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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time
Have fun, ye faceless entity, known only--and barely, at that--in the midst of the vast internet, where no person and no thing is of any consequence. Enjoy yourself. Xaious nods 'farewell' in a very uninterested manner.
Xaious appears out of time, dressed in oddly gaudy colors with enormous steel-toed boots, whisking Ayshela away to Sttel-Toed Boot Land once more.
Role-Call and Weenie Awards!
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Jechum's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
..That they had accidentally swam into the mouth of none other than the notoriously well-known Leviathan, who woke up rather quickly as a harpoon stuck him in the head. Before Vinny and Melvin could react accordingly, they were jolted backwards, where.... -
Going off-line for a few days...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Ok. Still off-line. Right now, at Vincent Silver's house, a bunch of friends..been up for about 24 hours....legs hurt..too much DDR...then a bit of D&D....my check hasn't come in yet, or it may have come in, but I can't cash it until like tomorrow, so with any luck, I should have my cable back....tomorrow....I hope.... -
A desktop: the laptop deal..they ran out of the package, so I got a 160 gig hardrive comp, 512 ram, yade yada. We didn't get the router today, so I'll be gone for a day or two... Just letting you know not to worry about me. I WILL return.
Shiny..Once, I think....
The Master of Time Takes More Time
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Xaious looks over at Rydia, a grin on his face. That, M'lady, is a very good question. I have no bloody idea! -
The Master of Time Takes More Time
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
You bet yer sweet bippy I did! -
The Master of Time Takes More Time
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Back. I love Biloxi, Mississippi. The Imperial Palace casino and hotel is great (for staying in..expensive food), ...on the other hand, family...ah well, I had a great time. -
But not so long as last time. I don't think I announced it, but there was a time, towards the beginning of summer vacation, that I went to my aunt's house for two weeks. I was barely active for those two weeks, as far as the pen is concerned. And in a few hours, I'm going back, but for so long as last time. And this time, I'll be going to Mississippi afterwards. I couldn't pass up on the offer to get out of this #%$ state, even though it is with family. I'll be back on Monday? maybe... Later days! Xaious huggles all the ladies goodbye, and then runs away.
*Emits insane amounts of laughter, mad psychotic, nerve-racking laughter.*
Ya know, it's FRIDAY again! *Runs away with Ayshela to steel-toed boot land, yet again., but this time with a block of velveeta cheese.* (And for the "too awake to go sleep" thing, I hate that. It's why I'm still up at this godawful tiem of the day known as morning.)
Buddy, for your present... I'll not kick you in the shins. *ponders* But remind me when you hit 18, so I can give you the "Special Gonad Kick of Sterility." The same one that lousy rela.......... *looks innocent* Moof.. *Looks around to see everyone staring at him, then runs off, savagely tacklehugging Ayshela on the way out*
Hmm..That's odd.... I might recommend going to the forums and locating the topic about the new launcher.. I don't think that Chris has actually had the main game page updated.. All I can suggest is to check the forums for answers... Wait..You need version 2 of the launcher now to play.
Sali, Yes No No Yes No Yes (my cats...I luff them!) No ...No Luckily, No Every. Frigging. Night. No, I have to draw... Finnius: Sort of Yes Yes No..I think No Nope Not yet. Never had a job.... Nope...luckily, one story house. Yup. Naturally No..they lose. Nope. Have used a cat for that though. Nope. But a cat, and his son, and his.....family... Yup yup. Of course, yes. Pointy One: Yes No In this forum, yes. Yes... Unfortunately. All the time! No. I went outside and let loose the F word...it lasted a few minutes... (That was the night my cat Greebouy died...I still miss him...a few years have passed....) ..meh...yes...
I'll have to try that when I get my computer...after..getting my scholarship/grant money.... But I have an addiction too! The Cow's Corner game. It's addictive! I've already goten Gyrfalcon to play it. The Cow's Corner At the bottom and to the right is a yellow link that says "Cow's Corner Game" Or something to that effect, or go to the link on the left marked "Forums" and to the forum labeled Cow's Corner Game to find out more info.... Heh. If you don't like my plugging this in this topic, blame the Saliciously Silly Salacious Salinye Celestialgrace. She told me to. Seriously. By the way, I'm James (on the Cow's Corner Game), a level 32 Fighter. Just type /sh and ask about James, you'll get all the info you should need about me.
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of night, when no one's alive, and there is no sound; incapable of sleep, neither awake; simply existing, and wondering "why?" Have you ever been loved? Have you ever had a friend you cherished more than your own self? Have you ever been narcissistic? Have you ever figured out the ultimate mysteries of the universe, only to wonder at their simplicity? Have you ever proven yourself wrong? Have you ever been in a situation that can only be described as "bleh"? Have you ever stayed up the night solely to watch the sun rise? Have you ever lost a friend, a pet, who meant more to you than your own life, being able only to respond with the mightyest of curses, and your first tears in years? Have you ever wished you could cry, because you forgot the feel? Have you ever been in pain, and wish it would last? Have you ever saved a life? Have you ever done something noble for selfish causes? (I know I have! Donated blood four times, and only because of the free t-shirt, juice, and cookies.) Have you ever told your father and mother how much you love them? Or even that you love them? Have you ever turned off all the lights, closed all the curtains, closed all the doors and sat on your floor, because there was nothing else to do. Have you?
Xaious chuckled. It wasn't often enough that people fought in this inn. Meaning this would be a great chance for more mischief. And he knew just the spell for that. Xaious began chanting a simple ray of exhaustion spell -noting that half the waitresses were watching him, and smiled- and let the spell loose: One of the dwarves nearest the door suddenly slumpt over, too weakened to stand upright. His companion saw this, and helped him to a chair. Xaious laughed out loud, rising, another spell on his lips as a waitress came over to escort him out.
OOC: Ok, this isn't the same Xaious that I use everywhere else at the Pen. This Xaious is a necromancer, my D&D character. Mayhaps do-able as Xaious in a former life, but not the 'same' one as elsewhere, so..yeah..Expect differences. No time magic from him. --------------Prestent--------------------------------------------------------------- In a less-than-well-lit corner sat Xaious Meliamne, a half-elven necromancer, dressed in black silken robes with silver designs and runes, brown hair to his back, and brown eyes, and his gray and white cat.. Had anyone other than the bar and inn's owner and employess noticed this one, they'd have thought that he looked rather displeased; his cat only looked sleepy. And he had that right, as this was his home-town. He really didn't like that fact. Especially considering that he had been living there the entire 23 years of his life, and the last 13 with his less-than-enjoyable room-mates, a wizard and a sorceror, both stronger than he, and both having the idea somehow implanted in their heads that he was their own little slave. Being a necromancer didn't help, either. No one really likes necromancers. And he knew that he was being watched by the employees. They weren't too thrilled that he'd rather stay there all day. Especially since his last prank, a week earlier. ----------A week earlier--------- Xaious was in the bar, idly sipping his ale while actually enjoying the company of a few drunks and his cat. They had been introducing themselves, but he was more worried about getting some free food from them. He had an idea for how to do this, and it worked. After introducing himself, and seeing how drunk they really were-duely noting that a half-orc in the group had thelargest chunk of steak left-, Xaious invited them all to enjoy in a prank. So they called the waitress over, and ordered another steak and a round of ale. She returned with their order, and they thanked her. But as she turned to leave, Xaious casted blindness and deafness on her, and she walked into a chair and fell, to the enjoyment and laughter of everyone. She tried to get up, but tripped in the process, and everyone laughed again. Xaious even 'tried' to help her up, but she fought against it, and fell back down, so he went back to the table, and they all had a merry time, as the cat, Greebouy, stole the half-orc's steak, which Xaious shortly ate. Shortly thereafter, the entire group was kicked out, they went to Xaious's house, he was turned into a chicken, they stole his room-mate's spell-books, went to a cleric, and had him turned back, but that's a different story. -------------Present--------------- He always had fun messing with the employees, especially that one girl....She always fought back when he blinded her, or tripped her, or even tricked her into buying him a few rounds. Fun times. But now, he was more intent on studying this halfling, a new character in town, he reckoned. He found it odd to see a halfling drink so much, so boisterous, and not get killed. And he looked a litttle too shifty. He would have to keep a good eye on this one. That, or maybe kill him in a back alley; a short zombie might be good to have. OOC: No worries, I don't suspect he'll be killing him. Now, well, um...interact as you need. I'm sure you could figure out how to make do like a sarcastic necromancer who really hates the town he lives in. Remember, Necromancers don't just make undead. They make dead, too. (Yeah, the cat's name is Greebouy. If you remember where that's from, kudos, brownie points, and your character won't get zombified if/when they die.)
...That made perfect sense.
Xaious jumps in with his polished combat boots...onlyy to realize that it's now Saturday for him... Curses! Xaious runs up, tacklehugging Ayshela, then runs off.
..33! GAH! 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Merry birthdayness.... It HAD to be 33.... 33!.... Too bad my story's not done...................................
The Mighty Pen Fashion Show!
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Merelas's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Xaious has 'bad' ideas at the mention of 'Ayshela's Secret'. Yeah, I know how that would be. Everything would come qith a complimentary knife. -
Xaious snugtacklehuggles Salinye, for the sheer heck of it. Still holding on, he whispers to her: Hey, that quiz told me that I, too, am a saliciously silly salacious Salinye Celestialgrace!
In his small, cluttered broom closet, the Master of Time stood in front of a mirror, fixing the ponytail in back of his head. His boots were well-polished, and for this special event, he was wearing some brand-new clothes, though still of a black-as-night coloration, pants still covered in pockets of every size-some containing knives of the fold-open persuasion-, but this time, the shirt was with long sleeves, though yet black and red. And this time, he had with him a dozen white roses, for effect. He glanced at his watch, noting the time, and suddenly appeared in front of Ayshela's door, and knocked. And knocked. And knocked some more. Until she answered, after twenty minutes. "Yes? Oh..my.....!" She had seen the roses. "Al...righ....Now? I'm not ready!" Xaious smiled, giving her the roses and hugging her into his arms. "You look ready enough to me." He said, taking a good look at her. "But, sure, go get yourself ready, you..you...You!" He said, hugging her. She smiled at him, then ran off to her room to get dressed.He walked in and looked for a place to seat himself. Having not looked hard, he took a seat on the floor by the door, back to the wall, and waited. Waited. Waited yet still. Waited for two hours, until Ayshela emerged from her room. "You look..."He sighed. "The same. You. Look. The same." She smiled. "You took two hours, five minutes, and 39 seconds to...to..What did you do?" He looked at her, confused how anyone could waste that much time doing nothing. "Well, I...." She appeared to be thinking. "I stalled, of course!" She smiled, giggling. Xaious laughed. "Well, ok, sure thing." He got up and walked over to her, then hugged her. "So, are you ready?" She smiled. "Good, then we're ready to go!" "Where are we going........?" She asked as he walked her out the room, to his. "My room...There's something in there I need to d obefore we leave." Was his response. They walked down the corridors of The Pen, until they finally reached his mess of a broom-closet-for-a-room. They entered, kicking clothes out of the way, avoiding piles of broken electronics from the future, and trying not to breathe in the noxious fumes from hidden, decaying ham sandwhiches, until they reached a wall into which he had carved some coordinates and runes. In other words, they took two steps into his room before a hideously ugly wall stopped them. "If you have anything you might want to do right now, like, let's say, cast an invisibility spell, this would be the time to do it. "Well..." She thought about this. "There is one thing..." Ayshela murmurred softly for a moment, then waved a hand in Xaious' direction. She murmurred again and gestured toward herself. "There, now we'll be able to see each other, even though no one else will be able to see us." She smiled, then paused in thought for a half moment, murmurred something sounding slightly different, and waved toward Xaious again. Repeating the murmurring, she gestured toward herself, then moved over to stand beside Xaious. Taking his arm, she said, "Now, let's go!" He looked at her and smiled, slowly reciting the words inscribed in the runes. As he did this, the wall began to change colors, swirling in and of itself, until it was every color and none, white, but black, and a purely solid drop of vapor, bright shining lights emitting pure darkness from the depths of the portal, until it solidified into a blue and green mirror, trees, clouds, and hills visible most everywhere. Ayshela gasped in awe. "Behold, Earth. The home of the pizza bagel." "The wha?" "Pizza bagel. It's a tasty little treat invented in the twentieth century, AD. But here, well, We're way before then. From my calculations, the chapel's about finished in regards to its ceiling." "But..This is a field..." Ayshela was confused. "Oh, and..um..." Xaious walked into the wall, arm in arm with Lady Ayshela. "That portal, it wil stay opened until we go back through it, though none else but us can see it. It took a few days to make that, so, that's why we didn't do this sooner." He smiled. "So...Why this field? Why not just go to the chapel itself" Ayshela was confused. "Well, because, you see...That took a bit out of me, and I need to rest now, of course. We've just planewalked and time travelled. I need a rest." Xaious layed back, dozing off immediately. "But..The spell's going to wear off...!" Ayshela frowned, leaning back on the grass. luckily, there were no villages, huts, or people nearby. And eventually, she fell asleep too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About 8 hours after she fell asleep, the wonderful Miss Ayshela awoke, only to find that Xaious was still asleep. Sighing, she moved over to him and shook him violently, rousing him from his slumber. "Xai." "Yes?" "That was stupid." "What was?" "Going to sleep like that! You gave us plenty of time to encounter problems! And for my spells to wear off!" "But there weren't any, eh?" "No, but..still." She wasn't looking pleased. "And relax, your spells are still on, they're not going to wear off until we go back through that portal. Don't worry so much, I had all this planned out already! No one's going to come nearthese parts for a few days." She sighed. "Nevertheless," He looked at his watch. "That painting's going to be completed in a couple of hours, so we have just enough time to walk there, and stil be able to witness the final strokes." She sighed a reluctant "Ok", and they were off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About three hours, thirty-three mintues, and thirty-three seconds later, Ayshela and Xaious were standing in the middle of the floor of the Sistine Chapel. "Wow!" "As with all things, better in person." Too late, they realized they had spoken, as the few people around them started looking for where the odd noises had come from. Luckily, no one noticed them. Xaious leaned in close to Ayshela: "You have any fly or levitate spells?" She turned to him and nodded, as someone randomly bumped into him-this person was later executed for claiming he had an encounter with a supernatural being. "Good then, let's go take a close look as he puts on the final strokes." Ayshela smiled as she softly chanted the spell, and they floated feather-like to the ceiling, where Michealangelo was now applying the final touches. She smiled, and Xai smirked. "Just wait until you see what's next!" She looked at him expectantly, and he dragged her along behind him, through the door, and across the sky, in an attempt to reach the open portal door before the flight spell wore off. And they made it just in time, the spell's effects vanishing right as they set foot upon the ground. "..Is..Is that it?" Ayshela asked, a little dismayed. "Oh, there's more, but, you see...." He idly scratched behind his head. "Yes?" "Well, that's for another time and date. This, well, this was just the beginning. There will be more, another litle excursion into fun, but this was the date you won. I'll be..um...Catching you another time, mk?" Xaious hugged Ayshela, then walked her through the portal, arm-in-arm. "Don't worry, there wil be more. But this has left me kind of exhausted." "Oh, I see then. Thanks for the experience!" Though a bit dismayed, she was still happy. It's not everyday you see a recognized master of art finish one of their greatest works. Especially if they've been dead for hundreds of years. Xaious saw her disappointment; it wasn't the best it could have been, but he tried, so he felt good enough about it, and he had promised her more, for a later time. So Xaious hugged Ayshela snugly, and when she looked to him, kissed her on the cheek. "Have a good night, Sweet Ayshela." He smiled. Panicking, Ayshela pushed past him, running for her room. Xaious stood there, feeling a bit dorry for her. "Oh well, I'm sure she'll enjoy the next trip..." Xaious began tracing runesand coordinates into the wall again, this time for a different destination time. ******************************************************************** OOC: This was my entry for the Date with Ayshela, which she won in the auction. I will likely come back and make a 'second date' here, but I can't be sure if I will or not, so this is it. Meh.