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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. is it too late to sign up?
  2. Winter tells my soul's rebirth. A world wrapped in ice. There will be no summer mirth. Spring melts what is left of love. Nothing grows near me. Cries a single Mourning Dove. *Distant bells toll*
  3. Why won’t they just die? Why can't they just dissapear? With each breath they eat away at my soul Thoughts and feelings dark and sad Colouring life in shades of black and blue If only they could die. I would see the sun again. (new line) "Rainbows and butterflies in flight"
  4. "a small bird in flight stops and lands on a low branch to listen to this sad song tilts her head then flies off again"
  5. *more Hugs* as always i like what you have writen . when i have a little more time I'll reread and pull it apart *grin* well done Hon!!
  6. *Hugs* glad to know you are still writing. Missed you. Wren
  7. Happy birthday!!!
  8. I liked this very much.
  9. Going slowly crazy Not sleeping Vision gone hazy Can't focus Mind drifting lazy Easily distracted A bee on a daisy Butterfly gone A river called Chazy Floating slowly A woman in paisley Eats apple pie Everything is hazy No sleep Drives you crazy
  10. You said them! I heard right? With no stall. Not drunken babble. I sit stunned. Three little words. Hold them close. Treasure the moment. "I love you."
  11. Cold grey and lumpy Trunk and body gone stumpy Freeze dried elephant
  12. TreeDragon No one quite knew what to do with her at 12 she was and enigma she never played with the other children in the village. She did her chores happily and quickly then she would wander off into the woods. She talked to the trees. She talked to the animals and the sky. Being odd was nothing new to Ada even her existence was odd she didn't look like anyone in the village she had no real parents. She had been brought up by the elders of the community. Ten years ago she had toddled into the village and sat down in Ganf's lap while he was preparing a cleansing fire for meditation. Ada look up at him and smiled and promptly fell asleep Ada was tired she had been working on the project for so long she all most didn't remember doing anything else. To her the boat was a living thing. From the time she had seen the tree in the forest 3 kl from the village she knew it was the perfect one. They had one year to plan , design and build the boats for the ceremony. It was to be a joining of communities. Strengthening of ties between them through marriage . All of the those ready to marry would try to find a partner with the Marnan's. The Marnan's lived on the opposite side of the great lake between two mountains protecting the only way into their village. it was the perfect place, a protected bay with a rich delta to cultivate an harvest. A prosperous village with time for accomplished art and crafts. Ada's village was also accomplished with art and craft but each village had different specialties and merging then communities would benefit both. The tree began to talk to her the moment she stepped under it's shade. She sat down to listen ans she talked and told the great tree about the ceremony and the voyage across the lake. The tree listened and though it a worthy cause. The great tree offered to be transformed. Ada ran home stopping only once to catch her breath the barreled full speed into the villiage square bowling Ganf over in the process. "I found it! I found it! Come!" Ada ran back out of town heading back to the base of the tree where she sat down and fell asleep waiting for the Elders to waddle out to her. They agreed that it was the perfect tree and sent Ada to get help to bring the giant tree down and back to the village. It took two weeks of back breaking work but they go it to the beach. Any one from out side of Ada's village would have found it very strange to watch as she ordered the men and craftspeople around. Everything had to be perfect. She supervised the hollowing and the basic shaping of the boat. Each step carefully done with reverence for the tree. After months of work the boat was ready for the final touches and the rest of the villagers we asked to stay away until Ada deemed her work done. She lived on the beach. Rarely did she talk to anyone. Only Ganf, who brought her food and tried to convince her that she needed to sleep at least a little evey day. She looked more and more like a ghost her skin never seeming to tan even though she was in the sun every day. She lost weight. Her cheeks and eyes seem to rest in deep hollows but the boat had to be finished. On occasion she would cover up all but a small piece of it and then ask this crafts-person or that to come and help her. when then had done what she wanted she sent them off with a hug and thanks. It was finished. Ada finally sat down picked up her plate of food and for the first time in ages actually tasted the food. She looked over her work and smiled. It was perfect. every line every carves shape. The tree's soul radiated out from the magnificent ceremonial boat as a dragon in flight. Everyone came down to the beach and marveled at her work . Ganf came down followed by the other elders and the blessed the boat and celebrated the tree/dragon thanking it for it's sacrifice. Ada stood on the shore and watched the boat spirit away the 6 young soon to be newlyweds. TreeDragon flew across the water beginning his new life also. Ada laid down on the sand and fell asleep. Ganf carefully picked her up and took her home tucked her in her bed and kissed her forehead. Well done my miracle daughter! Well done!
  13. *shudders* I read and felt the ants good one sweet
  14. Thanks for the thoughts what ever day it is celebrated.
  15. Just Wow! perfect imagery caught me at the begining and even though i knew how it would end i was pulled into it to the end. thanks for sharing
  16. At first I felt like I was reading something from "Star Wars" then it felt more like a brain washing. gave me shivers Wren
  17. Just lovely! Though I do agree with Rev that naked could be replaced with form it would flow better. Wren
  18. *hugs*
  19. Love and passion have been packed away. The hurt and anger shoved down. All rage and sadness stored. Wrapped in a smile and tied with a bow, Every emotion held in check, controlled. The vessel is leaking. Love and passion rush to the surface. Your voice sending shivers down my spine. I am afraid to let all that emotion escape. Will it take over? Will I get lost? You touch me and I feel alive.
  20. He knows, Follows me around, Never letting me out of his sight. When my heart is heaviest, He shoves his nose under my hand and leans against me, Shortened tail thumping against the floor. Unconditional Love
  21. Really like this. As alwaysI find your work worth reading and rereading thanks for sharing
  22. With a little work they each would make cool haiku's
  23. This is my favorite line, a perfect conclusion to the poem. Thanks for sharing it.
  24. *chuckles* You do have some catlike abilities. Many lives and always landing on your feet come to mind that and very INDEPENDANT. It's a good poem Hon has the feel of lyrics to a song.
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