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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by gjunon

  1. nice visuals on the poem great job i can imagine your painting very nice
  2. interesting poem i really wonder why it is easier writing sad poems anyone esle feel this way?
  3. hmm tass interesting poem i hope you are doing alright still i like the flow it has good job.
  4. well with me i hardly get to see my family and i do wish i could confide with them but that hardly ever happens we are all so busy now.
  5. yeah i know i am horrable with punctuation anyhow my next poem will deffinatly have some in it so i can appease you guys
  6. Walking amidst shadows Walking alone now Crying finding myself Standing amidst the ending flows of life Which way to turn where to go whom to talk to where to stay Turning seeing an end the pain in my heart Finding the path to end all ends To finally be able to say I did it I prevailed In the end were you awake or crying or running from yourself Are you alive as I am now Will it be glory in the end will I see the light A single tear falls from my cheek splashing against my hand Kneeling down beckoning the end to come I am here now I am finally free Falling now a feather falls faster The crimson blood taking its toll Breaking all of my life threads The end is here now I can finally rest
  7. we all wise up in the end interesting poem i could see why you wrote it but are you going to give it to him now?
  8. it was a really well written poem i know exactly how you feel (hollow) hope you find the one your searching for
  9. well i wrote this poem thinking of everything that would possibly be going through your mind when your walking that fatal road it was ment to be a little blurry and about spelling / puncuation bahh oh-well i am not the best speller :-p
  10. my e-mail is vcryanvc2000@yahoo.com and thanks for your acceptance. i am writing a new one right now and i will show u some of my work here this one is also posted in the banquet. Walking Tears streaming down the bleak lines of infinity Every thing long lost in the desolate wastes of my mind The road to my soul can I still call it that? The infinite struggle is never so kind Running now Hard and fast as I can go A spec I am a grain of sand turning in the cool waters One of many falling ever so slow I can only run so far I cannot run far enough it seems In the dimness now the blackness is coming to life with my star The lone light on this field is it enough? Death is closing in I can feel the rope All alone I am walking ever so slow The blade I hold in my hand shivers with me The blood on it shines from my foes A scream carries no sound Time has no place for me in this waste Here I am here and now With this deep sorrow I will continue I must Down this dark road of distrust Is the end in sight? Deaths road so dark I must walk it The pathway is ahead will I see enough to find it? Is there light enough to guide me along the way Are all the pieces ever going to fit? Have I helped those souls I freed from this road Have I actually freed them Did I send them to the depths of eternity with out a guide? I am so lost now with out him Darkness bleak darkness all around now Am I still awake can I still walk unaided by my hatred Falling now the loss of crimson blood Taking its toll on my soul without even a sound Hitting the soft earth Kneeling the field before me closing in on me Darkness looming around me alone I am Is this his will his decree I am weeping Knowing I will die utterly alone The shame hangs heavily one my shoulders I did what I must I am not sorry of it I am stone Looking up into the sky With my last breath screaming Do your worst I am here now and forever Falling a snowflake falls faster am I alive? Dead now the end is here The winds of time have passed judgment on this field Blowing away now Leaving the field and all the hearts of might alone in the night MY NEXT ONE.... Standing upon the summit Watching the sun plummet Staring at the stars Thinking how small we really are Looking upon the field Hearing the voices of thousands of dead people Saying over and over tell my wife I love her But hearing no answers to the pleas Holding your sword Staring at that blood stained blade You see a glimmer of light But it fades with the night On this hellish field there will be no light You see your enemy with no fear or fight Looking down upon your sword which you feel no fight You feel your enemy stab you with all his might You fall down upon those blood stained grounds without any prayers You fall and blood spills everywhere You lay there With nothing to say With a single tear You close your eyes without fear Then you die no longer feeling the crave You wish you could have lived just one more day. NEXT... SILLY LOVE POEM You This stranger you were Not knowing where to begin I spoke with you those fatal words Which bound us to this end The love we shared Was like a moonless night With thousands of stars blurred onto that black velvet sky Shimmering ever so calmly with all their eternal might We sat there side by side Watching the ever smooth night The meadow grass blowing in the sluggish wind We glimpsed at this with only so much as a sight Then we kissed It felt like a thousand prickles all up my spine Eternity it seemed was ever so kind Then the kiss ended and I knew all would be fine. NEXT... MY NEWEST ONE One day Droplets of sunshine pouring down from heaven Cascading down trickling through the trees Splashing onto your cool skin Walking along the pathway to your heart Walking with you now How many ways can I tell her I love her She is my center my rock my defining image Nothing else seems to matter THESE ARE OSME OF MY POEMS I NEED HELP LOL BIG HELP HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  11. anyone think it is to dark?
  12. this is my most recent poem it has been some time since i have written well enjoy let me know what you guys/ girls think Walking Tears streaming down the bleak lines of infinity Every thing long lost in the desolate wastes of my mind The road to my soul can I still call it that? The infinite struggle is never so kind Running now Hard and fast as I can go A spec I am a grain of sand turning in the cool waters One of many falling ever so slow I can only run so far I cannot run far enough it seems In the dimness now the blackness is coming to life with my star The lone light on this field is it enough? Death is closing in I can feel the rope All alone I am walking ever so slow The blade I hold in my hand shivers with me The blood on it shines from my foes A scream carries no sound Time has no place for me in this waste Here I am here and now With this deep sorrow I will continue I must Down this dark road of distrust Is the end in sight? Deaths road so dark I must walk it The pathway is ahead will I see enough to find it? Is there light enough to guide me along the way Are all the pieces ever going to fit? Have I helped those souls I freed from this road Have I actually freed them Did I send them to the depths of eternity with out a guide? I am so lost now with out him Darkness bleak darkness all around now Am I still awake can I still walk unaided by my hatred Falling now the loss of crimson blood Taking its toll on my soul without even a sound Hitting the soft earth Kneeling the field before me closing in on me Darkness looming around me alone I am Is this his will his decree I am weeping Knowing I will die utterly alone The shame hangs heavily one my shoulders I did what I must I am not sorry of it I am stone Looking up into the sky With my last breath screaming Do your worst I am here now and forever Falling a snowflake falls faster am I alive? Dead now the end is here The winds of time have passed judgment on this field Blowing away now Leaving the field and all the hearts of might alone in the night
  13. that would be because i have shown it to you lol best of luck tass =D
  14. I have always been there for you But could that be true How could it be that I hold you in my arms With despair for what has happened You are still warm now but that warmth will soon go With earth and heaven as my witness I will not let go With every sound I hear Every smile I see I will not forget this day I hold you here All I can do is stare Into my heart where you are still there And wish I could have been there for you Gone now but how now everything is blank I wish I could wake from this nightmare of hate Is this my fate? To end like this Please say no So that I can hang on to the little bit of hope That some day somewhere I will see you again My mind is starting to twist and bend All I can think is how and when But I already know what I did
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