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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Such words we need to expel the angst we hold too close the tolling of a distant bell enough to shake thoughts loose The freedom gain from writing down the pain and joys we feel though temperary,releaves the frown and sets the mind on rest Too soon again we are affected by some stray word or thought better to again find your pen than drown in a bottle bought And so we suffer through The poets mortal plight To alway have a paper and pen To exersize what we must write (off the cuff poem it's been a long time) *hugs*
  2. oooh! very gripping story. vivid imagery I liked it Wren
  3. I'm late but the sentiment is still the same. I hope you had a great birthday!!!!!
  4. Intresting I really felt likeI was sitting there with you.
  5. I would have been touched and honored to have had moved someone to write poetry for me. Very romantic.
  6. Gwaihir You'll find him in the garden Muddy knees and green fingertips Coaxing the cabbage to grow and learn Wiggly, giggly cabbages dance when he is near A party of splendor attended by all Self conscious and out of his element and a little underdressed Umm Hello! He trips, falls and hopes no damages are caused. Visions of cake flying everywhere haunt him Yet follow him quietly into the woods and you will see Total transformation, Listen and learn Trees and small plants lean close to him They know he will listen to the tales that they tell. Rapt attention to the flora and fauna of this wood He tends to their needs and they flourish and grow A smile of contentment glows on his face Partly hidden by the smudge of loam :wigglycabbage:
  7. Gwaihir's portrayal is done. Posting it in the Banquet Hall Gwaihir
  8. (this is fiction) Slow and deliberate you walk down the hall. Every step is measured. Every breath deliberate. Nothing seems to register but the white on white wall. Fear of what you can't fix waits to take away hope. A sound filters through. The click clack of hurried heels fall. The end of the corridor comes way too fast. Turn around, face your fear and time begins to crawl. There is little compasion on her overtired face. You try to make smalltalk in an effort to stall. No use, it's her job she has to tell you the news. Her perfectly set speach makes you think of a talking doll. Now you follow her into a room where monitors beep and blink. On the bed lost in tubes and wires your child looks so small. Carefully take his hand and tell him he is loved. How could all this happen? He was just out playing ball.
  9. Well done Parm. I hadn't noticed this one before.
  10. I agree that haiku can say much with few words but sometimes it is too restrctive a form of poetry. It all depends on what you you want to convey. * tosses 2cents into the pot* (comments on the poem given in private)
  11. *settles in beside Regal and waits for more*
  12. Happy Birthday to both of you *huggles*
  13. *sends a card and a donation to the tick orphans of the world foundation*
  14. Yes *stands and applauds* you have a nack for building the tension ...Love it neeeed more.
  15. Wren shook her head of curls and brushed the dust off her dress and then looked up at Robby. "So now what?"
  16. *chills* I wait for the next instalment with bated breath. *Big huggles*
  17. YES!
  18. the buss driver looks down and decides that they might make a good meal ans scoops them up and puts them in his bag. When his shift was over he grabbed the bag not realizing that the clasp was undon and the moluscs fell out on to the sidewalk in front of the bus terminus. They rolled out of the way and took stack of thier position "Hmmm. Now what? "They both say in unison.
  19. Dust and pebbles began to shift and slip around Wren as the table top that had saved her began to lift . Slowly more light filtered into her and she extinguished her light. When the men finally were able to toss the table top aside she sat up and looked at them "Thank you Oh! Thank you so much ! I wasn't going to be able to bang much longer. Does anyone have any water?" Where did all the demons go? Is anyone else stuck under this stuff? Who is responsible ? where did the gold go ? What is this mask suposed to do ?The stream of shock driven rapid fire questions seems endless Wren didn't even stop to beathe much less give anyone a chance to answer.
  20. Candle light shining Through blood red wine Leaves a jewel of light on white
  21. thanks Pered *hugs*
  22. If I had gotten my degree ? Hmm! I imagine a lot would be different in my life now. I probably wouldn't be married or have kids. I would still be in the army trying to help soldiers deal with the things they have experienced. A fancy appartment off base a little sports car and I would probably be very lonely. *smiles* I really do like who I am now!
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