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Everything posted by Solivagus
Holy Hannah! And I was told quantam means you just add another 0...
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
The glare Heinrich shot at Ed could have vaporised lava. "In case you hadn't been paying attention, MR scientist, I was among those who helped stop the creature posing as Pavlov. Your pathetic attempts to try and turn people against me wont work. Accept the inevitable, mutant. I will see you dead!" -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich carefully keeps his face blank as he adds his vote to the majority. This would be his chance to get his own back on the man who had several times come close to accusing him of being a mutant. -
Balance. That is what the small part of the world I have viewed appears to be based upon. The birth of my brother and sister was a balance for my parents, making up for the misfortune of my existance. My epilepsy and inability to understand certain aspects others take for granted is balanced by my lack of need for many "close" friends. There has been, so far, a suscess to equal every failure, it is just that it is sometimes hard to enlarge the mind to see the entire picture. But then, if I am not simply deluding myself with false perceptions, where is the balance in the rest of the world? All the people dying for reasons that can often only be seen as foolish. Where is the opposing side to that? It can of course be argued that for every death there is a life, that there is no plauge without a cure. Still, it doesn't seem enough. Or maybe I just can't picture it fully. If anyone IS able to see all the sides, let me know? Or if you think I'm just imagining order in a world of chaos, kick me to wake me out of my delusions
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich muttered an oath under his breath as the bruise on his side tightened. He wouldn't be able to walk straight for ages. Not without vodka therapy anyway. At least he was above suspiscion now. He was watching the kids in a new light now, they weren't as useless as he had thought them. -
Xavier staggered back as the knife point entered the womans eye. Hastily he withdrew his mind, glad that the death of the body was making the leaving quicker. He turned from the two men, thinking himself lucky he had not gone towards them, and reached for the tavern door. Before entering he sent a message out into the night, a vow that he would hunt down whoever had caused him pain...
Meanwhile, outside the tavern... Xavier let out a small hiss of rage. Only long years of mental practice kept the pain from being more than irritating. No one had the right to cause him pain in his head! All he had to do was break the lines driving the men like...a bright lance of mental thought shot into his head as he tried to sever the connection, and only his strong will power kept his knees from buckling. His hand moved to the jagged knife at his side. He despised melee combat as a rule, but there was no other choice. Ordinarily he would have left the woman to her fate, but the attacks on his mind were annoying him. Quickly he burrowed into the womans mind, hunting for the optical area of her brain so that he might use her sight...
The candles Heinrich placed round the body of Laranta seemed to throb with his chanting. His deep voice rolled around the room, echoing in the night air. With practiced care he sent his voice across the barrier between this world an the next, summoning the spirit of the murdered lady. OOC: Damn, how do you squeeze a proper occult ceremony into 50 words?!
On cold dark nights when the blood runs red, I wish on what I could have said. I think of what I should have known, And then, perhaps, I wouldn't be alone. All the times I let my anger guide me, Instead of thinking "I'll wait and see." All the times I yelled the the world, When all that was needed was a kindly word. All the times I lashed out with my pride, In my arrogance thinking I had friends on my side. Believing that I could rely upon people, And now my life's shown to be utterly feeble. How many people might I have cheered, If I had smiled rather than sneered? But it's too late now, there's no going back, Control of my hatred, is just what I lack.
The blind mans staff tapped gently infront of him as he walked down the path to the city of Eelix, seeiking out obstacles that might cause him to fall. A ragged and dirty bandage covered his eyes, and his hair was wild and unkempt. His torn and dirty brown robe fluttered in the wind. In time, he came to the gates of the city, passing through them without challenge. After all, what harm could there be in a blind man? This thought ran through Xaviers mind, traced with a hint of bitterness. Still, if this was what it took to remain alive, so be it. He sent his mind out into the air around him, searching the heads of the villagers for the location of the tavern. Thier minds were weak, easily broken into. After finding what he needed he made his way to the drinking house. It would be good to be in the company of others again. There would be new emotions for him to savour. OOC: This is the first time I have used Xavier, Dream Assasin. Let me know if he doesn't fit, and I'll run Heinrich past you instead
Ah, once again there is happy poetry to write... I walk alone down the beaten track, I have no friends, I don't have the knack. Never understood just how they get made, So I'll walk down this track alone and afraid. I've never quite grasped how friends appear, So instead I'll watch with a cold dark sneer. I'll watch as the others share breaktime snacks, And then I'll walk alone down this plain beaten track. I'll watch with amusment as friends come and go, I'll see friends turn to enemies in white winter snow. I'll see brothers and sisters launch thier attack, Then I'll wander alone down this plain beaten track. The plain track of life is layed out for me, As I walk alone it becomes all I can see. The friends I might have had are lost in the past, Now I'm alone, I'm quite simply the last.
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich pulled a chair over to the corner of the room and tried to make himself comfortable, his hands shaking slightly as he lit his home-made dog end. First Greta, then one of the visitors. Idly he wondered if anyone else was gonna cop it, before waving the thought aside as being foolish. Of course more people would die. It was the way of the world. Just so long as he wasn't one of them... -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich looked in shock at Ed. "You can't have seen me kick toads! I made sure no one was...Uh, I mean...You! You must be a mutant! Kill him now, let him burn in the slopes of the Seven Hells for all time!" Suddenly he realised the strange looks some people were giving him and he shut up. OOC: Ereymon! Let the torches of the rightous sear his flesh from his bones! -
Heinrich frowned down at the body of Laranta. Who had she been? How had she predicted his arrival? And why had someone gone to the trouble of killing her? Running his rough hands along his chin he wondered how the townsmen felt about necromancy...
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich's eyes widened as he saw which way the votes were swinging. Silently he cursed the companys policy of wearing name badges. Inside is head small circuits that hadn't been used for centuries began to activate. If he accused Greta himself... (OOC: no votes yet, still thinking) -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: So-o...any chance of the old "Hands up who's a wolf" ploy working? -
Xavier, my latest creation. Based on the idea of the few emotions and feelings I posses being formed into a single entity. Should be fun to play, when I can. The small, timid looking creature huddled on ground. Rain beat about it, striking the ground with such force that it shook. Lightning flashed brightly through the sky, creating strange looking shadows that lasted mere seconds before dissapearing into the night. Slowly, as if afraid of what it would see, the figure raised its head. The face was that of a small girl. Long, silvery hair flowed almost to her waist, free of decoration and constraint. Slanted eyes coloured a deep, emerald green revealed her elven heritage. She reached up a slender hand to brush back her hair, and a ring on her forefinger caught the light from a bolt of lightning. It was shaped into an emblem of a crescent moon, the emblem of the royal house of Andar. Her frightened eyes searched the flat plain surrounding her. Where was she? How had she come here? She bit her lip hard, refusing to cry. She was only ten, but she was still of a royal house and she would be strong. Rising to her feet she streched, easing her muscles that had somehow become cramped. After a moment she began to walk. One direction was as good as any other since she was lost. Eventually she would find someone to help her. Her childs mind held no uncertainty on this point, only determination. The landscape, however, did not change. She might as well have not been walking. Suddenly she whirled around, her sharp elven ears having heard a sound behind her. Despite her resolve she let out a small gasp. Infront of her stood a tall human, dressed in clothes of a deepest red. A crossbow was slung at his hip, and his waist was encircled by a brace of knives. In his hand he held an oddly shaped throwing star, made of some matarial she did not recognise. His face was hidden beneath the hood of his robe. "Greetings, elven child." The mans voice rolled forth from under the hood. It made the girl think of deep dark caves full of frightening secrets, of ancient tombs haunted by guardian spirits, and of the dark groves of evil found in the forests of her world. Her brain tried vainly to send messages to her feet, telling her to run, but something stopped her. The man continued. "My name is Xavier, and you are on the Plane of Dreams." The elven child felt as if all her bones had been removed from her body. Her knees gave way and she collapsed to the ground. Xavier! The Dream Assasin! Her mind backed fearfully away from the myths and legends that surrounded him. Ignoring her weakness, she struggled to speak. "I-I am not afraid of you!" Her voice was shrill, on the verge of panic. "Then you are a fool." came the reply. With a flick of his wrist he sent the curiously shaped star spinning from his hand to bury itself with a crunch into her head. A small sigh escaped her lips, before she wavered and vanished, taking the star with her. Xavier stood silently for a moment, looking down at where the elven child had fallen. Then he, too, vanished. In the elven domain of Andar the funeral bells tolled forth thier tune. The entire nation wept at the loss of the only heir to the throne. None of them understood how one so young died in her sleep...
Tan, what you and Gnarl have done seems great to me. I reckon the method of joining is really up to the person who writes. I'm warning people now though, change the story so much that Heinrich ends up wearing a pink ra ra skirt and there will be consequences... I'll write another piece as soon as I've got some sleep
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich glared at Albert. "Shut it kid. No need to go predicting gloom. Little kids today have no idea..." Trailing off he watched the scene intently. -
This is gonna be kinda like that one word robin that's running in the other forum, except this has more words . No more than 50 words in a post please. Thanks to Tanuchan and Katzaniel for advising me to do this . Storm clouds rolled across the dark sky as the hooded figure made his way down the well-trod path. Lightning flashed, revealing a well built town in front of him. He sighed in relief when he saw it. He had been too long on the road without company.
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich glanced at the new-comers and barely managed to restrain himself from cursing. Blondes at the site, an ideal title for a horror movie! -
Werewolf IV: Attack of the Atomic Space Werewolves
Solivagus replied to Vahktang's topic in Conservatory Archives
Heinrich resisted the urge to lash out at the disgusting child that had grabbed his hand. With a great deal of mental effort he managed to ignore the kid, and instead waited for the adults to arrive. At least they were clean. He was sure the creature infront of him would run out of air eventually...wouldn't it? -
Richard read with interest the replies to his post, before voicing an idea that was feeling all alone in, for want of a better word, his mind. "What if we tried writing an entire story out of mini sagas?"
Just to make life easier, let us pretend that I was.
This was written for a competition, about 3 years ago. It was, quite honestly, the hardest thing I have ever written. The idea was to write an understanable story in no more than 50 words. Now with me being so long winded and having a tendandcy to try and spend ages on description and stuff, that was damned hard. I was just wondering though-could this be turned into one of those quill quest thingies? Just an idea. Even if it can't I wouldn't mind hearing how easy or how difficult other people would find the task, and seeing thier results of course . "He's mine," snarled Ranulf, overtaken with berserk fury at the sight of the hulking ogre lumbering towards them. No one argued with him, he was welcome to the beast.