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Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich leaned against the entrance to the base, drawing deeply on an extremely decrepit dog-end. His uniform was rumpled as if he had slept in it, and there were dark bags under his eyes. Wearily he glanced at his watch, then back at the road that led to the base. Yet more visitors to the so-called secret base. More hours of snotty nosed kids yelling and asking stupid questions like where the gift shop was. They just weren't paying him enough for this job. -
No need to be insulting, I only asked. Good grief, some people are wierd....
What on earth would you point a telescope at if not at the sky?
See: The cruel and angry security guard, itching for a lyncing: "The very walls of this town will scream in memory!" PS: The names still Heinrich.
"Simple stereotype". New one on me Okay, how about...depressed, antisocial and general all round 'orrible person. The sort of person that whenever you see them or walk past thier door, you have to struggle hard not to through a half-brick. It would mean I'm likely to die in the first lynching, but it's a part I'm suited to. How's that? PS. Did anyone actually sit through all of Kill Bill? Half of the audience I was in got up and walked out after the first five minutes
I haven't played in any of the other Werewolf adventures, but can I join in this one anyway? Never seen any 50's movies though...I was thinking of being the character I'm trying to create in my story. Biologically "adapted" but handicapped by the fact that though he is beggining to develop emotions, he has had training that suppressed them for 20 years or so, so they tend to get in the way. His name's Heinrich. Hope I can join, if not it'll be fun to read anyway
Doesn't that rather depend on whether you consider your life to be of any value?
Hmmm... I'm going to have to side with Appy over Jareena. Surely if someone loves you and you die for whatever reason they're going to get a tad upset. I'd switch it to "Anything short of death" myself.
(OOC: Oh you are SO going to regret that Ness...) Heinrich permitted himself a brief smile as his ever searching mind detected the approach of his part-time student. So, she believed she could sneak up on him did she. Murmering an incantation under his breath he quickly summoned a minor air elemental. Being only a fairly weak elemental, he was able to summon it swiftly without the aid of his staff. He did not wish to use it in Samara's presence just yet. Best if she was not aware fully of what he was capable of. The elemental hovered infront of him, awaiting instructions. Hurridly, aware of the speed at which Mara was approaching, he issued orders in the language of the elements. "Catch the roc that is descending towards me. Do not harm either it or the rider, but instead bring it safely to land beside me. Then return to your plane of existance." The air elemental bowed solemnly and rushed up to meet the roc. Embracing it with a current of wind stronger than the heaviest chains it brought it down to the ground, ignoring the surprised squark given by the elven rider. After it had lowered the roc and its passenger to the ground it vanished. Heinrich turned calmly to Mara and raised an eyebrow, an amused look on his face. "Greetings Mara, always a pleasure to see you again." Mara scowled and muttered something inaudible under her breath, Heinrich doubted it was complimentry. Maralasoth let out a cry of greeting, seemingly not in the least disturbed by the experience with the elemental.
"Originally I was from a small town called Parasis. Then I travelled to the fortress of the Witch Hunters in Duranon. When I was outcast I proceeded to travel the lands, learning what I could from the various races, the elves in particular. I have no real place to call my home now. Is this place your home?"
Smilingly slightly Heinrich took her hand, the callouses on his palm feeling rough against hers, his grip stronger than the look of his thin hand would suggest. "I'm afraid my view of beauty has been somewhat dulled over the years. I look at what is around me and see only," Heinrich paused, then shrugged, leaving his sentance unfinished.
Pleased that the stranger infront of him at least spoke a language he understood, he thought carefully before phrasing his reply. He had as yet no reason to distrust her, but he had been mislead even by people he had once trusted. "My name is Heinrich, an outcast of the order of Witch Hunters. Who are you? What is this place? I have travelled far amoung the lands but I have never seen anything such as this." His voice was deep and compelling, overlaid with a strong impression that he was used to getting answers.
Heinrich wandered though the trees, the sound of his metal staff hitting the ground muffled by fallen leaves. His black robes were drawn tightly about him, and a frown creased his face as he swung his head from side to side, as if searching for something. With a start he noticed a willow tree with a strange addition, this being someone sitting beneath it. Curious, he stood and studied the stranger, wondering if she was the reason he had been transported to this unknown place.
Months without an Appy?! Argh! Times like this I wish I believed in god....good luck with it Appy
Hmmm...torn between my desire to express my opinion on such a general topic, and the knowledge that my view of it is known by some already. Ah, what the hell, you only live once. Love is...intrusive. It is, moreover, almost entirly an illusion. It can make the worlds best thinkers into woolheads and can cause those who previously enjoyed thier lives to become thoroughly depressed. It is the cause of more friction, hatred, and contempt than anything else I have witnessed, though I admit that being only 19 does lessen the effect of that sentance. It is however a fascinating thing to observe from a safe distance. The mystery of how even those who know what pain love brings still manage to believe that it is worth a try still eludes me. My apologies to those who know my views on it already by the way. One day I promise I'll stop airing them
The things I used, such as the grave-dogs bark and rotting meat, were placed there to try and show how truly unpleasant and revolting trust is. I'll definatly re-write this a second time however, as soon as work stops giving me over time
Yes, it should have been. Thanks for pointing it out
Give me your trust said the god most high, For on my shoulders I support the sky. Trust me to know and to do what is best, And I will take care of the rest. But trust is the sight of a dark seed growing, Trust is the sight of heart’s blood flowing. Trust is the sight of a soul's last breath, Trust is the sight of death. Give me your trust said the queen on her throne, For I must bear the burden all alone. Trust me to lead and to judge and to rule, And no man will think you a fool. But trust is the sound of a grave-dog’s bark, Trust is the sound of betrayal in the dark. Trust is the sound of a soul's last breath, Trust is the sound of death. Give me your trust said the judge in his chair, The burden of punishment is mine alone to bear. Trust me to follow the words of the law, And I’ll see that justice will score. But trust is the taste of old meat rotting, Trust is the taste of foul blood clotting. Trust is the taste of a soul's last breath, Trust is the taste of death. Give me your trust said the mother to her child, For despite my yells my temper is mild. Trust me to help you live your life, And you’ll never find any strife. But trust is the smell of a newly opened grave, Trust is the smell of a hostage late to save, Trust is the smell of a soul's last breath, Trust is the smell of death. Give me your trust said the preacher to the crowd, For I’ll spread your words and cry them loud. Trust me now to lead your worthy cause, And you’ll have no reason to pause. But trust is the feel of darkening years, Trust is the feel of falling tears. Trust is the feel of a soul's last breath, Trust is the feel of death.
Heinrich kept his face blank as he replayed the last transmission from his droid at the Jedi enclave, but he couldn't keep his ideas from boiling. Lorna, his friend since he first joined the order, had decided to betray him on the command of the council! Fine! If she wanted to be the goody two shoes and always follow orders that was her problem. Her loss as well. Why couldn't she understand he was doing what he was in order to improve the Jedi order. His eyes strayed from the datapad recording and glanced out of the viewscreen, showing the strange looking nebula. It seemed almost to call to him. He knew at once that he had found where he must go, it was there that he would increase his knowledge of the Force, it was there that the Force inside of him wanted him to go. His very being seemed to tingle with the mere thought of the power that awaited him. All in good time though. He would have to put off his exploring until the survey probe he had dispatched had reported its findings.
To all players. I am afraid that a duty stronger than even my love of the Pen, roleplay, and Jedi, has come to the front once more. One day I'll find myself a way to cut the strings that bind me. Until then...damn. Anyway, it means that entries from me are going to be infrequent for the next week, longer if things do not go to plan. My apologies. Richard
Good news... for me at least.
Solivagus replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Managed to go a week without sleep, without my work suffering -
Heinrich looked thoughtfully at the object hanging in space infront of the ship. It appeared to be a small beacon, and it was also somehow stopping the ship from moving forward. Impatiently he scanned the object again, and R1's holoprojector sprung to life. The image of a human, about Heinrichs height and with a light sabre at his hip, began to broadcast a message. "BY ORDER OF THE JEDI COUNCIL, THIS SECTION OF THE GALAXY IS OFF LIMITS TO ALL. PLEASE TURN BACK. THANKYOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION." "This has got to be it!" He said, his voice full of enthusiasm. "There must be something here that can help me learn." "Or maybe they want to keep people away from something dangerous." Varix drawled. "What could be dangerous to a Jedi like me?" Heinrich grinned at the ranger, then a frown crossed his face as he turned back to the image. "All I have to do is get us loose and away." Slowly he formed a picture of his lightsabre in his mind. It always helped him to focus on something familiar when trying to clear his mind to let the Force guide his hand. Soon everything was gone, all thought and knowledge, all emotion. There was only the Force. Slowly his eyes opened and he reached out his hands, his movements seeming somehow stately. His fingers tapped in a sequence of commands and the ship shuddered slightly, its engines taking on a strange high-pitched whine. With a muffled thwump the entire ship shook, and *something* shot out from the front of the ship. Looking like a bright blue fork of lightning it shot from the front of the ship and slammed into the beacon, causing it to detonate. R1 was sent flying across the chamber, holographic display short circuiting but suffering no other damage,. The ships engines reduced themselves back to thier normal pitch, and Heinrich awoke from his trance. His face was pale and shaken, but all he said before weaving off to his bunk to sleep was "At least we got through." In the council room of the Jedi enclave, a message began to flash on a view screen infront of Master Gorak
And into Heinrich "the mad"'s lap. Giggling under his breath he prodded it with a gnarled finger, waiting for it to do something. Behind him he heard the rumble of thunder. "You do that?" The Nimball™ quivvered slightly in what he assumed to be a no. Hastily he turned round...and saw almost all of The Pen bearing down on him. His mouth grinned widely as they drew nearer. "You'll feel my power!" Quickly he aimed his Staff at them and they were assaulted by a hail of fire. At least, what would have been a hail of fire if it hadn't turned into a heavy downpour of roses. Hastily he scooped up the Nimball™ so he could study it later and ran off, before falling on his face due to his bootlaces being tied together. With a scrambled yell he managed to keep hold of his Staff under the deluge of Pen members, but the Nimball™ slipped from his hand. With one final desperate wave of his Staff he changed all of the roses that had landed into Nimballs, hiding the true Nimball™ from easy sight...