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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Pestilence

  1. Not very complicated.. I was thinkin and this came up.... feedback would be appreciated Everybody’s Apathetic, and I have the words to convince God made the world in seven days, have ya heard from him since? Even his followers, are just impatient to get greedy They only prayed cause they thought it was like conversatin’ with a genie How about the opposite character to this well thought fable The Devil, who pathetically settles for the scraps off Gods table Or Osama Bin Laden, who had others go train When he’s so religious BUT chose to stay off of those planes Then the so-called teachers which I think is absurd to call em’ Cause they’d rather flunk the student then have em’ learn the problem Or maybe it’s the students we should be debating worthless Cause the majority only attend school for the dating service Or those who didn’t care for the price of condoms at the store But really cared for the price it would cost em’ to abort Then there’s the abortion doctor, his greed is known Cause he carelessly kills babies just to feed his own This is a story of apathy which I’m hopin’ you get Basically mankinds been around forever & hasn’t broken a sweat
  2. More of a rap than a poem but o well I distribute gems beholding the advancement in rhyming technologies/ The molded prodigy of verse enhancement, multiplying commodities/ In astrology I amass the stars, I'm the blackness that scars peripheral visions/ Multiple fissioned entities reform to reveal this masterpiece edition/ Sent to transform simple intelligence to ignite decreasing indecision/ A lyrical inscription channels the resurrection of the phoenix-like archangel/ The mind's angel, creating thoughts untangled, and dethroating the strangled/ Leaving the ignorant mangled for bereaving the id of true enlightenment/ The rotting blight-in-men is eroding-mind-frames, a thought embezzlement/ Your corroding-rind-maims your body ceasing all your physical deliveries/ Your arteries clogged by my dialect and the stress of my lyrical cavalries/ Your chivalry retreats, my knights are just too dark and chaotic to defeat/ Your essence depletes, I secrete the Karma but your true Nirvana is obsolete/ And its Death you meet, in the form of Pestilence, the martyred mastermind/ I chartered mankind; Mahatma took my soul made my judgment divine/ With virtuous paradigms, the top rung on the hierarchy of lyrics almighty/ The 13th disciple of the apostle, my odyssey holds beauty like Aphrodite/ You're a subcommittee shadowed by the darkness from this CEO megalomaniac/ Turning the esteemed to hypochondriacs with methods diverse like the Zodiac/ Unto thou I release my acts, deciphering how you're gonna to fade to black/ With my kitana blade to back, leavin spines worse than scoliosis bends/ Remember what diagnosis vends, physiotherapy when psychosis ends/ I befriend evil trends, commend the honourable amended into callous plots/ Laced with blended malice thoughts, more deadly than November Dallas shots/ (JFK) Humbly throned like a palace god, my pharaoh mind royally remains supreme/ Causing society Pestilence scenes, in dreams worse than Sandman schemes/ Delivering infallible gleams, streams of thought flood the mind eternal/ From internal to external, I compose degrees of greatness like Dante's Inferno/ This denizen is nocturnal, clad in robes of darkness when I spit the harshness/ Like a lyrical catharsis, a purification process through brands by an arsonist/ Lend a hand and get scars-on-fists, from the finesse of this written glory/ My life is my story, we will meet again among the dead in purgatory took me awhile to do this
  3. The outcome of this battle needs no repeating Im hotter than ur mom's house with no air conditioning Man.. plz do me a favor step aside Im not feeling your presence or your vibe So bring it..and ill behead u with a sickle And tell ur gf to give attention to the pickle for a nickle And continue to spout those pointless flames Coz im sorta gettin tired of these petty games Ive just begun my lyrical attack.... Afterwards, ill have u fiendin like a person has a fix on crack I look at ur verse and good lines are very scarce I got more heat thanu do even if u were made in pairs
  4. Ahah.. lets go (found a sparring member yay) (i cant meter or whatever) Check it Check it my flows can be somewhat influential I just need the right motivation to unleash my potential I might burn u up and make u edible Bashing ur rep is like collateral damage its not intendable Ill place u in a choke hold with my lyrical tendacle.. And make u surrender coz me winning is inevitable Man i dont mean to disrespect... But when i get serious.. u mind as well give urself a hole in the neck Coz i spit flames no matter the opposition Its seems i must beg for better competition(Wyvern..grr!) U got talent.. but i dont think u got me.... Be gone.. b4 i stop taking u lightly.... Im only usin a lil bit of my lyric stash on u It should show u how lil i need to to overpower u (hehe.. i just get nastay on the mic.. no harm intended br0) u are actually goodd
  5. ok im bored so i jump in.. BTW I SUCK! (and im only good if i battle so sumeone battle me) and im jk about everything i say (in noone in particular.. Im lookin for battle!) yoyoyoyoyoyo (haha) Hey.. guys im sorry to interrupt But i cant stand hear another lyric that sucks.. Ill flame u all so quickly u wont knowwat happened Afterwards ill play etch and sketch with ur ashes So bow down to the next champ over here... retaliate and lose or lend an ear Go ahead all and try to come back All i will do is spit out what u lack Seriously, Im kinda crazy a lil zany I might cause people to say J's got a gun but my name aint Janie(i went offbeat like soo bad there) I friggin specialize in making u become a fossil Ull be dead before u even hear a rustle Man, il even tuck u to bed... Cept in this resting place...ull be six feet deep and full of lead..... (Ok .. Sumeone reply in battle..coz i cant start battles good )
  6. tnx alot u guys...
  7. rough?
  8. ok...this is mah first TRY at a poem... if its seriously bad... tell the truth..dont lie to me.. k? Hell ill prolly confuse u While gazing out and through the stars I wonder are we trapped by imaginary bars There are many mysteries that are to be unraveled Like what is the limit to outer space travel Is there something out there awaiting our arrival? Or a being or race waiting to threaten our survival? We can only wait for a phenomenon to occur While the empty thoughts we have begin to mature Have you ever considered there being another realm? The uncertainty masks u from enlightenment like an iron helm Trying to put this all together is qute impossible for now For now, we have ignorance and our thoughts are like a cloud As we put the search for answers to a hold There could be a plan yet to unfold.... Are you one who does not care? Or are u like me, whose thoughts are "out there?'
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