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Everything posted by Solivagus
(OOC: I hoped you'd like it . I've got to learn to read your posts closer. ) The Half-fiend standing infront of Damon looked at him in shock. "Your kind created me and now you..." quivering with anger the creature got himself back under control before beggining to answer Damon, still talking in Infernal. "I came from back there," the figure remembered Damons threat and gestured with his head back towards the trees. "I involved myself in the fight because it seemed like you are at least partially of my kin and it didn't seem like you were having to good a time of it. My part-name is Brek." The creatures voice became, if possible, even angrier. "Save your pity for the weak, at least those who are born weak and not made so by being foolish enough to trust someone he just tried to save!" Here the creature began to sway heavily, but with a supreme effort of will he managed to stay upright. Talking through gritted teeth he carried on, doing his best to keep his voice steady. "I'm proud of my heritage, not like the others I have heard of who despise what they are. I serve as I am able, and I will not grovel before anyone for any reason, even you!" Inside his head the voice spoke angrily. "You know what he is! You know who he serves! How can you even consider letting him live? I saved you and the elf when I could have allowed you to have been taken over by the wight! Kill this abomination! I have never harmed you, while this...this things undead creatures, by his own admission, attacked you! Lost control indeed." Here the voice took on a sneering quality. "What a convinient excuse. If they had have killed you he would have lost nothing, he could merely have claimed friendship to the wight!" Damon saw that the dwarfs strength could not last much longer, he would have to make his choice soon.
A small, dwarf-like creature standing about 5 feet tall half shuffled-half walked from behind a tree and towards Damon, leaves rustling beneath its feet. Grey robes gathered around its feet as it moved forward. The figure stopped a few feet away from Damon and smiled grimly, ignoring everyone else. "Well, half-kin to be precise. My father came from the infernal plane while my mother was a duergar." This was all said in fluent Infernal, and now that the creature was closer Damon could make out more details. He was lean and bald, though he sported a wiry grey beard that seemed to be tinged with streaks of red. His skin was rust coloured and its fingers ended in wickedly sharp claws. "Forgive the actions of the undead, I was in a hurry to raise them and must have forgotten to bind them properly. That or the wight was stronger than me. A depressing thought but always possible of course. Now, seems to me as if you need healing." The figure flexed his claws and then tipped his head towards Damon, an inquiring look on his face. Inside Damons head the voice was screaming in anger. "KILL HIM!!!" Damons head began to throb with the force of the voices yells. Realising it was causing Damon some discomfort it hastily lowered the force of its voice and waited for Damons reaction.
Heinrich "patiently" mugs one of the fruit vendors, stealing a lemon to use with his pancakes.
(OOC: I'm a mercenary at heart, so I wrote this piece with Nessy just in case there would be some call for some mercenaries at some point in this.) On board the star ship Helios a light began to flash on the communication console infront of Portendo. "Someone wake the captain up!" she bellowed over her shoulder. "We've got an unknown transmission on all frequencies!" Heinrich groaned as he rose from the depths of both sleep and chair. "So we have a message. Whoopie doo." he growled sarcastically. "Last message we had was that job of taking out those losers who hacked past the government security." "This might be a bit more important" Portendo said patiently. "I'm having trouble translating it for some reason, but it appears to be sending the same message at regular intervals." Heinrichs black eyes met with her ice-blue. "An SOS?" "Possibly. Worth taking a look at." "Alright, set in the course." "Course set." "Engines charged fully?" A third figure checked his console then nodded to Heinrich. "Charged and ready to fire." "Let her rip!" The ships engines fired up and it shot forward in space, heading to the source of the message. (OOC: Details were left sketchy for numerous reasons.)
Heh, I wasn't exactly doing the best at this quest Pere
The voice of the mortal that had summoned the skelentons barked forth a sharp command, instantly crumbling thier bones to ash. "I offer you no threat, deamonkin. Do we really have to fight each other?" The voice came deep and powerfull across the clearing, and this effect made it impossible to tewll where he was located. Inside Damons head the voice was screaming curses and calling for the blood of the magic user.
From out of the darkness there came a low, sonourous chant spoken in a deep voice. The syllables echoed hollowly in the air and the wights eyes widened-someone was foolishly trying to raise the dead themselves! "Ash kahaz soras. Ith kinas mil sornas. Kirith nil haman." As the voice continued with its incantations a chill wind howled in and the ground began to shake. Slowly, as if being dragged from the ground, four skeletons wearing antiquated armour and bearing ancient weapons began too march towards the wight. Laughing to itself at the foolishness of mortals the wight began to cast counter spells that would take control of the undead creatures now advancing on it. The voice began to take on a strained cast but to the wights shock it was unable to break the control. Hurridley it gave up its attempts and began to work on spells of protection as the minions of undead closed in. The voice in Damons head muttered angrily as it felt the stirrings of necromancy being used, even if it was in order to defeat the creature. *You must find the wielder of this magic and kill him.* It said darkly to Damon. The user MUST be destroyed!* (OOC: A void stalker and his hounds are ready to be called in at need, Damons actions in disrupting the void by summoning spells and such should be reason enough to introduce one )
Kordrak lurched back into combat with the Render but the creature seemed somehow almost casual now as he swiped a claw up and tore Kordraks head off of his body. A sudden howl of wind ran across the ground towards the Guardian, fanning the flames building around the wight. Kordraks body began to pulsate with a golden ligth. The Render who had started to howl his victory cut off, it's eyes looking fearfully at its enemies body. With a brief implosion his body vanished through a green portal. The force of Kordrak leaving the mortal plane sent a concussion across the field, making the Render stumble. Howling with rage at its sudden lack of anything to eat it wheeled toward Silver insearch of fresh prey. Suddenly there was a soft thchunk. Dumbly the beast reached up with its claws, investigating the strange object that had just appeared in it's left eyeball and embedding itself in the Renders brain. With a final howl it colapsed, it's body still twitching as if to try and refuse that such a thing had just happened. The voice inside Damons head started to yell out frantic commands as it tried to help him in his mental battle of wills but they were unintelligible in its panic. The blue light around Heimalis began to flicker as the prescence in Damons mind had to focus more on self protection.
Why...You...I don't believe what this test has said about me! Saying I'm not often calm and don't make friends easily...
Heinrich glanced around the room, empty except for Damon, and sighed. Taking out a rough piece of cardboard from under the desk he scrawled "Journey canceled due to lack of adventurers" and hung it on the door. Shrugging at Damon he tossed a gold piece for making him wait so long, laid a small bag of gold on the Lizards desk as payment for the rent of the room and wandered off to his tower to cook a meal for when his guest got back from feeding her Roc.
Kordrak rose groggily to his feet to meet his foe again. With an almighty crash his shield interlocked with the Renders tree/sword. Snarling with fury the Render slammed forward again, forcing Kordrak away from the others. Inside his armour Kordraks eyes widened. He was going to fail his duty! Grimly he strode toward the creature, savagly launching vast blows at the creatures head. Only one thing ran through his mind and that was that he was failing his masters. Gradually even his powerful arms began to ache with the effort of combat. With a sudden leap he thrust himself at the Render, shield, sword and all. The Renders sword was slammed out of its fist by the shock of impact. Howling with fury Kordrak threw aside his own weapons and grapsed the creature by the throat. The Renders claw came up swiftly, tearing Kordraks helm half of his head but still the guardian refused to release his grip. The Render began to weaken though the source was unclear until the ring that seemed to be made of ice began to throb on Kordraks finger. Slowly the creature began to appear dessicated, drained of water and it seemed like Kordrak had the upper hand. With a violent, desperate thrust of its arms and with a strength born more of panic than anything else the creature threw Kordrak away and into a tree for the third time. Groaning slightly, Kordrak rose again, adjusting his armour and pulling a broad-headed mace from his belt as the creature tried to recover from its shock. Both the combatants were too weary to attack again. In Damons head the voice was silent. It had no counsel to give, and couldn't think of any way of helping without risk of exposure.
Damon felt a pounding in his head and a bolt of blue fire shot towards the Roc. It became enveloped in a blue nimbus and the wounds suffered by the bird started to glow with a red fire. The voice inside Damons head spoke, this time sounding strained. *I can't keep this up for long, and all I have done is slow the encroachment of the disease. I regret I'm not as powerful as I once was.* Heimalis's head had been shaking moments before as an inner battle seemed to rage inside him, but the blue nimbus seemed to have helped and his eyes regained thier former sharpness. Meanwhile in another battle... Kordrak leapt towards a second render but this time he was not so lucky as the creature leapt out of his large and sent Kordrak flying with a swipe of his makeshift club. Kordrak caught the tree trunk a glancing blow and the render yelled as it burst into blue flame. Hastily the creature cast aside the weapon before the fire reached its hands. Growling deep in its throat he swiped at Kordrak, it'#s claws scraping long furrows into his armour while causing a schreeching sound that set everyones teeth on edge. Reeling slightly Kordrak turned to face his opponent once more. (OOC: Sorry, got a bit enthusiastic )
(OOC: Some things you should know about guardians Damon. They HAVE no full minds, they know only what they need to know to do thier duty. He cannot read minds, nor can he be damaged by psychic attacks. There is simply nothing there. Secondly, he was created when the Seven first came into existance, I.E when this world was created. You cannot be older than him, merely as old as. Unless of course you ignore the fact that they do not age. Now that that's been said, time for my actions, both Kordraks and the unknown voice.) Damon heard angry screams and curses issuing around his head and suddenly he was momentarily blinded. After a short time his eyes sharpened and focused upon the creatures. Everyone else in the party save Kordrak showed similar signs, and thier faces twisted in horror as they saw thier enemies. Some form of psychic power was being put into action that allowed them to see the invisible. The voice in Damons head ceased its cursing and began to mutter instructions. *Leave the griffon Damon. The elven Princess can handle that for the time being. Concentrate on the renders.* After delivering its advice it went silent, watching the creatures surrounding them and preparing itself for any other surprises. Meanwhile Kordrak had unsheathed his sword, it's keen edge radiating blue fire. Without even a war cry he plunged into battle against the nearest remnder, his blade flashing lightly across the creatures skin. He moved with a grace that seemed unnatural for a being wearing full armour and a shield, but such armanments seemed not to hamper him in the least. A large tree trunk slammed into him, sending him flying but he didn't seem to be even dazed by the blow, he merely lept to his feet and charged in again. Attacking the creature closest to Silver. The renders face registered shock at the lack of effect of his blow and it's surprise proved to be it's undoing as Kordrak plunged his blade up to the hilt. With a sizzling burst of blue flame the creature exploded, its death howl resounding around the camp. Quickly he turned to face another of the creatures. (BTW Damon, the voice isn't forcing you into anything, merely advising. There is no reason to try and fight it yet.)
Kordrak looked impassivly at Silver before walking on through the village to the other side. Meanwhile, in Damons head... *Annoying little git isn't he.* A voice murmered throughout Damons mind. *I never did like Guardians, to sure of themselves by far.*
Count me in as the peacful side
"Kelvazu." Kordrak said in his toneless voice, his statement sounding unaturally loud in the silence following Silvers request. "That's what killed you father, Silver. But as to who or what did this I am unsure. Kelvazu's do not kill innocents unless they are a threat." Despite his statement he did not sound unsure, it was more as if he used the word because none other was available to him. "I thought Guardians knew everything." Adglomero shot at Kordrak. "That's how you always seem to act at least." Her spirit seemed to be returning. Kordrak didn't even turn to face her statement. "Perhaps. But guesses do not suffice the Seven, they usually fly too far off the mark." "Heinrich would have had a plan." she snarled back angrily. "Heinrich is not here." came back the toneless reply.
As the last of the party left the forest a loud howl ran through it and a strong blast of wind from nowhere slammed into everyone, knocking even the powerful Damon and Silver to the ground. Something seemed to ooze itself amoungst the party before they leapt to thier feet again, swords half drawn. "Strange weather in these parts." Adglomero said softly, as if trying to reasurre herself. Kordrak said nothing, he merely waited and watched.
"Dragon Child, even though you are powerful you may still need protection. I cannot provide that without staying by your side. The elven princess will just have to adapt, as will all elves or else they will perish in later years." He said this all in the same flat voice, no emotion showed any more about the destruction of the elves than about Adglomero's need to adapt. "As to Heinrichs fate-who can say? He is being judges for tipping the balance, but what his sentance will be is unknown. That is up to my masters." Kordrak then looked curiously at the food, as if unsure as to its purpose. Without any words he layed it on the ground for anyone to eat before getting up and beggining to walk the perimeter of the camp, making no noise even in his armour.
Thanks a load for your comparison Alaeha
Suddenly there was a loud crack and a portal of darkness opened infront of Heinrich. Stepping out of the portal was a warrior dressed all in black armour. Adglomero looked nervously at Heinrich, who had gone pale. "Oh hellfire" He muttered under his breath. "This is gonna hurt." Silently the figure gestured to Heinrich and he bowed low before following the figure through the portal which then closed with another sharp crack. Adglomero shook her head sadly. "The price of showing off." She murmered under her breath. Her eyes took on a sad cast as she gazed at the place the portal had been. "Melenkurion abatha, minas mill kahbaal." She said, uttering the only words of the abyss that she knew. "Disrupting the balance, Risking all life." She answered the the curious looks of her companions. Some time later as the party walked down the path they saw another figure, sheathed all in black. He stood in the middle of the path, calmly waiting for them to approach. Whether it was the same being as before was uncertain. There were no distinguising marks to be seen since black armour encased his body and his visor was down. He carried a large shield in his left hand which seemed to be surrounded by a black vortex, making it difficult to see it as anything but a pool of blackness. On each hand was a ring. The one on his left hand seemed carved of ice, dripping water as if melting but never losing it's shape. On his right hand was a simple band of bronze. An amulet around his neck was fashioned in the form of an eight pointed star and glowed with a dull black light. His black helm was cast in the shape of an eyeless face, giving him a curiously dead look. Adglomero's face took on a frightened look as she approached the figure. "Why have you left your realm?" she said, her voice seeming to have taken on a slightly shrill edge replacing her usually happy voice. "What has happened to Heinrich?" "That is no concern of yours, elven princess." The figures voice was strangly hollow and flat, seeming unused to verbal communication. He turned to Silver and bowed, his armour seeming to be more a part of his body and encumbering him not at all. "My masters have sent me to accompany you on your journey, your father was held in high regard." Despite his words his voice held no passion or emotion. "My name is Kordrak and I am first guardian of the abyss. Command and I will obey to the best of my ability." Next he turned to Damon. He said nothing to this figure, merely faced him for a moment as if sizing him up before turning to face forward, having said his piece. Anyone who tried to read his mind found only emptiness, and his scent held the same quality. Adglomero dropped to the back of the group, keeping her distance from the dark knight and sending a series of cries to her Roc warning her about the knight. Her smile seemed to have drained from her face and she looked as if she would never laugh again.
Heinrich smiled grimly as if at some personal joke as he caught the blade, quickly muttering spells of protection sheathing his arms in white fire before catching it. "The fire won't harm the sword, Damon. It is merely something that will prevent the swords magic from harming me. I am more sensitive than some to the nature of magic eminating from such items. "Interesting." He said, raising a quizzical eyebrow. "The mark of Graz'zt, if I am not very much mistaken. Very interesting indeed." Gently he ran his hands along the blade, closing his eyes as he probed it with his mind. "Ah," He murmered after a moment. "Now I understand." His gaze sharpened as he opened his eyes. "A very interesting sword indeed. I must congratulate you, and call you a fool as well though the reason may become clear to you later." Smiling mockingly at Damon he calmly took the sword and cut of his hand before casually tossing the sword back to Damon. His hand lay on the floor, twitching slightly though no blood appeared from the wound. After the sword was back in Damons persession he calmly picked his hand up and held it onto his wrist. There was a flash of white light and his hand became part of his body again. "I will leave you to guess how much of that was illusion, Damon."
"Spoil sport." Heinrich muttered under his breath. "Do I get to look at your sword or not? Anyway," he muttered. "You have no proof I truly look as I appear anyway."
Heinrich leaned heavily upon his withered oaken staff, hisback bent with age and his long grey beard reaching down to his chest. "Pleased to meet you." He said, his breath rattling in his ancient chest he held out a hand withered with age to the new pair infront of him. "These people have been kind enough to let even an old man such as myself to join this party, having taken pity on an old beggar." He indicated his robes, which were tattered and food stained. "I was fortunate indeed to have met this people, for they have protected me from the hideous creatures in this wood. I don't know how I would have survived without them." A foul smell of decay radiated from him, making the new strangers noses wrinkle in disgust. His rhemy eyes looked pleadingly up at the fearful demon that stood before him. "Mind if I have a look at that sword?" He asked in a weezy voice made decrepit with age. "I've always been interested in magical artifacts and that one looks most intriuging. I give you my word you will get it back."
Long overdue re-application
Solivagus replied to X-Sabre's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Dang, and there was me hoping you'd have a way out of this place . Welcome back. -
Heinrich raised an eyebrow at the sight of the new pair and turned slowly to Silver. "I think the illithid looked cuter."