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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. *Hugs*
  2. You walk beside me but you don't listen. You expect me to pay attention when you talk at me. I cry silently you never see the tears. I took off my rings you didn't notice. Why?
  3. replace the coffee with tea and my mornings are similar. *hugs*
  4. Well done. I am not often moved to the brink of tears. This touches a cord. Thank you.
  5. War I am destructive and mean I bring harm and sorrow I kill brave solders who do not fear me I destroy homes of innocent people I am destructive and mean I am used to conquer other countries I use atomic bombs to WIN battles Peace I am nice and calm I end wars I bring solders home I rebuild homes and countries I am nice and calm I use atomic science to help people I love the peace keepers CL
  6. *hug* and *giggles*
  7. WrenWind


    This poem strikes a cord with me as my husband is in the reserves. I read it to him. Thank you.
  8. It doesn't suck.I like it makes you think.
  9. Happy birthday
  10. Wrapped in you ---- There has not been a face to face We may never haunt the same space Often I find my thoughts you've invaded Amazed they have not yet turned jaded Talking to you is one of my pleasures Ring of the phone, part of days' treasures The shirt that you sent to me in the post Makes you feel much less like a ghost ----- Pull it on and I am wrapped in you
  11. I liked this
  12. Happy ,Happy birthday!!!
  13. "Can I come?" "No baby I have to go by myself" "But... Who is going to tuck me in tonight?" "Daddy will tuck you in" "He doesn't read stories like you do." "You will have to teach him" "Why do you have to go?" "I just do." "Are you coming back?" "Yes Baby I'm coming back. I just need some time to think." " I love you." "I love you so much. Don't ever for get that." "Taxi is here." "Hug me tight so I can keep it with me." The taxi drives away and the little boy takes his father's hand and squeezes it. "She'll be back soon."
  14. Congratulations *hugs then kisses each cheek*
  15. Wren blushes and smiles and looks forward to both her "Dates"
  16. directly at the head of the queen who begins to cough and sputter turning a bright shade of purple as she begins to expand and....
  17. *hugs* glad to know you are safe and sound.
  18. Congrats!!!!
  19. welcome !!!
  20. 1. Are you more of a shy person or more of a social butterfly? I am shy but I try not to let it take over. I will seek out others in a social situation start a conve sation then sit back and listen. 2. Do you feel like being shy makes the dating world harder/easier? I guess it would make it more difficult. The dating world is far removed from my reality. Though I do tend to be less shy with the opposite sex. I am comfortable with who I am. 3. Do you feel like being a social butterfly makes the dating world harder/easier? I don't think that a social butterfly has an advantage really because people would see them as fightly not worth talking to becuse they don't stay in one place or one conversation long wnough to get to know them. 4. Finally, how do you view the aspect of shyness/social butterfly-ness in a perspective companion? I don't think either is a good determination of who is a good perspective companion. Quiet confidence it a big attraction for me.
  21. Heavy or empty? Still not sure The world around isn't as bright as before Black and blue fluctuate through the heart Still little bits of brightness poke through to the core Revealing that there can be a new start
  22. I felt myself walking with you. Very vivid!
  23. Your talent is showing. *smiles* very catchy i can almost hear is sung by the crew of a ship on thiere way into the harbour.
  24. Happy day!!
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