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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by whynotsin

  1. I was hopping that others would also post their own qoutes, and sayings so that all could read.
  2. Even when he is still, The selfish man is busy. Even when he is busy, The selfless man is still. -Ashtavakra Gita 18:29 deep...
  3. I am happy and content because I think I am. - Alain-Rene Lesage
  4. yay i'm a member.
  5. The FIX Pop it in, I can’t live with out my fix. My hands begin to tremble if I haven’t pooped one before 9:00 am. I would do anything to feel it slide down my throat, To feel the beautiful release it brings, I can’t just have one, no I need to have them all. Every dose larger then the one before. Random thoughts stream into my mind. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. I nervously look around as I creep down to get my fix, Making sure no one is around to claim my prize. Alone to my room I go with loot in tow. The door closes behind, I run to the bed, I take out my bowl and my spoon. And I dive in, I GOTA HAVE MY POPS.
  6. Makes me think beyond the moment.. darn you.
  7. te he he, Forgot to add that Bean soup for all of the Vegetarians.........O I love dem fake debats....:0
  8. Let the intense heated debate about soupe commense. Tehehe.
  9. Arrogant youth Two Warriors standing, facing each other. Their hands curled around the handles of their blades, Droplets of sweat form on their faces One an aged warrior, Seasoned in the art of battle, Wise and true is his blade. The other a wild and untamed youth. Still fresh from his mother’s womb, His blade glistens in the sun. The elder blade is dull and scratched, As proof of its many victories. The handle worn down by years of intense battle. The juvenile blade bright and new, Only a few battles had it seen, Not enough to face such a seasoned blade. The youth attacks first quick and true are his blows Calm and cautions is the Elder man blocking every attack with tiny thrusts. Then comes the elders mans blows, steady and precise are they. First blood he draws. His ego bruised the youth comes back with an intense blow That throws the elder man of. Just in time he deflects a direct blow. The elder man decides to end it quick. To let all know the dangers of arrogant youth With a quick and true thrust The elder man ends the charging youth,
  10. Nothing to say It wouldn’t matter anyway, There is no one left to hear, The mighty halls of the keep are empty. The chatter died down, Consumed by the wind. Every one gone nothing left to say, The dreamers have left her walls. The crows no longer caw And magic no longer here The sword prevailed after all.
  11. Well Faye i guess there you got your debate lol p.c so much debate about not having a debate, most cleaver about you Faye if I don't say so myself.
  12. I enjoy having a debate from time to tme, but in person. I feel that online debates while they have matiet are more used to purely vent by to many people. This oten leads to unfounded arguments and unsupported answers, that lead to negative and somtimes harmful effects on others. I will not vote.
  13. Whynotsin Ponders as he sits in the waiting room. The expericne left him a bit confused but overal he liked it. Before Wyv left Whynotsin said in his usual low voice. No prob I was meaning on catching up on these old 1980's National Geographics. After Wyv left Whynotsin picked up the issue he was reading and countinued.
  14. “Needy Fools” From you I once learned the truth That all we are is needy fools, No matter how rich or how poor. I know now what I know from you, That all we are needy fools, Clinging to pieces of broken ships You made so clear that all we do is prey on others All we do is suck the life out of all around. Take their marrow for our own. Even as we watch the ship sink we cling to what matters least, Like needy fools we hold on to useless gold Like needy fools we sink to the bottom. From you I learned that all I am is a needy fool, Who with out you sank into a hole. That was filled with my self-doubts And my woes. G.A-R ( that’s me)
  15. All we do is rhyme Let that drive those Who up and got left behind To get their minds on a pure thing, Don’t forget your dealing with the Pen No blade could destroy the house built by words No FOO could harm the best So spite the rhyme Say something like jive turkey Maybe a little hommie G Cuz that’s what we need, Just spite the verse like it don’t matter Cuz that’s what we need, My man Vincent, my dog AB And the grand master P Standing in quiet peace Shelling the word that’s what we need Not to shell some city, Switching over to my political vibe Don’t get mad cuz I got my views Don’t bitch about my friends in France We’re all entitled to our views, So just flow pick up a mic and Rap Get it out no matter if there is no reason to your rhyme but a rant. (Whynasin stands beside P and say’s “ think that was ok? It was a bit random.)
  16. Interesting analysis. I never thought of it that way. Goes to show how many different ways something can be seen. Now that I look at it makes sense.
  17. I get the same feeling when ppl are like NOW NOW NOW< GIVE ME IT NOW. My Computers messed up do something about it.
  18. Ic: Whynasin phases through the wall into the hallway outside. He wants to join these people. Perhaps even play a trick or two on them. Will in the hall he changes into his favorite form and reappears in the hallway. Whynasin now appears to be a small 5 yr old elf-child. With long black hair that covers his eyes and ears. He has a staff in one hand and a Rapier on his back. He wears a child size travel cloak and knee high leather boots. In all accounts he looks very odd indeed. Whynasin elf-child knocks on the door with his staff and doesn’t have to wait long. Elwin the elf-maiden opens the door. Whynasin looks up at her with his big gray eyes and says “ Can I join your weust purdy please”. A smile breaks out on Elwin’s face and he lets Whynasin in. The other in the room look at him as he walks in with his sword that is to big for him bouncing on his back. Zariah get up and walks over to him and Elwin. Elwin and Zariah knell down next to Whynasin to be at his height. Zariah starts first” What’s your name? Are you alone”. Whynasin answers I a small voice, “ My name is Aft, and I’ve been traveling through the woods for as long as I can remembers. This is my daddies sword and this is my mother’s staff. They where killed a while back as we where going through the woods. And I was to young to remember where I came from so I’ve been wandering ever since.” Zariah and Elwin both go “Aww come here” and they hug Aft/Whynasin. Near the window Fountain eyes Aft/Whynasin with a little bit of jealously.
  19. Don’t try to change me More, more you say, I’m more than what I am, Open your eyes and see. That who I am is what I am, There is no way around it. Yes my personality shifts like the sands of time, And I may seem of the walls at times, But if you can’t take that, Just go. I have no time to stand and wait For you to accept, You ingrate I thought that there might have been something, But I guess I was wrong. When you did what you did, Pushing me to the side, Like I wasn’t even around, Just to save face in front of your friends S next time you feel ashamed just look at your self, Cuz now I’m with all your friends And you where to late. So next time accept the fact, That we are who we are is what we are.
  20. A thought about a thought. random random......I have no idea why I am writing today.
  21. I listen to a lot of classical music, so when I write something if you haven’t noticed it has something to do with music, so what ever. (Rhapsody) The melody strong. I think of the one. The strings that are plucked , Sound through the hall. The bows as they fly Caress the heart, And sooth the mind With a musical hum. The tempo growing ever quicker Bringing you to new heights, And with a sudden halt. Slo----ws. As your mind races through valleys Made of notes. You take care not to note, The spiraling tune and the erratic mood. The tempo draw to a quicker pace and, Once more you draw close to the air, With arms spread out as float to the earth On the back of an overture. Sliding down the bars And landing in a pool. Called done.
  22. Here is another Quote I think about, and keep in mind. "Modern man thinks he loses something--time--when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains--except kill it." - Erich Fromm
  23. Master of the kind, You blow my mind Keeping the rhyme , With all in mind Lets spread the love And keep to the wall, Listen to the ol Buddha He had a clue. No need for anything but clarity of mind But keep the joust going See it through, Into the shadows with the half elf I go, To drink a friendly cup of tea.
  24. Here is a quote I got the other day. I've been thinking about it since then. And since I take a theory of knowledge class, I dunno it just was like I'm here for you. I'm rambling now here you go. "But what makes these 'experts' preach their opinion and call it truth?" asked the inquirer. "Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?" "Apart from consciousness," answered the Buddha, "no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts and dogmas." -Majjhima Nikaya
  25. Nice way to vent. now string the random parts of your life togther and boom you got it. Ah what do I know.
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