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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by whynotsin

  1. Pt 2 The sound of the car faded into a faint hum. Eleanor and Sebastian sat back down. They loved to have their grandchildren over. They never liked their sons’ wife. She never liked them. Probably because on their wedding day they looked like they where 20, it wasn’t there fault they aged so slow. They had hopped he would marry with another of his kind since they were slowly fading into myth. Eleanor chuckled and Sebastian looked at her with a silly grin on his face.” What is it my love?” Eleanor looked out the window and said “ Do you remember Whynasin…He was a tricky one.” They both began to laugh at this. Then Sebastian spoke” What has become of our old friends those who followed us through the ages of Tera. I mean Earth? Are we the last of our kind? The only ones who keep the gods alive within our minds?” A lonely tear appeared on his check as he spoke. “Whynasin the poor devil, all he sought was his kind. He had found a home with us on Tera. I remember falling in love with you. I remember the Undying forest that we once lived in. Has it just faded away like our kin? Perhaps we should have faded with them into the mist of time. Like all other gods and spirits do. Our son is the last to be born I fear. “ Eleanor interrupted “ We must accept that our time is past the pagan world is dead. Let us fade peacefully together. Emily is the last; she can see the spells we weave. She like us will live beyond the years of man. O yes I do miss our friends. Whynasin found us the children of half-light in time. Our parents trapped. He never could find a way to free them from their place. He went mad the poor fool. He left this plane in search of a way to release his kin. You know he will be searching for all eternity.” Eleanor and Sebastian looked of into the empty fireplace. The world had changed much since its birth. Man had slowly taken the world over. He changed it to suit his likening. Once the world they had known dance with life. The woods where alive. You could ask them anything and they would comment. Malice and greed did not exist. The Gods had thrown man out of Eden for that very reason. They were the flawed creation. In the Eden that was the world the children of the stars lived to experience nothing but joy until they faced man. Man with all of his bitterness and greed saw Tera as his and not as a part of him. This is the time in which Sebastian and Eleanor had grown up in. The world in was still an Eden but evil had begun to creep in. The past to them had been like one constant game. Even when they batted man it was still a game. Even after their kin started to let them self’s fade out of the world they kept seeing the world like a game. What else could it be? What more then to gain pleasure from every moment that one lived in. They had never understood why man had chosen to build around him so many barriers to happiness. So Eleanor and Sebastian lived through the ages of man. They made no mark. They had felt no need to; this was the way of their people. All they had now was their son and grandchildren. Even though their bodies had not faded their souls had. With every breath they took a step closer to the end.
  2. I have about 4 other parts done and i will update in a few days
  3. Disclaimer: there are a lot of errors in this story like grammer and speling stuff like that so bear with me, also ignore the Inconstancies of character discription Note the companion poem! Children of a Lost Time Pt1 The children eagerly came running up to their grandparents, they loved hearing the story they would tell. Their grandparents would tell them about the stories as if it where a memory. “Grandpapa please tell us more about when you where a boy, and you to grandmamma.” Emily’s eyes where bright and green. Her Grandfather thought about how she reminded him of a wood nymph he once knew. Emily was about 16 abut she had never grown tired of her grandparents stories. Her older siblings had all gone away all that was left was Emily and her two younger twin sisters. Her grandparents where a kind old pair that had grown up together. Both of them had kept a rich golden tan that had not faded with the years even though they lived so far north, in such a cold place. Around their eyes was an ocean of little marks and wrinkles that marked the ages like rings on a tree. Her grandfather and grandmother both had long silver hair that they had had since they where born. Emily always marveled at how they never got sick and never got tired. They where more active then her mother or father. Her little sisters started to pull on their grandfathers sleeves “ please papa tell us a tale.” Her grandfather smiled and showed his teeth” Fine my dears I shall tell you about my life and the world your grandmother and I left behind” Emily loved hearing her grandparents stories because they had a magical quality to them, like a spell was being woven in the air as they said the words. Her grandfather began his stories as he always did by bring everyone to attention as he sipped from his tea. “ Life when we were young was much different then what it is now. The woods where deep and filled with the life of the ancients. One could speak with the wind and touch the sky. My father was an ancient of the wood. His blood was magic, magic the Gods had given our family at the beginning of man. That blood made us immortal for as long as the will of the Gods were strong. We lived in the wood, deep in it. The magic was strong around us and we enjoyed countless ages playing in them. An ancient temple lay near our home, close to the deepest part of the forgotten magical wood. There I would spend my youth. The Gods old as they where yet as young as we. They would come down from their high thrones in the skies. It was a wonderers time and Eleanor and I living as sprites free and immortal. And that is how she and I meet, underneath the arch of time, inside of the old temple to the Gods of old. She was wearing a golden gown that flowed along her body with ever step she took. I instantly fell in love with her. When she turned to me her green eyes flashed with an intensity that left me wanting to find her soul. Her silver hair fluted slightly in the wind as she walked toward me. She stood in front of me and simply asked if I would like to go swimming with her.” Emily passed her gaze toward her grandmother and tried to imagine her as her grandfather had described her. She thought of herself as looking like her grandmother. She could never find pictures of her grandparents before they where 20. They told her that photos where not invented for their early childhood. Immortals age slow said her grand mother. Their son her father also seemed not any older than 20 when in reality he was closer to 40. Her mother however looked like she was 41 (which she was). Her father looked like the pictures of grandfather when he was younger. As her Grandfathers words drifted back into her mind she began to see the hidden wood as if she where there. When ever she would tell her mom about how she felt like she was following her grandfather through the past like she could feel the leaves and smell the fresh flowers, all her mother would say is that your Grandfather is a good storyteller that’s all. When she looked at her mother she was reminded of how much her mother had aged, and how her father and grandparents looked so young compared to their age. Grandfather was 110 years old and grandmother a 100 but they did not look older the 50. She could feel her grandmother picking up the story getting ready t add her part. Her grandmother’s eyes shimmered for a second in the evening light and then she went into the tale. Before I meet your grandfather I would spend all of my time in the temple of my mother. There I learned all I had to. Life as grandpa said was magical and good. Sure we had to deal with a discontented soul once in awhile but life was a grand thing.” Emily’s grandmother looked over to the window as a small humming bird flew by.” Like once there was this elf-child Whynasin. Now he wasn’t like the other elves because he really wasn’t an elf. He was a God trying to play tricks on us sub light children, as he would often call us. The only way I would have ever figured out was that we where walking to the lake and he fell. But when he feel he stopped short of the ground. His story was that he was an orphan child who had lost his parents to a raid by the humans; the wood warmly welcomed him and made him a home. Arg I’m rambling so any way he was falling to the ground and right before he did he stopped mind you it was only for a second but I saw him stop and then hit the ground. That’s when I started to be suspicious; I mean I had never heard of a 5 year old elf child that could do the things an arch mage trained to do his entire life. Well anyway that was the first thing. The second one was again walking to the lake or rather running, his arm got caught in a branch and it cut him. For a moment I saw from his wound light shine through. The last thing that assured me was when we where at the Falls. The Falls was a series of waterfalls that where about 90 ft tall with boulders every where.” The twins shift on the ground intently listing to their grandmother.” Well the third thing tha………..” A loud knock at the door dissolved the spell weaved by Emily’s grandparents. The forest faded back to their living room and the sound of water falling faded to that of an engine outside humming. “ Emily go see who is at the door” Emily got up from the ground and straightened up” Yes granmum” Emily ran to the door and when she opened the door her mother was standing there. Her overweight body breathed deeply as if she had just finished running. Her mom waved at the car and her father came out. His tall lean figure strode to the door after he turned of the car. “ Come in mum Grandmother and Grandfather are telling us about the magic wood.” Emily said excitedly. Her mother looked down at her with a frustrated look and said what she was thinking” Emily when are you going to grow up? Just because your Grandparents haven’t doesn’t mean you don’t have to. O go on get in so we can go on.” Emily shouted back to her grandparents to announce her parent’s arrival. Emily hugged her father as he walked by. Her father grinned and then burst out laughing. His gray eyes that bordered on silver like hers sparkled with tears. “ Nothing Mily just happy to see you. Did you behave and have fun here today?” “O yes father I love being here! Come say hello to Grandmother”. They went into the living room where her sisters were talking with her mother as soon as her father moved into the room her grandparents stood and went to their son. They embraced him in a strong hold. They looked at their son tenderly. From across the room Emily’s mom glared at her In-Laws. She thought it was absolutely absurd their stories and that two people of their age and status should grow up. in hr high pitched voice she yelped to her family to get into the car. The twins hugged their grandparents and hurried of, Emily hugged them and gave them both kisses and then away with her sisters to the car. Emily’s mother followed up behind them as she was stepping through the door she threw back an angry glance at grandmamma and grandpa. Emily’s father turned to his parents and gave them a hug. “ I’ll be going Mother, Father, I’ll call you when we get home.” At that moment Emil’s mother popped her in and urged her husband to hurry up. Before she ducked out grandfather coughed out the words “ Mortal human *cough* Human” Emily’s mother paused before ducking out. Her father waved back at his parents as he went through the door.
  4. “Carla Cla” Carla Cla, I hear your name and I think. Rejection and pain But that’s ok. It’s your choice Not mine. I see you and it’s torment, Though you may not see, The inner turmoil, I must face. Before I proposed the question my mind was torn asunder By the anticipation of rejection, And after the fact my heart was torn to pieces, But that’s ok its not your fault. In my mind I set my self up. I knew all along you’d say no. They always do. No real surprise on my part, I should have known more then to trust myself. To rely on the heart
  5. Whynasin felt his self fade into the ether while his body remained sleeping in a corner of the room.. The world around him faded and he fell into a living dream. To his mind came the thoughts of the past of the present and the future. He saw him self engulfed by the universe wrapped up in it’s illusion of chaos. He could see into the minds of all who had ever lived and where to live in days to come, yet he could see nothing and he stood at the precipices of eternity unblinkingly pondering a moment. What he found was his thoughts reflected to him at the void in which he stared at. All was calm all was chaos. In this living dream Whynasin slept, on the invisible swing in the corner.
  6. IC Through his mind ran images of eons slipping by, He saw worlds and universes born and die in a blink. Life had taken many forms, and many wonders had it produced. But he was alone in the abysses of time and space. He could create entire universes full of creatures for him but to no avail. All he felt was the pain of separation. Whynasin, the traveler the wonderer of time, phased from plane to plane gazing out at eternity. He witnessed time wind to a halt and speed up again. He waged mighty battles and let his consciousness float on driven by forces outside himself, till he tired and moved on. Love he could not know, only the pain of eternity. Whynasin’s mind wandered as he twirled around playing games in his corporal form. Whynasin felt the air around him change. He felt power enter and leave. As the events assed he played singing tunes of old’ tunes he figured none here would know. Tears slowly creped out onto his face and he stopped playing. He went over to a corner and sat down. As his tears streamed down his face the became specs of shining light. Splashing on the ground and fading away. He hoped no on noticed. Whynasin thought of releasing his essence into the ether, letting it drift in a thousand billion trillion directions to the nothings of space and everything’s of life. His last adventure left to him was death something outside his grasp.
  7. Nearly lost sound like I read it in another post.
  8. Your poem express feelnig I've had about the current situation, and the laws that have clverely been passed under the guise of protecting our freedoms, when in realty they serve to further resitrivt us. 1984, thats what our wourld will become,if we don't stand up now.
  9. “I’d love some Ice cream Rune. I can do magic too.” Whynasin waved his hand in a circle and A butterfly fluttered out of his hand. He stared to chase it around the room laughing. Spinning his hands in the air and making more butterflies appear. None of the grown ups seemed to care about the game so Whynasin stopped for awhile. “ Do you like music Rune?. I can make some for us, lets play? Whynasin fell back landing on the ground. Well he stopped short of the ground and landed on a bed of air. He sat up in it and rocked back and forth. “ Rune wana rock on my swing?”
  10. Rain: Careful dear rainfalls. You may be washed away Into rain gutter. The Way: I am the way there No one else knows it better Hold my hand tonight. Prey: The deer finds a home The hunter finds his dinner A feast he shall have. Love: Hurting is love Loving is hurting each other. Binding us is pain. Unconscious: Unconscious we lay By seaside roads we fool around, Under moonlite summer. Mesh: Colliding meshing Becoming one tonight Or minds flew away I hope you like
  11. "How'd you do that Rune?." Whynasin blinked and contemplated the sigh. Those around him shifted uneasily and he felt something tug at his existence. He looked into Rune's eyes as he awaited a reply.
  12. he he he he.
  13. This one to me rang very true, applicable to many things in life not just the kiss. Goodnight Our farewell kiss Rest forever on my lips But is still too short
  14. 0.8% Years and years pass He looks out through glass Passively thinking about lost time, Brooding over his failure to perform Angry at his lack of will. The glass reflects his thoughts, Cold and clear. Outside the grass gently rustles with the soft blow of the wind. Inside the air is stall and old. Children play outside They jump through sprinklers. Screaming with glee. In his mind the same tune replays, His wife leaving, his children fading. The alcohol that took him to the edge. With his children in the back seat. One to many was to much. 0.8 and his vision blurred. He didn’t realize how fast he was going. Didn’t see the tree. To gone to buckle his children in, Like two doves they flew. Breaking the glass hitting the road, Gone was their turn. A slap on the wrist, And he was free. His wife gone, He alone, Cold thoughts and the ghostly laughter of his children all he has left.
  15. IC: Whynasin eyed the people in the room with interest he was enjoying himself. He went over o Rune and asked if she wanted to play with his Ball. At that moment he produced from a deep fold in his cloak a ball. Taking of his heavy cloak and weapons Whynasin put them in the corner of the room. Rune looked a the ball with Glee and shouted out “ throw it throw it!” Whynasin threw it to her and for a while they played until he overheard Zariah talking to Elwen and fountain about the case. He turned from Rune and left her alone with the ball as he wandered over to the others. “Yes they have been finding disturbing signs that something is wrong.” Zariah told the others. The crow cawed in agreement. Elwen asks the rest where do we start, and the Whynasin answers they all turn to the odd Elvin child. “ As I got closer to the keep I saw a Crow like her being killed by a shadowy figure, who ever it was seemed to be able to move through shadows, like a vampire or something. I hurried and when I saw the keep I ran. I was so scared.” Rune had let the ball go and it rolled across the room hitting Zariah’s foot.
  16. The crow is wise, takeing care never to be hit. "G-AR"/Whynotsin
  17. Divine Rev.. see thats what I'm talking about.
  18. You all bring such a large smile to my face.. Im my house we make a soup kinda like that a cabbage soup you spoke of Falcon. An ya it's about a cauldron, Last about a week.
  19. Age and time allies be they both, Together they laugh at youth, Time will eventually wear him down, And age will carry him to the grave. So in the end the flower shall fade and decay, Making it all the same, In the end.
  20. You can only think back to a time when you lived among the stars, You dream about the time you were a God. Before you lost your way and were caste out like trash. He knows it was his fault. He is now the mortal bound to earth. Awaiting the day of his end, All the while watching his brethren in the night. The light they cast from far of places Dance on edges of forever black holes. You think to yourself a black hole would have suited you better. To be trapped in the eternity of a moment, At the edge of oblivion. The pain of self your only reminder of life. Now you’re just a mortal bound to the earth. Punishment for your un atoned sins An empty shell, Of a God. Changed to: You can only think back to a time when you lived among the heavens, You dream about the time you were a God. Before you lost your way and were caste out like trash. He knows it was his fault. Now the mortal bound to earth. Awaiting the day of his end, All the while watching his brethren in the night. The light they cast from far of places Dance on edges of forever black holes. He thinks to himself a black hole would have suited him better. To be trapped in the eternity of a moment, At the edge of oblivion. The pain of self, his only reminder of life. Now you’re just a mortal bound to the earth. Punishment for your un atoned sins An empty shell, Of a God. I know this kind of edit belongs in the writers workshop but. I wanted everyone to be able to see how the poem changed after reworkinf it.
  21. I like it. Very sincere ture and simple. I enjoyed reading it.
  22. Reflection on a topic. Stare at the stars, You might find home. Lost child of the heavens. Of the stars, Look closer and you might find, The home you left long ago. When the stars fall through the mist, Tears form in your eyes. As you watch them die. You can only think back to a time when you lived among the stars, You dream about the time you were a God. Before you lost your way and were caste out like trash. He knows it was his fault. He is now the mortal bound to earth. Awaiting the day of his end, All the while watching his brethren in the night. The light they cast from far of places Dance on edges of forever black holes. You think to yourself a black hole would have suited you better. To be trapped in the eternity of a moment, At the edge of oblivion. The pain of self your only reminder of life. Now you’re just a mortal bound to the earth. Punishment for your un atoned sins An empty shell, Of a God.
  23. I am so glad this debat is off to a healthy start..... The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. O I so do love the random thoughts that perad around the world...The frog and the hog la de da dum de dump. Get him Gus.
  24. Vincent turned around and tackled Whynasin, The energy balls came closer and just before they where about to crash into each other Vincent let go and flew back and out of the way. The two energy balls collided consuming Whynasin in a brilliant white explosion that turned the world brighter then the sun. The Elf-child was engulfed in the explosion that sent Vincent spiraling to Tera. When the light died down nothing was left of The Elf-child Whynasin Nothing but his blade that fell blade first next to Vincent. Had the God killed himself? Vincent Picked up Whynasin’s blade and put it in a belt loop. There was an echo in his mind of the words Whynasin had whispered to him just before he was engulfed. “What would you fall on your blade for? Would you fall on it for the knowledge of who was responsible for the destruction of your people? I can tell you.” Just then the Energy had engulfed him. As the energy dissipated Whynasin’s words echoed in his mind. The pain of being so close to the truth resonated in his mind. The other question that picked at him was if Whynasin had really died.
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