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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Xaious, Master of Time

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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time

  1. Happy happy Birthday, To you Pip-y son, Happy happy Birthday, We'll have lots of fun. Happy happy Birthday, I ran out of words, Happy happy Birthday, Eat you wheys and curds! Happy birfday. Aging is over-rated, I advise not doing it.
  2. But I like winter. It's the only time of the year when the sun doesn't melt your flesh from your bone without the aid of a centuries old maginfying glass.
  3. Ah, welcome. looks at watch You're a bit late. Or maybe I am.....
  4. hugs Ayshela And for the rest of you, too. Hugs Everyone Merry whatever!!
  5. Which explains why the old man is fat. So little time to properly digest his horribly unhealthy food. I think we should count on the Annual Gift Man instead.
  6. Welcome back, yon Kender!
  7. The extent of my exercise: walking to and from the bustop (1/4th a mile a day), walking from class to class, and then around school (1/2 mile), walking around my house, back and forth all the time, and occasionally being at a friends house and playing DDR Max 2. I also twitch a lot. I don't eat as much as i would like too. But I too was one of those active little kids. Hell, I still climb trees at least once a week. I usd to play games a lot, too. much more often than now. But then I started getting grounded. Needless to say, when you're grounded that much, you learn to live without anything electronic (other than a small fan). The children of today, they really need to get outside.
  8. I didn't understand half of what was said, but I did catch that we should all thank Rune. *hugs* And here, have a bag of sugar.
  9. Something about that article doesn't quite seem to fit any of the little children I know. The ones I know are more hyperactive sounding, use worse words, a lot more often, and even occasionally they like/love/are addicted to, say, the original Mario Bro.s game (which is in the Nintendo, hooked up to my TV, ready to be played in a moments notice). But yeah, when kids are bad mouthing Tetris, ooh that irks my nerves SO BAD! I love that game. Got to level 13 once. Still haven't beaten Super Mario Bros 1, 2, OR 3 yet. As opposed to the uncounted times I've beaten newer games. In conlusion, the older games kick more ass, because I can sit for longer times playing Mario or tetris than I can GTA III or Smash Bros Melee. They're more challenging. Which would probably be one reason little kids don't like them.
  10. Well, the disturbing mental images, *shudders* , i bet they're all about gay things. Hell, I know they're all gay things. *shudders*
  11. You don't want to know.....
  12. Worry not, you are not alone in having those odd thought patterns.
  13. "Snakes. Why couldn't they be cats? At least then i would know how to react." quoth Xaious, jumping down from whatever perch he had gone off to. "Hmmm..I know." Quickly he summons a small humanistic zombie group to coral the snakes and people into different areas. "Or maybe not..." While the snakes were pushed back, although into the punch bowl, the humans didn't react so well. *Clap clap clap* "Way to go, genius. Do you ever think before you act?" Vincent wasn't surprised. "um...No?.." "Well maybe you should try it some time." "Hey, atleast they snakes are off the dance floor." "THEY"RE IN THE FRIGGIN PUNCH!" "Yeah?" Xaious gave a slight laugh. "I've got some Happy-Ade". Suddenly a table with vast amounts of lemonade-like drink appeared. "And what exactly is that, anyways?" Asked Ayshela, suddenly rescued from the rafters and other things by Xaious, in yet another time-frozen trip. "Oh, It's Lemonade...with some Vodka....uh...yeah.." Said Xaious, wondering if she would realize it was what he gave her earlier. "Well, it replaces the punch, at least." said a very confused Pennite, who just wandered over to the new drinks table. "Drink up, my fellows, drink and be merry, we have someone trying to clean up this mess...Um, sir?" Xaious began. "Hiss?" "Would you mind not craling on my leg?"
  14. After the chilling flute playing, Xaious yet again regained consciousness. "Would that I could sleep forever.." he muttered. Looking around at the confusion, the snakes, and the horrible visions still in the air, all he could say was "Damn." "I see you've awaken again. Come on man." "No Vincent, I will not dance with you....How long have you been there?" "Long enough to know you ate too much sugar...again." "Cut me slack, man. It's not easy rippin' through time. And coordinated singing ain't my best suit, ok." "Oh shucks, I missed his singing." Vincent said, with a great deal of sarcasm. "But regardless, this isn't good." "What's that?" "I have great doubts these people should be seeing their futures. Yes, that's exactly what I mean." "How long then till we are destroyed?" asked Ayshela, being as Xaious had steadily walked himself and Vincent in her direction. "Unfortunately, that is some information I cannot give you. Truth be told, I'm not sure, but that technology won't be available for another, oh, century or two. And I've said too much. Oh, and Ayshela," "Yes?" "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." "Why not?" "Well, you know how practical jokes and lemonade go together?" "...I see....Who did it?" "No, nothing like that, it's just spiked to hell and back. If you drink it, no telling what'll happen. I may just kidnap you from your own thrown ball." "...", because Vincent couldn't say anything else."I'm going try to dance." And Vincent left. "Yes, I do believe I forgot to greet and thank you properly for this wonderful occasion." quoth Xaious, lifting then kissing Ayshela's hand. "May I have this dance?" Someone had regained control of the music, now playing slow dancing music. "You may have this dance."
  15. About a week earlier, after noticing his invitation, and then eating enough sugar to put five people into comas, Xaious went forward in time to the ball...about three times. Xaious walked up to the band, having loaded himself full of yet more sugar, and requested a song. "Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy", he began, and surprised the people as three more of him appeared. "I didn't know he could copy himself!" exclamed an unnamed person. "He can't. He must have gone through time, he looks a few days younger. What a planner." Answered Ayshela. The people stared in wonder as more than Xaious's than actually existed sang the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody. When the song finished, The three extras disappeared, right off the stage. A great round of applause went up for the Master, who downed another bag of sugar for the next song, Grammatrain's Jerky Love Song. "..." "...""...Crap that's fast" was all anyone could say, although it was Aleaha who said it. "Yea, All of that in what, 36 seconds? Holy Crap!" was Ayshela's response. And surprisingly, from Rune,"Cut back on the sugar pwease mister." "Thank you folks, I'll be crashing in three, two, one..."Xaious fell down in the mightiest sugar crash/coma ever seen within the walls of the Pen. "Wow" Said everyone, who then continued their dancing, chatting, and drinking, using the Master's body as a pillow and also a prop for any physical joke they chose to pull.
  16. After receiving the invite, sleeping, eating, then sleeping some more, and then looking for the place in which the ball was being held, failing misereably because of being unable to find someone to ask for directions, and then wandering aimlessly, Xaious arrives. "'Bout friggin time I find this place. Hope I'm not tto late for the party." Xaious stops talking to himself upon hearing someone named Sticky anounced. "Good, I can get in easy with someone else being in the lime-light." "Not if you keep talking that loudly." "...eh?..." Ayshela laughs. "It's me, Ayshela!" Xaious facepalms, then looks down. "Right, hello.", then knocking the air from Ayshela's lungs with one almighty hug of hugs. "So what took you so long?" "Don't laugh too hard, but I lost track of time. So then, can you show me where they keep the sugar?" "Sure, follow me." They set off to the magical sugar storage, Xaious planting his spiked steel-toed boots in the shins of, well, anyone trying to take Ayshela from him.
  17. *runs off with Ayshela yet again. This time to a land flowing with Fridays and Saturdays and milk and Honey and spiked steel-toed boots, where it is never not a friday or saturday. Yes. Fridays are good. Saturday is a bit better. You can sleep later. Or all day. I absolutely love pulling 15 or more hour shifts of sleep on saturdays. *hoo hoo*
  18. Can't resist it.. Runs off with Ayshela again, for old time's sake. We shall now go to the magical land of midgets and SPIKED steel-toed boots.
  19. Yeah, this week was pretty bad. only way I could keep from snapping was to listen to Denis Leary (No Cure for Cancer) and play Madness (very fun). Then again, I think everyone hated this week, but as sad as it is, it will be weeks before this weeks horrors are gone. Lousy dances. I hate the week of the Homecoming football game and dance. *kicks nearest male member of the Pen* Ah, that feels good. *accepts hugs from females, and money from guys trying to bribe to not have shins kicked* Thank you all. *steals ayshela one last time*
  20. Happy day to you. eats the remaining ice cream, then seeks out more food.
  21. Due to boredom, Xaious kicks himself in his own shin, and then arques with himself over why he did it. We are sorry folks, but cows are actually green. *Steals Ayshela the the castle in the midst of Steel Toed Boot Land.
  22. Stops time, kicks Vincent Sillver in the shins with stell toed boots (them having spikes in the toes, also), then unfreezes time. I am no villain. And I have sai's to use, so put away the sword, o' friend. Runs off with Ayshela to Steel Toed Boot Land, where they both start kicking random people.
  23. Didn't get around to here on friday, so I'm stealing Ayshela for a few more days. And if anyone tries to stop me, they get a steel toed boot to the chin. Yes, I can kick that high. But christ does it hurt!
  24. Walks out of the pen with Ayshela in his arms, never to bring her back. I like it when you giggle.
  25. Walks around, accepting some hugs with open arms, others with a steel-toed boot to the kneecap. I had to change it up a bit. Walks off while still hugging someone without letting go of her.
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