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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Elwen

  1. Aural, who was most *certaintly* dressed as a fairy, pretty fluttering wings and all, smiled up at Tanny, blue-green eyes dancing. "Thanks! I specially designed her costume." he beamed angelically at his not-very-amused sister. "Aural." Elwen said coolly, fixing her petite brother with a dark gaze, her gray eyes most certaintly *not* amused, as her fingers silently ran across the strings of the Morninglark harp significantly. The younger twin paled. "I'll...see you later on, ne, 'neesan?" he said, and hurried away. Elwen bowed politely to Tanny, and was about to walk away, when a crash! came at the door. She turned in a swirl of pale drapery, to see Gwaihir. Silently, she walked forward, to offer assistance should he require it.
  2. ((OOC: I hope we're allowed to post now..*sweatdrops*)) Elwen could have killed her twin for getting her into this. Oh, never mind that-she was *going* to kill him when she got the chance. The kitsune-thief-turned-Elven-harper was mentally scowling as she walked up the path to the Manor, and it was all she could do to keep a calm face. "Come on, 'neesan! It'll be fun!" Fun? Aural is out of his mind. Elwen thought, folding her arms over her chest. The elf maiden was dressed in something that could only be described as a filmy, long white silk dress, with white wings attached somehow on the back. And just for kicks, Aural had somehow managed to stick a silver circlet of tiny stars on her head. This was going to be...very...*interesting*.
  3. Might as well do both. *flops over*
  4. Melia tapped slender fingers against her lips, thoughtfully. Justice. A concept she had never believed in... Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth... Why was she thinking of Damien and his poetry, now? Hadn't she forgotten him? Maybe death would be welcome...someday soon. But for now, Melia wanted to live. "We should go." she said quietly and coolly, tossing back long blond hair. "If we want to live, that is." ((OOC: the stuff in italics is quoted from the song "Key of Twilight", from .hack/SIGN: I thought it was fitting.))
  5. Melia's blue eyes are impassive in her pale, beautiful face as she finally speaks again. "That was the past." she says quietly. "We can do nothing now...we cannot change it. The past is past, and there is nothing anyone can do."
  6. Melia somehow managed to keep her composure. However, one looking closely could see her face pale slightly. Damien. It had been four years, and she had thought she could escape him... "I did not lead him." she said, slowly and clearly. "It was by his own hand he died...not mine."
  7. Melia, as soon as she was bored with watching the poker game (a state which didn't take very long to reach), wandered into the library. Selecting a book seemingly at random, she took a seat. She had long ago cultivated the ability to both read and listen to conversation at the same time...it was practical.
  8. Lady Melia brushed her long blond hair back from her face with a slender hand, as she adjusted the hat that protected her pale skin from the sun. Today had not been a good day. Why had she agreed to come to this party, she didn't know, but she was regretting it now. She sat back and simply watched the others. Watching and waiting...that was her specialty. It helped that most people didn't see past her beautiful face...
  9. Eleni shifts again slightly, as she touches the rapier sheathed at her side. The sword of a dead man, whose face she wore... Shinni... the Elf clenches her fist involuntarily against the memory of golden hair surrounding serene, forever-stilled features of haunting beauty.
  10. Goddess be with you. *hugs* Take as much time as you need, ne? Hope everything works out for you.
  11. Yay! Spots! *looks overjoyed, because she can play at last* Lady Melia Darshiva...a very, very noted beauty. My first time...attempting, anyway...playing a seductive character. *falls over and dies* *sarcasm* I really wonder what her crime was?
  12. Going away for a week on vacation...I'll see you all when I get back. Ja mata ne... ~Elwen~
  13. On seeing the confrontation between the dwarves and the halfling, Eleni's lips quirk upward slightly. This could prove to be...interesting. Quietly, she walks near to where the halfling is surrounded by the dwarves, though not in range of any melee combat, and murmurs a spell under her breath, though choosing not to complete it, in favor of seeing what happens next.
  14. Sitting alone in the darkest corner of the tavern, Eleni Sinnodel sips at her drink, green eyes staring straight ahead. The beautiful Elven sorceress is alone…but then, she is always alone these days. Even dancing in the middle of a crowd, she is alone in the midst of a crush of people, not one of them she knew. Eleni prefers it that way. Slowly, she climbs to her feet and stretches, slender, almost boyish hips swaying with the languid movement, letting her body move to the rhythm of the bard’s song that echoes inside her head, where no one else could hear. The soft, lilting flute music her brother had always loved… Ever since his death, her twin has become a part of her. He may no longer live and breathe, betrayed by the goddess that he had loved, but Eleni lives for both of them. She is androgynous…she is ice. She is the moonless night. Soft laughter bubbles up from between her lips, as she tosses her head, long blond hair coming loose to flow around her face. Leaving some money on the table for her drink, Eleni walks over to a table where five dwarves and a halfling are gambling. “May I join in?” she asks softly, her voice like ice, as she waits for an answer.
  15. Hisoka walks forward slowly, her eyes scanning the room. While she may be bound to silence on passing judgment, she still wants to have an idea... Who could it possibly be? Who could be the murderer? While outwardly, her beautiful face remains impassive, the young geisha can already feel the familiar tendrils of helplessness begin to claw through her. THis had to be stopped. It had to be stopped, now, before it was too late. But where, who, why? Silently, she takes a seat at the poker table. This seemed to be a good place to start...
  16. Hisoka stands very straight in her dark violet and silver kimono embroidered with crescent moons, showing no outward emotion. "Oh, gods have mercy..." she whispers. ~I always wanted to die in the spring...~ the echo of her own thoughts at the moment of her death comes back to her. I'm sorry... Last words, so far away, in another lifetime...words of failure, of an awakening yumeni who knew too late the shadows in souls. The true shadows. Not again, not again...she had a faint feeling, with the prescience that came with the Gift that had somewhat awakened at the moment of her death, that everyone here, or most people, had been in a similar situation. But she was not Shizuka-chan, her twin. She...did not have the power to see through souls to what lay beneath...her magic had never awakened fully like his had. Her Gift had awakened only partially, and Hisoka knew only another Dreamgazer, another Seer, could interpret her visions correctly...and had the suspicion only her twin could reach her. But she could not speak, now. Not this time, not this life, not trapped in this cursed spiral of life-that-was-not-life. It was her purpose only to observe...and Remember.
  17. ((OOC: I had to stick a ref to my favorite anime in, more than I already have in choosing my character name. *cough* Forgive me...) In the corner, Hisoka stands gracefully against the wall, ever-present writing book tucked inconspiciously between her arms. Her purpose here is only to observe...and to write. The young geisha knows not how she arrived here, especially when she should be dead, but she has dealt with the supernatural, with her family and best friend, as well as what had happened in Lord Mizuhara's castle, long enough to have an idea of her fate...maybe she has become one of those spirits who stuck around after death, too tormented to pass on freely? In the spiral-of-life-that-is-not-life? As her green eyes flicker around the room, her eyes settle on the familiar man who is looking around confusedly. Lord Washima. Hisoka sighs. This is going to be very difficult to explain, should he recognize her...especially because she didn't have any idea what was going on herself.
  18. So, here I am...The Lady of Stars Let's see how much I've made myself forgotten, ne? (And yes, I tested my own quiz, too.)
  19. *blinks* Am I really this...driven? I already knew I wasn't silly enough to be Salinye...for I have no sense of humor. Nice quiz, Yui-san. *bows*
  20. *plays a soothing harp melody* Do you wish more of an ear to hear your troubles, Salinye?
  21. I'm playing an NPC. So don't kill me. Hisoka Kyodai. Deceased geisha (Feudal Japan): sister of the Dreamgazer Shizuka Kyodai.
  22. Elwen: *steps out of the crowd and gives her brother a flat stare* I can't believe that anyone with any sense at all, much less Lady Alaeha, would pay a single *cent* for you. Aural: *grins without any shame at all* 'Neesan, who is the one here with foresight? Elwen: *reluctantly: it is not often Aural gets one-up on her* You. Aural: Besides, this is all in good fun. *grins up at her: he knows he is pushing it* Why didn't you bid on anyone? Elwen: *pokes hand in Aural's face* See this ring? It means something. Aural: It's not like this is serious, Elwen-neesan. *giggles* Elwen: *glares down at him-she is a good nine inches taller than him* *stalks away* Aural: My, she is in a temper today...*grins even more brightly, seeming not to notice all the stares because of the argument between the siblings*
  23. *laughs* Oh, dear Goddess...that is an interesting idea, though...
  24. *holds up itsy-bitsy purse* Uh...I've been a little behind on the geld-earning thing...*sweatdrops* Oops.
  25. *sighs* I wonder if anyone actually bid for Aural...probably not.
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