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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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  1. ooo your still here tass... nicely done btw http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/smile.gif
  2. well done
  3. the sea is full of life but none that you can see from the surface. you have to look deeper to find it. when your looking at the sea you really dont feel life you more feel alone. i dunno the anology seemed to work alright the poems for me were written to help me move on from a relationship that went sour... i had to realize that it is for the best to move on and let it all go.
  4. sign me up
  5. i agree with rev no matter how hard you try how much you sacrifice things will never be what you want them to be perhaps its time to look else where?
  6. to be lost is to not know yourself. you must first know yourself before trying to know others. it is a hard lesson to learn one that took me a long time and a painfull one
  7. to love is to trust that person not to hurt you. i hope all is well but if your writing this perhaps not to be tied to some one elses emotions is to be put on a rollor coaster you never know what is going to happen best of luck to you. in other words i liked the poem good job
  8. Life. A drop of water Casting a shadow on my life Faded memories passing through the distance Should I still try Twilight has come This is the only path in sight I know not where it leads, but I must keep walking I am scared, I will be nothing, yet I still cry Darkness has settled I cannot see the path to walk, yet my legs still tread on Where this path leads I do not know Should I embrace it or hide, only time will tell my fate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cold grass on my bare feet The moonlight streaming down Blurring the stars in the black ocean of time How long have I been walking? How much hurt I feel Tears are flowing freely now I don’t give a shit Let them flow enough to hide from myself Let it blure my past so I can focus on my future I hurt so much its more than I can bear I wont give up I cant My life is worth living still yet I have no direction God I need you here with me more than ever Since no one else is I am all alone in my pain --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the waves crash the sea beckons time moves on without you can i continue to live on pain agony defeat this is how i feel my burdon rings true to my heart only you can answer will you heed to my pleas i believe the emptyness of the sea is all that will call back to me tears start to flow the end of my time with you grows dark im so cold
  9. Life ever changing. A drop of water Casting a shadow on my life Faded memories passing through the distance Should I still try Twilight has come This is the only path in sight I know not where it leads, but I must keep walking I am scared, I will be nothing, yet I still cry Darkness has settled I cannot see the path to walk, yet my legs still tread on Where this path leads I do not know Should I embrace it or hide, only time will tell my fate have not been around for some time but now i am here and yeah enjoy.
  10. thanks for posting this.
  11. Finally decided to finish it. Droplets of sunshine pouring down from heaven Cascading down trickling through the trees Splashing onto your cool skin Walking along the pathway to your heart Walking with you now How many ways can I tell her I love her She is my center my rock my defining image Nothing else seems to matter The sunlight pouring over your face The wind gently tugging at your hair Your beauty more than I can ever take in It is almost more than I can bear Always there for me Never wavering or faltering Your love pouring out for me Now it is my turn to say I love thee
  12. i got somthing along the lines of a dream perhaps one where the country is without its capitol and everyone is celebrating??? anyhow deep poem
  13. not nessisarily a better answer but another one indeed or maybe a shoulder to lean on ? ahh where is that going lol great poem
  14. the glass means alot that it is shattered i hope things get better (they most always do )
  15. a very well written peace lots of raw emotions good job i like it they way it is
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