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Everything posted by Elwen
Unattended by his sister for once, Aural skips through the crowd. He grins upon seeing the booth. "Bachelor auction?" he says to himself slowly, then his grin widens. "Sounds like fun." The small Elf hops up to the booth and quickly signs his name, sensing that his sister is coming-and she is Not Happy. "Aural Moonflower!" a familiar soprano voice carries through the crowd, as his tall sister slips through, cradling her harp. Elwen glares down at him. "What are you doing?!" "Oh, hi, 'Neesan." Aural says cheerfully. "I'm signing up to participate in the Pen's Bachelor Auction. It'll be fun." Elwen hits her forehead with the palm of her hand, but says nothing. The kitsune-turned-Elven harper is well-used to her brother's antics. Why, oh why, why did she let him get away from her in the crowd? Elwen's brows crease in vexation. This was going to be such a disaster... OOC: Aural Moonflower, Elwen's twin brother, is up for auction. I wonder if Elwen's prediction will be wrong... '
*snorts* And I happen to have played the most mistaken-for-a-girl character ever...even after I said he's a guy. *sweatdrop* But then, Yukito/Yue is one of the most (two of the most?) feminine-looking characters around, as my avatar (of Yue this time) happens to show. So...I guess the only thing left is to explain my reasoning, because I actually had an IC reason to do everything I did, even the lynching of myself and my partner. As Nave can tell you, Yue had a great deal of disdain towards Spiderman, and as a result, the two didn't get along. (Lots of RP in our PMs...) So I/he evaluated the targets that Spiderman presented for strategic value (he's a Guardian: he's used to doing stuff like that), and just basically went along with it. And because Yukito was in effect innocent, he didn't know that when he tied his vote to Prime's that first time (and second...I just thought that was funny even though I screwed myself over: it was just IC to do that) that he was dooming his other self's partner. I assumed that nothing would change, and the fainting spell took care of Yuki's vote for the rest of the phase, but oops. And Yue didn't bother to wake up enough to change Yuki's vote because 1)it would be a dead giveaway of a secret Yuki didn't even know, 2)he likes his sleep and didn't want to wake up (in his manga profile, his favorite thing to do is sleep), 3) he didn't care enough to lean on Yuki's mind and have him change his vote (bec ause he didn't like Spiderman), and 4)he realized that changing it at this moment in time would further endanger his other half. Yue erased Dave because 1)he had sided with Spiderman and it was fairly obvious at that point where Yue's loyalty lay (with Yukito and his mistress, Sakura, who was the reason he was actually participating in the erasures: he thought one of the group was the one responsible for all the trials she had been facing recently. Wrong, but he didn't know that.) 2)he was tired, and didn't think: Yue's own fading is why Yuki fainted so often: 3)it was so completely against his nature as a Guardian that he subconsciously wanted to get caught, and 4)he just found Dave plain irritating. (Manga profile. Least favorite thing: Anything Annoying). All I have to say is that next time, if I make mention of a particular fact (i.e., that my character has a second self or whatever) you MIGHT want to pay attention to it. *grins evilly and skips off to plot world domination*
Ne, ne, ne! Why do you say that? *looks innocent* I just happened to use the fact that the character I played has a severe case of MPD to my RP advantage....or disadvantage, at the end. *eyeshift*
I'll definitely have to skip. *sighs* *smirks* I would like to have played the 'mental institution' one. I just got through playing a character who had no idea that they were the wolf. Even though that wasn't clear enough. *sighs* *skips away*
((Hey! Hey! *waves arms frantically* I just got back into town!)) Amber eyes focus wearily on Prime, as Yukito finally summons up the strength to speak. "Spiderman would have sacrificed me as well...in trying to blacken Pepe-san's name." the young man's voice is almost gone. "But do what you will, Prime-san. I will not stop you." He leans forward, resting his hand on the ground-and falls forward, as for a moment, his hand is transparent. ((OOC: Yukito ties HIS vote to Prime's again. Good Goddess, Yukito seems to be the most gender-mistaken character I've played, even more than Lia Litrell from the 'School Days' game.))
It really was, Nave. Too bad Yuki was too tired to notice. *kicks him* He really needs to wake up now...
((OOC: Ano, Nave, a little correction: you spelled my name wrong. Yukito, or Yuki if shortened. And while Yuki may look fragile and pretty like a girl, he's no girl. Gomen nasai if I sound harsh.))
Blessings be, wherever you are and wherever you go...
Gomen nasai, but I'm out. I'll be going on vacation around that period, so that's out for me. Have fun-and I'm here in spirit!
Yukito, by some miracle, manages to stand, though it is evident he can barely manage to stay on his feet. "I-" his voice is so soft that only one listening very closely can hear. His eyes close again, as he folds in on himself, unconscious once again. ((OOC: Obviously, as Yuki cannot speak at the moment, my vote stands as it was. Sorry...))
((OOC: Yay. My longest post yet. Too bad I didn't get inspired until the END of the game, ne? Right now I'm in the mood for Third Season! Yukito, so that's where the fainting spell/all the fading come in.)) Yukito sits on the ground, knees drawn up to his chin. From the very beginning, he hadn't understood what was going on. Hadn't understood at all. And now, with this drama playing out, this crossroads-he couldn't clear through the fog that was clouding his mind. He had been tired, so, so tired, for a long time, and it was only getting worse. The voices, the people-it was only a blur, a haze, all blurring together. He couldn't hold it together for much longer...he couldn't lie to himself about that anymore. "I don't know what to think." the young man opens his eyes, bright amber somehow dulled. "I don't know who to believe. But I will not add to this chaos..." he trails off in the middle of his sentence, as his mind drifts again. When he finally speaks again, his soft alto voice is even more distant than before, as if he is somewhere very far away, fading away. "I make no claims on 'seeing' anyone. I don't know who is innocent and who is guilty. Some...someone else here knows better than I. I...all I can do now is trust to them and their judgment." Long lashes drift closed again. ((OOC: I'm attaching my vote to that of Optimus Prime/Lady Celes, which means that as of now I'm voting against Pepe LePew))
Yukito pushes his glasses up his nose as he rubs tears away with the other hand. Peepi was such a cute, harmless thing...why would anyone suspect him? He had never suspected him of being the 'Eraser'... To-ya...I wish you were the one here instead of me. You're the one with the sixth sense...I'm just ordinary. You'd know who it was... Yukito wanders away, still lost in thought. He feels his eyelids begin to close-he simply can't keep them awake anymore. Why now?! "I'm so...sleepy." he whispers to himself, before slumping to the ground.
Ne-it should be easy enough to go to Quizilla and make an online test using those results. I haven't tried it, myself, because my HTML skills aren't the best, but it might work.
((OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post...*whimpers* I suck at this setting...I really do. And as for referring to Yukito as a 'rabbit'-I don't remember if I ever did or not, but I'll probably do it in the future-apparently rabbit is part of his name's meaning.)) Yukito listens to the babble around him, still wide-eyed and in shock over Chichiri's erasure. "I'm going to have to agree with Spider-Man's logic." the young man says quietly, his usual cheerfulness dampened down. "How many erasers would it take to erase us all? Many. I'm sorry, Coyote-san, but..." He worries his lower lip with his teeth, obviously not wanting to have to suspect anyone. OOC: Wile E. Coyote
*groans* This will definitely please my brother, who is too lazy to read books and uses me as his dictionary when IM-ing people. But Good Goddess Above...*starts hitting her head against the wall* Can I set fire to whoever's bright idea this was with a bunsen burner?
((Sorry for not posting...I got eaten by RL...)) Yukito grins brightly, even as he realizes that he is outclassed in this next event. He has always enjoyed running-Touya always said that he could run like the rabbit he was named for, and it wasn't fair-and even though he stands no chance against transforming robots and mages who could teleport, running is still a pleasure. And with all the disturbing things happening lately, he needed something in order to keep his mind off things.
The slender, gray-haired Japanese boy looks down at the sheet in front of him. Mr. Boswell had explained so rapidly that it made his head hurt: school and calculus were one thing, but this was completely another. "Excuse me, Boswell-san?" Yukito asked, cheerfully and politely. "May I please see the rulebook? It would help me understand better if I read the rules." he gives a dazzling smile to the older man.
OOC: Blah. RL had to eat me this voting phase. Gomen nasai...*whimpers* I'll try to find a plausible excuse to waltz in late.
...This gives me a headache, inserting links/finding them. Tsukishiro Yukito is from Card Captor Sakura (click on each link to find out about each blasted arc of the anime.) ...Hopefully enough information and pics. The site above is a shrine to Yukito AND to his other half, the Moon Guardian Yue. PM me if you want more info... *falls over and dies* EDIT # 5,000,000: A mage, particularly a strong one, would be able to tell something was "weird" about Yukito, and depending on their talent/the strength of said talent, would know he wasn't human despite all appearances. (In the series, the character Kinomoto Touya, Yukito's best friend, knew all along he wasn't human.)
Then I'll be Tsukishiro Yukito, and his "true form" (the Moon Guardian, Yue) probably won't be making too much of an appearance (but I won't be making an guarantees about it...). Ne, should we give a link to a pic/information about the character we'll be playing, just in case?
No. No. No. NO. Playing two characters is confusing...and if I play Yukito/Yue, I'd be basically playing two characters anyway, since they're so different, even though they're the same person (technically).
Lia leans against the wall, slender arms crossed. Trust your instincts...it is the voice of the Lady guiding you. His eyes narrow into deep purple slits, glaring at Richard. I trust my instincts...and I don't trust you. Strangely enough, the normally mouthy young man remains silent. OOC: Gnarlitch/Richard
...Uh, I have no idea about *any* American cartoon, but as for the anime... Tsukishiro Yukito/Yue from Card Captor Sakura. One major case of MPD coming right up. If I'm allowed, that is...
Lia scowls as he gathers his books together and stands in a swirl of long, black silk skirts. So much for Christian tolerance. he thinks sardonically. He has never liked Matthew and his group of "Bible-thumpers": they had always rubbed him the wrong way. Plus the fact that he was sure that at least one of them would have wanted to light him on fire or something for his "sins" (it was in Lia's experience that there was always at least one who held that attitude, especially for everything he believed in/did. Let's see...bisexuality, check. Transvestism, check. Being Wiccan, check. If it were up to them, he'd be roasting in hell right now.) "'Judge not lest you be judged.'" Lia quoted under his breath, sourly. Gym class was next. Oh, hell. Lia rubbed the bridge of his nose irritably, and looked down at the cover of the top book in the pile in his arms: An Actor Prepares, by Stanislavski. He had to reread that soon... Lia made a note to visit Billy as soon as he could after school. And prepared to face the hell that was gym class.
((OOC: Well, Lia has a problem with Matthew, too. Obvious reasons.)) From his seat nearby, Lia listens closely, and his eyes narrow. "Hate the sin, and not the sinner?" the slender young man says, glaring at Matthew. "You say you do not 'prejudge'. I am willing to accept that with a grain of salt. But what about the others in your group?" Lia's voice is fairly dripping sarcasm. "And your own attitude...when you spoke about praying for 'sinners'...you preach tolerance, and may even believe that you understand what tolerance is. But I don't think you understand. Maybe some of us don't need or want your prayers." OOC: Vote for Vahktang/Matthew