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I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! Any guesses? No fair cheating, Gyrfalcon! ~Salinye
Happy Birthday, Zariah! Many happy crows to ya! ~Salinye
I love the way my conversations deteriorate
Salinye replied to Gwaihir's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
LOL HEY! I had another birth last night too, and OH the things you hear in the delivery room: "It's like a hairy grapefruit escaping from a tube sock." ~Salinye -
Salinye stumbled down the corridor stairs, the exertion leaving her gasping for breath. Although Gyrfalcon’s spell had slowed the bleeding tremendously, she still had lost a lot of blood. She would be fine for a little while, but would have to find some more in depth medical attention before too long. As she reached the platform between flights of stairs, she shook her head and whispered a quick spell to stop the blaring of the keep’s alarms in her head. In the meantime, Daryl and Mira had heard the commotion from her chambers two floors below. The werefox fled her room in human form taking the stairs two and three at a time. He tried to stop himself from crashing into the mage full speed and managed to throw his arms around her and stop her from toppling over completely. The collision made her cringe with renewed pain. Daryl took one look at her pale face and pulled one of his arms from behind her. The sight of her blood covering his hand set him on the edge of beserking into his hybrid form. “Daryl.” She gasped relieved to see him. “Who did this to you?” He asked with a cold edge to his voice. “Another bounty hunter. He’s in Gyre’s quarters.” She whispered leaning into the wall so that he could go help the ranger. Immediately he fled up two more stairs before stopping to look back down to her, visibly torn. He worried about leaving her alone so badly wounded, but also worried about Gyrfalcon. Another crash was heard from above them. “Go to him, Daryl. I’m fine, honestly.” She could see the hesitation in his posture. Pulling herself up to her full height she let go of the wall and spoke more firmly. “The keep is alive with people to help me, you’re more use to him in battle than to me as a healer.” With a final nod the werefox climbed the stairs and disappeared around a corner. Placing a hand to her forehead she took a few deep breaths to regain her energy and continued the descent down to her chambers. Daryl had left the door open and as she entered she could see Mira pacing back and forth agitated. “Dove!” He reverted back to the name he knew her best by. “What is going on out there?” He called out irritated while running as close to her as he could behind the energized barrier. Although the dark blue of her pajamas made it difficult to notice all the blood drenched into them, his eyes were immediately drawn to her blood smeared feet. Lifting his gaze to meet her eyes once more, his tone became a bit gentler. “You’re hurt. Who did this? Gyrfalcon?!” She leaned against the chair she had sat in for so many hours earlier that evening. “Of course not. The same bounty hunter who attacked me is now attacking Gyre.” “A bounty hunter attacked YOU? Maybe they knew you weren’t really who you said you were.” “Maybe.” She stood straight and walked across the room to a bureau. Raising her bloodstained hand to him while closing her eyes in a moment of concentration the light blue aura that separated them faded. “Your weapons are in here. Your other bags are in that closet.” She pointed to a small linen closet to her left then leaned heavily against the bureau. Mira stood his ground momentarily conflicted. Just yesterday he had considered her an ally, perhaps even a friend. Now, potentially, she is the conniving companion to a cold-hearted murderer. “How do you know I won’t take advantage of your weakened state at harm you?” He asked keeping his features neutral. She looked to him without fear. His question brought about feelings of annoyance in her, if anything. “Because you’re good. You’re not like them. I know you won’t hurt me, so pick a new strategy.” He considered her for a moment before replying. “Alright. How do you know I won’t gather my things and go assist that bounty hunter in killing Gyrfalcon.” Her gaze turned so icy that he almost regretted his words…almost. “Because Mira, you would lose and I’d rather not see you dead. However, I leave you your free will. Choose your side or flee and don’t choose at all. You may be a lot of things, but my instincts tell me that foolish is not one of them.” Finally tiring of standing and her injuries getting the best of her, she slumped down to the floor and leaned her head against the wall to rest. “Do as you will, Mira.”
Salinye stood behind the group who were now crowding around the rings that Peredhil spoke of. Although she stayed to the back so that the others could have their pick, her eyes gleamed with a sparkle that was familiar to those who knew her best. Gyrfalcon allowed the seriousness that creased his forehead to lapse for a moment as he caught sight of her and smiled over his shoulder. “You do realize you won’t be allowed to study these, right?” She grinned and blushed slightly to have her thoughts verbalized. “Well, at least not until AFTER we find Annael.” She placed her hand out before her and waited as the ranger inspected the rings before him momentarily before delicately placing a lavender ring in her palm accompanied by a butterfly of similar hues. Being a creature of magic (with a not-so-mild obsession with magical items) she could immediately feel a connection with the power of the ring. The connection was comforting. She slipped the ring on with the same peace that someone might feel when putting on a pair of heated wool socks on a cold winter night. Her comfort was worn short, however, as images of Annael crept into her mind followed by images of her own kidnapping years before. Setting her jaw with determination she looked to Peredhil who seemed to have taken charge of the situation. “What now, Good Peredhil? You have this mage in any way I’m needed.”
LOL Tzim! At least you can't call us boring! ~Salinye
LOL I'm laughing at the last comment made. Now, about the poem. I thought it was very sensual and intimate. To me, it only brought to my mind one image. One that could only be felt between two people truly and intimately in love. Being the romantic at heart that I am, I very much liked it. Thanks, winged one. ~Salinye
Well, I asked for a man and got an...almost man. So, thank you so much to everyone who was willing to grace me with their talents and time. My very first volunteer came via pm and he is interested in the ideas that come from the folds of my warped mind. Thanks again and *hugs* ~Salinye
First of all, Congratulations on having your passion bring you success! Not many people can say that! Also, I know how when doing what you love is turned into a "job" or has a "due date" or "unwanted pressures" it can cause burn out. I hope that you'll find the balance you're looking for and not hit burn out mode. :0) Also, a well written poem that I feel expresses your feelings very well. I particularly like this part: I've felt that before. Thanks for sharing with us! ~Salinye
Loki, these are both really neat pieces. I especially liked the first one. This line jumped out at me in particular: In the second one, I want to give you kudos for working the word "Eviscerated" successfully into a poem! I love when people can work rarely used words into their poetry. Thank you for sharing! ~Salinye
Sonnets are difficult for me to write, so I'm not very good for critique. However, I can tell you that these two peices seemed to radiate a feeling of emptiness and sadness. A sense of "why bother, I give up, yet, do I want to give up?" As if the person it is about is wholly torn in their pain. So, if that is the emotion you were expressing, then I got it! :0) Sometimes the most intense situations are best expressed in a sonnet. Thank you for sharing, I hope to see more from you. ~Salinye
Hmmm, Z. Could we truly call you a "man"? I'm not so sure. The Dreamer is so much more than that...errr or something. *grins* On a side note, got a pm first, waiting to hear back, then if they decide not to do it, I'll work down the volunteers. Thank you so much, I'm excited to write with any of you! Well, except Dreamers because the story would most likely end with my untimely death! ~Salinye
I really liked this poem. I recently was a doula at a birth for a woman who is schitzophrenic (sp?) I also have a cousin diagnosed with the same illness. I really feel for them. But that's a different story altogether. I really loved the humor of the end. If I was to suggest anything for change, it would be that throughout the entire poem you had a BD rhyme scheme, but on the last stanza you didn't. However, I love this: That is such a cute twist. My only suggestion would be to change line B of the last stanza to end with a ryhyme for Bed to stay with your form. It's a GREAT poem and oh too true! I always tell my husband: "I had the hardest time getting to sleep last night, I couldn't turn my brain off!" lol I HATE THAT! Great job! Thank you for sharing! ~Salinye
You know, I don't think I've ever read a poem from the eyes of a prostitute before. (Perhaps that's not what you meant, but the interpretation does work. :0)) Anyway, I was really moved by it. It made me feel....sad for her. Left me feeling wanting to help her. I felt...non judgemental. A refreshing viewpoint, Wrenny. Dark, sad, but you wrote it in a way that inspires empathy. My favorite line is by far the last line of the poem. Thank you for sharing, Wrenny. ~Salinye
I'm getting that writing itch again, and will have some time over this holiday weekend. So, I thought a good place to start would be with getting rid of my weenie. I have an idea in mind, but I would need a writing partner who is male. Actually, let me revise that. I need a person who has a male character. The sex of the writer doesn't matter. :0) Now, this won't be some long epic, like some of my other writings, probably just a few posts. Instead of asking someone specific to do it with me who might not have the interest or time, I thought I'd put out an "HELP I NEED A MAN" flag and see who responds. First person to hear the details and is interested I'll take! Just a silly exchange, really. Also, those who know me, know I love to write with other people. So, anyone interested, respond here or pm me and I'll let you know when I have a partner. Only rule is that you have to put up with me and my crazy ideas. Those who know me well, might be scared. *grins* ~Salinye
Wow Rhaps! YOu put a lot of thought and research into this peice. Congratulations on losing your weenie, I'm jealous! (Wow, maybe that needs to go into that "deteriorating conversations" thread, eh?) Anyway, I enjoyed this. I like how it incorporated so much racing jargon and I found it refreshing and unique. ~Salinye
Well, Tattered, you will find my words here, highly hypocritical. I am someone who does not feel like poetry is a very strong form for me, and have a hard time posting my poems. However, that being said... Poetry is nothing short of the true expression of how someone is feeling, thinking, dreaming. There are many forms, from very set poetry rules to very random quick scribblings. Niether is less poetic than the other. I have found that getting the emotions written down in ANY form while I am feeling them so intensely is a briliant idea. There is all the time in the world for perfecting, but intensity of feelings fade and change. The hard part is to truly capture a feeling into words so that the reader can feel them too. You have managed to do that! Very well, actually. Now, if you feel like you want these words into a more structured form, GREAT! There is much time to do that. In other words, congratulations on capturing some pretty intense feelings and being able to put them into poetic form. Not always easy, and nothing pathetic about it. *hugs* ~Salinye
Well, Cyril. I feel like there is no place left with this piece for critique, so may I just commend you on an excellent wonderful poem? It's beautiful and I bet your parents loved it. I think you twisted the imagery brilliantly and I Loved how you incorporated the dialect of the people you were writing about. Thank you for sharing, I'm always a bit in awe of your work. ~Salinye
This is truly beautiful, Gryphon. I love the simplistic and raw form that you chose. The form matches the feelings, I think. I think if I were to offer any suggestions at all, it would be to remove the period at the end. Since you used to punctuation throughout the entire poem, it sort of seems like it should end without it too. BUT, I am officially "punctuation retarded" so I could be way off! Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed it. :0) ~Salinye
Well, raven.... I've been a fan of your poetry since you arrived on our doorstep. I wonder how you can write with such passion in so many different situations without having been through them yourself. Either you've had QUITE the emotional history or you have a true gift for expressing unfelt, yet very real emotion. I really like this poem, I'm sorry that I'm not able to critique this particular piece for improvement, but I can share with you the part that I liked the best. I'm not sure entirely why this part stood out to me, but for whatever reason, it did. Kudos to you, my poetic friend. ~Salinye
I haven't seen that movie, but the concept behind this poem is really great. Sort of a much more elegant and deep approach to "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, does it still make a sound?" type of introspection. I really only have one suggestion, as poetry isn't my strongests suit. I think in this line: I think it would read better if the first "scent" was changed to something else, perhaps smell or aroma or some such. The two "scent" in the same sentence seems a tad bit redundant. Also, did you mean the last word of the poem to be heather rather than heathe? I really think you have a fabulous thought process behind this poem and also that you have a great style with it. I'm excited to see what you do to perfect it. Thank you for sharing! ~Salinye
Wow, this is your first try? Really? Are you sure? Anyway, I really liked it. Every once in a while a piece of vampiric poetry pops up. Psimon had a few I really liked. Which is funny, seeing how vampires really aren't my thing. (Well, except Tamaranis, but he hardly counts as he used to be a Paladin, but I digress...) I really liked the thought and emotion behind this poem. I thought it was really well done. If I were to suggest any changes, (and keep in mind, if this were nascar, my pink slurpee sponsored car would be making enternal laps trying to qualify, so take it with a grain of salt) I'd add an "n" to the "I" in this stanza making it in instead of I. Which I'm sure you meant anyway. Secondly, I believe you need to fix the spelling of Permanent here. I know you said not to harsh on your spelling as you're working on content, so just know that I really like this poem and figured you'de want that small miniscule error fixed. :0) Thirdly, I feel like this poem has awesome flow but that this one stanza breaks the flow a tiny bit, although I'm not sure I have any suggestions of how you should modify it so that it still expresses what you're trying to say and yet keeps the flow. Although, if you're anything like me, you'll either look at it and say "Sal's crazy, I like it how it is." OR "Hmm, that is a little off, but I think I could tweek it here like this and it will fix it." NOW finally, I want to tell you my most favorite part of your poem!!! Although I really like this poem in it's entirety, I really especially liked these three stanzas, especially the first of the three. Good job! I hope this critique was helpful. I'm honestly probably the worst person to critique poetry here, but I love it when people critique my work, so seeing as this is your first poem, I wanted to be sure it got worthwhile attention! Thanks for sharing and hope to see more from you in the future. Sponsored by Slurpee ~Salinye **edited to fix typo... I before E except after C.....**
*points up to Tanny's post above and clears her throat* Err...about a month! ~Salinye
WOOHOO! Yay for Tanny and her lite search skillZ! *hugs Tanny* ~Salinye
Great question, Yan-Yan! The geld system is something we created during the summer solstice carnival. The winter carnival is just a few weeks away, so you'll have your chance to earn and spend with the rest of the Pennites! Basically, during the carnival there are numerous ways to earn geld. Competitions, writing exercises, random silliness, etc. Some people even sold services. There are numerous ways to spend the geld as well, bachelor/bachelorette auctions, rare item auctions, paying to do certain thins in pennite created carnival booths etc. Okay, I tried to find the old geld thread and gave up, but have the original copy of the explanation saved, so I'll copy it here, but if you can find the original post, it has some questions and answers on that thread. It's in the Cab room. I hope this info helps and GOOD LUCK! ~Salinye **copy of old announcement below** Geld, Geld, GELD! Orlan has created a place in our profiles that will record how much geld we earn throughout the entirety of the carnival. It will be updated regularly to reflect gain and loss. :0) Each event at the carnival will have a geld amount attached to it. The tag event, which has already started, will be edited to include a 10 geld reward for participating. So, those who have already participated will earn 10 geld and those who participate further will do so, as well. Whether or not certain events can be done more than once will be stated in each event, as well. Or, to be more accurate, whether the event will pay out more than once. :0) I’m sure you’re welcome to do any event more than once. Now, if you decide to create and run your own ride, booth, swap meet, sell services, run ads for the carnival or anything else related that you can dream up, than that also will earn you geld. Geld will be able to be used at the various auctions as well as to purchase anything someone may be selling. For instance, perhaps someone will advertise that they will make sigs for geld. (just a random example) Also, don’t forget, that you should save up for the winter solstice bachelorette auction as well! Happy Geld Hunting!