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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. All and none of the above. *hugs tight*
  2. *teary hugs*
  3. *giggles*
  4. Very dark indeed my heart.
  5. I havn't visited here in a while and was happy to see you had written some thing. Well done ..very viceral *birthday kisses*
  6. Enjoy the wonders of new places and people and stay safe. *hugs*
  7. That is amost sexual. Enjoyed this poem.
  8. Happy B'Day!
  9. Loved it loved it loved it !!! Time travel and everything.
  10. Wandering around the gardens out side of the main courtyard Wren happens upon the almost dragon sleepping soundly. He is nestle against a tree with his tail wrapped around it his claws worrying a gold nugget even as he snores. With a smile, Wren leans close, kisses him on the snout and whispers softly "Happy Valentine's Day". Then she tiptoes out so as not to wake him. Just couldn't resist *giggles*
  11. Wren wanders around the garden in deep though twirling her fingers through her curls then came the perfect thought ... she conjurs up wigs for each of the garden gnomes plopping them on the gnomes absentmindedly leaving in her wake a garden full of mini "cousin it" look alikes.
  12. Soft and white floating A crystaline perfection One tiny snow flake
  13. Whiskey Kiss the bottle is still full smooth liquid amber one glass one taste and i am lost in love confused numb the bottle is still full a different twist
  14. Whiskey Kiss it was just a kiss soft and tentative one kiss one taste and I am lost in love confused happy it was just a kiss
  15. Well it is a start and for some reason haiku seemed appropriate i will try to add a few more to complete the story in my head. Mynx A swift feline grace Soft,silent ,relentless pace. Determined beauty
  16. *tearful hugs* I know this will fall on almost deaf ears but please don't forget about taking care of you.
  17. *giggles and puts on a pair of shades*
  18. *hugs* i know you write straight from the heart. Very strong emotion here well done. a good tribute for a friend.
  19. that woluld be my hell too alone brrr.
  20. *hugs*
  21. As always your little bits about every day things area pleasure to read. I found myself thinking of my walk home from the bus stop tonight. The Trees here are all mature too Mostly maples lining both sides of the streets making a multi coloured arch that for that brief moment in time call fall birghtens our world before it all goes grey and white. *hugs* keep writing my firend.
  22. *smiles* cute
  23. Congratulations
  24. Graceful, slender lines and form Delicate touch of toes to floor Twirl and leap in perfect execution A little girl smiles, her first recital Tense parents in the front row Marvel at her beauty and poise Worry that she will trip or fall Glowing with pride for thier child She dances fluidly as if in flight her mind lost in another world The music flowing over and through her She is the dance, miniature primadona gooey marshmallow filling dripping
  25. good advice Rev
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