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Xaious, Master of Time

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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time

  1. Whoo...Good lord, how long ago was it....I want to say that it was in 98, and I was in seventh grade, no telling though.. Might've been before that. Or after. I don't remember. But I had been trying to create a name for a character, and for a good larf, I wanted to use as many vowels in the name as I possibly could. And for another larf, I wanted it to start with a letter that wasn't often used. So I had the first letter: X. And I had that I wanted as many vowels as possible, so put together, I had: Xaieou. Now, that don't work. I needed something to end it with, a good consonant sound to end it on. After thinking for a little while on what to do with this, I think I sighed, and in doing so thought 'fss' (that's how some of my sighs sound), and that 'sss' sound cought my attention, so I tried: Xaeious. Still was a bit off...That e..: Xaious. I kept trying to get that e in there, but I didn't like: Xaiouse. Every way I found to pronounce it just..didn't feel happy like I wanted it to. So I stuck with Xaious. Xaious. I've used this name in a number of places: First time I played DnD, and I was new to it (duh), I made a rogue, because I have a weakspot for taking things... And I made him a half-elf, because for some reason Half-elf appealed to me as a good race (to this day, most of my characters have been half-elven). So I named him Xaious, but he needed a last name, and after looking in the book at typical names for an elf, I got Meliamne. Xaious Meliamne. I didn't play with this one too much, didn't get the chance to. Don't think he ever hit level 2. But he was the best rogue I've evr played: He never failed his pickpocket checks. Roleplaying on my friend's website. Roleplaying on my website. A DnD campaign that was being run by one of my friends: Xaious Meliamne (I decided to like that name) was a half-elven wizard, a necromancer (I have a rather liking for the use of undead). On Neverwinter nights, I've made the character Xaious Meliamne, a half-elven Wizard, necromancer of course. One day while playing, I was arguing with someone online about what Necromancers did. He claimed that all they were good for was making undead, so I threatened him. "We also make dead." I still use that line often enough. Yeah. But one day, a friend of mine by the name of Vincent Silver, or rather, Blake, showed me this website at another friend's house, a friend who likes going by names such as Virulent Holy, Vexed Wargasm, Virulent Seraph, and other types of names. I looked over his shoulder to see what he was talking about, but I didn't feel like joining: I've a habit of avoiding the types of websites my friends might go to, because they're usually not worth the html they're coded with. But after a while, I eventually got around to checking this one out. After all, it was just short stories and poems, and not pictures. It's usually the sites with pictures that thy tell me about that are godawful. And when I got here, I liked it, and decided to register, so I needed a name. A name that would come to me like second nature. A name that would speak about me. A name that told what I am. Xaious. But that was a little..lacking. I wanted something far more grand than just a first name. I thought about using Meliamne again, but I wanted something...more iriginal. So I thought about it. What would I like to let people know about me by my name? What COULD I let people know by my name. So I thought about other things I like. I thought about: I like cats..Something about feline? Nah, that seemed kinda ghey. Taking things? Nah, that would likely have adverse effects. Power? What kind of power? That one got me thinking. And as far as I have always been able to figure, the three best powers anyone could have were: Telepathy: That works good for what one could do with it, but it's kinda...weak...in comparisng to what I could do with Telikinesis: That's powerful, can do some major stuff with that, but how could I work that into a name? Telikinetic?..Hmm...There was still Time Control. If you could control time, the power you would have. This one sturck a heartstring, it took me into it's home and said 'Yes, I am yours to use'. I mean, heck, whenever I'm not wearing a watch, I feel naked (...we'll ignore the fact that that's the only Time I actually ever feel naked)...But I still needed find a way to use it. Xaious, Time Controller? Nah, that's kinda bleh. And heck, it even makes it sound like a DnD Class, which mean he wasn't the only one, that there were scores more who could do whatever he could. I mean hell, he was supposed to have mastery over time...Mastery... Master..That's good and powerful. Xaious, Time Master...Nah..How about.. Xaious, Master of Time...Now that, THAT is a title that speaks to me of power, of greatness, of..of...of people are going to know who I am. So since then I've been Xaious, the Master of Time. And that's pretty much where my name came from. And it's ben far more effective han other names I've used online: Gohan (Starmen.net), Tempestial Bassist (Starmen.net, after a good long time of not being active), Mental Tempest (Thecowscorner.com forums, my friends forums before they were reset), Contented Coloquist (current name on thecowscorner.com), Or even James Reid (originally used as my name on Gaiaonline.com)..Although that last one was sortof a bit known...I mean, what with the campaigning about of 'James Reid for Poor Gaians'.... So Here am I, Xaious, Master of Time (specifically mastered wasting time. )
  2. Oh Lawd! IT's true!
  3. ...Wow... Hard time not crying...Wow... (A subject I understand all too well enough...)
  4. *Xaious keeps quiet about his escapades of running and standing around in open fields during said storms....*
  5. Definitely the lightning...As long as it's not the Force kind. =P
  6. *Xaious walks in, notes the activity, and smiles.* Thanks folks, I needed it.... It was anything and almost everything less than splendid......Bleh... Thanks though!
  7. Starving Artist. =) (Go figure, eh) Now where can I find some food....
  8. And, technically, I did this one about a month ago...so...Tell me your thoughts, for I tell you mine. Feel a nagging, within mine head. Exerting me, inciting dread. Nay understanding will I shed, Lest with dread am overfed. Concern, emotions Running hot. Boiled and simmered Much and lot. Concern's cause well known to We, Nagging fear same we see. Troubling so far so much, Near to tremble want that touch. Agony and righteous longing, Understand through my song sing. Other voice whose perversion seen, Makes use desired and mine edge keen. Just concern for not me, And a face I cannot see. Obstacles winning nay, My heart and mind within I pray. Yet let to others this be known, Never yet severe as have shown. Soothed by verse and words this day, Now to We feel, see I OK.
  9. Ah, Friday.....It could be better... *Xaious finds and huggles Ayshela, and whoever else might want a hug...without kicking anyone today...* Now to wait for someone to call me...hire me.... And then, in a week....Twenty....Heh.
  10. Congrats! *tacklehuggles*
  11. Ah, yes. I was..having a bit of difficulty in deciding how to say that his love was away for the week, and he'd be unable to talk to her for that time without saying it.....yeah.And that he worries too much because he knows she'll be ok.
  12. Palms sweaty, fingers interlocked. His form hunched over, eyes shifting around the room, mind racing. Visions playing through his mind, his eyes beholding all and seeing nothing. Lone and salty, a single tear sped to his chin, waiting for its brethen who could not come. The lump in his throat ached, his stomach would accept no food, no water could satiate his parched throat. No words could express, no song could sooth, no though would console this painful agony. He had a week, and it was going to kill him. --In his mind he saw many things. The potted flower grew, lived many moons. The air was ablaze and the ground was moist. Cobwebs covered the frozen monument, erected with a passion that would not die. Civilians passing by, Near random disappearances of the faceless numbers. The rain ran red, mislead emotions apparent made. From the gray stone of the iced figure grew a single flower, an azalea like none other. Spotted as a leopard, it came to stay. Slowly warming, the figure turned, it's head lifting. Blank face, yet she smiled. He rubbed his eyes, looked upward. Hope now had he, yet still ache he did. Yet murder still the seemed would be. Six days left now, yet only imaginings to help him. A ringing missed, it's purpose more disheartening. No work to occupy his mind, no saving but music and thoughts, conspiring against him. His eye wiped he, conspiratorial drops attempting escape. Rubbing his shoulder, he returned to contemplations. --A candle was lit, the lighter beside a greater flame. Smelling of gas was the room, a cloud of smoke fuzzing vision. on a bed lay a figure aglow, dreaming sweetly of her love she could not see. In comfort she was truly, a sight of beauty lain among the unusual azaleas. The smile who had her face warmed heart and soul, her beauty stealing heart. Around her slept a many kittens, some though awake, bacon wrapped midesctions and playing. He smiled, the conspirators threatened, and felt better yet he did. Heart a beat did skip, a feeling better sigh. Survive felt he now could, his dream he knew would be. A smile upon his face, better feeling true, his dream he felt to continue. --This time saw he her, her full beauty he beheld. In the loveliest dress of black and velvet, in her hands a chocolate rose, hair curled and red as her lips, yet eyes were blue and smiling was she. Forward did she come, and great was the joy sight gave. Carried with her a small orange kitten, purring softly in her hand, and followed was she by an incredible horse noir. To him came she and smiled, pearly whites through which softly did she speak. The pleasing voice love saturated, yet words no recollection. Leaning back he sighed. He would make it. One week, that was it. Just one week, and then home she'd be. He hoped right he was: Survival should be simple. Though the pain felt he had, for him was not his worry, but for her. Dreaming of the other, both would be, this talkless week, and ever after, until the day of happy ever after. But for now, he would need to get up, quench a thirst, even study and take notes for one enjoyment which differed. His day looked up from where it was, and he smiled. Always did he, worry too much. ______________ So, what ya think?
  13. Gtievous is a combination of Trandoshan and Cybernetics. To put it simply: He was a Trandoshan (lizard-type humanoid in the Star Wars Universe) (Well, I'm pretty sure Trandoshan..might've been something else), but he got severely injured in battle, and all they could save was his eyes, brain, and some organs. So they made a robotic body for him, and he was as you saw in the movie.
  14. Or, show them in this order: IV, V, I, II, III, VI That way they can get the pitting feeling you said, then they'll see how Vader began, and...stuff...
  15. I loved it. I bloody friggin loved it. I found only one problem with it, but other than that I loved it. Honestly, I think the fight between Grievous and Kenobi could've been....a bit better..I've seen Grievous fight in the Clone Wars series thing, and was disappointed by the movie in that aspect, but other than that, well worth the $13 I spent to go see it with my girlfriend. I don't see why people can't just sit back and enjoy the movie though. If they sat there to enjoy the movie and not nitpick they'd like things more often.
  16. Friday...Means tomorrow I go play D&D with the guys.... Means I'll be getting out of my house tomorrow...Heh.
  17. Chrikey... Sorry I've not posted, College Lofe's been sucking up all my time...Ceramics, mostly...With the occasional Frisbee break or going eat... Teacher's expecting us to cram four months of work into three months worth of time, so... I may well not be on here in any large quantities of time until after the semester's over...
  18. Yeah, the original topic debated discussion was Generic Pirate versus Generic Ninja, but it seems that no one cares to remember that. And also, the space ninja might shut down the giant hunking metal ships systems, but the sapce pirate can still lock the doors, keeping the ninjas out of his ship, or at least, out of the room he's in. ..Have to go...
  19. Hey now, come on, that's cheating. At least I used a picture of myself! And besides, that's a defenseless child! I could kick it in the head and the fight would be over! Come on man!
  20. Sort-of Secondness in Story (Part 1.5): "Well, I think I've got it!" The girls were all smiles and giggles, gleefully awaiting to know where their dream would be sleeping this night. Hopefully it wasn't Pearl's house-she had the most comfortable beds, yes, but her parents were not so keen as to allow so many visitors in one night. Teeka's house was cozy, but with only two rooms, it was very much lacking the privacy some might like. Laura's house was not much better, but was the closest to the Fading Light. Julie didn't have a home of her own yet, and was staying with Auraline, who lived a few streets away. Most of the other waitresses usually stayed in the inn itself. And Belle, she had a strong tendency to stay where-ever Isidor stayed, regardless of the well-hidden fact that her house was one of the best in town. "Ooh?! Where are we going tonight, then?" Belle smiled to him, and he grinned back to her. "Follow me, ladies, follow me!" he walked out of the door, picking up the lute he had left at the entrance that morning, followed by a procession to make kings jealous. As they walked about, the girls walked all around him, listening with great joy as Isidor began plucking the strings, a musical piece to emphasize the beauty of the stars above and the damp grasses below. Then Belle began humming along, followed shortly thereafter by the other ladies-who all stopped after a few minutes of failure to keep up with his song. This amised Isidor, as he was quite aware that only Belle knew the song. And her hums were beautiful, much as she herself was. In fact, there was only one thing he knew of to match her voice in that respect: his. The other girls began to glow with excitement when Isidor joined belle with the humming-although Teeka was also shivering, cold in her shirt. As the procession moved through the streets, some villagers lit window candles for the musical blessing, others smiled in their sweet dreams for the joyous symphony. The song ended just in time for them to reach a decent looking home, if not the largest. Walking up to and then opening the door, Isidor held open the entrance, bowing to the lovely damsels in the most gentleman-like manner possible. Closing the door, he looked to his lovely roommates and smiled. "I hope you don't mind my choice for tonight? I think it's rather..." He looked around the room, to the bed, to the old rocker set beside the large desk and even larger mirror, to the door to the other room. "Comfortable." "Hey Izzy..." "Yes, Aury?" If they could use a shortened name for him, then the inverse must be true as well. "Where's everyone going to sleep at? There's only one bed." "Well, you see..." the lovely Belle knew an answer for this "..That bed's got two mattresses." "And....?" the slowest of thought spoke first. "I think I understand. We pull the top matress off of the bottom one, and we can all sleep on mattress...right?" She wasn't too sure of her solution, but the smile elicited from Isidor told the new waitress that she has the answer. "but..But what if it gets cold? There's only one blanket in here!" Laura felt she had a point, and so did most everyone else. "Well ladies, I think you'll figure something out." A grin told them to use their imaginations, and that he was going to get started with the mattress moving, and that he would appreciate it if anyone would like to help him, please and thank you. Within a matter of minutes, the two mattresses were seperated, and everyone was picking their places--unsurprisinglly, the spaces nearest Isidor were first chosen. As always, Belle had first pick, wrapping an arm around hin, sharing his pillow as well. Auraline jumped on the opportunity to use his arm as a pillow, and as such lay in front of him. Teeka had changed her shirt fast enough to land the spot right beside Belle, and Laura had managed to keep that area right behind Auraline. Unfortunately for the others, this filled up the mattress, so they would have to share the other one. "Well ladies, when the sun arises, I'll see you then. Sleep well, and pleasant dreams."
  21. ..Pirates are Mammals too.....And they go like 'Yarr,' and "Aye" and..'Matey"... and also "Yarr, Aye matey Tha' be rum yer drinking."..And they drink rum, too...
  22. Yes, remember, generic pirate, generic ninja. No special supernatural powers....and No Jack Sparrow....Just as well, no t-shirt ninjas, either...
  23. Heh heh heh, yay. Too bad I didn't have enough to win someone else, too.... Ah well..um..yay!? Or something?
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