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Everything posted by Solivagus
Heinrich muttered angrily under his breath, then quickly sent a series of symbols to the illithid conveying thier thanks, and and a small request followed by a promise. The illithid reached out it's tentacles and uprooted a large oaktree. Looking pointidly at Damon it broke it with a simple twist, making a sound horribly similar to breaking bones, before wandering off. As it walked off Heinrich caught a sense of the creatures mood and grinned. "Come on down Adglomero, let's hope all our encounters are as easy as this one." (OOC: Richard hurridly gets on the phone to tell Vanessa things are moving)
Heinrich smiled grimly. "Poses a threat? Why would you think that?" His voice was slightly sarcastic. "It only managed to throw Damon aside as easily as Damon would throw me. "I have fought one of these creatures before, though then I had the support of the elven nation, and even then I was only able to drive it away. Still, I believe that it won't hurt us unless we attack it." Heinrich frowned uneasily. "I'm not sure if it can understand verbal communication. If not then with your permission I would link with you, providing you with a way to send ideas to me which will then be passed on to this creature. That's unless you can do so yourself, of course." Heinrichs brow furrowed. "And if my masters agree."
If you manage to stay away longer than a month get back to me, I want to know how
Heinrich frowned. Past the illithid he could sense two other beings. He was looking forward to meeting them, providing he didn't die first
Okay, we don't know what characters are going to turn up, but please don't make them too hard. If you are using a D & D system they should be about level 6. Whatever and whoever the characters are they will all recieve a message attached to the leg of a falcon, requesting thier aid. The message is sent by the people living in a small hamlet near Celadon Forest, a forest known to be the home of a community of elves. It's assumed that, as you're supposed to be helpful heroes (snigger) you'll accept the challenge... Other than the above there are no rules in particular, just please remember this is our first attempt at being a DM both online and in the real world. Now we just sit and wait for adventurers...
Heinrich started muttering to Silver about the little information he knew on the creature. "The few illithid's I've met believe themselves to be scholars, scientists involved in the research of knowledge. It is one of the most deadliest and unpredictable forces I have met. They are a form of mind flayer, as Damon suspected. As with some other mind flayers they gain skills and abilities by digesting the brains of thier victims. I believe they also learn many tricks from sight as well. "Due to these facts I would usually have said that such a creature has no place on this world and would usually have tried to destroy it. However, notice the damage it has suffered and compare it with the way it so easily stopped Damon. You said the creature who killed your father must have been most powerful in able to do so, as must the creature able to harm this being. I am sorry, but that is all I know more about this creature." Having had his say Heinrich remained silent, though seeing the creature did not object to Silver keeping her sword he raised his hand and called his Staff to his hand.
Heinrich swore angrily under his breath. "He came to us in peace and without attack!" he yelled at Damon. Slamming the white end of his Staff at Damon he hastily knocked the demon to one side with a blast of white power, not hurting him but preventing him from touching the creature. Carefully he unhooked his sword belt and then layed his Staff against a nearby tree. Solemly he bowed to the Illithid in front of him, arms spread in welcome. "My name is Heinrich, among your kind I may be known as Morhaz Korag, banished and hunted." He saw the creature stir at the mention of his name and watched calmly as it moved towards him, it's tentacles reaching forwards. When the tentacles came withing an inch of his chest they became still. Slowly Heinrich reached under his cloak and pulled forth his amulet, which was glowing a pale blue. "By this sign you may know me. Will you honour me with your name, if you have one?" While this was taking place he quickly sent a message to Adglomero. Keep Damon off me and this creature, it may have valuable information for us and it is not for Damon to decide what course the party is to take. If you are certain that is wise- Adglomero sounded dubious, but leapt onto the back of Hiemalis, an arrow notched as the mighty bird took flight. I hope you know what you are doing. She sent to Heinrich. So do I Heinrich turned again to Silver. "Lady, I say to you again. It is YOUR move. Whatever course you choose I will follow. If you choose to challenge this creature then I will help, and apologise for preventing Damon from doing so earlier." Heinrich turned back to calmly face the creature, spells of protection ready for WHOEVER would need them.
They're back... He comes, Bringer of darkness, destroyer of light, He comes. Black cloak around him, Scythe he is handling, He comes. White skull grinning, Taking both the good and the sinning, He comes. On skeletal steed, On souls he must feed, He comes. Bony fingers reaching out, Clenching throat and drowning shout, He comes. Beware deaths face, His skeletal grace, He comes. He comes for you.
Heinrich glanced irritably at Adglomero before turning to face the illithid, dropping his invisibilty illusion, which revealed him standing alongside Silver. For someone of the third circle you show remarkably little restraint, girl. Didn't the fact you gained NOTHING tip you off? For the sake of the elves I'm glad there are seven circles that must be passed. Her face hot with anger and shame Adglomero quickly advanced alongside her Roc, being careful to keep her eyes on the creature rather than looking at Heinrich. She kept her bow lowered, not wanting to take hostile action without Silvers, and possibly Heinrichs, judgement. Heinrich himself gazed at the creature infront of him, before cocking a quizzicle eyebrow at Silver. "Your move, lady. However I believe it would be best if we were to communicate with this being, I do not wish to fight such a creature. To do so would severly shorten our odds at finding your fathers killers, magic swords at your command or not."
Heinrich scowled at Adglomero, and looked warirly at Damons sword. "I see you are more forth coming with the ladies, demon." With a mocking smile he leaned against a tree and his form shimmered for a second, then nothing. Nothing but Heinrich leaning idly against a tree, with the familiar mocking look on his face. I don't suppose you're actually going to help us are you! Adglomero yelled silently at Heinrich. And silence was all she met. No emotions or feelings from him. His ability to shut things off frightened her sometimes.
Heinrich looked with amusement as Adglomero approached him. "Ado-" Quickly Heinrich cut off her hesitant greeting. "Link with me." He said firmly, and held out his hands. "After all I've achieved you still-" Link now! The mind thought was like a whip and Adglomero flinched instinctivly, seeking for his hands. Gently but firmly he grabbed her hands and eased her into his mind fully. Time and space seemed to warp around her. She felt herself returning to a castle to find only ruins. She felt herself falling and running and being chased. She felt herself escaping and turning into the hunted. She felt the meeting of new companions and explantions. Most of all, as always, she felt one strong word, "Duty". With a jolt she felt herself pushed back into her own body. "And that's how things stand now, Adglomero. Now do you understand why I said it was too dangerous?" Still disorientated she replied. "You taught me to search out danger and better myself, remember?" Heinrich sighed and waited for Silver to lead, a look of mock resignation and despair on his face.
Heinrich scowled, then muttered something about needing some sleep even if a demon didn't, before pulling his hood up.
The owner of this room needs some serious help...
"Blunt and to the point, travelling with you should be interesting. The demon and I have put aside our differences for now, there's no need for you to worry about us fighting." Heinrich grinned and tore at the rabbit. "Thanks for the food Sayen." Heinrich carefully went into a trance and the golden glow surrounded him accompanied by the hum, louder than ever. There seemed to be some sort of discussion going on between Heinrich and another entity or entities. Eventually he left his trance and opened his eyes again. "I have 'existed' on this world some five thousand years, suspended in stasis outside of time when I am neither threatened nor needed. As to my age, the years at which I have travelled this land, they number two hundred and thirty one." Heinrich laughed. "To elves I am a mere infant. Ask more questions if you wish, I will answer to the best of my ability."
"Myriddin chuckled wryly as he emerged from the arms of the oak tree. Why not, we ARE travelling together after all." Myriddins form shimmered and standing before Damon was a strongly built man standing just over seven feet. A hard face supported a dark black beard, the same colour as his shortly cropped hair. Piercing blue eyes glittered from beneath black eyebrows, though the eyes seemed troubled as if from some inner torment. "You are indeed correct, I am not as old as I appear." Myriddin smiled mockingly. "I imagine I am older, though that would depend on your guess. The fireball, just as my illusion, was also a test. Remember that we are tested everyday in many different ways, and failure in such tests may well lead to the introduction of more chaos than the world can support." Myriddins look became fierce. "Hear me demon. Though I doubt I equal either your skill or Silver Dragon's I am still a force to be reckoned with. Make sure you do not fall back to the ways you first followed. I am no weak in combat magician, nor am I a druid relying on nature. I am a Witch Hunter, despised wherever I go. But enough of such talk, threats are wasted energy, and as I said I doubt I could match either of you." So saying Myriddin moved closer to the fire, gesturing negligently and increasing the temperature. "Remember my warning about the wards Damon. Oh, and my real name is Heinrich, he said in passing, Myriddin was who I was before my brothers were destroyed." (OOC: Now that I have found my Dungeons and Dragons books I'll mainly be using the spells I have found in them unless I am forced to look somewhere else for knowledge. I'm also wondering how in blazes a human such as myself will be helpful to a damned big demon, dragon and pet dragon. Hopefully we'll find that out later.)
The sound of Myriddins mocking laughter came from the oak tree that had surrounded him. "Just how old do you believe I am Damon? And it appears that some illusions do affect you, when you aren't on guard for them. I will set wards around the camp. As both of you are magic users you'll notice them as red symbols, a staff surrounded by seven circles. Please, Damon, do not walk over the seals, they are set to trigger if a creature of chaos crosses them."
Myriddin chuckled and mumered "Argue all you like Damon, neither of us will give ground, and a world without conflict would be dull indeed." Myriddin frowned at the pile of wood Damon had collected then seemed to consider something. Shaking with silent laughter he shook his head and began to mumble a series of sylables, creating white symbols around his hands. With a small tossing gesture he threw a small fireball into the wood and watched it catch instantly, the faint wind stirring the wood and making sparks rise into the sky. Sweating slightly he leaned heavily against the tree before sinking to the ground. A strange hum as of a thousand voices ran through the small campsite and a faint glow surrounded Myriddin before dying away. The tree he was leaning against enveloped him protectivly and hid him from view. "Enjoy the fire, my companions." Myriddins voice sounded weary.
Myriddin muttered irritably under his breath, planted his staff firmly on the floor of the tavern and concentrated. As he began to mutter syllables under his breath strange symbols started to surround him and his staff began to glow, half white and half black seperated by a strip of metal. The locals in the tavern hastily pulled away from him-they had seen his medallion and knew the reputation of the Witch Hunters. Gradually Myriddins form began to shimmer as his transportation spell took effect. Then with a loud POP he vanished, to reappear along side Silver and Damon. The locals glanced at one another, then hastily ordered another round of drinks. "Sorry it took me so long to catch up." He said, smiling mockingly at his fellow companions. (OOC: Fly indeed...HAH! )
Richard bounces on his toes-who's up?! Who's u....Me?! ***sound of body hitting floor and staff clattering on the ground*** Ow...thanks all
"Tell me Damon, what would you say a soul is? Who hands them out? Where are they made? It is my belief that morals cannot exist without a soul to hold them together. By reforming and holding to those morals and principles I believe you have CREATED a soul. Those who obey without question, hesitation or thought, those who are empty and beyond redemption, they are without souls, and I pity them. "As to killing former members of my order? I may be said to have killed some of your kind, though I imagine they were no where near as powerful. The only reason I seek revenge on those who destroyed my brethren is because I saw what was done to them when I entered our home after my wanderings. I saw the blood and the empty husks. I saw the profanties and vulgarities sprayed across the walls in blood, and at that moment I knew I could never truly progress, that I would have to live forever under the motto 'Es nil hesrl.' "I would gladly accept your company, and I sincerly doubt that forgivness is needed." At this Myriddin slowly began to recite his creed. "What is it to be a Witch Hunter? To toil endlessly against the dark. What is it that we cannot forget? We are all but one step away from the pit. Who then are we to judge and condem? The death of a thousand innocents is far better than the survival of the damned. Do we bear our burden lightly? Our destiny is a cruel master who we dare not ignore. What then will be our reward? We ask for none, and none is recieved. When can we ever stop? When the cold grave eternal calls us to rest." Myriddin smiled mockingly at the end of his recital. "We, our, such words have no meaning any longer for me and yet still I cling to the creed. It will never be forgotten for as long as I live, and I intend that to be a VERY long time." (OOC: I'm starting to enjoy this, I admit I had my doubys )
Myriddin chuckled to himself and straigtened, a grim smile on his face. "I'm glad you could so easily see through that. You'd be surprised how many people it has fooled." He pulled up a chair and sat down, holding his staff lengthways in his lap. "My medallion is a symbol of an old order, the Order of Witch Hunters. I am the last of them. I've been hunting the ones who destroyed it for a long time now. The medallion serves as a focus point. It has no power of itself, it merely helps me concentrate and remind me of my purpose in life. As for this staff...I have no idea what it's properties are. I found it in a cave I took shelter in one night. It seemed to call to me." Myriddin stared off into space for a moment, recalling old memories before shaking himself. "Forgive my test but it was needed. There are many fakes on the roads nowadays, and the ways of chaos are not easily spotted. Just as I am chasing those who killed the rest of my order, so too am I being hunted." Myriddin chuckled again, a deep mocking sound and looked deep into Damon's eyes and into his soul. "Interesting. I have never met a demon with such intelligence before. Nor with such morals. You will be a rare companion indeed, if I am allowed to follow of course." (OOC: The name is latin for merlin. I use the name as a sign of respect for the bird of prey, not in reference to the mage of legend.)
Myriddin looked up quickly from his place in the dark corner of the room at the sound of wings. He had heard that sound many times before, enough to know it was wise to step carefully around creatures that made such noises. As he looked at the lady he started in surprise. Not what he had expected. There was something in her eyes that he seemed to recognise. A few moments later he realised what it was, it was the sight he saw every time he looked in the mirror. Carefully he stood up and took up his staff from where it lay by his side. Sheathing the sword he had been polishing under his cloak he walked over to the group. Maybe they could lead him to those who he sought. As he left his corner his brow furrowed in concentration and his amulet shimmered slightly as he cast the smallest of spells before walking over to the two people. As he approached they saw a black robed figure, back bent with age leaning heavily on his staff. A grey beard ended in a point just below his collar, where there lay a common medallion the like of which could be bought at any shop. No weapons were visible, unless you could count the staff. "I couldn't help over hearing you" he said in a wheezy voice. "Though I'm old I still have a few tricks up my sleeve that may be useful to you, if you will have me." He snapped his fingures and a ball of fire matirealised in the palm of his hand. "Will you accept me?"
Count me in, though I'll need help as always Breathe deep, exhale, think Life is too short for chaos Drink in the sweet day
I'm sorry for using the board as a place to store my story as it is building but my computer is starting to have severe problems. Please send me comments on how it can be improved and I'll fix them into the story. I'll finish the story asap so that it can be finally be counted as done and hopefully worthy of staying. Gah, right now my intro talk is taking up as much as the story... Picture a street. A man, tall and proud walks down it. Shoes sparkling, clothes neat, he radiates confidence and character. The sort of person you’re certain you can ask for direction for the post office without being sent to one 5 miles away instead of the one across the street. The sort of man that’s crying out to the world “I'm a hero! Trust me!” He is, in fact, the sort of person that many others would like to kick in the nether regions and see what he says. Turn to the left. There, a beggar in the street. Filthy, dirty and unkempt, this is the sort of man you’d never kick just in case you catch something. Suddenly the beggar vanishes. The hero figure blinks. Very slowly he turns into the nearest pub, orders a large bottle of vodka and prepares to get totally soused. It just goes to show… In the Void, a place where time space and even reality is meaningless seven shapes looked first at the image infront of them and then at the filthy man on the table. "You daft bugger, you got the wrong one!" "Well I don't see how it's my fault that you've got lousy aim I was just supplying the power and..." "Sssh, he's waking up." "What do we do with him?" "Give him a bath?" Six figures turned withering gazes upon the last speaker. He looked defensive, or at least as defensive as a shapeless being can look. "Just a suggestion." The beggar groaned. "Urgh...who turned out the lights?" There was an embarrased silence. "Well you see there aren't any lights in the Void." "The Void huh? Let me guess, there's a world that needs saving and I'm the only one who can do it?" "How did you..." "I read it in a book. Can I go now?" "Look you arrogant little weasel..." "Thousands of people will die if I don't help? The world will be rent assunder by storms of gigantic and monstrous proportions? Am I getting warm?" "Yes, but..." "Not interested." The Seven stood in shocked silence. "Um...you're supposed to say 'I'll do what I can'" One said. "It is kind of expected." "Otherwise we'll obliterate you." Another said, rather smugly. "Obliterate. Right. Look, incase you hadn't noticed I'm not exactly hero material. What was wrong with the other guy across the street?" "He wasn't what we needed." "His mind was wrong." "Somebody missed." "Look it's not my fault." The Seven came to an embarrassed silence again. They were getting rather good at it. “Alright, I’ll help. But I want it clear it’s only because I was threatened. I'm not having people thinking I'm a hero-got it?” “You can’t talk to us like that!” “We’re more advanced and powerful than you can imagine!” “Then why can’t you solve the problem?” “Well…Oh al-right!” One of the figures snapped. “Only because of the threat. Okay, Now for the easy part. One of us has to be in your head.” “What?!” “We have to have some way of controlling you.” The voice seemed to be trying to sound reasonable, although a certain strain seemed to be coming through. “Controlling me. Right. And if I refuse…?” “We’ll obliterate you.” One of them answered. “Arrogant little git.” The beggar muttered under his breath. A small snort of laughter came from one of the figures, who then looked shocked. “What the…?” The other six gaped at him. “You’ve got a shape!” “I've got a shape?! What about you?” He growled irritably. They looked down at themselves in horror. Black robes with cowls now encased their essence, each of them standing six foot tall. They glared at the beggar. “What have you done?!” “And how did you do it?!” The beggar looked smug. “That’s for threatening me. Now, unless you want me to form you into the shape of pigs hurry up and get this going!” The figures took on a sulky expression, which quickly turned to scowls as they realised they had expressions to look sulky with. They let out a collective sigh, concentrated and then gazed fixedly into the beggars eyes. There was a pause. “Well?” asked the beggar. “You done yet?” The seven figures gritted their teeth. “Not quite, no.” The beggar was amused to see beads of sweat appearing on their faces. He certainly hadn’t caused those. “How is he doing it?” “How should I know, he’s dangerous, send him back at least.” “No! I'm not going to be beaten by some filthy beggar!” “You can’t get in, can you?” “Shut up Heinrich.” The beggar gaped. “How do you know my name?!” “We know everything!” One of the figures snapped angrily. “Except why you can’t get in.” “If we couldn’t get in then we wouldn’t know your name would we.” The voice was showing signs of strain. “And stop pissing about with our voices!” “Not my fault.” “Of course it’s your fault! We never had anything but calm voices until you came here!” “So what’s the problem?” “How are you closing parts of yourself off?!” “Read it in a book.” “A book.” Now the voice sounded like it was coming from someone who was passed slightly peeved and into highly annoyed and ready to kill. “Careful Fred.” One of the voices said, then looked shocked and glared at Heinrich. “You’ve given us names!” “Watch who you call Fred, George!” “Sod this, send him out into the world and let him find things out on his own.” Snarled one of the figures now known as Mike. “Someone who’s read so much should have no problems.” The voice seemed to have taken on a slightly purring quality, as if he was eager to see how Heinrich would blunder in the world. Heinrich’s face went blank. There was no way these beings were going to scare him! “If you need us just call.” Said George, almost in a sweet voice. “Got to give him the prophecy Mike.” “Shove the prophecy! Let him find out himself!” “There was a shocked silence, then Mike grudgingly began to recite as six pairs of eyes glared at him. “Seven Wards of ancient lore, For earth's protection, wall and door. And one High Judge to command the Law, To wield the staff and guard the core. Seven Words to name evils might, To bind it's cruel, foul might. And one pure Judge to wield the staff, To bar the earth from evils sight. Seven hells for failed faith, For earth betrayers, man and wraith. And one brave Judge to stem the tide, To stop the evil calling foes to it's side.” “Nice rhyme” Heinrich grinned up at them. With a snarl from all seven of them they waved their arms and sent him out into the world. “I can’t wait to see him fall on his face.” Fred muttered.
I had a change of heart (collection)
Solivagus replied to Solivagus's topic in Banquet Room Archives
I can't believe I'm writing this stuff... Down in the cellar where I'm put when I'm bad, I discovered a friend and his name is Chad, Chad is a mouse and it's strange as can be, 'cause I chat with him and he chats with me. We discuss world affairs and our neighbours' too, The price of éclairs and the price of glue, He's keen on cheese and he has a wheeze, It's the dust down there and the normal sleaze. The other day he acted prestigious, He said he and his were mostly religious; His concept of heaven was Orlando, Flo. Where creators still worked and the tourists go. His chief creator he knew as Walt, Whose kin still worked at a movie vault. Now, these known facts do prove to me, That all earthly creatures have a deity. Don't argue with me; go argue with Chad, If you really do, you'll come out bad, When Chad and I spoke, I heard him say, He's ready for Walt on Judgment Day.