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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Xaious, Master of Time

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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time

  1. Tis the wonderful miss Annael, of course!
  2. Meryy birthdaymasoweenakkuh! Heh..I saw the title of this, and was expecting it to be Ayshela's plans for me.... *runs*
  3. 0.0....O_O *is more than a little frightened...What..What will you have me doing?
  4. Heh heh heh..Should I be scared?
  5. Heh heh, yay! *flying shnugglytacklinghugtackle of uber excitement tacklehugs Ayshela* You won me! *smooch!*
  6. Xaious decides to wait patiently and even allow the suspense to grow a bit...until it gets out of hand and bites his head off. Luckily for the bidding ladies, he's ok. Awww......
  7. *waits patiently for the winnders to be announced...*
  8. As Ayshela tries to recover from the ptrevious hugtackles, Xaious hugtackleglomps her, bringing her back down to the floor, where she let's out an "OOMPH!" of surprise. "You really do have no life!" He says, hugging her very tight. "Erg....thanks..." Ayshela lets out, choked from all the tight huggles. "Oops..You need to breathe..." Xaious loosens up on the hugging, and helps her to her feet, smiling. *poke*
  9. Upon finding out the news, Xaious decides to show up and congratulate the winners, in what he figured would be the best ways. "Pages-once-Initiates, Congratulations on this!" He ssays, shaking the hands of Arashi, DL_Snake, Gnarlitch, and HappyBuddha, then turning to some of the new Quill-Bearers. "And you four, congrats, congrats!", hugging Racouol, Solivaqus, Tanuchan, and Yuki Kokoro. He then turns to purple_shadows. "Congratulations, Love.", and runs over to her, scooping her up in a big hug. OOC: Vundervul jorb!
  10. Oomph! *gets tacklehugged* YAR!
  11. (Um..New thing to say, I have...Please, when your prediction comes through, pm me with a link to it, mk?please and thank you!) Xaious looks over to Ayshela and smiles. "Well if it isn't my favorite rabid huggler. I trust you day hasn't been at it's worst?" Ayshela smiled. "Well, I'm not dead yet, so that's a good sign. So, what do I have in my future, sweety?" Xaious smiled. "Ah, Lady Ayshela, for you I foresee....Well, a good bit more kisses..." Xaious winked at Ayshela, and she smiled, rasing an eyebrow at him. "hmm..Before this carnival ends, you will accidentally, and unknowingly, unleashe a horde of small rodents, of the disgusting hairy type." Ayshela looked him questioningly, wondering how she might be doing this... Xaious stopped talking. "..Is that..it?" She asked, feeling disappointed. "And lastly, you can full-well expect...." "Yes?" "Expect to get reall really messy. Not like with the pies at the kissing booth-althouh don't be surprised when you get hit again with that-, no this will be....especially messy." "How so?" She quizzed. "Well, I can't tel you that..I don't quite remember all the deteails..it was a little..A sticky situation, if you will..wait..You will..." Oh..Okay." She sighed. "Do you mind if I sit here a bit longer?" "Oh no, not at all." He smiled at her, and she smiled back as he pocketed her geld. "Thanks sweety." "Now, Merelas, your turn." Xaious turned to Merelas. "Yes, I suppose it is." "Very well then..You have the geld?" Xaious asked, extending a hand. "Yes, right here." Merelas reached into his pockets and pulled out 10 geld, placing it into the Master of Time's hand. "I trust I'll have good fortunes?" Merelas grinned, and Xaious chuckled. "You would trust for that to be the case, and I would hate to break your trust..." Merelas sighed. "But, well, your fortune is this: To start with, watch out for your pockets, you can expect to lose some geld." Merelas frowned, patting his pockets. All was there. "Also, don't be woried about that, because you will also end up stumbling and falling flat on your face, narrowly avoiding..*shudders*...A certain lovely lady's muse." Xaious shuddered, and his customer didn't seem too joyed. "Please tell me that the predictions get better?." Merelas tried to grinn. "And your final fortune..." "Yes?" "Before this carnival has run it's course, your underpants will be over-run and highjacked by a herd of rodents." Xaious chuckled. "That...Well, thank you, I suppose..." "No, by all means, thank you." Xaious smiled again. He was loving this carnival.
  12. *Xaious ravenously jumps in, glomps Ayshela, then runs away.*
  13. Yay! Let's hear it for my first haiku written in two years! ..I'm beginning to scare myself!
  14. Start with some In Character rambling about our muses.....(deleting some unimportant things..like someone joining/leaving, etc. <Yui> "Ie." Yui shakes her head. "It's my fault. I forget that my ways are strange to many around here." <Xaious> It appears our bartenders are out for the time. <Xaious> Oh no, not at all...well, Not as strange as some... <Xaious> your ways are nice, your ways are good. * Yui grins. "Thank you for saying so. 'There are more things in heaven and earth than you have dreamed of in your philosophy, neh?'" <Xaious> Your ways don't involve a bikini-clad ogress <Yui> Eeto... not if I can help it, no... <Xaious> Right <Xaious> Your ways are good... <Xaious> ..as long as you don't resort to ogresses * Xaious takes a drink of his Lemonade/vodka * Yui laughs and perches on the edge of the Mighty Couch's arm. "I think my muse is more sprite-sized, making her less dangerous and more tenaciously torturous. The fact that there are black and white twin muses only makes it worse... Then again, Xaious, I think perhaps you might understand how that is. I have seen your art." <Xaious> I might understand. <Xaious> Then again, I might also not, I cannot be sure though. * Xaious shrugs, then takes another drink of his drink. <Xaious> My muse..heh. I have many. <Xaious> They come, they go, they take lodge in my mind and leave not once until I have listened. * Xaious thinks about the cold, mechanical muse grinding about him at the moment. <Yui> It's rather amusing that we personify them, neh? <Xaious> One would sey, yes. <Xaious> The muse of the moment, my muse at the moment, she is a beauty, though cold and unrelenting. <Yui> Tenacity is probably the lone common characteristic of all muses, wouldn't you say? <Xaious> Her eyes....her eyes will not let my mind go. <Xaious> One would suspect. <Xaious> Right now, the new one.her skin is pale, her lips luscious red. <Salinye> I don't think I have to describe my muse. She's made a name for herself. <Xaious> She is true unnatural, a machine with no intentions other than to slay mine mind, lest I depict her in honesty. <Xaious> Lady Salinye, your muse is an abomination. * Yui raises a brow and folds her hands on her knee, "She sounds like she'll make a lovely drawing." <Xaious> Oh, a drawing would justify her none <Yui> Sali-chan, it's your muse that started this whole discussion. We were contemplating the horror of her. <Salinye> You see what I live with! <Xaious> Heh. <Salinye> But, I would hope she makes me put out one or two good writings now and then. <Xaious> Luckily, my most horrendous muse is a gibbering pile of flesh and bone, sinew and hatred. <Xaious> Lady Sal, I would return that muse if she were mine. <Yui> Despite her personal lack of elocution, she seems to be adept at doing just that, Salinye. *grins* <Salinye> Oh, I can't return her! I'd be left an empty shell of a woman! <Xaious> One that could undoubtably be filled with other muses Now for the image: Now, for the comments: (your job, peeps)
  15. Ah gots 85 on Ayshela's Quiz. Xaious sticks his tongue at Salinye.
  16. Sure, I'll make one.... Xaious makes a quiz How well do you know Xaious?
  17. Xaious frowns slightly at this... How about... . . . And, hopefully this is what I said.. Sleeping in the tree, Enjoy the very cool breeze. I like this feeling. Xaious waits for the response.
  18. ..Interestingly nice. I like it. It's like the world is..or something.. Heh..I want a Delorian......make that THE Delorian...
  19. Xaious smiles. "Oh nooooooo, I'd never." he replied sarcastically. Salinye sighs, not liking the sounds of that. "But..business is business, and ethics are more important than past horrors." Salinye brightened up. "Good then, are you ready?" "Yes..I think so...." Xaious reached out and took Salinye's hands, and she blushed. "Is..Is that necessary?" Said the blushing elf. "No, but I figure that if I hold your hands, you won't be able to slap me." Salinye laughed. "Ok then. For starters, Wyvern will make a number of attempts to kiss you in the kissing booth...."Her eyes went wide with horror. "..But he won't succeed." Salinye sighed, relieved. "And you can, before this event ends,...." Xaious frowned... "What..what is it?" the elven lady asked, a little worried. "You...Before...Your muse...." he shuddered, and Salinye understood his fear. "Luckily, you're going to be calling that monstrosity on a certain....Elder..of I...Initiates." The two shared a great laugh. "And would I happen to be calling her becausssse of thosssse wandering lipssss?" Salinye hissed, making a jab at Wyvern. "You can count on that!" Xaious laughed. "And..My final fortune?" "Right, your final fortune..." He paused to think. "Yes...?" "Right. I..I'm sorry, but...Before this carnival ends, you will get dunked in the dunk tank..." They both frowned. "But Wyvern will not be in there with you." She sighed, once more relieved. "No..It will be Gyrfalcon." When he said this, Salinye's face turned a bright red and contorted oddly, causing Xaious to bust out laughing.
  20. Taking a small break from his Fortune Telling Booth, Xaious sneaks over to the Dunking Booth, ready to sink the overgrown lizard. Xaious pays the fee, smiles to Ayshela, and then grins sadistically at Wyvern. "Oh boy..." mutters Wyvern as Xaious lets loose with the first ball. THUNK! He misses horibly, but keeps smiling, letting loose with the second ball. THUD! Another miss, this one leaves Wyvern rubbing his forehead..Well, it was a 'miss'.... Xaious holds up the third ball in his hand, tossing it up and catching it, giving the scaly cheapskate a chance to forget the pain. He throws the ball. Before the ball can hit the target, Wyvern gets dunked, as Xaious stopped time, ran up, and hit the target, returning to his spot, and letting all go on. Everyone around watches the ball sail through the empty air; right where the bulls-eye of the target had been. Wyvern comes up, swallowing a mouthful of ale. "Cheater!" Hisses the lizard man as Xaious walks away, laughing.
  21. Hmm. If that is Bunny-esque, then I must try it myself...it seems so close to my normal..um...speech..... Or something... ". .." How's that?
  22. Xaious looks around, wondering how long it would take anyone to figure this one out, having himself figured it before finishing the first word. Xaious whispers in Finnius's ear. I know who I am........ Hm..Whoever could it be...
  23. ..Interesting. Not sure I've ever heard 'grind the strings' before, but it works. ..'waggle the refrain'...? That one sounds a bit odd....
  24. Heh. So, as your in a good mood for this, you're not going to kill me, right? Yayz! Happy thousandth post!
  25. OOC: Let it be known that Purple Shadows has participated in this booth....but in the Kissing Booth thread, where her fortune has been told.
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