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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Xaious, Master of Time

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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time

  1. I've noticed that when I'm on the main page and I click the link for the forums, it brings me back to the main page... This is quite a problem...
  2. I think what I would like to see from The Pen is a free lifetime supply of chocolate coated expresso beans for all QUill-Bearers. But I would gladly wear a shirt. I know I do a lot of...um..nothing here lately, and I really wish I could change that, but since I joined the working world almost a year ago, in conjunction with my college education acquiring, well, I haven't much time to myself, which hinders my ability to come here and write. ... I think I'll take this class-time here (Computers in the Office, we're "learning" how to work Word) to go make some update of my life-story for y'all.
  3. She is, of course, a 1983 Buick Regal. Yeah, a car. One day shortly before arriving at Nicholls for my classes that day, she ran low on oil, or lost oil pressure, I forget which was the actual case, and overheated. She spun a couple of bearings and scarred up the crankshaft, so we had to get her towed home, and she's been sitting in our yard since February. Nevertheless, as soon as I can afford to fix her, my dad and I are going to do just that. Also, while the past may have passed and gone, in it's current state is is passed and gone.
  4. She calls out to me from where she sits, Adorned in silver and black, She's older than me and I don't care. She's not the smallest one around, And sometimes likes being difficult, But I love her all the same. She isn't cheap and never will be, Her heart gives her problems, And I gladly will pay any for her. She has given me many memories, Comforted me much, So greatly I want her back. She's erred once or twice, Learned from these mistakes, But the past is passed and gone. She's made me happy many times, We'd sit together many times, And I will have her back I swear. I miss her more than I dare say, Some do criticize me thus, Yet I still love and miss her. My one and only. Volt.
  5. I guess unfortunately, but maybe not, but probly so, the Muse which inspired this one decreed that that was the end. On the end, it depends on how you look at it. Yes, he is mortally wounded, slowly bleeding to death. Did he fail? Also, depends how you look at it. He gave it his all. The gang has not killed him, but they have not helped him. It is up to you, the reader to decide if he succeeded in knocking out the leader. But he has failed to save Velouria.
  6. As enjoyable as it was, that was and is all there is to be written. I'd like to claim that I wanted to leave a lot of things unsaid, which I kind of did, but it was also done to save myself from not finishing the story...My attention span falters on long runs. Glad to know you enjoyed it. =)
  7. It's touching time to kill. It would be a shame if I were to fail this, and forfeit all that which I've held dear these past few years. I guess I should start from the first occasion. It was a typical late-summer day in the south, heavy rain and a bright-shining sun at the same time. If not for the latter, then i never would have gone back into the coalition of small stores called the mall where I met her. She called herself Velouria, and thanked me for some trifle purchase of sustenance with a simple kiss. I should have left it at that, but I went along and we talked a fair bit. There was no further eating out that day, no movie visits or anything of the sort. Casual conversation was the furthest extent of it, but we did exchange numbers. I did not call when I got home, nor did I call for a few days. To be exact, she called me about two weeks later, asking if I was free anytime soon. I agreed to meet her at the same locale two days later in the evening. I had ignition infuriation with my vehicular device, but I arrived on time. She was waiting for me with a couple of friends, one larger young lady and the other looking aged more than she should be. Together the three of us went bar-hopping, and enjoyed our night moderately responsibly. With a little Captain in all of us, we went driving around, followed by aimless wandering and eventually nightswimming before going out seperate ways. A month or so later, the phone greeted me with a velveteen voice unrecognizable, but faintly familiar. Her larger friend was inviting me to go with them on a special errand. That night we did little more than drive around about inside the nearest city, delivering cardboard boxes seemingly to random locales. And that was that. I next heard from her a few weeks later, when she came to my door late one night. I could tell something was wrong, but I knew not what it was, and she refused to tell me. That very next day, she pleaded with me to house her, and I obliged. We moved her into my house with only one car trip, her belongings were so few. Three days later, I awoke to smoke and ran to check on my housemate. She woke quickly and began to cry when she saw what was happening. She had tried to apologize, but my refusal left her speachless as I helped her to exit my abode a la flame. She insisted I not call the authorities, and foolishly I listened. We stole away in my car with no belongings, hit the Automatic Theft Machine up for al of my money, and went as far as we could on a full tank. And then refilled it and repeated a couple of times. We ended up in sunny California, where I yet reside. A few days searching found us a cozy if disgusting little shack, rent free with no power or plumbing. Three more months passed in that house, money slowly dissipating from my hands and our combined weight dropping steadily as raw ramen and water slowly withered away at us. Three months to the date from our arrival, our new shack burned to the ground, nearly taking the two of us with it. We barely missed death and dismemberment, and headed north on foot, as the car was dry on gas and the wallet dry from cash. We managed to get to the northern border of California before anything new turned up. At the state line, there was no small number of sleek black cars, semicircled around us and eventually we were encircled. Before I knew what was going on, no less than thirty young fellows were closing in on us, steadily drawing knives and closing the gap. Regrettably my Velouria was destroyed. They picked her flesh from her bones in a sickening display. handing a cleaned humerus to me, I was given one chance to survive. If I could manage to knock unconscious the gang's leader, then I shall be let free. They have not told me why they were after her, and barely have let me know my sin. I aided her. I aided my Velouria. And there I stood, attempting success. Attempting. That was a few minutes ago. The men have left. Velouria is no longer. And here sit I, remembering the words her last. "We will wade in the shine of the Ever." I've been contemplating this for a few minutes now, idly watching my life-blood slipping through my fingers. My Velouria, I'm sorry. I am unforgiven.
  8. Hmmm... I just changed it to my preferred skin for this, and not everything's showing up. The skin is Noir II, and, well, not everything's showing up, so I can't change it.
  9. It's an oddly odd and off confusing, dissatisfying manner in which things work, but I've discovered something. Again. And again. And yet again. Happiness and contentment suppress my creative urges. There. I said it. And bloody if it doesn't right annoy me. It seems that for the greater part of this semester (which is coming to a close), the only things I have created have been for class, and too many of those were finished and turned in late or not at all. I dropped an English class. Again...That is, for the third time. But these aren't what makes me happy, content..obviously. The same one thing has been making me feel good for sixteen and a half months, and I'm not complaining about it. But christ if I don't wish I could be as inspired by joy as I am by depression. Not that I don't have ideas, but why act on them when I have other things to occupy? My hands won't cooperate. And I don't know what to do about it. But for the title of this one.... Life. It's why I've been...dormant...for so long. Evening classes this semester and we've still yet to get the router all copacetic yet..may work on that later tonight....So I'm not online often enough in the right places (namely home). Work. I know it's been a while since I updated anything: I'm out of the Hardware Store that I used to work at, now work at a pizza buffet (Sicily's), making pizza, occasionally cutting the pizzas. I got a raise Friday after working there for about three months, so now I'm at $5.75 after a 60 cent raise. So I'm usually at work, school, or sleeping. My brother moved out of the house a while back, so I've got my own room. I've nicely improved my collection of shoarp and pointy objects. My D&D character is level 17, that's 12 rogue, 4 scout, 1 sorceror. I've beaten three metroid games in the past week and a half, most game time put in between classes. During classes. So over the past three months, the only people I've talked to, really, are co-workers, my girlfriend, and my 'friends' about once a week (but not in that order).Or rather, four months. I will make myself to be here more often, participate again, but when I do I'll really be needing to find where to throw myself back in...I guess I'll finish on that setting, and do a story taking place on that..I dunno, I guess it'll be the Near Realm...I'll figure it out. But I will return, mark my words. And if I don't, feel free to have Ayshela call me again...... Good news: in six weeks, Hurricane Season starts again. =| God bless Louisiana.
  10. Valentine's day....Heh... Prior to last year, I didn't care for it. T'was nothing more than savage indiscriminate commercialism of an otherwise regular day, filled with thousands upon thousands of easily witnessed events of affectionality between people I never cared for and people who never showed any other than apathy save dislike for me. Then, in the end of 04 I got a girlfriend. Wait... That's not how I want that to be taken...That is to say, I had a girlfriend for the 05 Valentine's day.... Best thing ever, but I wasn't anywhere near thinking about February 14. But the day came around, as it always does, and I found myself being given gifts including a half-dozen Chocolate Roses, wax Fortune Hearts, and a card. Suffice to say I was happy. Unfortunately, at such time I had the wonderful misfortune of not being able to transport myself due to lacking vehicular device; luckily she has and had a vehicle. So I bought us lunch at Quizno's, and then we went, found ourselves a nice beautiful little spot on a bayouside and ate our meal. Much happiness. Come to this year, I have a car.....And the same girlfriend....The car, well, she's an 83 Buick Regal, two door sedan...and currently on jacks in my driveway waiting for my dad to finish checking her out: The oil pan's off, and I'm hoping the crankshaft ain't messed up, cause I love that car and if that's messed up we're not putting anymore money into it, so I'm hoping it's just the bearings....Unfortunately large metal shavings we found in the oil pan....But this topic's not about my car, so.... Thanks to my inability to use my car, and therefore the need to rely on others, I can't go out to get stuff for her tomorrow (well, work too factors into that...), but I'm looking forward to Tuesday...mostly.....We were going to go eat chinese, but we tried out that restaurant friday (octopus in an interesting....). But now I don't have any problems with the basic idea of the day, even if I still don't care for the mass marketing and advertising...
  11. Ah crapcrackers, the things you miss when you're not interwebbing! *huggles Ayshela savagely* Happy belated birthday! *hugs*
  12. *runs back in and starts tacklehuggling everyone he comes across* All'sgoodwithmeandmyloveandeverythingelseandbutnowIgotmyLICENSE!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! =D YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOUT FRIGGIN TIME!
  13. *sits down, takes a deep breath, and starts typing* Good morning everyone, how goes? All is better than usual with me, and I hope is no less good for all of y'all. I'm currently sitting at a computer in the library on campus right beside my beautiful girlfriend. At the moment she's 'helping' me with an essay that's due in a little over an hour on a subject I have a hard time doing more than just sneering at. She's doing fine, too. We've been rather happier than normal a lot more often lately than usual, and I can't claim to know why, but I'll not complain. So I gues I'll go on to another topic, as I'm sure you don't all want to hear about my girlfriend and I as much as I might be inclined to brag about her.... Classes: Oh, they're going great. I have an A in Math 105 so far this time, as opposed to the F I got last time I took the class, and I'm currently skipping that class for the first time this semester. History could be better, but then again, what couldn't? I'm retaking Beginning Design, being as last time I didn't get a high enough grade, and am doing worlds better there. English is kicking me in the shin, as for all the creating I can do and easily, all the writing that I cna do with little prolem, I can't write an essay for the life of me. But most interesting of all is my other class. Video Game Development. That's right. We're using the Far Cry engine, as far as we know, and we haven't gotten the 3D imaging software yet, but that's ok: The class goes on through next semester, and I'm going to, when I have the time this weekend, be going and downloading them for free. Thank you internet. Other stuff: Still no license, or insurance, but guess what? I have a job now! I work at a hardware store, minimum wage, of course, but hey, the hours haven't started to kill me yet. I get in three hours a day from Monday to Friday, beign as it closes at 7 and I can't be there any sooner than 4, and I think I get every other weekend off. And that's good, because I owe my mom some $400 thanks to that scholarship I lost thanks to that Math class I failed. But of course, I get enough time after work to do other things, like eat and talk on the phone or something, use my computer (but not the internet, as we haven't yet got a router OR fixed the wires). I've been eating very good lately: You remember that Katrina storm that passed through Mississippi and almost killed New Orleans? Yeah, she did us absolutely nothing but make our fence lean. But Rita came through, and, once again, did us nothing. HOWEVER, she did put about fifteen inches of water in my grandparents house, so our three bedroom house with the living room and whatnot barely enough room for my immediate family (five people-My dad by the same name of me, mom, older brothre and younger sister) is now also housing one of my cousins, an uncle, and my mom's parents. We don't have much room, but they stay out of my room, so that's good. And they'll be with us until their house is liveable in again. But I'm away from my house for about twelve hours a day, so that's ok. Work is close enough to my house to ride a bike, but still far enough to get a workout every day, as it's about a mile between the two, and only takes about eight to ten minutes to get there. I've been trying to stop by here for some time now, but can't ever think of anything to say or whatnot, so...Yeah. And as for that thing down there by the Yucatan, she's going to Florida. Cause if I have spend another week or more not at my house, or with no contact with anyone (specifically my sweet Beth), and have to end up making up more classes, I'm going to STAB THE INTERNET...er....THE WEATHER CHANNEL IN THE FACE. Which reminds me: When Katrina was bearing down on us, and Jim Cantore was over there in Biloxi, one of my aunts got a picture taken with him. AFTER the storm passed, she got herself a picture of of her and Bush, and her crying. Lesson here? Stay away from this Jim Cnatore guy, he's a Hurricane Magnet. (He's always where the storm hits! [My dad says it's because the Weather Channel actually knows where it's going to hit, MOm says it's because he's a magnet for them.]) Ah well. Have a nice day! And may the Force be with you!
  14. Heh, yeah, barely even lost power. Leveees broke, like, all over in Montegut where most of my friends live, and such, lots of flooding, but everyone's quite alright. =) Good thing it went as far west as it did.
  15. For the purposes of not feeling like making a new topic about it, I and Vincent Silver are most assuredly alright, and will make it through rather alright. Pre-emptive worry consolences..or something...*huggles* Just getting rain and winds.
  16. *hugglesnirfs*
  17. ...Er...I don't think that's what I meant.....More of a fair oplace to kickstart my inspiration, or something....?
  18. With a lawyer, who had come for no reason other than to inform the penguin that his dancing was unconstitutional, as well as too erratic, and then began to show him how it is legally done, but of course...
  19. Well, if she wants, I can do the date. I mean, she did spend the geld on me, and I don't want for her to have spent her geld and not get what she payed for. That would be, like, false advertising, which is illegal in most places.... =) Besides, I need to kickstart my inspiration anyways: I'm going to be running a D&D campaign soon enough.....
  20. And, as an added bonus, I must add: I CAN, in fact, sleep through a hurricane. =) I've done it so freaking many times before, it's not funny...=P
  21. I yet survive. I live in a small-ish town about an hour away from New Orleans, so the storm passed rather to the east of me. Didn't get power back until Saturday night, and my interweb's not back yet,....so...Yeah.... *savagely huggles Ayshela and the Peredhil, and all else who were concerned* Thank you, thank you =) It makes me happy. =) I only know one person who lost anything, and that would be my aunt..who, living in Biloxi, lost everything...Although, as I found out (was not able to watfch TV-no power), she huged Bush on TV, so......yeah.... Yeah, still kinda lacking on the inspiration, so..I guess when I'm able to, I'll put up some art....so... Thanks=) Oh, and Vincent Silver's alright too. Figured I'd add that, not that he comes around any bit... You should hear back from me once I get the interweb back at my house.
  22. I would sign up, aye, but... I don't know what's up with this summer. I can't seem to get anything done, ,or started for a lot of things. As such, I don't feel I could make for an enjoyable date in this auction... Perhaps next year, aye? *Xaious has no idea what's been eating up his time...Or inspiration to write.*
  23. Yup, welcome back. =P
  24. Yeah, well the person above Me makes me think of Ewoks. Yub Yub.
  25. The first time I heard it, it was storming outside. The rain was coming down as though the Lord had once again loosed the windows of heaven, and tres were bowed in prayer to Him, ready to snap at a moments notice. The sky was oddly clear, bright as though He were smiling upon us as His fury was unleashed in mighty waves. I hadn't been expecting it when that sound fluttered to my ears, it was so very soft and jovial, as if it belonged to children who knew only mirth. I realized what it was, and it caught me up in itself. The sky seemed to grow brighter, the rain yet heavier and the gales grew stronger. But that music, it was so soft, so...so innocent. The sky was beginning to speak, His booming voice echoed the air, the empty spaces repeating what He had said. The music had by then been silenced, but still could I hear it. It was bouncing around in the trees, it splashed on the road with a sweet relentless tapping. As I listened to hear some more, the tapping had replaced the innocent song, the children's laughter had been dammed, no longer did it seem to flow. So to the sky I looked, hoping for a sign, but all I saw was His painful eye, starting back at me. He would not blink nor look away, my sight He seemed to take from me. Before I had known, I was looking to where the sweet perpetual tap and splash of his relentless tears did sound. And it came back to me, this time with direction. Ever so slightly upward did I look, angelic and blurred which I did see. Slow and graceful was walking towards me, a song whose music heaven-sent. I could not tear away my eyes, else have ripped them from my face. Heavy yet the downpour came, the trees now bowed with broken backs. His smile grew brighter and His eye yet gazed upon me. The music ever closer came to me, holy unearthly sweet to make water my mouth. The children's laughter was returning singing unto me, I saw her smile. Pale complected nearing me with arms open wide, her song to make my eyes to cry. Down my face the water went, joined by His sweet tears. I listened more to hear her speak, her lovely song so pure and strong. Nearer did she come and sing to me, and He did smile even more. Heaven sent must she have been no less than an angel, to sing a song as she did sing. Never closer then came did she, her song uplifting to remind me of His love, and what that I should do. Then next the tingling of mine fingers told me who she was, and why she had. The rain came down even more, the trees they now did leave. The sky was clear and bright, and His eye was watching all. Was not the last that she did come, her face it never changed. Always pale and sent from heaven, worthy of her holy position. Oft with wings yet oft without, at times blood bathing and others in samite. Yet never does her face change any, always smiling watching me. I thank Him when she does come, and wish for her more often. But today she came in a rain of tears, and blinding love with furious wrath and soaked drenched to the bone, her smile has never shone brighter. Times like this do make me glad that it is He who chose my Muse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the title says, inspired by the weather right outside, who was this Muse today. As it was raining, the wind blew much, and the sky was oddly clear. I did hear music, and I can still hear it, though it no longer is playing. Please, let me know what you think of this. I enjoyed writing it, and I want to know that you did reading it.
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