's a Pen thing (May have originated in AM??) and wholly sacred by some. ~Salinye
Have you ever experienced a moment of regret in your life that you would go back and change if you had the power to do so? **There will be a part 2 to this question, but I'll give time for part one to be answered here first. Thanks to Regel for his great suggestion.*** ~Salinye
ROFL OHHH I see the error. *blushes* Serena, Shana, the names are so similiar. *grins* Thanks for pointing it out. Typo, fixed! I did not suddenly possess Shana's dead body! I had Shana on the brain! ~Salinye
OOC: I don't understand what you mean? They found you dead, so I posted a post showing Serena's reaction to the news... ~Salinye
The banquet hall falls silent as Wetherby walks into it, his face ashen. "I...I'm sorry to inform you of this." He starts out in a reserved voice. "Lady Shana has been found dead within her quarters." Audible gasps are heard from around the room as this newest horror is absorbed. Serena sat dumbfounded for a few minutes before crumpling her head into her arms on the table. She sobbed for her new friend. If anyone stood nearby, they would have heard her mumbling, "We were supposed to start sharing rooms tonight....if only we had started last night.....perhaps I could have helped her...stopped it...If only....Monster...." ~Salinye
How did so many people successfully know who the wolf was? The entire situation boggled Serena's mind. Amanda admitting she had killed before, and now her husband was guilty of the same crime. She shook her head. Well, she would be sure to keep a more watchful eye. What were they seeing that let them know? Sitting down for breakfast, she waited at the same table she and Shana had eaten at the day before. ~Salinye
All three auctions are starting, keep your eye out on the Conservatory for them and get your bidding in! Good luck to all! ~Salinye
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Step right up and place your bids for this FANTABULOUS unique and rare magical item. Bidding will close this Wednesday, August 11th at 7PM (PST). If you have any questions, please refer to the Rare Items Auction Info thread found here. :0) Do I hear 10 geld???? Faithstone of the Zealot On this rock, I lay my faith The Faithstone is a small red pebble worn smooth by the ages. Two millenia ago, the stone was held by Zaaskul the faithful as he was tortured in the Tower of Nine sins by the Traitor Dia before his downfall. His torment lasted nearly ten years, and the blood of Zaaskul stained the pebble to the color it is today. Whatever secrets Dia wished of Zaasktul, the Saint took to the grave. the Traitor was overthrown two years later, and whatever secrets he kept now reside in the eternal ice. The Faithstone was found held by a deathgrip on Zaaskul's corpse, and passed down the generations of high priests in an order that bore his name. He who holds the cool pebble finds within inner strength, and the power to resist incapitating pain from the zealous chanting voice within. Previous owners have included crusading kings of holy wars, wading in gore and ignoring their own wounds. Owners beware.
Serena shook hands with the woman who introduced herself. "Actually, it's Serena, not Selena." Jaqui began to blush slightly. "Oh, no no, don't feel badly! I'm not offended, it's an easy mistake to make." Looking between the two she shook her head confused. "You think it's mr. Black? Which one was he again? Uhg, this is all terribly confusing. It would be much easier to guess if we actually all knew each other!" ~Salinye
Faithstone of the Zealot: Congratulations to Valdar! 1. Orlan 2. Wrenwind 3. Boaz 4. Cryptomancer 5. Valdar 6. Gyrfalcon Congratulations to all authors involved! All submissions were fantastic! Thanks so much for participating! ~Salinye
BACHELORS! *waves a tsk tsk tsk finger back and forth at the slackers* Some of you have not yet started your dates. Please remember, these ladies spent good geld on you! I hope to see some more dates soon!!! ~Salinye
Rare Item Auction: This auction will be run a little bit differently than the bachelor auction. First and foremost, it will not be a silent auction! This is how it will work. 1. Each item will have it’s own auction thread in the conservatory. Bidding will be open for approximately 3 days. 72 hours from whenever they are posted. 2. It is preferred if bidding is done in character. 3. You only have the geld that is in your possession at the time the auction opens to work with. Geld won through the rare item description contest will be rewarded after the bidding is through. Also, any geld won from other exercises during that 72 hour period will not be awarded until after the auction. 4. If you won the item description contest, you may still bid on your own item. 5. At the end of the 72 hour period when bidding is over, the highest bidder will receive the item in exchange for the amount of geld he/she bid. 6. The winner of the rare item description contests will receive either the money bid for his/her item or 50 geld. Whichever amount is greater. Please feel free to post any questions you have about this auction here, or pm any of the guild leaders! Thanks, bidding should start sometime tomorrow, Saturday August 7th! ~Salinye
Salinye staggered down the corridors of Pen Castle. Blinding pain radiating from the lower left side of her back and pulsating up and down her body. She wasn’t a healer and didn’t know a lot about wounds, but she could already feel waves of nausea sweeping over her from blood loss. Her only thought was to get to Gyrfalcon, first to warn him and second to see if he could cast at least a minor healing spell to slow the bleeding until she could get to a priest or a druid. She could feel the hot sticky blood soaking into her pajamas and dripping down her leg. She pressed at the wound with her left hand, vainly trying to add pressure. She stopped to lean against the wall as she neared the first flight of stairs in the tower that housed Gyrfalcon, Daryl and her personal chambers. Not wanting to pause for too long, she took a step only to slip in the puddle of blood that had pooled up at her feet. Catching herself on the stairs she groaned and heaved herself back into a standing position. Climbing the first flight she didn’t even think to stop at her own quarters, forgetting entirely that Daryl was there and would help her. She only had enough mental strength to concentrate on one goal through the intense pain. “Get to Gyrfalcon.” Rounding the corner and climbing the second flight of stairs, she paused at the door to Daryl’s empty chambers, gasping to catch her breath. Finally, rounding yet another corner to face another flight of stairs, she was careful not to slip in the blood this time. Sucking in her breath she trudged up the stairs as quickly as she could grimacing with every movement. Finally she reached the door to Gyrfalcon’s chambers. Placing a bloody hand against the door to steady her, she pulled her other hand from her wound and reached for the doorknob only to have it slip from her bloody grasp. Finally, she banged against the door with the flat of her hand. Inside his quarters, Gyrfalcon looked up sharply, the rattling of the doorknob and then the banging on the door surprising the half-elf. Cautiously, he snatched up his katana and moved to open the door. Salinye heard the movement inside and leaned against the doorframe impatiently waiting. Cracking the door open, katana held defensively. He opened it further and blinked in surprise at the blood-covered corridor, door handle, and the bloody handprint on the door. "What...?" He stared through the cracked opening in confusion. “Gyre,” she mumbled through her pain. “Salinye?” He said startled. She leaned forward and he allowed her to push the door open. He grasped her arm blindly as her body weight became supported by him. She gasped in pain as his grip jostled the hand she had pressed against her wound. "What happened, why are you invisible?" He said, his concern growing to fear as he looked down to see a drop of blood join others on the floor, then another. And another. Salinye pushed against him trying desperately to get him to back further into the room while kicking her foot behind her in a vain attempt at shutting the door. "Bounty hunter attacked me." She said relaxing a little finally able to release the concentration needed to hold the invisibility spell. Gyrfalcon pulled her into the room and thrust the door shut behind her. Salinye grimaced as she leaned back for a brief moment, enough to twist the lock and hear it snick behind her. Gyrfalcon's eyes narrowed. "Mira?" he said, voice dangerous as he pulled her deeper into the room, forcing her to lie down on the bed so he can inspect her wound. She shook her quickly paling head to the negative as she rolled on her side, her back to him. Her dark blue pajamas were drenched in blood. Gyrfalcon frowned seeing the severity of her injury and placed his hands over her back. He quickly chanted the most powerful spell of healing he had remaining to him that night, one that hadn’t been necessary earlier. She cried out softly as the healing powers pulsed through her with a burning pain. Gyrfalcon didn’t pause from his chanting as his thoughts divided. …though, that makes it all the more dangerous. Daryl would have torn Mira limb from limb if it had been him. But if there is another… The half elf’s eyes flickered to the trail of blood leading from the door to the bed, never ceasing his healing chant. Salinye spoke between pained gasps of air. “I…would have…fought him…but…he got a surprise…attack…knew I needed…healing..” Gyrfalcon’s words faded to silence as he finished his healing spell. “I know, Salinye. I know. He said, summoning his katana to him and setting it next to her as he prepared himself to cast another spell. She turned onto her back and raised a bloody hand out to him. “No, no more healing, this is enough to keep me conscious, you need energy to fight. I’m okay for now." “No you aren’t, Salinye. Now roll back over and hold still while I cast again.” He said gently but sternly and with concern in his eyes. They never had time to debate the issue as two axe blades slammed through his door causing splinters of wood to fly all about the room. The ranger immediately grabbed his katana and stood in a defensive stance, while she prepared to cast a ward of protection upon him.
ooc: LOL I'll just chalk it up to her growing hysteria. *grins* She really needs to hit the mini bar and chill. Thanks for the correction! ~Salinye
Serena silently began to tremble as accusations were thrown back and forth! Finally she can stand it no more. Jumping up, verging on the point of mild hysteria, she slaps her hand onto her table and drawing unnecessary attention to herself. “What has become of us? No one has died in a while and yet we are beginning to tear at each other like WE are wolves! This is insane! Why is this happening?” Raising a shaky finger she points at their host accusingly, her eyes widening as a thought occurred to her. “You! Why have you invited us here? None of us seem to hardly even know each other. Rather odd to have such random attendance to a social with no real purpose! Perhaps you have lured us here to our DEATH!” Gasping dramatically at the end of her tirade she fled from the room into the gardens. OOC: I accuse Lord Washima (Vahktang)
Salinye scrambles after Rydia desperately reaching for her flu meds and tries to snag a pixie stick for good measure....NO NO it's the only way I survive! I need the insanity! GIMME! ~Sickly Salinye
Sick! Sick! Sick! Whoever thought up this ick? Achy body, yucky tummy, No food in creation sounds yummy! I’ve got the chills I’ve got the runs, This sickly thing is just no fun! Can’t stand to be awake, can’t stand to sleep, My fever up it does steadily creep! Tums, Ibuprophen, Tylenol, I assure you that I’ve tried them all! No matter what I try or do, I still find myself in this sickly stew! I want to die, no I want to live, Something here has got to give! I’m a mommy and need to be alert, MY KIDS ARE OUT NAKED IN THE DIRT! I want to laugh. I want to cry. Silently I wonder, WHY? I scare them back in with a broom, Just in time to run to the bathroom! Reading this makes you perplexy, You wonder how I can be sick and SO DAMN SEXY! Well, it’s a gift, a natural talent, you see. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Kentucky! ~Sickly Salinye
Salinye inhaled the cool spring night air in deeply as she walked through the courtyard. After so many days pinned down in the farm house, then the last several hours caught in a battle of wills with Mira in her quarters; she just needed a few minutes alone with her thoughts. Although her dove had come to her, like she beckoned, she had sent the message that she wished for the druid to visit her tomorrow. Gyrfalcon had given her enough healing that she would be able to be remotely comfortable throughout the night. She was still quite tender, and her energy was more than sapped, but she knew once her faithful druid friend tended to her, she’d be as good as new. Looking up to the stars she leaned back against the courtyard fountain. She allowed herself to drift into her thoughts. She pondered her “prisoner”. How she wished she could make him see the truth. She hated the way he looked at her with such contempt and anger. However, if that was the price of protecting Gyrfalcon, then so be it, she only wished she could make him see. Then there was Gyrfalcon. She could see how heavily this situation weighed on him. Saw his pain, heard it in his voice. If only she had the ability to mend such pains…
Serena arrived back to the main social hall, smoothing her just washed hair self conciously. One of the maids had given her one of her common house dresses to wear. It fit almost perfectly, but wasn't quite her style. That combined with the wet hair look left her feeling a bit exposed. Seeing Shana, she quickly walked to her table. "May I join you for lunch, Shana?" She asked with a smile. "Absolutely. Might help ease the nerves if we keep each other company." She nodded pointing to an empty seat invitingly. Running a hand through her wet hair, she leaned her weight on her elbow and rest her chin in her hand. "You know, I don't really know anyone here, any idea who this murderer could be? I just would really like to go home." Shana matched her quiet tone and leaned in a bit. "No, I truly have no idea, but the entire thing really unnerves me." "Yeah, me too. You know, I was thinking, perhaps you and I should become roommates while we're here and sleep in shifts. We could take turns watching guard. What do you think? I can understand if it would make you uncomfortable...It would just be nice to at least get a few hours sleep!" She left the offer hanging in the air before her new friend. ~Salinye
All authors credits will be acknowledged as well as the winners announced after the tie breaker vote. (So most likely Saturday) Then the auctions will open! (MOre details on that to come!) ~Salinye