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Everything posted by WrenWind
So many people don't realise how much work it is too truly love someone. The conscious decisions we have to make to follow through. It is a good poem with profound sentiment. Those of us who have made those decisions appreciate this work very much.
Moments in Time ****************************** Kids in the streat playing ball Take a picture freeze this frame The sun is shining on them all For tomorrow all's gone,such a shame Later in our olden haze Take out the pictures Stare at them with faded gaze Till memories become fixtures
RED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They took her away again. I watched them struggle with her and finally jab a needle in her arm. She went limp and they bundled her up onto a stretcher and drove away. No good byes no chances for me to say, "I love you Mommy". A pretty police lady holds onto my hand and then leads me to another ambulance. She says the doctors need to make sure I am not hurt. . I tried to pull away but the policewoman doesn't let go. She lifts me up into the ambulance and once the attendant has a good grip on me the doors are closed and the ambulance pulls away taking off in the opposite direction of the one that took mommy. They ask lots of questions. ”Do you hurt anywhere?” “May I just look at your arm here?” “It won't hurt.” The attendant looks at my arm and clucks about the bruises there, old and new imprints of a large hand. I smile and say, " It's fine you can look, and no it doesn't hurt.” Please don't look so sad Sir honest, it doesn't hurt.” His face twitches a little but he doesn't say anything more. We have arrived at the hospital they let me ride on the stretcher into a room where another police lady is sitting and there is a nurse and a doctor in the room too they all look so serious. More questions about bruises and school. "Did your Mommy hurt you?" "No!" "Well these are some nasty bruises how did you get them?" "I was clumsy" "Sweet heart" the police lady says softly "You have to tell us the truth" My mind gets no further than “Sweetheart” and then the world explodes. Fear! Blind rage! hopelessness.... Run! Hide! Silent screams in the mind of a child. There is nowhere to go but inside. HE can't get me there. On a video tape that they doctors and police review several days later they see a small 6 year old girl a little grubby long brown hair in messy ringlets. She has an air of pride about her then suddenly she is curled up in a ball and catatonic. Like someone turned off the lights her bright eyes gone dim. They shake their heads and wonder what happened" Her mother has not been helpful when she is coherent all she worries about is the baby. X-rays are taken to reveal a history of abuse. The child has had many broken and fractured bones over her short life spiral fractures on both arms and not one rib that hasn't been broken at least once. There is evidence of dislocation of shoulders elbows and hips. Who ever did this to her was very insane sadistic. The mother too shows signs of long suffering abuse and a recent pregnancy but there are no records of a birth or of any prenatal care. A county away a jogger finds the mangled remains of something and calls the police. The police ask the woman a few questions and then let her go on her way. The forensics unit is called and they take over carefully measuring and collecting all of the remains and anything that could be used as clues. One strand of long hair is found hanging from a branch just above what they now know is the corpse of a man. The technician carefully lifts it off the branch with a pair of sterilized tweezers and places it in a baggy. She tags it. Then she looks for more. Her gaze is caught by something blowing in the wind about halfway up the trunk of the large elm tree. She steps closer to the tree making sure not to disturb anything around her. She looks up the trunk of the tree and for even a seasoned tech the sight makes her gag. There are shreds of muscle, strands of fibre caught in several cracks in the bark of the tree. They start about 25ft up and right down to the base were the body lay crumpled and now covered from curious park goers until it can be removed for further testing. When she had first arrived she wasn't even sure the mass of mangled skinless meat was human. She was an enigma to him from the day she was born. He had been in jail for most of his wife's pregnancy and was released the day before his child (he still wasn't certain about that one) was born. He attended the birth and even took great pleasure in cutting the cord. He took even more pleasure in seeing his wife in such exquisite pain and the blood that gushed from her just after the birth. He willed it to continue but it stopped on it's own. While he was glorying in the sight they plopped the child in his arms. He looked up at the nurse angrily "What? Giver to the Bitch so she can feed it. At the sound of his voice the baby opened her eyes.. Piercing violet they didn't look natural ...and he was enthralled for a moment... grinned and passed her back to the flustered nurse. Once the child was whelped he took her every day to the park always at the same time. . Very early in the morning when the college girls ran before classes. He was always dressed well and he delighted in getting frilly dresses; The better the girl looked the more she attracted attention. He smiled at them as they ran by and they would smile back. Once in a while one would stop to talk and ask him how he was and “Ooh isn't she adorable! Such a shame about her mother not able to help out.” For that was the story he told. He would smile and play the part of proud father. It wasn’t' hard, he couldn't believe how pretty the girl was. It scared him almost. He was hunting and the girl was his bait. His prey was the redhead. (It was always the true red-haired girls that he picked out.) Fresh faced and innocent first year college girls, he learned every thing he could about them and they gave up information about themselves gladly because they felt they knew him by now: the cute single man with the beautiful child that was always at the park playing with his daughter. They thought him sweet and a good dad. And they offered to help out eventually. "Do you need a sitter? I have free time on Thursdays in the afternoon. Maybe you could go catch a movie or something?" He always smiled and said maybe another time. He picked his timing carefully. The headlines read "The body of the missing college student found." Her remains were found in the forest about 100 miles from the campus. She had been tortured for days the coroner said. Fingers missing and broken bones. One detail not mentioned in the paper was that she had been skinned alive and left with only her now blood matted hair still clinging to her scalp. It was horrific and gruesome. They moved again for about the 5th time in a year. He worked jobs here and there. The beautiful baby grew from toddler to a hauntingly pretty child. With HIM working and not taking her out every day she finally got to be with her mother .A quiet woman who loved her as much as she could but she couldn't or didn't know how to protect her. Well she did, she would put herself in His face when he began to rage and send the girl to her room. Learning to speak was a dangerous thing. He realised that now she could talk she could potentially tell on him or warn the newest toy what he was up to. He was hunting again. A joyous smile creaked across his face when he thought of all the plans in place. Perfection every detail. The only thing that was not, was the bait, his angelic spawn. He trained her now and she learned quickly. Pain is a great teacher. She learned not to cry out when he twisted her harm so hard that she almost passed out. Not to let one tear trickle from her eyes when he smiled and wrenched her hip out of joint. His twisted training flipped a switch in her head that turned off the pain. A Survival mechanism Permanently in place. He revelled in her training ... Loved her for her strength but it also scared him and his fear made him more brutal. Still she never cried and she never spoke and that pleased him. The ritual of visiting the park began again. Every morning for months He took her and showed her off to the new crowd of college girls. He already had his target picked out and worked his charm .He told her lies and half truths and he smiled his handsome smile and she smiled back believing every word. When he asked if she would come and watch the girl for him some night while he when to a movie. "I really need to get out for an evening " She was delighted to be able to help. "Perfect!" He smiled and gave her an address. "See you tomorrow night then " The little girl never, said a word. She only smiled at the college student with the pretty red curls. The local tv station posted a nice picture of the red headed girl during the news "Student missing for 3 days now. Family and freinds distraught. If you have seen this girl please contact your local police station or call the number at the bottom of the screen" The little girl knew she was. He took her there every day to watch. To learn. He believed himself an artist, his muse the carefully selected red headed girls . He welcomed her into the house. A rented abode that his wife knew nothing about. Nicely decorated picture perfect home in the perfect nieghbourhood . She smiled and asked all the right questions. When do I put your little angel to bed and when do expect to be home? Oh do you have a number I can get you at?" He watched her smile and talk her every inflection and movement memorized to compare to later. After a tour around the house showing her where every thing is he leaves and hops in his car and drives away. He heads to town and does exactly as he said he would. Goes to a movie. On his way back he stops at the store and picks up some flowers as a "Thank you!” The details must be right. Tuck the child into the back and help the Red into the car and driver her back to her dorm. Then on cue the little girl gets out of the car and runs to the woman hugging her around the legs. He follows apologising profusely and then asks her to have dinner with them maybe. I have come to the point that I need a break from this story I'll work on it again when I can
I will use what ever falls into my hands but a pen given to me by afriend with a jounal is my favorite. don't know who makes it but it is just the right size and shap to fit into my hand as if it were and extention of myself.
If I hadn't already posted "Different Stars" This would have made me think of it and post it in answer. There is no distance for the heart Surely a kindred soul you will find One day your quest will start Driving body and mind to heroic feat Hear her voice, Hold her hand I know one day you will meet Cherish moments frozen in time Her voice can always be heard Just dial the phone and spend the dime *psst I do have her number you know, for the Lady Lioness. Oops can you tell i'm in a cheeky mood*
So enters the lady with long flowing hair Whirling and twirling to make all quite dizzy Up onto the stage with a bit of flare Spinning again till her hair is quite frizzy Step up the mic, all those who dare The contest begins here today in the hall Choose your words with utmost of care The judges will pick those who don't fall Suddenly looking like she 's had quite a scare She hops off the stage, running straight for the door Only to find her legs tangled in a chair Falling ungraciously in a heap on the floor *hides under the table *
Upon My Acceptance, Four Stanzas and Scotch
WrenWind replied to Finnius's topic in Banquet Room Archives
Great fun ! -
I started with a mind picture of a woman/butterfly and I was in an odd mood since I can't turn them into visual art I wrote it down instead I sometimes wish I could paint *sighs*
I would love to see more of this . Good job !!
The sun never shines here darkness is all curled in the corner back to the door Don't turn on the light I don't want to come out Stop knocking on the door I'm not ready You opened the door anyway a flood of light precedes Lifted from the floor carried out into the day held close to your heart I feel safe The sun beats down on me a warm summer breeze my covering gently removed How did you know it was time? blood pumping filling out wings! I have wings Revel in the light gossamer wings shine delighted flight You knew and released me Fly with me now the light beckons
Just another Mom here and your poem certainly hits marks
I love the second bit . It hits a strange cord in me . it's always a good thing to write it down even if it doesn't make sence at the time.
*Takes the elders way out * I liked it very much
My Gran is 99 years old and still lives with my folks I have had the pleasure to have her stay with us for a few weeks at a time when my parents go on vacations . She has amazing stories and life experiences to tell . Thanks for reminding me how lucky I am to still have a living treasure in my family.
untitled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light shines on her face Peacefully she sleeps She is an angel from hell Returned to the world How can such beauty so fair be so evil The light shines on my blade Peacefully she sleeps I am a devil from heaven Returned to find her How, how can such as I be so good? I am..... She is Darkness now fills me as her blood runs with mine Peacefully we sleep Forever
Oui, j'ai vécu... (Yes, I have lived...)
WrenWind replied to Psimon's topic in Banquet Room Archives
I love this poem and I am honoured to have heard you read it aloud . Thank you -
*smiles and hugs her beloved* glad to see your efforts in one place
There was no reason to be shy about this poem . It made me smile and think about walking home with my son every day from school and reveling in his joy at finding a bug or a feather while he chatters constantly about his day . Thanks
I like this with one exception what is the symbol at the end of each line ?
I think about you now and then Handsome, tall and charming How did your life turn out after you said goodbye? I saw a picture of your love Hauntingly similar to a picture of me Did she make you happy, fullfill your needs? We chose different paths different loves but you still are so much a part of who I am. I am happy with the choises made. Thank you for saying goodbye when you did I hope you are as content with your choices
You have left me wanting more great work and thank you for letting us into Kaolin's world
I laughed and cried and loved it Thank you
Dust bunnies *smiles * they roll and drift across the floor like tumbleweed across an old western street I love my dust bunnies they are testament that there is much more to life than a clean spotless house. Happy children and a good book or story read in the Pen a hot cup of tea the time to write my little poems and talk to friends all over the world Lovely dust bunnies Wren