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Everything posted by Salinye
Salinye laughed delighted at Gryphon's defense before whispering up to him, "We'll just let my muse think of you as the "slacker that got away" no point in ruining her fun now, eh? Besides, she has a short attention span, I'm sure she's already moved on." Meanwhile, heard in the distance.... "CUM OUT PURDY RANGER! I NO YU ARE HEER SUM WHERE!" PS. Completing your date doesn't necessarily make one "innocent". *grins* I'm sure we could all get plenty of dirt from Mynx. ~Salinye
This is a very hard decision, however, I think I'd have to choose deafness. Having danced for years and years, my soul would sorely miss the sound of music, and I can't hardly explain the feeling at the thought of not hearing my children's laughter or my husbands sweet words of devotion. However... The thought of not seeing my children grow, seeing the look on my husbands face when he tells me he loves me, or simply seeing the sun set into the ocean feels like a greater loss. Not by much, though. Great question, 'Shela. ~Salinye
Yup. Turns out that IS my husbands hosting site. *sighs* He said he'll have to look into why it's broken. *grumbles* ~Salinye
Salinye's muse looks up to watch the terrified yet tasty gryphon fly away. Sidling up to the mage she whispered (As much as bikini clad ogress's can) "SAL! Use yer majik to giv me wings! I need fly powah." Salinye followed her muse's gaze to the sky and laughed softly to herself. "Not just yet, but perhaps soon." The ogress stamped her foot before setting off to hunt down any ground level dating slackers. ~Salinye
MWAHAHAHA! I will HAPPILY loan my muse out for harrassment. I don't think she's had a good meal since the Timeless one... *snickers* ~Salinye
When my husband gets back tonight, I'll have him host it up for me, but I noticed that it's gone. Was someone else hosting it for me? I've forgotten! GyrE, do you have a copy of the sig on your computer? I know I have the original Yui drawing, but I can't remember if I have the sig version or not. *wanders off to meddle in her files* ~Salinye
I love the way my conversations deteriorate
Salinye replied to Gwaihir's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I heard one in mirc the other night. I shall quote Mira: "I need to figure out a way to Annihilate my weenie." http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif A little TMI? ~Salinye -
Awww, lovely things you all say! I am very busy and yes, very very happy. :0) I'm not in medical school. I already trained to be a doula at the Seattle Midwifery School. It's a very short training. I will have filled my quota of births to be fully certified at the end of this month. *cheers* As for Shobukai Kenjutsu. I have found a new passion in the form of Katanas! (Look out Gyrfalcon, you might have a decent sparring partner yet!) I'm new to the art, but did pass off for my first yellow stripe tonight. I had to perform the first kata which is called Toshi Kihone (sp?) Ichi through Go. :0) I'll be sure to drop back into mirc and messenger one night soon. :0) I host an annual Holiday Bazaar and it's this weekend. After that with the break from homeschooling for the holiday, I'll have a few days to breathe easy. I'll try my best to drop in to chat. I'm jonesing for my internet friends and look forward to chatting with you! :0) ~Salinye
Hello~ I see that I went AWOL at the worst time! I've become a weenie! Isn't that always the way? I suppose people should take me out of any sort of leadership position seeing as I'm not around much these days. The rp guild would be best led by someone who is here and active. :0) I have been thinking of this website and the people here recently and wanted to drop in and say hello. Wyvern, I'm sorry that I couldn't call into your show. I'm on West coast time, which still would have been fine had my friend's plane not been delayed 2 1/2 hours. :0( I was bummed not to have been apart of that as I had planned. Things have been going really well for me. I'm busier than I thought possible, but really doing well. I'm very active in my doula work now, in fact, had a birth last night. A 15 year old who lives in foster care and had virtually no support. It was neat to get to serve her. She was amazing. Also, I've started taking the class my husband has been taking for about 9 months or so. It's called Shobukai Kenjutsu (Japanese Sword Fighting Class) I'm very surprised at how very much I love it! I'm giving up my dance classes for it, which is something I never thought I would do! Samarai Salinye? Oye, I wouldn't go that far. *grins* Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say hello and let you know that I think of you often and miss this community. I hope you are all doing well and that you will have a lovely Thanksgiving. *hugs to all* ~Salinye
Bad in the.... ...I plead the 5th way! ~Salinye
WOW! Katz! Awesome! I really like that. I'm looking for something a little less abstract, but you have the idea. I like the line art, and I love that, I may use it for a website I'm going to help my husband build (If you don't mind). I have a website now, but it's just a simple lame one I put together. I'm thinking of either a mom and baby like this one, or a baby in a womb, only slightly less abstract? Does that make sense? I wish I could make things in my brain appear on screen..... ..... Then again, that could be bad! ~Salinye
I need to design a logo for my business cards. I want something very simple and very elegant. Perhaps a slightly abstract line art of a woman and a baby, or a baby in a womb, something like that. These are business cards for my doula work, so it's very mother/baby oriented. I won't be home to check back on this thread until late tonight, but if you are interested in helping me out, you can post here or pm me through the boards. The current black and white simple logo I have on there now isn't very impressive! Thanks in advance, ~Salinye
I found this on one of my doula boards and think it is so beautiful and cool. It made me teary. I thought I would share. I absolutely love this. Turn the speakers up and enjoy! http://danielfairbanks.pseconds.com/jude.htm ~Salinye (Still AFK, FYI)
Hey all! I just wanted to post a little note letting you know that I'd be mostly AFK from now through September 15th. LOTS going on here and we have family staying with us for a couple of weeks. I'll be back and forth and what not and will be accesible through pm's and email. :0) *hugs* ~Salinye PS WW people, I'm desperately trying to catch up and post there and will try to keep up. :0)
WWX Agatha Christie themed SIGN_UP
Salinye replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Please don't give up on me! I *WILL* catch up on this game tomorrow. I've had some unexpected turn of events and ended up in the hospital the last 20 hours aiding a client in a scary preterm birth of a 31 week baby. I need to sleep. I really really REALLY need to sleep. But tomorrow, I promise... *hugs* Don't give up on me! ~Salinye -
I had an awesome experience tonight. Some of you know I'm in the process of being certified as a doula. (Labor assistance). I've done births before, I'm just now getting certified so I can be paid. (We don't deliver babies, we assist the mother and partner through the labor, birth and recovery). Anyway, I attended my first "Official" birth today....wow... It was such a moving and amazing experience for me. The description below is very breif as last night i didn't get to bed until 1am and got the call at 5am then spent hte last 20 hours working my tail off at the hospital, so I'm surprised I'm even seeing straight. I just wanted to share because...yeah, I just needed to share....Now, I need sleep. I have another client whose due date is tomorrow, so she could go anytime. Who knew that two clients who had due dates 2 months apart would end up so close together? Here is a copy of what happened, I posted it on one of my doula boards. Wow... So, I attended my first "official" birth tonight. I have done births before, but this was my first client that was supposed to count towards my certification, as her due date wasn't until October 31st. However, to make a very long and emotional story-short, she went into preterm labor last night. I got the call that they couldnt' stop the labor at 5am this morning and so I headed to the hospital. My partner doula and I got there at 6am and she didn't have the baby until 5:32pm. All said, she was in labor over 29 hours, and she pushed for 4 1/2 hours. The first two hours, she just pushed to get the baby down the canal, so it wasn't constant pushing. Her contractions were pretty spread out. However, she pushed pretty solidly almost the last 2 hours. Her baby was sunny side up, so he was harder to push out! She's type 1 diabetic so thankfully the baby was bigger than usual. At 31 weeks he was 4 pounds 5 ounces! That's as big as one of my twins that I had at 36 weeks, 3 days!! How awesome! Plus he was pink and even had meat on his bones, which is rare for 31 weeks, AND the best part, he was breathing on his own!!!! All of that was so awesome. Unfortunately however, he was born with some pretty severe unexpected deformities. One of his arms did not have a forarm, his wrist was attatched at the elbow and I believe he was missing a thumb on that hand. The other hand's thumb had two finger nails and finger tips. He also had a clubbed ear and a spinal dimple. I think the parents do not understand the depth of the deformities. I believe they just see them as a few isolated physical issues, whereas, after talking with the doctor he said usually when there are this many defects they are not isolated and even the X-Rays that he has taken so far have shown bone deformities and he expects he may find deformities in the organs too. So, I don't know how good the prognosis will be, but man, this child is so beatiful. You should have seen him. I think it's rare for a baby to be born with as an angelic of a face as this beautiful chubby cheeked little boy had. I look forward to keeping tabs on them. Anyway, I'm exhausted. Ronnie and I were at the hospital for 20 hours or so, but I just had to share this story as it was beautiful and amazing. For me, it was also a very spiritual experience. ~Shelby
Werewolf X: And then they were...
Salinye replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Claudia chewed on a peice of peppermint gum as she stood on the landing below the platform that led up onto the boat. Her luggage (far more than she would need for the trip) was gathered about her feet where the hired help had left it. Toying with the long strand of pearls that hung from her neck with one hand and drawing from a cigarette held in a long slender holder, suspended between two delicate fingers, she kept looking around. People passed her and she nodded her head and smiled when appropriate. She may have been too overdressed for the trip in her sparkly sequined evening gown, but she didn't care. The spoils of her newfound independant wealth allowed her to dress however she wished, and she liked to look rich. "Where is he?" She thought to herself. "If he doesn't get here soon, he'll miss the boat!" Sighing to herself she mumbled, barely audible, "If I'm not waiting for a man to drop dead, then I'm waiting for another to show up!" -
WWX Agatha Christie themed SIGN_UP
Salinye replied to Lady Celes Crusader's topic in Conservatory Archives
Hey, Celes! I wanted to let you know that I just got home, been gone all day and night and have to be up at the wee hours tomorrow, so I need to go to bed, but I will post on the WW thread tomorrow! Promise. Just didn't want you to think I wasn't posting! :0) ~Salinye -
Ohhhh very nice, Z! That would be a good poetry challenge to take a piece of Shakespeare and modify it. :0) Bravo! *throws flowers and lil' Valdar's instead of tomatoes* ~Salinye
Random email... I got an email that reminded me of this thread. It was typical spam and had the whole "GET A FREE IPOD Click here!" type of thing. So I clicked there, and here and there again. Anywhere on the email that there was a link to go to get the information on how to get a free ipod came up with a screen that simply said "Service not available." Food for thought. ~Salinye
OOC: *sighs* Your characters haven't failed, your guild leaders have! Please feel free to prod me with a pm any time. I simply forgot and didn't realize I still had an application unanswered. Forgive me, I'll get to both of these by this weekend and please in the future do not hesitate to pm me. I get busy sometimes and forget I have something like that waiting for me. ~Salinye
Shiny!- Requesting Feedback (4-5)
Salinye replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Critic's Corner Archive
Valdar, I need to take the time over the next few days to catch up where I left off on your story, but I wanted to let you know that I'm following it and enjoying it very much. I like how you are able to write intelligently and also add in humor. I will try my best to leave you some worth while feedback when I catch up with your storyline this week. I just wanted to let you know I'm following and can't wait to read more! Oh, and on a side note, I really enjoyed Child of the Paths. I didn't see the dying/rebirth thing coming. :0) ~Salinye -
Thanks for the detailed thoughts. :0) I'll have to analyze the paragraphs and see where I might be able to improve some of them with some more "showing of details" rather than telling. You make some good points. Thanks so much to everyone who comments, you have no idea how much it helps me! *hugs* ~Salinye
Okay, so I reworked the latest post completely. I changed some things around, added about 350 words of details that I feel were lacking in an introductory post. I still have some reworking I'll do later when I'm more confident in my deity structure, but for now I'll let it sit like it is. As always, all comments and critique are welcome and appreciated. ~Salinye
One thing to note, for anyone who is following this story. Each time after I get the story line of a post written down, then I'll be going back and adding details etc. For instance, I feel like since my second post is an introductory post, that i need to add more details about the deities, how I am painting the elven race and also the world. So, I'll post here when I have those details reworked. :0) ~Salinye