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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Hmmm.. I'll keep that in mind for the ending. It didn't help that I got tired of writing it and wanted it over by that time...eh... And thanks, glad you enjoyed it.. Stay tuned for my next story...or..My next thing I do. Yeah. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Welcome to Heaven ****************THE END************************************** Ok. The end. It's over... So now for the feeling of all around goodness that comes with finishing a work.. And the must have sigh that comes with it. *sigh* Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to comment now. Comment as you see fit, don't hold back. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Ok then. Well, in the midst of the garden, in front of the house, there stood a tree. The man, in love with dry dead bones, was the creator of this tree, the Tree of Dieing Life. In the front of the tree was the man, and the woman, and children were gathered round about. Seated Indian styl they were, intent upon the two at the tree. They were interlocked in front the tree, but the tree, Oh, dear Lord! It seemed he had removed all bones from the town's former graveyard, and made a tree with them, skulls making the base. Two large branches near the ground, straight out in crosslike form. All the while, the children watched. The man, the woman, interlocked, a kiss between their lips. His tuxedo white and pure, her dress a pastel blue. They seperated, and she walked up to then leaned upon the trunk of this tree. Her hands he tied to the branches, her feet he left alone. She leaned back her head, a joyous laugh, and said "You may begin." Her clothes he swiftly sliced from her, her flowing hair untouchedHe sliced her legs ribbon like, she said "I love you much." He drew designs upon her gut, his blade so blood stained red. She laughed and then she smiled at him, and he kissed her, on the head. And when she seemed to be near to death, and wont to take her final breath, he lit and flung a match at her. And oh so quick that tree soon burned. The children cheered in great great joy, the man just laughed and smiled. And from that place into my car, I ran so very wild. And in my car I sped away, never to return. Outside the town I yet sped up, and smelled some rubber burn. And yet, I never will return. Why, thanks. I felt you might like my rhymes. But, I remember one last thing. In that place, in the midst of the garden, I had seen a sign, a single sign, the only one in town. And here is what it said.... -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Well, to start with, it was a large, white building, two stories with balconies and outside stairs. The vines around and climbing the sides of the building were all neatly trimmed, cleanly cut, green and growing. Two large oak trees stood mightily in the front of the house, and a walkway of cement led from the road to the front steps. Small shrubbery lined the walk, and also the perimeter of the yard. Heh, yes, it does sound like the home of a rich and famous person. But wait, there’s more. ...Oh how cliche that was... Well, I suppose I’ll describe from the street to the house. First ‘statues’ that are seen are, of course, women. At the front of the walkway. Both as fresh as a few months old, with long black hair and decaying red dresses, and posed in a mirrored fashion, with one arm, the inside arm, pointing, egging you on to the house, the other arm hanging limply, but with baby doll heads, blind, clutched in their hands. These ‘statues’ were relatively undamaged, save for their missing hearts and vacated eyes. After this, in the yard afore the house, are many more ‘statues’, in as many poses as I care not to remember. And, invariably, they were all missing vital organs, and wearing bloodstained dresses and gowns, but also with the appearance of joy upon their remains. There were a few of them seated in the trees, some who lay, relaxing, in the shade of the trees. Some of them were posed with each other, some interlocked and others balancing one another. There were a number of others who had vines growing over them, and some who had vines growing from their bellies. The belly grown vines were made worse by the fact that they were food-bearing vines, growing things such as grapes, blackberries, and the sort. Oh hell no! No way was I going to eat any of those! But throughout all of the ‘statues’, one theme remained the same: Every dead person was happy, no signs of emotions of the negative kind were obvious. And they all looked or pointed to the front of the house, or right in front of the stairs. One ‘statue’ in particular sticks out in my mind. She had red hair and a faded blue dress. Her pose was one such as an old painter of muses may have used. With her hands she pointed to the front of the steps while her body and head showed a motion away from that same point. She had the crudest cuts of any ‘statue’ in her clothes, and also the most decayed flesh and bleached bones of the entire lot. She had been the first, and judging from the cuts, rips, and tears in her dress, the only one to struggle. And, well, it was where she, along with the rest of her kind, pointed to that I next looked upon, and it was also the second ‘artwork’ I would witness the creating of. Yes, lad, it was the second beauty’s turn. Well...no, I didn’t try to stop it. Why? Well, she had wanted it, so she could have it. And anyways, for what reason would I want to intervene on the actions of the ‘best’ murderer of all time? Tell me, please. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Here you go, and enjoy. Well, you're very welcome. Okay, so I had been... Yes, thanks again. Well, this lady was pretty, although pale, and she was dressed in a long black dress. Yes, she did look like a modern 'Goth' type person. But she was pretty, and, although I know not why, seated in my car. Then she spoke, and she told me, as I quote now: "Please, I praythee, leave this town, this moment, and, Good Sir, I am coming with thee." Well, well, yes, I was pleasantly surprised. Moreover, I was glad that I had come across some person, someone human, who could mayhaps explain to me what was going on in this town. So I looked at her, looked her up and down, and then I told her that I would gladly leave, and no less joyfully with her. And when she next asked me why I had stopped, I looked, I didn't see any cars, and then I took off. THe streets were now clear, so I didn't have to worry about hitting anyone. But it seemed that I was lost, because as I drove on, I found no ways out of the town. Worse, though, was the large mansion I came upon. From its appearance, and the lady's horrid proclamation, this mansion was the home of the 'artist'. Oh yes, I assure you, the sight of it was less than pleasant. ANd had I not witnessed the previous cruelties, I'd have surely gone mad. So, my good man, brace yourself for the next of which I shall tell you. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
If never again a telemarketer would call me, I would thus be overjoyed. Huh? Oh, they were trying to sell me some kind of Do It Yourself book, or something of the sort. So, where, again, had I ben? Ah yes, thanks. So the man looked at me, face to face. And his appearance caused me fear and confusion. He looked not like a madman, or a cold murderer, as would be found behind bars. But neither did he seem as a swindling corporate man, nor a mob boss, but yet no gang member, either. Rather, he seemed litle greater than a normal man, loved by all,-as it appeared to be-by the manypeople who were watching us with envy by now. And yet, the way he spoke, and appeared, it was nothing to pin him as an artist. But he was so much more, it seemes. "Good day, Sir I know Not." He had said to me. No, Sir, he sounded not like a lunatic, either. No, rather, he sounded as an educated man. And he then spake again to me. "I see that you are not from around here. This means, I suppose, that I can get a fresh thought, new critiques, on my little hobby, my sculptures." He said to me. Of course, I then told him, in a stutter, that he was a sick man who deserved a fate similar to his latest work. And he laughed, heartily, at this. "Ahh, I see. Thank you Sir, for your opinion." He told me, and then added, "Well, feel free to go as you choose, and take as you want, free of charge." I looked at him, this time seriously confused, but without argument. I mean, who would argue with a ruthless, tactical and cold killer? Not me. Heh, I agree, no sane person. Well, he next bowed, and then he walked off, the second woman wrapped in an arm. And the crowd of people, who had gathered to watch, all commented on the beauty of his newest statuesque work. And it was a slight challenge to get through the crowd to get to my car. Eventually, however, I got through, and I reached my car. I opened the dor, climbed in, turned the key, and sped away, as fast as I could go through the crowds without hitting anyone. And yet again, I looked for a sign. But there were none. Even though there were yet no signs, no stop signs most noticeably, I still, out of habit, stopped when I came to an intersection. Why? Well, I told you, out of habit. And habits are hard to break, you know. Well, when I got to the intersection, another surprise came to me. I realized that there was a young lady seated in the passenger's seat. Not beautiful as the women who had walked with that man, this lady was pretty. Oh yes sir, there is a difference between the two. Yes. Slight, but it is there. Oh sir, once again an interruption. What now? Well, now, I feel a hankerin' for some ice cream. Would you like some? Okay then, I shall be back with our ice cream. In a minute. Oh, and don't touch that vase. -
Happy birthday...fr34|<$.... J/k
The butterflies, they flutterby. Fly not high, within the sky. Looking pretty, not too dirty. I just tripped, busted my lip. Hello there....
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
I trust you found your way? Good then, and shall I yet continue? Ok then. Well, as I stood there in disbelief, watching the man kiss the body one last time, the yet-living girl continued her dance and song. And then she noticed me. So she stopped dancing, slowed her song, and looked me up and down as she walked near to me. "Good day, Sir." She said to me whence she arrived at a near distance. I mumbled out something about the rather actually being an odd day, and she then asked what I had meant. I told her of my confusion caused by the town, of what had happened to confuse me. She only laughed, saying "That's life. Would you like to meet him?" I then inquired what she meant about this, and she laughed all the harder. I am sorry, child, no, I do not remember anything I said while in this town. Well, while she laughed, she came near and kissed me on my cheek, and laughed all the harder when I looked, questioningly, at her. "Sir, Sir, do relax!" She said to me, and draped her arm around my shooulders. "There is nothing to worry about." I asked her if she was really sure about this, and again she laughed. I took this as a sign to leave the town when the oppurtunity arose, if it would arise. Ha ha, yes, my boy, the oppurtunity did arise, you see needn't worry about that. I'm here, aren't I? Well, this odd woman, beautiful as she was, quite disturbed me, honestly. As I stood there, stunned over the events that I beheld, creeped out by the looseness with which these people lived, this woman arbitrarily began to incessantly run her fingers through my shorter then than now hair. When I then looked at her, confused as I was, she began tuggingon my arm. I shook her free of my arm, and she backed away, before she jumped on me, knocking me down. She had me pinned to the ground, and I could not throw her off. I struggled and managed to get an arm free, but she took ahold of my hand and bit it. I yelped, and she laughed, then got off of me and pulled me up. "Follow me." She told me, and pulled on my arm, dragging me to the man, who was now brushing the dead girls hair. As she led me o the man, she invariably pulled me, pushed me, walked backwards in fornt of me, and knocked me to the ground, until I was within earshot of the man. I could detect his voice, the slightest of breezes that was blowing carried it. He seemed to be chanting, 'necroneka niha narcis', the apparent sounds of no real meaning. He stopped his chanting-finished, by my guess- and then turned, got up, and looked me in the face. It may well have been, child, but I did not think it was, or may have been, in another or any other language. Please hold now, it seems as though the phone is ringing. I shall be right back. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Oh, that was a fine meal and a half, and once more, I appreciate your attention paid to me. So then, where was I, again? Oh, thanks lad. Ok, so I backed out my car, quickly, turned, put it into drive, and continued in a generally forward direction. And I drove, and drove, and kept driving. Well, as far as I could get before a cursed redlight showed itself. Yes, you are right, I did not see any power lines or such, but i would much rather that it had been a redlight. I mean, I hope it was a redlight, otherwise, it was a truck filled with dead and dying people passing in front of me. And this caused me to brake. Well, the truck passed, and I, now much more slowly, and all the more confused and scared, made the 'wise' decision of following this vehicle. Until, of course, something else caught my attention. So you want to kow what it was, huh? Well, I stopped, and watched, when I noticed a man, sharply dressed in a blood-stained white tuxedo walking with two mighty beautiful women. I could far from hear what they were saying, but I began to recognize who he was very quickly. Now laddy, keep in mind that there were no liquor stores in this town, and no one would ever get drunk. They were sober. So this man turns to the two women and he asked them something. The two women began to argue, and the one who seemed to win walked up to the man. And again, I was to be shocked and sickened. Are you prepared for this? I sure hope so. Well, this man extended his arm, and he must have had a small handgun, because the next thing I knew, he had shot her in the stomach. At this point, the other woman erupted with the question "Why not me?" in great sadness. But the man ignored her, walked to the girl who he had just shot, kissed her-and she kissed him back-and he pulled out a small knife, a switchblade. He began to trace intricate designs into her flesh and clothes, and even though she was still alive, she was ecstatic. I'd never seen so much joy or pain in the same person at one time, either, lad. And he didn't stop there. They kissed again, and then he carried her to a nearby tree-thre were many trees, I noticed-and he posed her at its base, in a position showing of itself much joy and relaxation. He had her sitting at the trees base, her hand propping up her head, a smile on her face, and her elbow propped up by her knee. The man then slit her throat, vertically along the jugular, and bled her quickly to death. And as he did this, the other woman-I could ow hear them, as I had climbedout of my car and crept closer-she began a dance, singing of how overjoyed she was at being next. Excuse me, laddy? Oh, yes, you are excused. Just go down that hall and take the first door on the left. You will find the restroom there. Hurry back now, we have more to go through. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
(It would seem I am getting no comments. Please, let me know what you think of it, so far.) ******************************************************************** Ahh, I feel better now, and thank you once more for being patient. Now where was I? Oh, right. Well, after that little ordeal, I made my way back to my car. And as only expected, I climbed in, pulled out, and started on my way once more. I drove in a pretty much straight line for a few minutes, when I noticed a house with a unique garden. So I stopped and got out, I figured I would have a look. I mean, heck, free gas, a seemingly nonchalant family with a very active little girl, this place was starting to make me think I was dreaming. And if I was dreaming, then who would mind my look through the garden? The garden? Yes, it was od, and yes, it was beautiful. No, I don't think I ever caught ahold of the gardener, or the homeowners, either. At first, it seemed a bit normal. There were lovely bushes, roses, even magnolias. They appeared to be set up into the form of a maze, and near the center, the bushes thinned, giving way to the most creepily beautiful statue I had ever seen. Now, I want you to listen to this, because none of what I say next is a lie. I say it as it was. Honestly, this was set up, in an easily viewed, public kind of place. The statue was beautiful, it HAD been beautiful. She was wearing a flowing blue gown type dress, with long, loose sleeves. I would like to think that her skin was fair, and her hair, long and blonde, but I do not know for sure. Of course, this statue, as it was passed off to be a statue, had been thre for a few years, at least. The flesh was greatly decayed, most of the hair had fallen out, and the dress had browned with age. She had been posed into a figure of prayer, skeletal and bloodstained as now she is. A nearby thorny vine had begun to use her as a prop for itself to climb. Yes, I'm not lying, the statue was as such, a dead, mayhaps murdered woman, posed and placed on display. I know, I was freaked out too. I mean, how can anyone do that to someone? So, I slowly backed out of the garden, back to my car. But when I got there, there appeared to be a dressed up man, dressed in fine linens and ritzy cloths, curiously stroking my car, simply amazed, he was. He tried to ask me something, but he became breathless when I opened the door, climbed in, and slammed it shut. I'd never seen anyone so amazed! But really, he freaked incredibly bad when I turned the key and the car came to life, so much so that he ran away. Oh ho ho, yeah, I laughed out loud at this, too. I laughed, at least until I looked up again and caught sight of the statuesque carcass, when I yelped, put the car into reverse, and backed out, away from the freakish statue as fast as I could go. Oh my! Look at the time! I sure hope you do not mind if I break to eat supper, do you? Why, thanks for understanding, and please, feel free to join me. No? Well then, please, do get comfortable, as I have a bit more story to tell. -
I Will Never Return...
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Xaious, Master of Time's topic in Assembly Room Archives
Ah, I am back. Thanks for waiting, and here's your water. Ok. Now, after that little deal at the gas station, I was off, back to my car. but when I turned to leave, I noticed how dark it was getting, so I turned again to the odd man, who was now twiddling his thumbs. And he seemed quite excited about this. But I interrupted him, and inquired of where I might find a hotel. His response, though odd as it was, was quite a bit helpful. "Leave this building, go that way (and he pointed to the left of the store) three streets and two houses. You can enter, go up the stairs, and sleep, free room and board, in the room to your right." He told me this, and I listened. I mean, really, free room and board? Who questions that automatically? So anyway, I listened, and followed these directions. When I got to the house, because it did not appear to be a hotel, I noticed that it was not currently occupied. Well, I climbed the stairs and entered the room, as the entire home happened to be unlocked., and I crawled into the bed, a rather large, luxurious waterbed. And I fell asleep, under the covers. Oh yes, I was a tid weirded out by this, as would any regular Joe be. Ho ha ha, yes, it was comfortable, the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in! So what next? Well, I'll tell you, but you needn't ask, interrupt, or such. Okay then. So next morning, I awoke, as it is only a good way to start the day, right? But it's what awoke me. As I regained consciousness, I could tell someone had joined me in the bed. It kinda scared me, but not as much as when I found out who the otheroccupant was. I mean, Christ, scary! And this girl was all over me! It scared me! I mean, she looked to be no more than thirteen by her face, but she claimed to be fifteen! She had tied me to the bed, and wasn't letting me leave until i had eaten breakfast. Well, no, that's not the scary part of it. Ha ha, my boy, I am not a pedophile, she did not interest me! Here's what scared me. She set out the breakfast, a strawberry shortcake, smothered in strawberries, on her belly. Stop looking at me like that! Come on, man! Well, my hands were tied up, but here's the scary part: Her parents, siblings, and grandparents were all in the room, carrying on in normal conversation, only dimly showing awareness of my plight. Until, of course her borther, out of spite towards the girl, cut me free. Hey Now! If you don't stop insinuating things like that, I'm going to stop relating my story to you! So anyway, as I was making my escape, I took the strawberry shortcake. This I ate as I ran to my car. Well well, I will be right back, my boy, for nature calls me now, and I must answer. Please, hold your questions. -
Ok, I have started a story, I'm writing on it day by day,and so far I have the first few (say, four?) parts written. Do feel free to comment. And thanks for reading. Here's part One: ******************************************************************** I will Never Return... I guess it was about five years ago. I had been on my way to a concert, somewhere in America, but I am no longer sure where it was. And now, I think that at the time, I was lost. Now, I did have a map, but it was not any help to me. Neither do I know around where I may have been, I simply have no idea! I mean, I may well have been traversing New England just as likely as I was, mayhaps, somewhere in Colorado. But I have not forgotten everything about this trip. See, I had been driving along a relatively crowded Interstate Highway, and had been for a few hours. And as with long hours spent on the road, driving, my car was running low on fuel. So I heedlessly took the third offramp I could find, and took it. I say heedlessly because, well, I hit some traffic cones, I later found out. And I followed the new highway road for another hour before coming upon a gas station. It was as I pumped my gas that I saw the cones, sticking oddly to my car. I paid for my gas, rid myself of the cones, and went ever onward, following the new road. About a couple more hours passed, and I came upon a decently sized town. It was as such that it was not big, but neither was it a minutely small town; a nice place to live, I had thought. And yet, it was a queer place. I suppose I only noticed this next because of the movies and books I've read and seen, such as booksby Lovecraft and also the movie Vanilla Sky, and some others. But you see, I did not see a sign to say "Welcome To." That confused me. Yes, I see that you, too, are a tid confused. No, I'm quite sure there wasn't a sign, please, let me go on! That was also not all, for I could not see any stop signs, or street signs, none! On that note, I never noticed any streetlights or powerlines, either. Ha heh heh, good point, but I assure you, I never saw any! I know, they're not things that any person actively looks to see if they are there, but honestly, they had none! And who really thinks about those things? I do, now. But back to my story. So I needed to refuel again, naturally. I drove around, looking, in search of mayhaps a Shell, or a BP Gas station. Never long drove I, as there was one at the end of the first street I turned onto. But anyway, I climbed out of my car and filled the tank once more. After closing the cover to the tank, I headed for the station. and upon entry, asked the man behind the counter how much for the gas. I was not in the least prepared for his answer. "For what ask you 'How much'?" The man inquired of me, a sad look of confusion on his face. And when I told him that I meant for the gas, a spark of recognition crossed him. "Oh, Sir, you need not pay for something so trivial." I was told. Oh ho ho, yes, it was odd. But who was I to argue? Free gas! Would you argue with free gas? Of course not! And this, my boy, is where I must pause a first time, for I must to get some thing to drink. Would you like some? Water it is, and I shall be right back.
Say, really? Where might I find one of these? But, then again, that just makes us who do it the original way look stupid...dern.
Well then, he who types that must've ben quite patient. 1 |\/|34|\| |-|3(|<, 3|?3|\| 7\|p1|\|6 7|-|15 \/\/0r|<5 0|\| /\/\\| |\|3r\/35. (I mean heck, even typing this works on my nerves, [for the 1337 illiterate].) That person's good....
Anyone know any good jokes?
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Here's a couple, or so: Government. Military Intelligence. My cat rolled off the windowsille, only to climb back on to fall once more. -
*shakes hands* What, did you think I would hug you? Merry Birthdayanukkahmasween day, man.
I can't stand Texas! It's too BIG.All wide open and flat, and deserty. I hate Texas! Went through it on a trip to Colorado once... A 27 hour ride, about 8 hours in Texas? TOO big. And yeah, the 'American Dream' is boring, dull, pointless.
Well, I hate to admit it, I think, but I actually can't stand my old writings..Old being anything that I've written already. The American Dream. I see the American Way as being loud, obnoxious, and highly ignorant. Gee, and I live here too. As my foreign exchange friend from Japan said, in not the same words, "America is stupid." I agree.
*Xaious reenters the keep of the pen, after roaming the many pages of Deviantart.* Hola, there, Arch. Long time, no see!
*Xaious re-enters the keep o the Pen* "Ok, who wants boot to the knee? No? Boot to the head, then?" *The male members of the Pen step back, rubbing their knees* "Goodyness!" *And runs over to Ayshela to give her a hug, but finds her napping on a windwosill* Oh shoot. no huggle from her now, so...*and Xaious climbs on the back of a chair to nap, because , well, cats are awesome. And better than humans.* "Merry Fri...day to all....."Xaious mumbles as unconsciousness grips him tightly*
1) A Unit of Time : Minute 2) Name of a City :Houma 3) Name of a River :Mississippi 4) A location :Bourg Supermarket 5) Adjective :Depressed 6) Plural noun :Cats 7) Verb Ending in "ing" :Licking Adjective :Happy 9) Type of Family Relative :Uncle 10) Noun :Town 11) Plural Noun :Clocks 12) Name of a Street :Gresham 13) An emotion :Anger 14) Verb in past tense :Killed 15) Three Initials (example: ABB) :BMP 16) Type of Animal :Dragon 17) Plural Noun :Houses 18) A Junkfood :Jellybean 19) Adjective :Smelly 20) A Liquid :Hot Sauce I are Cajun Man.
Happy B-day Wreny!!!
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Vigil StarGazer's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Happy Birthday sir. All your cake are belong to me. -
Timezones strike again!
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Valdar and Astralis's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Happy birthday you! Xaious slaps a really big, bright, and obnoxious orange 'Happy Birthday YOU!' sticker on Salinye's cheek And a merry one, too! -
Announcements! Announcements!
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Ozymandias's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Yay! I'm a page....So what do I do now? Is't more standing around and writing my...rant-ish things? *does a happy dance*