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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Love is sitting together for hours with out a word being spoken and feeling content in the silence
  2. Congrats to all
  3. ~He has made me sit in this chair for so long . I have to pee but I will wait. Talking now would make him mad.~ A scream sounds then is cut off in the middle. ~Silly lady she should know she can't make noise now. ~ The little girl goes back to watching the puddle of red pool begin it's journey to the drain in the middle of the all white floor. She never looks up to watch anymore. The look on His face is too scary. Soft and gentle even loving and that is terrifying. So instead she watches the floor sitting very still and quiet so He forgets she is there. Paper reads that morning "Tara MCKinnan missing from her dorm . Family and friends worried. They have made a public plea for her to come home " Home alone and very pregnant now the little girl's mother prepares her bag to take to the hospital. Hopefully He gets home in time and isn't in a bad mood. The idea of walking to the hospital exhausting. With infinite patience He is being followed and everything He does has been recorded in the mind of one just as twisted. Allen lives in the park and he saw the little girl . He followed them home on the day the The red headed college student disappeared. Carefully concealed ...he has done this before, he even manages to find a way to see into the basement room . a crack in the mortar that he was able to make big enough stick a plug in it and come back later. Every detail of what he sees is catalogued and filed . The caretaker's cabin in the park was small but that suited Allen to a 't', not very many people even knew of it's existence. Allen had lived there for most of the past 5 years keeping up the plants and paths. He knows every corner of the five acre park. He has even kept a watchful eye on it with surveillance cameras. He had seen the little girl and her father many time sitting on the bench; he always found it strange that the beautiful little girl never smiled. She fascinated him. So much so that he began to follow the pair around. It brought him to the rented house and when he looked into the crack in the wall he saw what was left of the red headed girl hanging from the ceiling on a meat hook, with the little girl sitting watching her father take minute strips of flesh and muscle away. That is when he realised the girl was still horrifically alive. He went back into the darkness and puked, then headed to the nearest phone booth to call the police. "No little girl should ever have to see that!!!" Not ever!" Allen walked away muttering to himself. Several times he checks in. Looking through the crack until he can take it no more then he makes a call to the police. While he is in the phone booth he sees the Father and the little girl leave the house. Allen almost leaves the phone hanging to follow them. He says to the woman on the other end "Send a car to 1216 West Raven.” Then hangs up. He takes a breath and calms himself then follows the pair discreetly. A shadow in the darkness. Pain is all encompassing. The little girl’s mother goes into labour alone and scared. He hasn't been to the apartment in over three days and now she is afraid he has taken their daughter and won't be coming back. She feels relief and terror in that thought. Curled up in the sofa she rides out another contraction then starts to pick up her things and finds the phone to call a taxi. Just as she begins to dial the phone HE walks in takes one look at her and with a smile that sends a chill down her spine places his hand on her abdomen. "So you are about to spawn again ..Pauses... I don't think so. The little girl tries to retreat back towards the wall but He is holding on to her hand so tightly that she hears a cracking sound then she finds herself crumpled in the corner looking up at her mother's frightened face. The child tries to get up but finds that her leg does not work properly. So she drags herself towards her mother slowly... Too late though, He has his wife by the throat and is yelling at her, screaming things that don't make any sense: "It can't be mine!! You are just a whoring bitch!! With each word he shakes the woman hard. She does not argue or fight back. Many years of unpredictable abuse have taught her to be quiet, ride it out, if she fights he gets even more vicious. The little girl finally makes it to her feet and steps closer to her parents, Hoping that she can some how turn her father's attention on her. It doesn't work he just shoves her back to the floor with out even focusing on her. This time as she falls her head hits the edge of the side table and she blacks out. Allen watches and begins to shake fists balled up and shoved into his pockets. "No no no no no," he keeps repeating softly, rocking back and forth. He pushes punches his wife and when she finally collapses he kicks her into unconsciousness. As suddenly as it started it stops and He walks out of the house and disappears around the corner. Allen slips out of the shadow by the window and lets him self into the apartment. On the floor he finds the little girl and carefully lifts her onto the couch. He cleans up her cuts and bruises. He hears a soft moan and feels a hands touch his ankle. He bends low to listen to words forced through battered lips. "The baby is coming. Help me please" Then she lapses back into unconsciousness. Allen delivers the little boy and wraps it carefully in a blanket. He cleans up the woman carefully and then he rifles through the suitcase she had prepared to take to the hospital. He tosses out all of the women's things. He picks up the phone and calls 911 and leaves the phone by the woman's head. Kisses the little girl on the forehead. "Everything will be ok now" He picks up the baby and the suitcase and slips back into the night.
  4. Lava bubbles around glowing hot rocks. The smell of brimstone and sulfer is over welming but I came to see a wonderous sight. Floating lazily on a bubble of hot air a tiny fairy ,flame red hair and wings She is arched back over it, hands dangling in the miasma, humming softly to herself. Only for a moment do I see her then the bubble floats out of my sight. I hear a soft pop, then a whisper in my ear "It is time to go" So I leave happily having seen what others will not.
  5. For one hundred years almost You watch the world change and grow Never complaining Always learning Quiet council Knitting needles in hand And always a tissue to spare for tears More liberal than a generation younger than you You listened to our heartbreaks Gifts of wisdom.long and hard won I loved you I'll miss you
  6. been there . Hugs tight. Well done
  7. strong emotions thought through and brought to conclusion ...good work!
  8. A life time to know some one . I'm not so sure sometime you know someone in just a few minutes. Like the other side of the coin different but part of a whole. I liked this . Something to make you think.
  9. Good work Hon *hugs* I remember how hard it was for me to post my first poem here . But it was all for good after a few corections it was even better than before . I would love to see more from you.
  10. good story
  11. Curled in a corner under a rock she sits and watches the dance but she doesn't participate. She feels left out, alone and unwanted for she is the rarest of fae folk a black fairy. She does not know how pretty and precious she is to the group so she hides from them . All day she hides. as evening comes she begins to feel strange and ....Happy. The moon rises, full and beautifull. She steps out from her hiding place and is bathed in the light of the moon . She shines now,she knows her purpose and begins to dance the night creatures out into the world .
  12. Good poem Hon and like Pered said timeless
  13. empty heart fogotten soul dirty urchin standing tall proud man drifting aimless notices curls turns around happy father locates daughter all's better loss undone
  14. Dawn breaks slowly on this side of the mountain. You can see a definate line of sunshine as it makes it's way higher in the sky and spreads out further on the ground below. on that edge of light and dark the Fairies dance, In and out of the light so quickly that the human eye only sees a rising mist. I have watched the sun rise here for many years and rejoice every morning with the birds and fairy folk . I hope for many more years to do the same
  15. Was very intresting to read for me as I am (you will hate this) a pool Mom My son has just finished his second year of club swimming and so far loves every minute of it and it shows he is doing well in his age group . But like you if he decides he doesn't want to anymore it is his choice to make and i hope it leaves him with a lifelong love for swimming and exersise that will keep him healthy
  16. keep up the good work Love
  17. Good story . I found myself running with you down the street .
  18. Wellcome and No worries mate
  19. I tend to argree with reverie there is a beat missing here. Maybe " in pursuit of his love so dear" ? I relly liked this and have read it several time over it make me smile
  20. *smiles* Tender and heartfelt . bravo!!
  21. Several days of waiting and finally they have come! I'm cold and wet and all cramped up, but I don't dare move. One by one frairies begin to gather in the center of a small circle of forest mushrooms. I remember my my mother telling me they were called fairy rings and to never disturb them. I just had to see if it was true. Two arrive, then ten and the ring is overflowing with colourful fairy folk. I don't dare breathe. A pair steps into the very center of the ring and all the others step back respectfullly. They exchange curtsies and bows, slowly turning so they are seen by all. Music seemingly comes form nowhere and they begin to dance. Wirling left then right andin an intricate pattern of steps they dance. When the music stops the fairy couple is floating several inches off the ground and the circle of watchers applaud. Sunshine filters though the canopy of leaves above shining directly on the circle and suddenly there is colour everywere. A rainbow is born!
  22. As one of those who has never seen things the way I was supposed to I felt a keen kinship to this character. At an age when you are not free to say "But that is the way I see things" make it so much more tragic. *hugs* well done!!!!
  23. I feel sorry for the troll
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