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Everything posted by smallscale_mind_games
Merry trots into the Recruiter's Office, slightly twitchy with apprehension, but reasoning If I don't get accepted, I can always try again She has, after all, been told by a few that she has a "way with words", so there's no reason why she shouldn't be accepted...right? She pushes her doubts to the back of her mind, and grabs an application off Wyvern's desk, glad to see that the scaly creature is, for the moment, absent; she is in no mood for solicitation. She stares blankly at the sheet of paper for a few moments...then a few more moments...then a few MORE moments. This goes on for awhile, and Merry realizes with a thrill of horror that a few moments have multiplied into a few hours, and nearly everyone else has finished their (undoubtedly wonderful) applications and gone home. She frowns, and glares at a random sentient plant, which is finishing a steak in a corner, and decides to overcome the Writer's Block Demons Name: Merry Cavalier Age: 15 Amount Enclosed: Nice try, Wyvern. Better luck next time. Application Title: Something Strange in Peachtree City Tour bus drivers are polite. It's in the job description. This driver, however, was altogether sick of pointing out Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, and other such irritating landmarks. "Thank you for choosing Swan Tours, NOW GET OFF MY BUS!!" That evening, Cole Thomas was fired. His twin had warned him that his temper would get him into trouble someday, but had he listened? Noooooo. He returned home in a foul mood which was not at all helped by the sound of Mordekai repairing a flute-the near endless succession of sour notes was anything but soothing. He growled and went out to get the mail. Anything for relief of that NOISE! Aside from the usual bills and threats of eviction from their appartment (because of Mordekai's career as a flute teacher), there was one faded envelope which looked quite official. Something about it radiated foreboding, and importance. Or maybe it was just the words: 'Last Will and Testament of Wilfred Thomas' "Hey Mor!" He called, stepping back into the apartment. "Uncle Wilfred died." "Are you sure?" An odd reply. Usually one would not ask such a question...but you never could tell with Uncle Wilfred. He was such an eccentric character. "Well, no, I can't be completely sure, but here's his will." He ripped it open, squinting at the contents. "He's left us his house in...Peachtree City Georgia." "Oh so he expects us to 'bang!' just like that, move to Georgia?" Mordekai's deadpan tone never changed. Cole rolled his eyes. "Why not? You don't have any students, and I was just fired." "Oh. All right then." And that was that. A couple months of talking to lawyers, tying up loose ends, attending a decidedly weird funeral, and 'bang!' just like that they were standing outside a largeish house holding suitcases. In the next yard, a dark-haired adolescent girl walked in circles, chattering exitedly on a cell phone. Unlike the rest of the people they had met, she didn't have a southern accent. Obviously she wasn't British, but at least she didn't quite seem to fit either. Mordekai smiled tentatively at who they would later come to know as 'the local non-conformist.' They entered the house, and were shocked at the sight of...nothing but a lot of dust and yet another foreboding letter. Cole opened it, and began to read aloud: "My dear Mordekai and Cole, we should begin with a tour of the house" He paused. "Sheesh, no sentiments? Just abrupt like that? Anyway... Start with the basement." The twins went to a door, labeled conveniently in faded red paint 'basement'. They opened it and stepped inside. "Open the red umbrella, otherwise things will fall on your head." They looked to a battered red umbrella, but too late. They were viciously dive-bombed by small floating things that glowed. Cole managed to bat them off the letter and continued to read. "Go into the next room." They did so. What they saw sent Mordekai a-blinking and Cole reeling backward and stuttering in terror. It looked like a giant venus fly trap, only with far more dangerous teeth. It also looked quite hungry. It snapped at the air a few times, just to make the point (whatever THAT was). Cole, his mind unable to process this, looked back down at the letter, and finished the paragraph in a strained and terrified voice. "D-don't worry...about...Herbert...he's a....v-vegitarian" Merry finishes her writing on this odd cliff-hanger, hoping that it's good enough. Just for safeguarding, she decides to try to beat Wyvern at his own game. Using her Authoress Powers of Doom, she causes an authentic-looking paper to appear, reading "SWEEPSTAKES! SIGN HERE AND YOU COULD WIN UP TO 100,000 GELD!". She tapes this above the last line of her application, which says: "I, Wyvern, hereby accept Merry Cavalier (smallscale_mind_games) to the writers' society of the Mighty Pen. _____________" She giggles and places it on the lizard's desk, and noting the lateness of the hour decides to spend the night in the office. She spends several amusing hours lighting paper airplanes on fire and flying them into Wyvern's desk, while listening to a song which is, incidentally, also about flaming paper planes, though in a far more symbolic sense. ((I DONE! PEACE!))
The Dreaming: The Last Dream
smallscale_mind_games replied to Elwen's topic in Conservatory Archives
-Mordekai tilted his head, and strode over to the uncomfortable looking woman in the corner. He was still lugging the harp, which was nearly as large as he.- "'scuse me ma'am, but I'd recommend leaving that corner...there's a water pipe right above your head, and in approximately two minutes, it will spurt boiling water into your face. Are you sure you don't want any tea?" -In the meantime, Cole rises from his seat, and offers it to Calondiriel, a half-smile on his face and a peculiar light in his eyes. Obviously he has mistaken the elf for a lady.- ((no offense taken, Jareena...*cackles* Cole's gonna get slaaaappped)) -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Please, Mordekai, let's leave!" Cole cried. The crown of the tree caught fire suddenly, and he stared at the flames, mesmerized. Mordekai, still clutching the handkerchief to his nose, though by now it was soaked throug, reached out to Malakye-but his hand went right through the dying man. He drew it back with a slight gasp, and whimpered "Oh, someone help me, I'm turning into a ghost..." -
Q: what's the difference between a duck? A: one of its legs are both the same. chew on THAT for a while
The pen knows everything...even where you live...j/k, not unless you tell them. Heh...heh...*hyperventilates* *passes out cold on the floor*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry I couldn't come to your party *sniff* I hate my flute teacher for this... So anywho, mebbe I'll call you guys after I get back.
um...read my stuff?
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Thankies for me first comment! Sadistic? that's new I dunno what the second one's about either -
Right, with the exception of a couple Haikus, my poems are for the most part unfinished, and untitled. Deal with it. But feel free to criticize. RECENTLY EDITED: My heart is aching my eyes are cold I see right through to your wingless soul Lonesome and saddened alone in the night give off your own glow when you step out of the light Throughout my life I've been crying and yearning reaching for something as lyrical as burning the end...so far anyway. I intend to finish it someday. It's escalated to hallucinations I'm f ing sick of these wartime rations impending flames and feuding nations can you deal with this? Falling upward, slamming through the ground floating off the floor my footsteps will resound this numbing silence is one screamed sound As I said, not done. La well! don't even ASK me what it all means.
The Dreaming: The Last Dream
smallscale_mind_games replied to Elwen's topic in Conservatory Archives
-Mordekai blinked and stared at the Bard for a good three minutes before replying- "A washroom we have, but our clothes most likely won't fit, considering your height. It's clean flour...you don't need to worry about that...and if you wish, we have some scotch that you can put into your tea." "Waste of good flour." -Cole glares- -
The kender-protecter has rhythim! VERY NICE! I likes them... and I read them ALL
tres bien! that's about all I learned, because my elementary French teacher was a complete idiot. I read the translation tho, and loved it!
You could begin: Dear, dear Iron Skillet... no, wait, that's in the oven. Sorry. Dear Davey Havok, or whatever the hell your real name is, etc. etc. The Merry One has no life either
The Dreaming: The Last Dream
smallscale_mind_games replied to Elwen's topic in Conservatory Archives
((LYYYYYYNE-IIIIIISSHHHH! *prod* reply at that one OTHER place. Oh yesh, and phone me)) -
The Dreaming: The Last Dream
smallscale_mind_games replied to Elwen's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Mordekai and Cole Thomas" -Cole replied automatically- "Mordekai is upstairs doing something bizarre to a harp. Who're you?" "I've fixed it now" -Mordekai retorted blandly, making his way down the stairs, far more dignified than his twin. Though it was ruined a bit by the gigantic harp that he was attempting to carry- "So we have guests?" -He continued- "Shall I make some tea?" -
The Dreaming: The Last Dream
smallscale_mind_games replied to Elwen's topic in Conservatory Archives
((OOC: before I pop in here and begin my random weird roleplaying thing, I would like to make one thing PERFECTLY crystal clear. I've seen you people roleplaying the reactions of other people's characters. You WILL NOT do that with my characters. I will decide how they react, and only I will do this. Thank you, and have a nice day! ~Merry)) -The miller's nephews, taking care of the mill while he was away (for whatever reason dear old Uncle Melvin goes ANYWHERE. It's not as if he ever says why.) peered out the windows at the three decidedly odd-looking figures approached. Mordekai leaned out the window, then retreated back inside, informing his twin- "There're people coming. What should we do?" -Cole looked up from darning his coat: when he wasn't watching the mill, he worked as a coachman- "I dunno. Depends whether they have money, or women with them" "One pretty elf-girl. And a...a lady knight...huh." "So what're you waiting for? Let them in!" -Cole ignored that he had just told his brother to let them in, and clattered noisily down the stairs, flinging the door wide- -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
¤Cole's face twisted¤ "What in all hells is going on?!" ¤Mordekai accepted the handkerchief and pinched his nose. The cloth was soaked through in moments, and his eyes were just slightly unfocused. He continued to stare at Malakye.¤ "Why did you do that?" -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Don't be afraid." ¤Mordekai said, slightly muffled by the hand over his nose, which did nothing to stem the flow. Cole's face twisted¤ "Mordekai, you'll bleed to death!" ¤Mordekai ignored him¤ -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
¤Mordekai knelt beside him, lightly touching his arm, even as one hand went to his own nose, as blood trickled out, at first no more then a drop, then a full-blown nosebleed, blood dripping between the fingers of his left hand. Cole recoiled, somewhere between fear, worry, and disgust¤ "Mordekai?!" -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Cole, come /on/!" ¤Mordekai cried, nearly frantic, uncharacteristically so.¤ "I'm Cole, as you might have gathered, and my brother's Mordekai. It's summer and it isn't cold." -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Why don't you take off that cloak? It's hot." ¤Cole asked him confusedly. Mordekai eyed the fellow uncomfortably¤ "Come /on/ Cole. He doesn't want to talk." ¤He muttered quietly but urgently, tugging his brother's sleeve¤ -
¤And so it begins¤
smallscale_mind_games replied to smallscale_mind_games's topic in Conservatory Archives
"Hullo." ¤Said Cole, peering at him¤ "Aren't you hot?" ¤Mordekai shot him something that was as close to a glare as Mordekai ever got.¤ "Cole...I don't think he wants to talk" ¤Cole seemed confused¤ "How would /you/ know?!" ¤Mordekai only shrugged¤ -
OOC: High on AFI, and having writer's block (all I can think of are the lyrics to Girl's Not Grey!) . Forgive me if this sucks. ¤Cole kicked at the road dust, wearing a characteristic scowl. The young man was, to be quite frank, angry with everything-the beautiful day, the sunshine, and most especially, his GODS-CURSED, SWELTERING HOT, HIGH-COLLARED WOOL JACKET! His twin simply stared glazedly at him, mumbling something and unbuttoning the collar of his own jacket¤ "What was that Mordekai?" ¤Cole snapped, rapidly losing patience with his soft-spoken sibling¤ "I /said/ that we shouldn't have worn wool" ¤Mordekai replied calmly¤ "Shut up." ¤Cole growled, wiping sweat out of his eyes¤ OOC: yeeesss. it sucked. And it's short compared to most. Oh well.
-Two identical pairs of brown eyes stared from the shadows behind an unnaturally large lilly. One pair was muted, and more than a little morose, the eyes of a poet. The other pair blazed fiercely- ((OOC: Is it tooooooo late to join? if it is, I'll go away and RP somewhere else))