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Everything posted by whynotsin
Whynasin fell back Light spilling out from his many wounds, Vincent’s blade ran through his heart. He stumbled back. The “elfchild” feel down gasping for air. The violent attack that Vincent had laid upon him left his physical body tatted and broken. Images from Vincent’s mind where flashing across his. What had wounded Whynasin was not the blade but the emotions spewing from Vincent. Whynasin gripped the blade and slide it out of his body letting it fall to the side. He looked at the majestic Vincent in front of him feeling the loss and wait that the years had on him. Whynasin stood up holding onto his chest. The hulking figure of Vincent was on one knee breathing heavily tears streaming down his face. Whynasin flashed for a moment and his wounds where gone. Vincent looked up and saw the elfchild standing before him. Whynasin let his sword dissipate back into the ether from which he had pulled it “ Stand warrior and take up your blade” Whynasin called up Vincent’s sword and he handed it to him. “ I am not so easily defeated many a fry I have been in. Don’t let my current form fool you. With a sudden burst of his energy Whynasin went into the air. From with in he threw out a beam Composed of the essence of the Gods. Vincent Drew his blade to block in a futile effort to block the attack. He was consumed in the pure radiance of the beam, his flesh was separated from his body his wings where charred and his sprit was separated from his body. Whynasin descended from above and stood next to Vincent. “ How sad how sad, I would think that the last of his kind would fight a little more aggressively more valiantly.” The charred pile that was Vincent still held onto life. “O I can’t leave you like this, that would be no fun. Well Yes I could bring you back” Whynasin raised his hand and passed it over the fading Vincent pulling together the fallen angel. Whynasin lay back down on the grass while Vincent organized his thoughts.” Nice weather don’t you think. Your free to kill me when ever I wont mind. I can get a mew body when ever.”
(Children Of a lost time) One step Two step Through scared halls we run, Playing, spinning around the statues of Gods, Laughing, Screaming with joy. The children of a lost time. The pictures now faded and forgotten The black and whites turned to a dingy brown, Our laughter and smiles forever imprinted onto our faces. The laugh lines and creases our badges of youth, Even as old men we still can remember words spoken to us by, Nymphs and elves hidden in woods deep and old. Or of the fairies that took us to far away dream lands. Around the pillars of the Gods we danced Gaily laughing at their fading will. Giving up immortality like fools But all for the game. If we where kind Divinity would step down and dance with us in the wood, Drinking mead Wild and free where we, Not so weighed down by time. The Gods where fading and we there children bound to die some day. But all in fun, We had our time. Never where we tired of game Living life to a fullest As free sprits Our job was due To exude mirth and youth. With the setting sun we must go, And wait for another time to come out and play, We the children of a lost time.
occ: och such a rush to feel the pain Ic: Seconds after healing Sardin Whynasin felt two fists slam into his back sending him into the ground with a powerful thud. As he fell to the ground he rolled up again facing Vincent. Whynasin chuckled inside of his mind. He was from the dead race of Seraph spawned by the ancients in their weaker physical forms. Whynasin fazed out of dimension and out of the ether brought with him a dead Seraph one that could battle this one and keep him entertained for a while. Whynasin fazed back to Reality with a 10ft s Seraph in front of him wielding a sword equally as powerful. I believe this is your father Vincent see if you can battle his soulless body. In a cold voice Whynasin simply said “Attack”. And the Mighty wings opened up launching the soulless Seraph into the air. In seconds Vincent and his father where in combat. The angry clashes of swords drowned out the other battles on the field and drew the attention of those around. In between the clashes of the swords you could hear the angry shouts of Vincent and see the small tears forming in his eyes. His Green eyes watered seeing his father. Whynasin pulled out of the air a lay-z-boy and sat down observing the battle with glee. After eons of wandering the cosmos he needed the break. In an abrupt effort to gain an upper hand both warriors charged each other. Their wings entangled and they fell to Tera like two stones. The soulless Seraph screamed as he hit the ground creating a small crater. Vincent stood up from the entangled mess of wing and body looking down. His father’s sword had run through his shoulder and out of the back. He looked down and saw that his blade had run through his fathers heart even though he knew this was just a soulless version of his father Vincent knelt beside his fallen father and held him close. The life force faded from his father once again . Vincent let go of his father and laid him down gently on the moist ground. Holding onto his limp arm Vincent glared at Whynasin from his lungs erupted a loud “ You bastard!” Whynasin just blinked, “I thought You were having fun, look I even brought back your dad. Would you rather I bring your mother? I can do that for you.”. Inside Whynasin longed to be with his own kind not these half-breeds that they had spawned, but that was a power out of his hands, for now. Standing up his lay-z-boy vanishing from beneath him he coolly walked over to Vincent. Vincent’s eyes flashed hotter then the fires of a thousand hells and despite his immense pain brought his blade to the ready. For a moment the two combatants stood looking at each other. A cool breeze blew between them rustling their hair. The Small elfchild-ish looking Whynasin and the tall and powerful Vincent with his sword still fresh with the blood of his fallen father oozing on the blade. In the back of Whynasin’s mind he thought of the massive amounts of what these beings called “magic” that would be exerted before the end of this day. Whynasin produced from the air a simple slightly curving blade. Those who saw the blade could see nothing great about it in fact it appeared it would just break with the smallest tap, but there in laid its beauty. “Tell me Seraph warrior what would you die for?” Vincent responded in disgruntled tone “ Enough words Elf-boy” With that He brought his sword down onto Whynasin. Whynasin ducked between his legs and slashed at his right leg. Vincent swirled around and struck at Whynasin with all his speed, Whynasin didn’t duck out in time or rather choose not to and was hit in the chest. No blood came out but from the cut a faint glow appeared.” I am not what you think I am Seraph warrior. The battle had begun the challenge set.
Moribund There He stood, On edge of glass, Staring out at the beginning And the ending Time had worn him down, The beats slow and steady, His summer winds slowing To lazy autumn breezes The arch of his life waning The notes of his requiem echoing in his mind. Will he spilled them onto page. The pacing calm and cool. Not rushed and hurried as in his youth. His hands after years of flight Gracefully danced across the keys He struck His requiem mass in tune Seeing if it might resonate with any atoned Mussels grow tense Eyes focused His fingers stretch out and he plays, The last piece of his days. He stood on the edge of glass, Looking back, Hearing the melody of the years Fade.
Thanks, lets just say I've crossed to the other side myself once or twice and have felt the empty void beyond life.
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whynotsin replied to Wyvern's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
No rush, I am just living the de-lish life in the meantime, will I wonder the halls of the mighty Pen. -
Breath Breath come on Breath dammit, Don't do this to me, Not now please no. We still got ta go. Nothing is done Nothing attal. Please come on open up Let the air in. Thats all you have to bloody do. God what do I do? I promise I'll stay I'll even take the blame, I wont tell any one about last night. I wont tell any one about the pills Let me see those big blue eyes. Let me feel traped beneath the waves If I knew you'd go this far I would have never said goodbye I would have held you close. Please all you had to do was breath. All I needed was to hear your heart Feel your pulse Not your cold blue lips. (fixed a typo)
The world slips away Watch me die Won’t you Just this night I’m entering a hopeless situation Be with one last time, Before I slip away Before I fade away The lines of time converge on this single point’ So that you and I can be together for one last night Before the cold night consumes me forever, Stay and watch me slip away Hold my dying body closes before it fades Look into my eyes like a caring mother Hold me tighter then life Let this be my final fantasy. Already I feel the cold bite of eternity at my heels Already I sense a void come over me, Nothing left to do. But let go.
Far Gone Love I can’t look at you, those eyes and those lips. Your body brings madness to my eyes your thought destroy me. I can’t feel your skin or your face. my fingers don’t find your body. I fall apart without you. To caress your face to feel the beat of your heart in your chest . I need you here with me. Why then have you gone My days are with out a sun and my night without stars or moon. This world truly is cruel and you so like it. Come back my dove. Fly back to me. my heart bleeds, as you leave. Reason is now lost to a loveless fool O woe is there no way for your return then so like wise no reason do I live the blade is swift, It’s verdict quick. Return to me before the world losses all reason in my eyes. One quick thrust should be enough. to end it all. Maybe your better of with out me. I’ve been alone before.
A Ancient from a dimension that had collapsed in on it’s self Whynasin had escaped the end of his universe. Whynasin's energy landed on a plan of mud and grass. He could feel battle in the Air and in the ground. The Rain would be no good he decided and with a thought he ended the rain and dried the ground. With the rain gone he could clearly see the players in this battle an arrangement of souls from a dying world. Whynasin approached the fray. As He got closer to the battle he spotted a warrior with an open wound in his chest wearing goggles and a mask. He had no weapons and Whynasin could feel his life escaping. Whynasin a being of pure light with no form restored the fallen warrior to full health and produced for him a mighty sword forged by his dead race The Sword of Time. The warrior looked around in confusion, as he could not see what had given him these gifts. Whynasin could see a winged demon approaching fast her wings spread out talons out ready to administer a final deathblow to the newly healed warrior. Bringing himself into a physical form Whynasin blocked her attack with a burst of his energy sending her flying out of control towards a giant plant.
OCC: Why here adding a bit to the story. IC: Whynasin had awakened in a strange place. The evening rays where leaving for another place. Around him lay bones piled to on his chest and on his legs. Not to far away he could here the painful squawks of dieing Crows. He couldn’t remember what brought him here. Whynasin looked up and in the distance he could see an old keep. With a great effort he got up and trudged his way to it. His dark cloak was caked in blood and his sword and staff stained with battle but he could not recall anything only his name. His past was a blur up to the point he awoke. As he continued on his way towards the old keep he saw people sitting near a window talking. A rather large majestic looking crow sat among them as if in deep conversation. Whynasin made it to the ancient doorway that led into a darkly illuminated corridor. On the way in a darkly cloaked figure brushed by him in a hurry to escape. For a moment Whynasin was worried but was to confused to take much notice. A little further down Whynasin saw a young boy who must have been an apprentice wandering in a dreamy walk. He decided to fallow the youth to see if he could lead him to answers as to who he was. As he fallowed he made sure to keep in the shadows so that no one could see him. The only thing he could recall being able to do was stay hidden from view, he attributed this to him being an Elf. Whynasin decided he would remain in the shadows to see what was happing in this place and if anyone had information he could use. The Boy approached a door and seemed to wake as he did he began to ask questions to a small black ball. In frustration he shoved the ball back into his pocket and consulted a glowing companion. The Boy and his orb slipped into the room ahead. Like a flash of lighting Whynasin recalled an incantation that could make him invisible to both beast and man mortal and immortal alike. He quickly recited the words before the door closed and slipped in behind the Boy.
What is it Germaine, what do you want. There was a tender look in father’s eyes that morning. Germaine's impatient words seeped out of his mouth like rushing water. His father looked out nervously into the wasteland they now lived in. He turned to his son and asked what was wrong what did he want. Germaine asked his father when the rain would come again when would the trees and the grass begin to grow. His father had no answer. It had been years and Germaines father had been a boy when the earth was turned into a dessert. He remembered the lush green trees of his childhood and how when it rained he could go out and play spining and splashing. The Only thing he could offer his son where storys of a better time. A time when one could at least eat. The story help him they some how wouldn't let him forget about his childhood.He told stories of how the world once was to his small boy. The world had been baked by a nuclear war a war that few had survived. Germaine's father drifts furter back into his memeroy back to when the President of the United States, President Shrub kept pushing and pushing for wars. Germaine’s father remembered how he once could read and write about what ever he felt like. Then came the laws. They forbade anyone from writing about how wrong things where and the books that had been treasured for so long where burned in federal court yards. As the hostilities with the rest of the world grew the rights of the free faded. All things came to be as they are because of one mans inability to see past the next day. Soon there where missiles falling all over North America. The major cities where reduced to ruble and its inhabitants made to dust. Billions turned to God Or Buddha or what every other system of belief they could cling to just to for just a small bit of sanity. The time of man was waning he was fading. His world had been so destroyed that he had no will or strength to rebuild. All that he could do now was survive. Germaine pulled on his fathers arm and brought him out of the past. He looked down into his sons eyes and saw hope in a better futer. He decided that the time of man was not over so long as there where children like his that still could dream. "Father when will the world be green and fresh like it was when you where a boy, when will it rain?" His father held his son close and said “Germaine the rain will come one day and the green fields shall growyou'll see.” WhyNotSin@aol.com