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Everything posted by Chanz
Nice goin! good 2 read ur stuff agen!
hope u r feelin betta now. good expressing tho! Thanks for sharing!
Goooood Job!!!!!
I sit on the cold busy street, Tears streaming down my face, Praying, hoping, for just one more heart beat, How could I have let this happen? I didn't even know she wasn't at home, in her bed, I should have known she wasn't asleep, My poor little angel, all alone, I wonder what was going through her head, Was she scared? Sitting next to her, I stroke her hair, Nothing else seems to matter, It was always just me and her, life is not fair, Everything arounds me seems to stop. Now what am I going to do? I am all alone, with no one, I only ever had you, I myself should be punished for this. After the funeral, the mother can not cope, She has lost all signs of hope. She turns to the bottle, She drinks away her feelings, This was anything but subtle, She, herself wanted to die. She hit the bottle harder and harder, to escape from her pain. The more she drank, The more intense the feelings became, Then, at last it all became too much. Her departing words were, "I neglected my daughter, so I now shall be punished, Please don't look kindly on me Sir, Don't worry sweetie, mummie's coming"...........
beautifully composed! it's sweet, yet sharp.........
I agree! it's a good point!
Go you!!!!!!!!! It brought a great big smile to smile to face(something that has been very rare of late) GOOD JOB!
That truely is gorgeous
Another beautiful poem!
Very interesting. The way it's writen left me feeling curious(i'm not too sure if thats the right word) Well done all the same
OMG, that's so sad. My mum died partly because of her alcohol problem. Very courageous effort, and well done!
well done........... *wipes tears from eyes* This is beautiful. No matter what happens in life, your mother will always love you and be there for you, and she will always know how much you love her...
Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *claps* 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chanz~
Hundreds of people, In the middle is a lost girl, Nobody takes any notice, Which is a shame- she is as beautiful as a pearl. She stands all by herself, Trying to find her mum, She begins to get scared, So she starts to suck her thumb. It begins to get dark, By now she is so scared, she begins to weep, She yells out, but no one can hear her, She lyes down on the ground, and cries herself to sleep. The night becomes deathly cold, But still, the girl lays there asleep, No one pays any attention to her, Then she slips into the eternal sleep, that is so deep. By morning her mother sets out to find her, She didn't know she'd even lost her little princess, Her mother begins to fret, How could she have made such a mess? Then in the corner of her eye, She sees a little body, lying lifeless, on the cold busy street, She runs over in hope, But, by the time she gets there her heart wont even make one last beat.
another tremendous poem! i really like your work. *claps for you!* Kepp up the good work!
I really like this............it's got a certain something about it, that i cannot put my finger on.
That is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wipes tears from eyes* well done!
When I look into the mirror I get so angry, All of the cuts and my body that is bruised, I wish I wasn't so messed up and confussed. Tonight, my father will be home, He traps, just like an animal, in the far corner This is it, I will for sure, be a goner. He slaps me across the face and kicks me 'till I fall down, People wonder why i'm a selfharmer, 'Coz to them, he's just a charmer. Because of him I don't eat- He says i'm too fat, Because of him a razor blade goes through my thigh, Then, I just want to die. Once you start searching for a way out, you are forever searching, Then his hand comes towards me, and he hits me with his fist, Tonight, is my last. I watch as the blade goes through my wrist.....
This poem is about my group, and what's become of us Why do we do the things that we do? Some people do it because they can, And others...because of you. I don't recognise us anymore, We've all turned into monsters, We have taken advantage of the fact that we are NOT poor. We hunger power and money, We become greedy for no reason, As long as, next to us is our sweet honey. Two years ago we'd never do this, not even in a dream, Some say we've grown up- matured, But mature is not drinking a can of Jim Beam! Nor is it, sneaking out every night, Just to have a fag, Then getting into a street fight. I don't like the people we've become, I'd give up everything I now have, I hate feeling this numb............
I too think this is an incredibly strong and powerful poem! Well done- I like the vagueness, it makes you think about it over and over again, trying to figure it out~
Beautifully written! Well done! A bit sad though. So true, society does judge people ont heir looks.I think society, needs to change, for us to be able to lead happie lives. But a beautiful poem, none the less!
Well, well, well, my friend, Is this truely the end? Is this the place we shall say good bye? And your soul shall go up into the sky? Is this the time I put a bullet in your brain; Or would you like it somewhere, you can feel the pain? Would you prefer me to slit your throat; Or suffocate you, with my coat? Do you want me to make a lame attempt to save you; Or do you want me to finish you in way, that there's nothing anyone can do? Do you want it to be a long thing to endure; Or would that leave too much time to find a cure? How about some poisonous gas; And then a buriel in a landmass? What about a creamation- when your still alive? But perhaps, there's a chance you still might survive.
This is a very short and possibly unfinshed poem. If anyone has any suggestions on how I could possibly lengthen it, it would be greatly appreciated. Frustraion; Anger; Pain; All surge through me; Making me feel insane. You put me through my paces; Just for your amusement; You make me feel like a dog in the races. I look at you with clenched fists; My anger threatening to explode; Then, I realise harmony never exists.
I think I like this poem more because it IS unfinished. It leaves you wondering more.