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About Celiwyn
- Birthday 11/09/1984
Previous Fields
Oh dear... Celiwyn, Saria, Sarah, Suntia, Matiya... I'll stop here.
Race/Gender Details
Race: Elf. Gender: Female, unless I"m playing a male charater... then I question. I'm 123 years old, 5' even, 110 lbs, brown hair braided to my waist, brown eyes and a slender build. Well... the more human side of me is actually 5'5", hair only to my collar bones and in a ponytail... 115 lbs, and more hazelly brown then straight brown.
Um... Hi! I'm Celiwyn Alondra... um... frogs are bad? *draws blanks*
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You tell me.
Music (play the violin), writing, reading, drawing, learning random things, and working with kids.
Celiwyn's Achievements
(Wrote this clip-it as a way to tie me back into an old RP and catch the charater up with what had been happening. If anyone likes it I can try to type up the rest of the story sometime) Celiwyn sighed heavily as she realized that this scroll seemed damaged, only part of the story being still legible. "Shame... seems such a sad story, but I really wanted to find out what lead up to this..." Celiwyn restacked the papers in the library of the distant library, taking her notes with her. "I guess it is time I start heading back toward home, it has been a few months..." Celiwyn then thanks the bard tending the library and leaves, excited to show her friends the story she managed to find. The papers read as follows: ****** Weary and tired from the travel back toward the more populated areas of Angelus, an exhausted female lion can be spotted pacing along the edge of her old hunting grounds, almost if she is afraid to go back to where she once ran away from. “What a fool I have been…” She thinks to herself, “Running away from everyone, I abandoned the warriors here… most these people where just trying to help me train, even if their ways are different from my own…” Slowly shifting from fur to flesh, she leaps up into her old watch branch. Looking around for signs of danger and sniffing the air around her, she looks toward the city. “The air smells of change. Something is wrong.” Gracefully she leaps from branch to branch across the forest until she reaches the area she once called home, her meadow. Flipping down from the very branch she once slept on she walked over to her roses, still healthy, despite their lack of care. “Maybe everything is ok… I’ll…. I’ll…” Shifting back into her comfortable fur in hopes to avoid any unwanted eyes she runs full out to the edge of the forest by where she remembered the strange gravity training room where she first met Xek. Peering into one of the windows she noticed no one was there and then shook her head. “Why do I even worry about that man… he tried to kill me… he beat you to a bloody pulp and left you there to train, wounded and …” Then she sighed, remembering the slave she had been to her Goddess. “Had I never of met him I would still be a slave to Lady’s will with no will or freedom of my own… he… by trying to kill me, he… freed me…” Just then her ears caught the slightest whisper of a noise behind her. Spinning around she saw the person she had met and sparred against her second day in this strange world. Unsure of why he appeared here, she tensed her body, her fur prickling slightly, but pricked her ears up attentively. “Looking for someone Leona?” He said, his body laungage showing no sign of aggression. She nodded slowly, shifting back to human form once more so she could talk to him. “I’m surprised you recognized me in my Le form, yes… a warrior who trained here did something for me and I wish to thank him.” “And what was his name?” “It’s hard to pronounce, so I just called him Xek for short…” The mans eye adverted hers for a second, then his face turned downcast. “He saved me from slavery and I wish tell him how much it meant to me...’ She paused, the look on the mans face sinking deep into her heart. “NO! IT CAN”T BE! Xek!.... no…. please… say it ain’t so..” “He’s dead Leona, I’m sorry.” “Your LYING!” She spat angrily as she shifted back into Le form quickly, running away with tear filled eyes. The man didn’t try to follow her, at least not for now, instead leaving her to discover the truth for herself. “He always comes back to train here… always.” She said to herself as she ran. As she ran past the entrance to the training thing she noticed something in her noise that rang as a cold taste of reality to her heart. Her sense of smell, which could smell someone from miles away, told her that Xek had not returned to training center. His familiar scent had been washed away by the rain and not replaced. A loud deep roar of anger and sorrow filled the air of Angelus Forest that day as Leona realized bitterly that she hid for too long and was too late to thank the very person that freed her soul.
*has been double super duper hugged and is offically scared* Next time I rebuild my computer remind me to save my links folder... all I remembered was the "pen" part and forgot to fix my favorites links... glad to be back ya all.
Celiwyn runs into the room, panting, sweat beading down upon her brow. "Sorry to keep you waiting so long..." A glance up and down her shows signs of a long travel, her clothes are dirty, tattered and in some places torn from random battles... in her hands she held several pieces of paper. "I managed to copy down a story from the bard from a town a few months from here... She tended to make the girl sounded more like a hero then she really was... the sorceress from the story was really nothing more then a common thief. I hope to return with the more... accurate... story." With that she sets down the paper and walks off. The papers reads as follows... *** Creeping slowly along the alley I carefully watched the small figure huddled in my little shack of a home. I could see a glimpse of red hair and some sticking out of the figures head. Anger crept over me, even if I had nothing of value to loot at my lean-to boarded sleeping place, it was The matter of principal. No one steals from the thief and lives to tell about it. Folding my hands together I drew into myself, pulling upon the icy power within. With a slight, almost silent murmer I hurled a ray of icicles toward the figure, smirking as it hit square in the back. The figure turned around, unaffected by my icy blast. The moment its body even twitched I hid myself behind some alley way rubbish, studying my enemies every move. The face of a young boy looked back at me. At a first glance he seemed almost normal, except of the set of small horns growing from the young boy’s head. The horns looked slightly out of place on this pale boy’s body. Upon further inspection I realized this was no thief, just a homeless kid trying to get some sleep. A glance to my cat confirmed this as Shaw seemed relaxed and unruffled by the presence of the boy. “Who’s there?” He asked in a small childlike voice. From the tone of his voice I guessed the boy must be younger then ten years of age. In his hand he held something that seemed to be a small knife, but from the way he was holding it I could clearly tell he had no idea how to use it. Slowly I walked toward him, holding up my hands as if I didn’t have any weapons at all. I kept my ice spell on the top of my mind as I crept closer. “What’s the matter? My spell not cold enough for you… this is my home, why are you here?!” The boy looked at me with a slight bit of defiance, “That was not cold at all! I was just trying to find somewhere to rest… I would not have stopped had I known someone resided here.” “Rather fancy wording from someone so young….” Looking closely at the boy I noted his clothes were not the normal clothing for a street child, but rather seemed to have some nobility to his dress. “What are you doing, you do not look like you live in the streets, child… where are you from?” “Doesn’t matter anymore, I’m running away from there.” “If you plan on living in the streets, first thing is first, that dagger… or… is that a butter knife… good grief… you look in worse state then I was at your age.” I motioned for the child to sit down as I sat down next to him. “The name’s Carol… Carol Traywin.” “It is a pleasure to meet you Carol, my name is Keleth T’Vrule.” The young boy reached out his hand, waiting to shake his with mine. Inwardly I flinched at the idea of shaking hands, remembering the frozen icicles that formed on the fingers of the last person I shook hands with… but after a moments hesitation I took his hand, smiling slightly. “Aren’t my hands cold?” I asked puzzled as I noted the boy did not flinch a bit. “No, they actually feel kind of warm, why do you ask?” “It’s a long story Kel.” “I’d like to hear it.” Just as he said that his stomach growled violently. “When is the last time you ate?” “I think two days ago… not really sure.” With that I pulled some of my food from my backpack, creating a meager, but decent tasting meal for the boy and myself. “Why is such a pretty elf like you helping someone like me? I don’t even see why someone so beautiful as yourself is even living on the streets like this…” With a slight blush I realized he could not see through the disguise my ribbon gave me. It was a rather handy trinket I had stolen from a noble woman a few years back, but for some reason I felt bad fooling this young boy. I reached for the ribbon pulling it from my hair as the image of a beautiful elf maiden faded into a rather simple sixteen year old human girl, the silver highlights fading to my normal dark black hair, my ears becoming smaller and rounded. The boy’s eyes widened slightly as I showed him the ribbon. “It’s just a simple magic trick, this is how I really look, and why wouldn’t I help you? You’re a well mannered young boy.” Before long Kel and I became close friends. Sitting huddled in my little shack that night, I found myself trusting this boy, opening up to him as I had no other. Before long Kel wanted to know more about my life. Sighing slightly I nodded replying, “Well, I guess I should really start from the beginning.” “The beginning is always a good place to start.” Kel said as he settled onto the edge of my bed mat, listening intently. “I don’t remember my parents or anything like that. I think once upon a time I might have had a sister, but even that is too vague to remember well. All I know is the ring on my finger came from my family. The first memory I can clearly recall is being hungry and alone on the corner of the street. After managing to beg for enough coins to get me a small piece of bread I headed toward the town bakery. I remember feeling something at the edge of my hip as a pickpocket attempted to steal all the money I had. I tried to scream and the man covered my mouth and pulled me into a near by alley. "He told me to be silent because he did not wish to dodge the guards of the town and gave me back my purse. I turned to him and asked how he managed to lift my purse like that. The man was nothing more then a simple pickpocket, but he took pity on me and taught me all he knew, before long I easily surpassed him. But I, unlike him, did not steal out of greed. I only ever took enough to pay for my bread and once in awhile a bath. After a while I took on a new profession. Many others like me, often referred to as “rogues” had been stealing not just from the wealthy nobles, but from some of the other homeless kids like myself. I began to steal from the thieves, until even that became easy and boring. Finally out of true boredom I began to earn my money by doing little tricks on the streets and stealing the oddest things. Instead of lifting people’s coin purses I would steal a button off their jacket, or instead of stealing the necklace of a person’s neck I would snatch the buckle of their shoe.” Kel listened with amusement at the kind of things I stole, but still from the look on his face I could tell he did not particularly like the fact that I stole. “That’s how I got the ribbon. There was this arrogant annoying noble woman who liked to daily parade about in fine clothing and jewels, showing off her “beautiful… slim… perfect figure” Apparently she was trying to find a husband, but still, her too perfect beauty wasn’t what bothered me… it was the way she mocked the poor beggar on the corner or looked down upon the “common” good the market had to offer, even when it was the little shopkeepers finest work. So I decided I was going to knock down her ego a few notches, she had all kinds of guards and escorts… if she got something stolen from her right in front of her guards… that would be embarrassing. But I got a nicer shot than that at her. I took her hair ribbon from right under her guard’s noses. And the moment the bow left her hair she instantly gained a few hundred pounds and has never been seen in public again.” “Things went well for awhile after that until one day at an inn. I went to shake a shopkeeper’s hand and felt a slight strange stir in me. He instantly pulled his hand away as I saw that he had little ice crystals forming on his hand. It only got worse from there… I’d try to light a fire and cold frost would come from my hands, putting it out. I’d try to pick a pocket and the person would shiver and almost catch me. It was about this time I met my cat Shaw.” “One of the times I had been caught it was in a back alley by a woman who had been traveling alone for some time. She laughed at me and asked where I had learned my ice spell from since it was not very well crafted. After telling her a bit about my “icy hands” and begging her not to turn me in she told me about sorcery. She said I should come over to where she was staying with some relatives so she could teach me a few “tricks”. I went to her house that day and began to train with her for a while so that I could learn to control my new found “trick.” She was a kind lady, and even taught me how to do real magic tricks for my street shows. She had a black cat, her “familiar”, when I first went to her house her cat had been heavy with a litter. When her cat delivered the kittens she told me to pick one. After a few months of training I too had a familiar of my own…” Smiling affectionately I reached down and scratched my cat’s ears. “What’s his name?” Kel asked. “Shaw.” “Oh… ok… sorry to interrupt..” “No, it’s ok Kel… the rest of the story is simple enough, the sorceress went back to her travels, I still visit her relatives from time to time, and here I am, living in my little make shift shack.” Kel smiled slightly as he yawned. Seeing the fatigue in the young boys eyes I decided to call it a night and for the first time in a long time I gave up my bedroll and slept on the floor. ***
Celiwyn walks up to the library shelf taking out a book written by some girl named "Karen." It was a simple journal that the girl had kept with assignments from her creative writing class. In this story Karen had been prompted by her teacher to write a page long story about what if she was invisible. This is what Celiwyn read... *** Ghost I opened the screen door slowly, making not a sound as I entered the house. I knew he couldn't see me, no one could, but I was lonely. He was sitting in the middle of his room, seemingly meditating, a single tear rolling down his cheek. You could see the dull glow of his computer, a picture of me on the screen. Today the police had found my body… two weeks after my death. Today he had learned that this beloved was never coming back… but I was back… I placed a hand on his cheek, even though I knew he couldn't feel me. My throat swelled up as I was speechless, grief stricken. I wanted to hold him and make it all go away. He stood up quickly and looked at his computer. "DAMN IT!" He screamed as he slammed his fist into the wall. The impact left a dent in the wall, his knuckle cracked and was bleeding… "I should have been there… why her?! Karen…" His voice lowered, choking up as he spoke, "I’m sorry… it's all my fault… I love you so much and your gone… it's all my fault.." "No… no… it's not your fault. " I said trying to comfort him, but he could not hear me. Invisible… I could walk through walls and do almost anything I wanted… but I could not help the ones I loved. *** It's kind of sad... the funny thing was I was actually having a good day today...
Celiwyn sits down on the floor and listens intently as the story is read. After a few mintues she is speechless, her own feelings stirred by the capivating story. Why? Is that not the question everyone wonders?... Revenge... are you just as bad as the person that did you wrong then... ? She pondered on these questions posed but she knew what not to say to the story teller... She stood up and shook Ayshela's hand. "Nice story." Celiwyn was sure Ayshela had heard that soo many times that it not longer affected her... but what else could she say?
Very nice Alaeha, wow. It's very touching... tugs at my heart a bit. Don't worry about friends drifting... I'm not going anywhere... I plan to stick by you and you know that. *hugs*
Celiwyn looks around the room curiously, following Alaeha. Having spotted a new face she smiles slightly as Alaeha greets the new girl. "They really do welcome new comers here..." Celiwyn laughs as she remembers the crazy greeting she had gotten from Wyvern when she first applied. Celiwyn sits comfortably on one on the bar stools near Alaeha and Ayshela, just listening quietly, as she is a person of few words tonights. OOC- Wow... not bad... you should stick around Ayshela...
Celiwyn sighes out of frustration as she has to yet again deal with some guy flirting with her. She sat quietly in the tavern listening to someone sing the song, "Do Virgins Taste Better?" and started humming her own little version of the song, the song goes as follows: Oh... leave me alone, interest I am not, My feelings are not so easily bought. Don't try to call, don't bug me at all, Too many guys and not enough me. What in me do they all see? I don't understand, I've done all I can. I care for all, I really do, but in choosing one, I hurt all of you. (Chorus) So what in the world should I do? Should i be not nice and choose none of you, Why do you all like me so much? and suddenly all tell me at once? She laughs slightly to herself and smiles as she begins to walk up to the stage. She takes a deep breathe and sings her version to the crowd, hoping that someone in the crowd might find it amusing.
Celiwyn bounces up and down exictedily in Alaeha's arms and she is grinning ear to ear. "I did it! I got accepted!" "You did mispell the goddess name though." Alaeha commented with a grin. "Well, maybe I need to get a better proof-reader..." Celiwyn said in return, playfully shoving my friend. "And you can write free verse... tell you what... I write a good sonnet and you write a free verse and we'll both post it." Celiwyn turned to Wyvren extending her hand, "Thank you Sir Wyren, I'm honored." ~ My e-mail address is Celiwyn@earthlink.net~ Weather Man It's raining again, My hearts tearing again. You promised me, Never again would I cry. But what is running down my cheek, Moist saltly and bitter sweet? You didn't mean to, You didn't know.. Just how fragil, My heart is so. I need you close, Right with me. Calm my heart And sooth my thoughts. The phone rings Once, twice... You say hello, then Sorry but I have to go. No one said it'd rain again, But I cannot blame the weatherman.
With a slight prod from Alaeha, Celiwyn steps back into the office, knocking carefully on office door. "Sir Wyvern? If your not busy... I'd like to try again." Blushing slightly Celiwyn walks up to the desk, this time handing over a sheet of paper, the ink still slightly damp. She bows politely and slowly walks out the door, waiting in the hall with Alaeha. If you read the paper it reads as follows... *Who Sings Now?* Who sings now I ask? The Phsyce like maiden? Her dream is now shattered glass She used to sing But now who for? What joy can she bring? Eros lives on Imortal in her dreams But still no song. Shakey and afriad, gentle butterfly, Can you hear the note? She's asking, praying, hear her cry. Will you comfort her? She might try to love Do you know what you want for sure? Phsyce, the love so pure The one he's framed in his heart The hearts of two he cures. Hope now fills the lonely heart, Simple sweet family love. What a beautiful place to start. The maiden raised her voice. Once more she has reason Lonelyiness is vansihing with rejoyce. Phsyce, the maiden and their dearest, Now together they sing Happiness is now the path nearest. ___ This one's a tad newer, sorry about misunderstanding the rules... I love the poems and stories on this site... Alaeha was right in sending me a link and telling me to look... I'm glad I did.
*smile* Okay... I can do that... I did miss that clause in the rules I guess... *thinks* Guess it's short story time... or time to borrow Alaeha's rhyming dictonary... Sorry to of misread the rules. *pulls out my writing pad and being writing ideas* I'll be back to try again soon... promise.
I can write something just for the Pen if you like... I didn't notice that... but I thought it made more sense to post one of my favorites... If this isn't quite right I'll retry... Maybe one of my short stories? *smiles warmly and nods* Thank you... I'm glad you liked it... I was afraid I'd look silly posting love poems...
Beautiful... What a wonderful poem. Love is a wonderful thing isn't it?
Celiwyn pulls out an old piece of paper from her desk, slightly nervious as she reads over it. Her friend Alaeha had asked her to join the pen, but she couldn't help but be slightly worried about posting her work. She smiled slightly, reading over the words in her poem. This was one of her personal favorites... The paper reads as follows: Fire To everyone else it was an empty firepit, Never to be lit again, But not to you. You saw the kindling under the ashes, Just waiting to be lit once more. You started sending sparks that way, Until the tinder caught a flame. Slowly at first you feed the new light, Faster as it grows, Each breath you take feeding it, Each word helping it grow. Now the firepit flows, With a fire blazing strong. It sends out a warmth all of it's own. May the fire's light shine in your eyes, And it's heat warm your soul. Please continue to feed the flames, As the fire grows. ~ I love you .~ _________ I wrote this poem almost two years ago. But it's my favorite and I figured it was time to share it with the world. It seems fitting somehow… I have never really posted anything in a board before. *smiles warmly waving* Hello everyone, nice to meet you all. *bows politely and hands in her entry to the front desk*