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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. A very lucky cat Great little story with a fun twist . *applauds*
  2. Depression is falling off the cliff face first, watching the ground come up to meet you and not giving a damn about it
  3. *smiles* i agree with Psimon LOVE
  4. 24hres alone . Just at a point where i need time to myself. This will sound strange but i would love to meet the person locked inside my son's head. To hear what he has to say about life.
  5. I have seen so much in quiet places where and life time does not run at the same pace. The time has come for me to return to the place I belong. I must leave behind the dreaming world, slowly walking backwards. I do not want to miss a single detail. Colour surrounds me then slowly blends into one source of light . A brilliant white light hovers befor my eyes. *blink and blink again * My eyes adjust to the light slowly revealing the tiniest fairy i have every seen ... a child? I'm not sure. She is perfect in every detail. A tiny cherub smiling at me, brushing her wings gently against my cheek. She follows me to the edge of reality then blows a kiss my way. The light is gone. I feel sad for the loss of wonder. The real world awaits for me to join it . Grey sky and rain look now at me through the grimy window as my tears ovefloww and streak down my cheeks.
  6. Of this set i like "Concider" best it . first poem in a long time i have read aloud to hear the rythm. I figure you ment to do this but the very last word to me just doesn't seem right. I will one day be the very proud owner of your first book of poetry *hugs*
  7. haunting
  8. Bravo my love!!!!!!!!! *Hugs you tight * I'm so proud of you.
  9. enjoyed this very much. An intresting perspective . Well done
  10. great to see you again Love My fav is "Coming Home" i like the cadence Ps any word on the poetry contest ?
  11. *hugs Parm* About time ...congrats hon
  12. So many things I did not do with you. What are the questions should I ask? Was there anything I could do? Now all is hidden in a flask Every thing you told is untrue. You show the world only a mask The happy clown dressed all in blue Take your time review your cast Was every thing so bad where you grew? Too little ,too late it could not last Now the flowers will grow anew On a well kept grave that marks you've past
  13. *bumped * because i think it is intresting to see two works of the same title that can be so different.
  14. You are truely romantic . Loved this
  15. have a happy week since i missed the day
  16. Very Cool Well done!!!!!!
  17. Something Chris De Burgh a song along the lines of patricia the stripper LOL fun and frivolous and a little scadalous,
  18. very intrestink Come sit on my couch and we will discuss what your dreams mean *fake german accent* and a *giggle*
  19. That is so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes and gave me a glimpse of your world with the edges gone leaving only the colours. Thank you for sharing *hugs*
  20. Reads then reread and smiles Thank you *hugs Peredhil*
  21. Taking time to smell the roses why bother They are withered and dry A penny saved and penny earned sure but you still only have a penny Whistle your cares away purse your lips the problem's still there Wash that man right out of your hair look around Dirty socks that miss the hamper every time Smile and the world smiles with you oh yeah didn't you know they were laughing at you? Look at the girl's Mother and you will know what to expect the reflection in the mirror is even scarier *don't mind me....... grumpy*
  22. good work Hon
  23. *Hugs* I like this . starts out a little low but you pull it out to be positive in the end. Just one of those days that i could just hug you to death
  24. So many times I try Only to be caught up in your lie They tell me now that you could die Now all I can do is cry Till all emotion had run dry. Take a breath and heave a sigh Try to cut the binding tie Turn may back and say good bye
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