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Everything posted by Xaious, Master of Time
..... ..... *wipes a tear away, busting out laughing*
One more year, ane ye'll be the answer to the ultimate question about Life, the Universe, and Everything.
"..." Xaious triumphantly stated as Wyvern ran away, legal documents flying in the breeze. Now, as any business man cn tell you, this is not good. Quite not good. Just as well, any sane, normal business man would just declare it the time of day to just say "Screw it", and go on their merry money-making way, but since when is Xaious normal? "WAIT UP! You forgot to sign on the dotted lines and place your signature in the margins!" He ran after Wyver shouting. And apparently, in doing so, ran in front of Cioden shouting, so, in turn, Cioden threw a lightning bolt at him. Grant it, our 'intrepid hero person dude' can't suffer the pain of death, otherwise there would be some major plot-hole to fill, so he ducks this lightning bolt. Good thing too; had he not, his hair would've been fried. Of course, this meant that something else would get hit. .... A large cloud of butterflies decended upon Xaious, proceeded by a shower of black feathers, and a person landing right smack-dab on top of him. "Owch" Xaious rubbed his eyes, unsure if he should be seeing butterflies and black feathers in the same place. "Thanks." "You're welcome...who is that, anyway?" "Me? I'm Annael." "Umm....Ok then. Hello Annael." "Hiya. And who are you?" "Me? Just you're friendly neighborhood falling person catcher." "Really?" "Umm..Not." "No?" "No. I'm Xaious." "Oh. Well hello Xaious. How do you do?" "Oh, pretty good, considering I just had someone land on me." "Oooooooooohhhh. I think I'll get off now...." "Oh thank you!" Annael gets off of the flattened master of time, and offers a helping hand. It's only right that if you flatten someone, you help them up. "Thank you." He spoke, dusting himself off, removing the occasional feather from his hair. "No problem." "So, come here often?" "Huh? Oh, I used to be here everyday...then I kinda faded." "...." Xaious thought a bit. "Ok. So, ..DUCK!" Xaious yanked Annael to the ground, just barely ducking another of Cioden's bolts, much to the dismay of a certain Almost Dragon, who had been hiding behind Annael, hoping that Xaious wouldn't notice. "AHHHHH!" The elder screamed when the bolt smaked him, burning him slightly. After that, he ran to the chocolate pool and dove in, to nurse his pain. "..." Xaious said. "..." Annael agreed. "So, care to cause mischief and confusion?" He queried. "Sure! Whatcha got in mind?" Annael queried back at him. "Um..." Xaious stopped to think, and Annael looked at him curiously, hre butterflies landing on her and him, wings all flapping in unison. "I know!" He exclaimed, and everyone nearby looked at him. "..." Annael sighed. "Nothing to see, folks." Everyone laughed -at varying degrees of laughter-, then turned back to their previous occupying actions. "Ok then, what?" Annael asked softly, not wanting to be the center of attention so soon again. "You'll see...." Xaious grinned, and then whispered in Annael's ear. When she heard what he proposed, she smiled like never before. Well, like she hadn't smiled since the day began. And all they needed was for Wyvern to get out of the chocolate pool. Which, inevitabely, he did, being as he can't breathe chocolate. And when he did.... Annael's butterflies flew over to Wyvern, and landed on him, taking the form of a mini skirt, a spaghetti strap shirt, a tiara, and some really girlish and wimpy looking leg warmers. "Oh crap." Muttered Wyvern, as everyone turned to look at him. Xaious and Annael laughed hysterically at this. "So, shall we dance now?" He asked her, being as he hadn't done much of that all night. Annael smiled. "Gladly." She answered, and he took her up into an incredulous flury of twirls, spins, and near spills. And they danced.
Bravo, god story, absolutely loved it. There were just a few parts that confused me, your wordings. *Is glad he didn't read it when it was pointed out to him, at some 4 in the morning, or something.*
It was a rather dull, average day in a large town somwhere in the heartland of a highly modernized country, in a reality far from unlike the true reality, where everything is as it was meant to happen. A young man was spending the day at his parent's house, playing some old video games, complete with a glazed look to his eyes. Alongside him sat his trusty companions, Soft Drink and Cold, Half-Eaten Pizza, with Old Recliner behind. A very normal and none-too-spectacular day, indeed. The man was playing his game, waiting for a call from any of his friends, in hope that he was not the only one not working that day; for indeed, how can you work when you have no job? He died. Lost a life. So he put down the controller in favor of a slice of cold pizza. It always did taste better after refridgeration. And supreme was always so full of flavor, once you got past the horrible odor it left you reaking of. Yes, it would be a long day. It was already noon, and no one had called, so the most action today could possibly bring forth involved a trip to woods, or the gym (but who really likes the gym?). The walk would help him think, would clear his mind of the immediate boredom. Most people knew the man by his real name, Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth, but he preferred his video game alias, James Reid. Or Alexander Picard. He wasn't that picky. He wan't employed, because to have a job, you need to put out applications. And Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth was never anything he felt like writing, and people would fire him for going by any other name. He knew. He'd just been fired for using the name Alexander Picard. And that was never any good to begin with, because to collect the money, one needed proof of identity anyways. So here he was, walking to the woods, because even Bubba was at work. Always was a shame that Charles worked so much, and that Joshua never did anything without a really good reason; often enough money. And it never helped that he only had money about once a month. But, at least the woods were free. And the oods didn't keep talking when you wanted it to be quiet; as if he ever wanted the woods to keep quiet. And the woods never complained, or argued. Heck, the woods were very passive, gentle, calm and soothing, unlike most of his friends. But, just as well, the woods couldn't play video games or RPG's with you, either. Luckily enough, the woods weren't too far from his house, either. So the walk was always rather short. So now, Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth was in the woods, making his was to his usual place of visitation: an old pond-spring of cold, clear, clean water from deep within the earth-, surrounded by large and tall trees all around. Few animals ever actual got into this spot, and he wa the only person to ever find it (aside from a few settlers in the ancient times, whose rusted items he studied often) and then, subsequently, also find his way back out. The spot was filled with green and brown, trees and small plants, and there was even a small cave inside the pond -though he never did explore this. It always was the best place to rest, surrounded with many berry vines, and there was always something good to drink. Yes, it was heaven. And today, Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth felt like exploring that cave. A dangerous expediton, he was sure, but there was nothing else to do. So, he stripped to his underwear -as no one was around- and dove into the pond, coming up for a breath, shivering, thendove back in again. Luckily, the cave was not far from the surface. And even more luckily, after about ten feet, it opened into an air-filled cavern. Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth surfaced inside the cavern, breathed, and his eyes opened wide. Most people, when they discover something like this, find great treasures. He found that. Often times, there are skeletons and swords with the treasure, from those who protected it. He found that. And almost definitely every time something like this was discovered, great benefits befell the person who found it. . .. .... .... Almot definitely every time. Few people ever stop to think about any of the bacteria and deadly diseases one could inhale in such a situation. Poor Emmanuelo Lazarius Semino Jeysuis Picarde the Fourth died, twitching and spazming on the floor of the cave. Didn't even survive for twenty minutes.
My next one will be either Peredhil or Wyvern..I'm thinking the good ole' (yeah right) Wyvy will be more fun to do. Heh. And thanks, all!
".....Eep!" After getting chewed out by Ayshela, Xaious...he..well, he really felt the need to sit. A good sit was needed indeed. Lest he pass out, weakened from fright. Even Great Cthulhu would be scared by the angered Ayshela, and -naturally- Xaious had to be. So, when she turned on to her next task, Xaious turned around and -as quickly as he could walk, without getting sick- made his way for the restrooms. Of course, this also meant that he had to make his way through almost the entirety of the party-goers, up a few flights of stairs, and remember to watch where he stepped. Easy tasks, if you can stop everything in it's tracks, right? Too bad he was too weakened to do that. All he managed was one sluggish step towards the pirhana platter. Then, that's when everything went from bad to worse. Bad to worse, as in from getting exhausted to projectile vomiting on the host of the party. Or rather, the poor hapless sould trying to pedal his wares around the host. Boy, nothing upsets the stomach quite like being fussed at -and then threatened- by a friend...except knowing that you deserved it. But hey, now he had the opportunity to help Wyvern -if through some miusfortune, eh? And besides, that pedaler of cheap wares, why, he was infringing upon the old lizard's own territory! (And doing a better job, too!) For the invite, it was the least he could do. "Oops...Sorry Boaz...You Okay? Wyvern?" Xaious inquired, wiping his mouth with a Troutser. "...." Boaz looked at the Time Master with a very unhappy look, yet mixed with a perceivable grin. "No problem." "So, how much you want for this...thing?" Xaious asked, wiping his mouth a bit more with the now-stained Troutsers. "Oh, I'll take...Better yet, I'll give you a percentage of the profits. Yes, a percentage. Does five percent sound good to you?" Xaious made to look like he was pondering it, and Wyvern watched Xaious -quite aware that he was thinking up something lucrative, on his behalf. "Sure, I'll take it." Xaious said, and smiled. "But one condition, eh?" "Um. Ok, sure." Boazfelt a deep, horrid sinking feeling in his throat, and Wyvern'smoney pouch jiggled with excitement -some other poor sap was getting him out of this, and at no expense to him! It was truly a happy moment for Wyvern indeed. "So, what's this condition?" Asked the over-grown lizard. "Oh, nothing much. Just that I want this to be a legal-binding written and signed document, with each of us having a few copies, for protection." Xaious grinned: this worked almost every time. "Sure." Boaz smiled: he liked the sound of this. "...." Wyvern prepared himself for some of the worst kinds of legal loopholes ever in the history of...history. He just didn't know whether to prepare for good ones or bad ones. And Xaious held onto that grin -and the Troutser ever ready in his hand- feeeling his strength return.
Ok, finished with, naturally, Ayshela first.. Here she is..or at least, one rendition of the huggler. Hope everyone likes. ... Egadds...I sure hope it's just this computer screwing up the way it looks.... If not, I will remake it better when I get home....
A Splendiferous 19th Birthday
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Ayshela's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
And trust me, it was a good day! *savagely huggles everyone, especially Ayshela* Oooh! Shiny spikes! Xaious walks over to one of the self-mending tables, placing an incredulously strong kick on it's poor, defenseless leg, which shatters -naturally- but thn regrows. Vundervul! Xaious looks around, a broad grin, odd -and even someone evil- thoughts swimming through his head. "Only one thing missing....."he thinks to himself, aloud. Everyone looks at him, and, for a second, he vanishes; only to reappear, filling the room with giant mounds of jelly beans. "Enjoy!" Xaious laughs, and much music -of all sorts- fills the room. "Sally forth, and we shall spend the night in the midst of merry-making!" He shouts, taking Ayshela to a lightly jellybean infested area of the floor, where to dance the dance of a thousand huggles. Truly, the best Birthdayannahkumassoweenebrationivitennial day party I've ever been thrown! -
Xaious walks around a little bit, quietly, then pipes up.... I can safely say, do expect-and moderately soon, mayhaps (depending on how quickly I can get to scan and work some things)-images for Ayshela, Wyvern, and Peredhil for your usage. (I..had begun Wyvern before I saw the oh so cute chibi; nice!). ... Xaious dashes off, hoping Ayshela will like the image he has made of her.
Xaious takes time out from his modestly jam packed (though with fun...) week to get online for a little while (make that a lot of little whiles...this AOL is killing me!) to hug Ayshela Heya peeeps! I've not been on in a while....I'm at my aunt's house (have been for almost a week now, I love it!) and all they have is AOL, so..meh..ah well! *Hugs Ayshela, and everyone around* Xaious dashes off, probly to his uncle's art room, where many art supplies lie around for his use.
Indeed! Heck, so long as it wasn't as bad as some things I've known people to have done.... (can you say dad and sister both got expelled in the tenth grade?)
(Gets caught up in the activities.) Dear Sweetest Katz, Though I know so little about you, yet great is my love for thee. Whilst others focus on your eyes and supposed reason why they deserve you, I will not focus on things so trivial as they. You have a great and beautiful mind, and I would gladly do anything for you, be it mow the lawn or fix things, even attempt to cook (although I would prefer we order out or something..my cooking skills still need work..), if it made you happy. And I would, every dy when you came home, massage your back and fix you coffee, if that's your cup of tea (hmm...somehting about that seems odd...). I would never do anything to hurt you. I will even beat up the neighbor who won't stop gawking at you. Heck, I'll even keep the house clean! Please, if you feel the same, let me know, that I may wisk you off to Eternal Happyness (five blocks from the sunny, cheerful, Florida Graveyard), where I can be yours. Sincerely, Xaious Lucias, the Time Master. (Hey, that was fun!)
"and THAT's the real reason you should avoid Wyvern at all costs." Xaious had just told Kaitlyn in her ear, and she promptly burst out laughing. This was great. He loved little children; they're so fun! Resilient little buggers, and love sugar almost as much as him! How could he not love children, and then..the child of Ayshela herself? Good lord! A passing thought of how many huggles he'd have before teh night was over flashed through his mind, and he chuckled. "What is it?" Kaitlyn asked him. "Ah, just..a thought..." Xaious smiled, then recalled something else as Kaitlyn bounced around, now on his shoulders. "Hey, Kait, I got a surprise for ya!" Xaious reached behind his back, grabbed her beneath the arms, and flipped her over his head, holding her upside down in front his face. "Yes?" she asked, curious-as all children are. Xaious chuckled again. "I have something in my jacket pocket for you, if you want to find out what it is." He smiled. Curious, hyped on sugar, and hoping for more, Kaitlyn quickly reached into his pocket. "OWWWWW!" she yelped, pulling her hand, bloodied, out of his pocket. A dagger fell to the ground. And Kaitlyn was now crying loudly. "Oh crap! I forgot about those!" Xaious exclamed, quickly pausing time to reach down and pick up the daggers somewhere safer on his person - or atleast safer from children. Now stressed over his predicament - what, with Kaitlyn injured, Ayshela would probly want him dead - Xaious began pacing. Luckily, he had frozen everything but himself for this special emergency. "Now let's see...Her hand is split wide open, blod gushing. I'm no medic, and I believe al the ones here right now are..yeah..They're all severely intoxicated; no help to him now..Wait..I'm speaking in third person now...Curses, this is bad." "Ya know, I can help." "Shut UP, Reid!" "But I can!" "James Reid, if you don't SHUT YOUR MOU...How?" "Simple." "That's not helping, kid." "Hey, I'm not a kid!" "Who cares, what is it?!" "Simple." "What did I tell you abou" "HEY! calm down!" "WELL THEN TELL ME WHA" "The kool-aide." "Wha?" "The kool-aide." "You'd better explain yourself right now." "Ok! You see, Kaitlyn's a little child, right? No more than " Yes, she's a little child, your point?" "Ok. What do little kids and your own kool-aide have in common?" "They're both very sweet?" "Bingo." "And this helps how?" "Well, you see, if they're both very sweet, then they're both made with lots of sugar, right?" "....Yea...Sounds logical....." "Right. I mean, it's worth a shot. Don't want Ayshela killing you, otherwise I won't be able to go there." "Fine then, good bye."And James Reid disappeared for a second time. Following this, Xaious pulled out a couple of bottles of his sugary concoction and unfroze Kaitlyn, who still cried in pain. Unfortunately, it never _was_ easy to hold a hurting child still, so the best he could do was splash some of the sweet juice on her hands. Luckily, this calmed her down; she was now trying to lick it off her hands. "Ok, Kaitlyn, I need you to work with me here, ok? I think I can fix you." "You'd better..She won't be too happy when" "If" "She finds out this happened." "Here, drink this." And Xaious handed her another bottle of his diabeticizing kool-aide, which Kaitlyn hastily drank up. And as she drank the liquid sugar, her hand healed up, leaving nothing more than a thin line of a scab. "Now then, what would you like to" Xaios began, but Kaitlyn ran off into the yet unfrozen crowd, climbing all over numerous posing people; headed for the poor Gwaihir trapped beneath the halted undulating rotary vegetation. "This won't be good." Xaious thought to himself, and ran after her, knocking over the occasional pennite, until he caught up with her. "FUN!" She said as she slid down one of many gargantuan tendrils, catching onto Xaious's leg on the way. "Gah!" "Yay! It doesn't hurt!" Kaitlyn shouted. *phew* Xaious took this as his cue to let time go again. And he did. With a few pennites knocked over, and Wyvern was probly going to pester him for gold. Not to mention how Ayshela would probly want to hurt him.....
*places one hand over his heart, and with the other wipes away a tear* ..I know that one.... I loathe the way that works.... And the longer it goes, the worse it gets..I hate it.... Awesome poem.
Xaious backed away..Slowly backed away....Until Wyvern was out of his sight, then he turned around and decided to find someone who might need his help. As he went to take his first forward step from after backing away, Carbonne ran across his path. "Hmm..Must've noticed something...or something..." Xaious mused to himself. After that, he stopped, and loked around; someone had to need his presence. He looked around for a few minutes, and then he noticed a rather messy clump of hair, and his face lit up with a smile. "Hair! I am needed!" And he ran over to Snake and Wren, dodging the yet unaware party-goers and trying not to trip over their feet. When he got there, he bowed to them, one after another, and then he said... "I notice you are in need of a hairstylist." However, before she could say 'Yes', 'No', or 'Who the heck are you?', he had frozen time, gone home, retrieved a brush (and a couple of bottles of incredibly sugary kool-aide), gone back to the party, un-knotted her hair, brushed it, and then infested it with hundreds of very attractive little curls, placed one bottle of kool-aide in her hand, and then unfrozen time after getting back right where he was before. "There you go, m'lady. You now have curls. Very..attractive..curls.." Xaious said, then smiled, bowed, and began to walk off into the party, with no true direction.
Ah, damn you of many names! Yup, that's me!Prepare for more names! (James Reid, still under progress)
*laughs to self* Yeah, thanks for remembering. Granted, that's my name elsewhere.... *hugs* And don't try nothin funny, buddy...I'm watchin you....
Yeah. My poor TV has become neglected because of mine comp.Good work, you who art name Arashi. Geez, now I feel sad fro my toys, too. And I too agree that it would flow better without that 'for'. Overall, very good.
And then we have to fortify The Pen.... .. I always said that people (as a whole, not specifics) were stupid... And never have I been proven wrong about this.
Read this...and weep.... It is truly a sad thing, a sad day. WHy couldn't they do this to school books instead?
But why would we want to? Here, have a dozen more of those things. *hugs* Merry promotionizzlism.
Quick Character Reference
Xaious, Master of Time replied to Katzaniel's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Comprestood. *feels a little stupid...* Wasn't thinking/looking...oy....