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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Violence of this kind is something I unfortunately understand . That he didn't intervene doesn't surprise me at all . The concequences of it might have ended up with both children recieving even more abuse . that he grinned, well this kind of twisted values are what he has been taught . that he knows this isn't right is perhaps a saving grace and might make it so he is one of the links in the chain that will not continue this kind of life with his own children one say . It is very hard not to react with violence when it is what you have been taught . It is possible to rise above it
  2. Happy B-Day *bakes a cake and lights the candles * enjoy your day
  3. Would they notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the dishes were done the laundry clean ,folded and put away the dog walked the floors washed the booboo kissed lunches made a warm body in the bed Would they notice the glass that was missing the fist of wrinkles in one shirt the broken glass in the garbage my bandaged hand the tears on the pillow Maybe they will when i'm gone
  4. Tender moments over time and space we collect them moments in time that are frozen in our memmories a smile, a tear a sweet note an eyelash brushed softly off a sleeping cheek "I love you" whispered in the dark little things remembered and stored babies laughter infectious bubbling wonderful silly cartoons shared with a child gather them, savour them hold them close to your heart these moments are what life is all about
  5. Wind and storms are powerful things to many of us I found this among things I wrote about a year ago hope you like it. Storm -------------------------------- In the storm we are born. From it we emerge. Live in peace at its center for a short time. Then to the storm we return. For only there are we truly alive. When the storm passes so will we. To return on the next winds of fury. Wren
  6. I wish i could paint the picture that this poem fills my head with "Thank you for the post " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On The Cliff Standing on the edge of the cliff the wind of the incoming storm coating her in salt spray from the bay below her eyes closed in consentration oblivious to her soak through dress. Her arm rise slowly seemingly pulling the storm closer to shore behind her at the edge of a forest a man stand motionless watching her. i wrote this little snippet 06/06/03 the beginning of a story yet unwriten Wren
  7. Well done ...This one hits a nerve too close to home
  8. *Reads it again with a smile in rememberance of time long past * Lovely sentiment and well done .
  9. On Sorrow So intence it is felt That hollow in the heart even felt as a physical hole in your gut but it forces you to look inward to find out that only you can pull yourself out and to see the love that there is out there for you and the sorrow you felt for the loss of one make the next even more special
  10. Spitit of a Different Kind The hair on the back of my neck rises, the room feels soo cold. In the air a mist begins to weave and sway taking a loosely human form. I don't move or react for I have called this spirit to make amends. I hope. Even if it takes my life. The cost of the summons is great; my blood flows from sliced wrists onto a totem. The Spirit flows closer until it touches me. An icy cold fills me, surrounds me yet I feel no malice here. The guilt I feel was not mine to carry. No forgiveness is required. Spirit kissed, I lay on the floor in a pool of my offering and live to tell the tale. Wren
  11. Cool idea
  12. I don't figure i will ever win but i like the way this particular contest makes you work with a specific set of words and limited number ..... a little brainwork each day i know about the other bit as i got the same thing about the conference and stuff .
  13. Poetry in Motion ...they give you a selection of words and ask you to use up to 20 of them to create a poem 100$/day is awarded .. it is a cool exersize Poetry in Motion Contest This is what i came up with today soft wind remembers love laugh again night falls kiss desire salty tear everything fogs heart holds love forever Wren
  14. Have a very Happy Birthday
  15. I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile. Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away I let mine out, and chatter all the while. I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day Is any day that's spent without a friend, With nothing much to do or hear or say. I like to be with people, and depend On company for being entertained; Which seems a good solution, in the end. What Poetry Form Are You? or i am I am heroic couplets; most precise And fond of order. Planned and structured. Nice. I know, of course, just what I want; I know, As well, what I will do to make it so. This doesn't mean that I attempt to shun Excitement, entertainment, pleasure, fun; But they must keep their place, like all the rest; They might be good, but ordered life is best. What Poetry Form Are You?
  16. Thank you My mother tongue is english .
  17. *waits with baited breath for the next post *
  18. I can do that now i didn't know there was such a place till today.
  19. last stitch and the sweater is done made to fit a lizzard type person tucks it all in a package and leaves it on the desk after her stange interview/sales pitch then. "Thank you " then strides out of the room leaving the youth serum behind and goes to find a good tall mug of meade.
  20. Finishes a scarf and mittens ...... brushes off the cobwebs beginning to form on her skirts "Hmmmm" Looks around and see the que has not moved,pulls out a new colour and starts on a sweater
  21. *laughs* I'm not 11 ... I wish : this refers to an article read when I was 11
  22. I spew things into notepad then copy paste
  23. Lies This is in its "not quite sure what i was thinking" state but figured it might benifit from being pulled apart. Have at it!! Lies all lies Every day I say I love you lies It's not that I don't care I do Love on the other hand no not the love you feel for me Lies all lies if I live it long enough will it be different? I doubt some day it will all catch up to me Lies all the lies
  24. This was written a few months ago and almost forgotten untill i read Dollar/China so i dragged it out . China Doll taken home adored for a time set on a shelf safe from being broken over time forgotten
  25. Thanks Yui *fixed*
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