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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Xaious, Master of Time

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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time

  1. *is a...astonished....* Why..Thank you! I'd like to thank Ayshela, and Wyve..wait..these aren't the academy awards.... *graciously accepts the honors* And yet, I must say, in celebration..... Vodka spiked Lemonade to everyone, my treat! *starts handing out the spiked lemonade, all held within Sobe bottles.* And please, Ozy, don't wallow in the joy all by yourself, allow me to partake of the festivities, too. *twitches*
  2. OK then. I have six disciples left to draw (coincidentally, they're the ones on the left of Jesus... ) And, since it happens to be almost 2 where I live, and I was just slammed by inspiration, here's something to tide you over until i finish. God Machine (Inspired by Acid Bath's God Machine)
  3. *After that, Xaious faces away from everyone as he lets out a sigh.* "I'm sure glad that cheap Mexican stuff worked..." He quietly whispers to himself. *He then turns around to find Wyvern attempting to give of his Decanter* "Eh..No thanks. I'm good with my Vodka here *sips Vodka mixed with lemonade*." "Oh, Ok." replied Wyvern, then turning around when Xaious merely disappears from in front his reptilian face. OOC: Eh.. I wish I could whistle...*twiddles thumbs*
  4. Yay for Fridays, the only days where I have no need to go to bed at a decent hour.
  5. It feels like, it is. And I can feel it. I can feel myself dying inside. Not enough to be noticed, not for others. But I feel it inside of me, slowly fading black and crumbling. It is unpleasant. I thought I was stronger than this! I thought I could take what would be thrown at me! I thought so! I knew so! I was wrong. I feel myself, hurting, dying slowly inside, hollowing myself out, with no intentions. It is not recent, no. For years it has festered, and grown. A malignant and pestilential blackening, emptying, putrid corrosion of what I thought I was. For years. Many years. Before I was returned love. Before Beautiful. Before even I first heard that saying, 'maybe we can be friends.' Before that. And yet, it was after, too. It was after my first longing. It was after my first grudge, my only grudge, now forgoten. And after dreams of mountainous terrains. Yes, it was Before. And it was after. And all in the midst, over and under, within and without. Ever present, Evergrowing, Never leaving and Never-ending. An all-consuming pitch, dreaming of Lovecraftian colored ruinations of my self. Slipping, and falling, and thinking, and never gaining peace from this...this... This Foul Dream of the Well Passed Twilight. ********************** Commentos?
  6. Yay! *you know the drill,Me, Ayshela, and steel toed boots..*
  7. Friday Birthdays! *gives Jakob and Halo special Party-Time Steel Toed boots (They're red and shiny with black doodly designs on them, and then runs around kicking shins with Ayshela.*
  8. ..Wow...Thanks Mer! I've never been told that before! *hugs* I mostly just hear "I hate you because you can draw"...; If the Talented Art teacher is there tonight, as we're having an 'Evening of the Arts' (All of the gifted/talented programs students are, basicly, showing off their talents, and it's very fun), and if he remembers to bring his camera, I'll take some pictures of it, as the sculpture's now finished. And, once more, I'm in a classroom that I can't draw in (lack of room, what with this lousy computer in front of me.....) You make knives? Awesome! (I also, occasionally, design some..if you want any designs?)
  9. Ok. I'm going to scan it all when I finish, But I have finished with Jesus, the BBQ pit, and one of the diciples. And I also fixed the problem with the ceiling beams on the side. And, to go with the "Thou Shalt Kiss the Cook" apron, I have also included some of "God's Own brand" Wine, and another kind (which I have forgotten the name of...). Progress continues tomorrow in Home Ec......(eh....)
  10. *sips spiked lemonade from a cup cheaply made in Mexico, and hugs Ayshela* Yes, and for all, I have this. *pulls out a box of seemingly small gifts and begins passing them around* Tea candles! For your buring pleasures! Heh, thanks to all, and feel free to sample the..uh....'Nearly Draconic brand' booze and..uh...'Nearly Draconic brand' cheese! *hugs everyone, gives Ayshela an unbirthday gift of steel toed boots, in preparation of tomorrow, which is Friday (thank the Gods and Goddesses!), then runs off before the government can find him.*
  11. Yup, you heard right. Very merry un-birthday to all. It's a merry one, filled with drinks and burritos and cheap imitation Almost Draconic brand stuff for everyone (it's all from Mexico, too!). Since no one's celebrating a birthday today. And I'm merely avoiding school work at the moment. (Don't have the room to draw right now... ) Sincerely, Xaious. *Slowly backs out of the room, fearing lawsuits and lawyers, who are probably out to get him now....*
  12. Hhe, Thanks Merelas, and Katz. Yeah, I am a bit apprehensive about gluing them down, so...eh...I'll figure something out. ANd the table deal..I think I'm going to leave the table out of this, but there will be chairs and stuff. I'm thinking of (If I can figure out which one's Peter) having Peter turning down some food or something. Heh, a brush. I'm nto exactly too thrilled at my painting ability..Needs work...a lot. And hey, don't worry, Merelas. I mean, if everyone could draw, I'd be out of a business, and so would many others. It's good taht not everyone can draw, or write, or sing, or play an instrument. *Is glad that he can do three of those things.* Thanks, and I'm going to work on the others (I've alerady finished Jesus and the BBQ pit) tonight..while my scupture gets baked (art show tomorrow..I have to bake and paint my sculpture [it's a bass player {I'll try to get a picture of that, too}] and all that tonight... (Btw, Merelas, I very much like your signature picture. That's a great song!)
  13. Hmmm Thanks for pointing out the bar thing, Katz. But the openings, yes, they are in fact taller on the left than the right. I noticed that when I printed out a copy of the original. It gave me a laugh, too, when I saw that. And thanks, Katz. As for the people, I had a different idea on that. I'm drawing the people on seperate pieces of paper, then cutting them out and, probly with glue, I suppose, attaching them after that. I'm doing this because, well, my erasings show up horribly on that kind of paper... And the people are being colored and such. Yeah. Thanks fo r the comments! And pointing out problems, I'll go to fix them in a bit.
  14. Heh. Well, I'm using the same location as the original, so as to be..uh...similar to the original. Hmmm..the perspective... Well, I can't say too much on that, aside from that it might be caused by the angle of the camera when I took the picture, but you may well have a point..... But..Too far done to go back and ix that now...Already used up a couple of 8x10 pages adn that 11x14 page...
  15. Ok. I've started (I started a few days ago), and here's the current progress... Commentos?
  16. Heh..*hugs*Well, on the bright side.... There's always hair dye. (Ask my mom about that ) (And might I recommend 'burgundy'..or what I like to call purple. It looks cool.)
  17. Heh, yeah. My mom's got some of those..lots of those... They come with aging..And children..especially Big children...(like..fathers..)
  18. Nah.. I was thinking more along the lines of... Be wary for the gray hairs of doom! *huggles*
  19. Yeah.... *savagely glomps Ayshela* That almsot says something there, Ayshela. But hey, you're not that old, so old...eh.... Happy birthday, you two! Have a good one!
  20. Ok.. after much long, difficult debating (and much arguing with myself...I have some very good points, but I have oher good counterpoints for those points...),i have decided upon what I shall be doing, and I do thank you all (who knows, I may do more than just what I decided on) for your suggestions. A do, after all this discussion between myself, I've decided that I shall do.. The Last Barbeque.... The thought of Jesus wearing a "Thou Shalt Kiss The Cook" Apron won me over... And, when I finish, I shallscan it, and put it for you all to see (and then, consequesntly, any others I decide upon (I like that triple self-portrait one..). Thank you, friends.
  21. That is a VERY cool idea...If only I didn't hate essays with a passion... One idea I got (from my brother) was to redo The Last Supper, but with Jesus and the disciples..Jesus Barbequeing, and teh disciples around him, and stuff... Or, that painting that's nothing more than a black dot on a white canvas.... But, I'm limiting what I'm doing this in to pencil, ink, and pencil color.. (I have..1 blank canves, [lots of oil and acrylic paints, though...], but about 33 ink pens...) And wheni finish, I will scan it, and put the link, for all to see. Whatever I decide to do...
  22. You see, on my IEP, for Talented Art, there is a bit of a thing I have yet to accomplish.... It's been there since I was taken into the program... In Sixth Grade. I'm a senior. I have four weeks left of school, and only three classes of Talented Art left. (upon hearing this..I don't think my brother was ever more proud of me...) You see, I have to do a famous artist type of thing. Anything, really. I could, parsay, draw one of their paintings, or paint one of their drawings, or (heaven forbid) write an essay on them, (pbfffft! HA! Like I'd ever do that..). Anything, really. So I'm asking you. Any ideas for what I should do? I've decided i'm going to draw something of someone's. What artist, and what drawing/painting/sculpture shall I draw? What medium(s) would you like to see it in? (ie: pencil, ink, pencil color...any of those...) Thanks for your help.. (I would've searched for something on Google..but..meh....)
  23. Welcome back, Great Samurai Warrior Woman.... Welcome back...(not that I know ye too much, but hey, welcome back...or did I say that already?)
  24. 1. a Pen Member- Ayshela 2. verb- slept 3. colour- cat puke green 4. time of day- Noon 43 (12:43 afternoon) 5. adverb- wonderfully 6. verb- pleasant 7. plural noun- people 8. noun- ferret 9. adjective- broken 10. adjective- loaded 11. adjective- adjoining 12. plural noun- crowd 13. verb- meowed 14. a body part- kidney Have funwith those words.
  25. And the crowd says, Amen.
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