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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tall figure strides slowly into the tavern, wearing a full black cloak and hood, regarding the setting slowly. With a shrug, she doffs her cloak and tosses it in a heap against the wall, completely missing the hook. Cursing and shaking her head as she summons some dark servant to hang it up, she pulls fingers through her wild blond mane. Her skin is luminous, like a newborn, the energy of her reincarnation still palpable. Looking around, dubious of this place, she calls out to a waitress, "Don't let those thugs bother you miss. Fetch me a pitcher of your thickest beer, and two clean cold mugs. There's a handful of geld from a grateful stranger if you are quick about it." Once the beer is brought, she tips the barwench and takes the pitcher and the mugs. The walks over to Tourist and refills his empty mug. "Hail honorable leader. We should do something about this place. Our allies have better service... and for that matter, nicer clientele." Casting a humourous glance to her fellow black robes in the corner. "Not that I'm complaining. Salt is good for the soul. And soul is good for the old salt. Not you, milord. I speak of the dusty bonegnawers in the corner. Come to think of it, I speak of myself as well." Ironic smile. She sets down her pitcher after filling her own mug and pulls up a chair. She drinks deeply and gratefully from her beer, then wipes the foam from her lips with the back of her black leather glove. Vermehren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Looks at his beer getting refilled.* Thank you. *Takes a deep drop* Oh well, the sweet, sweet beer. I just like the taste. Although I still prefer my German beer, oh well... *Suddenly his white robe change the color and turns to blue.* Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (moving it back up to the top) The inexperienced soul of Hexen fades in and out of coherence, before finally seeming perfectly solid. "I am so new at this. I have only recently learned the trick of splitting perception and thus of splitting your avatar among many places. Why didn't anybody tell me I could be more than one place at once?" The lady laughs at her own naivete. "This place is a strange one. While months pass in my lands, I feel only the passage of lazy moments, as if there is no time here." "Not that I am complaining. It is better to have at least one place where you don't worry over the seconds that are slipping away." Holding up her glass for a toast to the sparsely populated tavern. "May we treasure the moments given to us. In the end, those moments define us." With a somber nod, she drinks deeply from her mug, sitting down at the bar with a thoughful look on her face. Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensing some disturbance, Hexen turns briskly and leaves the Tavern at a loping run. A few minutes later she dashes back in, breathing heavily and giggling. She comes to a reckless stop and looks around. "Did I beat her? Has anyone seen Lady Windsong?" Slapping her thigh with triumph, she sits down to catch her breath. She calls the wench over to her and explains that when the Lady Windsong finally does come, the wench is to bring drinks for them both. Lady Windsong will pick up the tab. Hexen turns her chair to watch the door, leaning back into the creaking chair and putting her feet on the table. She wears a smug expression. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vermehren: ----------------------------------------------------------- *Looks at Lady Hexen with wide eyes. Than he take up his beer and came to the table of Lady Hexen.* Well, what kind of game to you play today? Or shouldn't I better don't ask? *Smiles and points at the free chair* Am I allowed to sit myself to you Mylady? Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong arrives just a few seconds later . She looks around excitedly .then noticing the look on the barkeeps face andwhere he is pointing she says" She beat me,didn't she? Windsong is laughing and out of breath . "Give me a beer. And... start up my tab.The Lady Hexen drinks free this evening." Walking towards the table where her friend sits "How did you do that so quickly.Boy is this an odd feeling .She staggers a few steps then regains her balance."this splitting will take some getting used to" Once in front of Hexen she bows formally. "I am honoured ." Now lets have those beers, I'm parched." Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Startled by Tourist, Lady Hexens chair tips backwards spilling her onto the floor. She scrambles quickly back to her feet, snapping to attention. Her face blushing crimson and still out of breath, she suddenly laughs at herself. Akwardly she gestures to the open chair, unsure of how to act in the presence of the guild leader. "I um... Lady Windsong and I..." Pausing to take a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "We made a wager that the last one here would pick up the tab." Giggles girlishly, then taps her temple with a knowing glint in her eye. "But I know a shortcut!" As Windsong enters the Tavern, Hexen looks suddenly as though she is caught. She leans quickly down near the ear of the seated Tourist and whispers, "Please don't tell her, Milord. I don't want her to think I cheated." As the Lady Windsong draws nearer the table, Hexen bows low, smiling triumphantly. Bending to pick up the spilled chair, Lady Hexen offers Windsong her chair, helping her to sit down. Then, with a great burst of vigor, Hexen skips over to an unoccupied table and drags a chair screeching across the floor to the table. She sits down with a great explosion of air, as if she was holding her breath. Gladly accepting the full mug from the barmaid, she takes a long drink before setting the mug down. There is a bit of foam on her upper lip that she seems not to notice as she gathers her wits to speak. "Milord Tourist. Windsong and I are new souls in this plane. We are learning fast, yes of course." Answering Windsong's unspoken comment, she keeps rambling on very fast. "We recently learned the trick of splitting our avatars. It's not easy to send projections of yourself to many places. It can be disorienting. Especially while still keeping track of your lands and your wars and such. I wondered how you could be here and also in Ice Region so quickly. It's because you had never left." Gesturing broadly, her smile wide. "Then it occurred to me, that you must be in many places. Once we knew it was possible, it was easy enough to figure out how!" Taking a breath from her animated speech to take another drink, then she looks up at the two people at the table. Her foam mustache much thicker now. "Why are you looking at me as if I just sprouted a second head?" Psimon2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door of the tavern creaks open. The patrons stare as the head of a mutant-bastard-son-of-the-gods appears around the door. It's Psimon. Half Drow, half Grey elf, white mage. He speaks... "Anyone here want to buy this great idiot-magnet? It's a real bargain! ....No? ....Oh, ok then..." He leaves. Moments later, Psimon returns. Bursting through the door of the tavern, he announces to all gathered, "I've been infected by this damned idiot-magnet, and now I too am an idiot! How could I believe the insane mutterings of that infernal Chronicle, old buzzard that it is! I am cursed by stupidity and ineptitude, doomed to walk this plane of existence amongst normal beings who have no inkling of my level of ignorance (hidden as it is beneath this incredibly good looking and dashing exterior). Oh woe is me, woe unto me...." Psimon pauses to accept the Oscar handed to him for best actor in a dramatic role. "Oh thank you! This is SO unexpected! I love you all!!!" With that, and a final dramatic twirl of his dark robes, he leaves once again.... (ed. Has he finally gone? Goodness, what a bore!!!) The door creaks open once more... (ed. Oh no, he's back!...) "By the way, sorry if I've interupted your evening's entertainment or any intimate interludes that may have been, well..., you know...happening...you know...anyway, sorry." (ed. Good. He's finally gone. Carry on everyone...) Edited by: Psimon2001 at: 7/27/01 4:28:07 am Vermehren Leader Posts: 709 (7/28/01 12:39:08 pm) Reply Re: Tavern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Is fighting against a smile, when he see what Lady Hexen is doing, when she notice his presents.* Don't worry, in this tavern we are all equal. The titles will be remain outside. And thank you for the chair. *Sits himself on the chair.* *As Lady Windsong is entering he hear what Lady Hexen is whispering to him, but seem not able to answer her, the way he wants, so he makes only signs as I want to tell her "we will talk about this later". He looks as the entrace of Lady Windsong.* Welcome Mylady, sit down to us. *He invite her with a move of his hands. And wait till she sits. Than he turn to see Lady Hexen sitting herself and talking.* *His eyes start twinkle, as he sees the foam on her upper lip, while she is talking. As she stop and ask why they are looking at her he smiles.* Well... Let say it so. Someone needs to shave his mustache and it isn't me... *He is still smileing and he nods.* Yes, you notice this very soon. You can split the Avatars, this is a easy trick and it helps you so much to be there, where you are needed most. *Suddenly Psimon is entering the room. Before someone can act, he is gone. He looks confused.* We will work on this someday my friend, you shouldn't go away so soon... *Psimon is entering again, but he is again away so quickliy. Tourist looks confused.* Hmm... Is he runing away from me or is he afraid of the two lovely Myladies that are here? *He smiles at the Ladies on the table. Than Psimon is entering again very soon and is saying the things about distrupting. Tourist is smiling bigger.* Ok, let's face it, he is afraid of you. *He takes a big drink and seem to be happy.* Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen frowns in confusion at the comment that Tourist makes about mustaches, then blushes a deep crimson as she wipes her face on her black leather glove. She laughs at herself, finding it hard to wipe the foolish, abashed grin away. About to say something, her mouth hangs open as Psimon rushes in. Her mouth still hangs open as he leaves. Opening and closing her mouth like a fish, she tries to think of something to say. Just as she has thought of what she wanted to say, Psimon rushes back in and she sits there with her mouth open again. Looking confused at her two tablemates as he rushes out again, she snaps her mouth shut. Patiently, she drums her fingers on the table, counting, 1, 2, 3, 4... As Psimon comes in for a third comment, Hexens face breaks into a smile. As he leaves again, she looks at her friends confused, smirking at Tourists comments. When he has left for the last time, Hexen sits waiting. When she sees that he does not seem to be coming back, she gets up from the table. "Please excuse me for a moment." She goes to the door of the Tavern and goes out into the cold night, her boots sounding on the boards of the porch. The Tavern can hear as she shouts into the night, "Psimon!! Psimon, please come back. I need a date!" Her footsteps go back the other way, past the door in the other direction. "Psimon, please. Just come in and have a drink with us!! I know you can hear me..." She seems to stand still for a moment, then her boots clunk their way back into the bar. Hexen goes back to the table and shrugs as she sits down again. She picks up her beer and takes another drink, relaxing. She wipes at her lip again with the back of her glove, grinning her foolish grin. "A girl just can't get a date in this town!" She smiles at the irony and goes back to her drink. Psimon2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon sat alone under the large elm tree beside the tavern, deep in shadow, and deeper in shame. His recent foolishness compounded by his very public outburst have left him feeling less than his 250 years of personal wisdom should have him be. So much for life experience being the fountain of wisdom! The door of the tavern swung open, and a vision appeared in the flickering light from within. Lady Hexen stepped out, "Psimon!! Psimon, please come back. I need a date!" Lady Hexen walks from one side of the tavern front to the other, standing now not more than 3 feet from Psimon. One of the benefits of being of such bloodstock, was that, at night, Psimon was invisible in the shadows. "Psimon, please. Just come in and have a drink with us!! I know you can hear me...", with this last call Lady Hexen re-entered the tavern. 'Psimon, you fool. Follow her! She is radiant, mind-numbingly beautiful, powerful, and your ally you half-wit!', Psimon's inner voice was merciless in it's assessment of the situation. "Right then!", Psimon got up, gathering his robes about him, along with his meager courage, and strode to the tavern door. His hand paused on the latch, then he opened it and stepped in once more. This time he was staying! His silver eyes scanned the room and settled on the table where his ally rested once more, ale tankard on the rise to her full lips. 'By the gods, she's incredible!', he thought, mind reeling at the vision seated there. Psimon had always been flustered by beauty and strength, two things he did not possess in any quantity, and two things that Lady Hexen possessed in abundance. He moved to the table, feeling awkward as his 7 foot frame seemed to want him to trip over his robes at every step, his thin limbs seeming barely able to lift the heavy cloth at all. Seeing Lady Hexen's companions, Psimon's heart skipped several more beats, and his step faltered. Tourist! A legend in these parts and many others besides. And Lady Windsong, no less. 'By the gods, Lady Hexen keeps exalted company!', he thought, then quickly realised he had been projecting his thoughts. "Oh shi...", he breathed, clamping down his psionic barriers. "M'Lady, forgive me. I heard your call, but was slow in responding. Sir Tourist, Lady Windsong." Psimon bowed his head to the companions. "Does the offer still stand, M'Lady? May I join you for a drink?", Psimon waited patiently for the lady's reply... Edited by: Psimon2001 at: 7/30/01 12:08:34 am Vermehren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *As Lady Hexen is comeing back he is smileing at her.* If he has at least a little blood in his vein I bet that he will come back. You know that offering a date is one ouf the secrets weapons of a Lady... *He takes a drop and looks at the door. After a few minutes Psimon is entering the door. Tourist looks at Lady Hexen as he want to say "Didn't I already tell you this?" Than they pretend that they don't see him entering the door.* *As he see how foolish Psimon is acting first, he seem to think about something, but than he shakes his head slowly as he want to say "no" to himself.* *He looks courious, when Psimon is comeing close to the table and looks confused, after he has talk.* Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong does her best not to laugh.Psimons thoughts had blasted into her head. She did not have her shields up. Maybe a little too much ale.She couldn't be angry he looks like a puppy waiting to be punished. " Here friend I don't bite and Hexen will only bite if you ask her to " *Windsong kicks out a chair for the now speechless Psimon* "Sit fellow Mage have an ale" She lifts her mug to her companions. " A toast ... to fiends and allies well met" Then she settles back into her chair to enjoy her ale. "So Hexen! I guess you have a date. "Windsong begins to giggle again. Lady Hexen (7/30/01 4:19:52 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexens brow furrows as foreign thoughts whisper through her brain, then turning to the door and seeing Psimon, a bright and jubilant smile lights her face as the blush turns her pink-cheeked. Her eyes move over him as he approaches the table, she waits for him to speak. At the end of his utterance, the Lady stands quickly from her seat with a bright and joyous smile. "Of course the offer still stands, Psimon." She speaks with warmth and humor in her voice. She goes to him fast, throwing her arms up in a warm greeting around him. Her approach was too fast, alas. Too eagerly did she embrace Psimon, and in her clumsiness she crashes against him, tripping him up and they both go crashing to floor. Seeing the mortified face of Psimon, looking quite embarrassed by her lack of grace, the color drains from her skin completely, then her face cracks into hysterical laughter. Sitting on the floor beside Psimon, still tangled with him, she leans her head against his arm and laughs helplessly. Wave after wave of laughter leave her weak on the floor, until she wipes at her eyes with her black gloves. Sighing and regaining her composure, she starts to untangle, her and Psimon helping each other up. She fusses over him, dusting him off as she apologizes over and over. "Ohmigod, I can't believe my clumsiness. I'm so sorry. I didn't hurt you did I? I'm so sorry. I feel like such a complete fool." Still dusting him off and directing him toward her chair. "Well now we know it's just not safe to dance with me! I might break all your toes!!" She laughs again, her grin silly. Signaling to the barmaid, Hexen asks for another chair and a mug for her friend. Before she releases her grip on the barmaids arm she askes, "Hey, what is in your beer here anyway? It's turning me into a fool. Happy fool, yes, but fool nonetheless." She smiles at the barmaid to let her know that she is joking and releases her arm. Hearing the friendly jibes from Lady Windsong, Hexen flashes her knowing grin. Thinking perhaps a little to loudly, (I don't bite...hard.) :evil With Psimon seated in her chair, Hexen has no place to sit until the barmaid returns with a chair. Going brazenly to Psimon, she sits herself in his lap, careful not to tip them over again. "Psimon, my pillar of strength. I thought you would never come in out of the dark for some drink and company." Looking at Tourist and Windsong, "Have I ever told you how many times he has saved me, when my own troops faltered? Fighting side by side so long and we have hardly met. That seems odd to me." A quirky smile on her face as she looks into Psimons face. The barmaid returns with a chair and a clean mug. Hexen gets up gingerly, very careful of herself lest she be clumsy again. Taking the mug, Hexen pours out from the pitcher, filling the new mug and refilling Tourists and Lady Windsongs mug before refilling her own. She hands the new mug to Psimon. Still standing closely beside Psimon, she holds her mug aloft for a toast. "To friendship, and to a good fight, shared with friends." Her smile is bright and happy. Edited by: Lady Hexen at: 7/30/01 6:13:37 pm Psimon2001 (7/30/01 8:08:53 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon is totally stunned by Lady Hexen's rather physical response to his request to join the table, and stares opened-mouthed for a moment, then gathers his composure enough to close his mouth... He is shaken by the proximity of Lady Hexen as they lie for a moment tangled on the tavern floor. He feels every muscle that moves against his robes as she rolls off him. His frail bones have been cracked in several places, but he does not feel them as he looks into her eyes, then quickly looks away as he feels his very soul slipping away, baring his past, present and future to the Lady's gaze. He quickly mends his bones with a thought, then smiles as Lady Hexen breaks into laughter. They rejoin the table and Psimon takes a moment to further compose himself. If Psimon's good friend GBH could see him now, he'd laugh until the roof caved in! It was also fortunate that Logan was in the woods nearby, hunting for her supper, lest she become jealous of the Lady Hexen. A jealous giant wolverine is most definitely not good company. It was difficult at times to distinguish who was the master, and who the familiar. When all is settled, and the toast made, Psimon takes a small sip of the ale in polite response and then sets it aside. On the few occassions when Psimon had imbibed mere ounces of ale in the past, the resultant chaos from his wayward psionic and magical powers resembled the terrible armageddon that had torn through this plane of existence in recent times. At least it did before GBH had knocked Psimon out. The financial reparations had nearly crippled Psimon's accounts, so he tried never to touch the stuff. The sip he had taken had already made him light-headed. A thought directed to the barmaid brings another tankard, this one of pure rain water, and the ale disappears discretely. Psimon begins to relax as he realises that perhaps no-one here will take offence with his bloodlines, so evident upon his visage, the pure black of his drow father upon the left of his entire body, the pale skin of his beloved grey-elf mother upon his right. So often in the past the mere sight of him was enough to start tavern brawls, which was fine by GBH, he loved that sort of thing! "Well-met, M'Lord Tourist, M'Lady Windsong. My noble ally speaks of my assistance as though it made a difference to the outcome of the battles, though in truth, there was never any doubt that Lady Hexen would take the field and the glory of each and every engagement she has attempted. My meager troops were simply there as window dressing. Against a leader such as Lady Hexen...", Psimon paused, "the troops of hell itself would not prevail". Lady Hexen (7/30/01 9:48:22 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexens eyes light up as she listens to her ally flatter her. Glowing with pleasure as he speaks, she listens enraptured by him. "Surely you tease me now, Psimon. I'm sure you know it better than any other, that the troops of hell are my very own. My troops are called forth from the dusty ranks of the dead as a Nether." Her eyes dancing with humor. "And I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I can come on a little strong. I'm a hugger. A clumsy one, to be sure!" Laughing then, her eyes glinting. Hexens deep blue eyes move with open and unabashed interest over his features. Her humble face lighting again into a softer smile, Hexen asks, "I feel that one such as yourself would have a story to tell. I crave to hear your tale, M'Lord. If I am prying, please do not be offended. You do not need to tell your story, if it doesn't please you. I find you a mystery I wish to understand." Her eyes are steady on him, her expression open. She has the manner of a happy child, blithe and shameless. With all of the finesse of an acolyte, she projects her thoughts like a raspy whisper toward Psimon, "Please." Psimon2001 (7/31/01 1:00:34 am) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How can one refuse such a request? I surely cannot refuse, M'Lady. If it pleases our companions, I will tell my tale and let you judge it's merit", with this Psimon draws the hood of his cloak back, revealing his long, pure silver hair and further evidence of his peerage. His face is marked by the perfect line of light versus dark, good versus evil, the balance that is life itself. His elven heritage is unmistakeable, the history of it is hidden in his silver eyes. "My life did not have an auspicious start...", Psimon begins his story... staring into his water as he tells it. He is the bastard son of a Dark Elven Lord and his Grey Elven love. A love that could never be, both his parents were killed when he was just a babe. He was, and still is, an outcast from both societies, unable to return to either, though he once possessed the power to entirely destroy both. In another plane of existence he is a god. A demi-god to be precise, a being of overwhelming power. But as it has been said, that was then, this is now... He has been trapped here, stripped of a large portion of his power, much of the remainder warped into what is known as white magic in this realm, foreign to his true verdant powers. His psionic abilities have remained and he is still a force to be reckoned with, but for now he is trapped, a stranger in a strange land. He also has the company of his trusted familiar, Logan, a giant wolverine standing 6 feet at the shoulder, weighing as much as 20 grown men, her razor sharp claws capable of killing almost any creature, including, it is rumoured, the occassional dragon. He is deeply grateful to his guild, who have accepted him into their number, not questioning his past, simply relying on his present, and hopeful of his future amongst them. Even more grateful to his closest allies, the powerful and beautiful Lady Hexen, and the as yet unknown quantity of the mage Icestorm. Psimon has lived for 250 human years and recounts tales of his adventures in many places and times, always half-smiling sadly when he mentions GBH, a giant rock troll, once Psimon's most trusted friend, who betrayed him and the rest of their motley crew for the power of being a general of Hell. As Psimon draws to a close, he realises that he has perhaps tired his companions with his long tale. His pale side blushes deep red, "Forgive me. I have bored you with my sorry life, ruined the good humour of the evening. Barmaid! Another round for my companions, if you please. Some meat and bread also, yes? You have no doubt heard enough about me, what of you all? Perhaps Lady Hexen may delight us with her tale? Lord Tourist? Lady Windsong?" 'By the gods', he thought, 'you sure know how to ruin a good party, Psimon you fool.' Lady Hexen (7/31/01 12:56:04 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaning on her elbows on the table, listening with rapt attention to Psimons tale. Her face throughout is calm, and she is careful to try to keep it blank. Nonetheless, her natural empathy brings emotion to her eyes at different parts of the story. Trying hard to be stoic, the emotions in her eyes betray her as she listens and seems to imagine how it must have been for him. At the end of his tale, her eyes shine with understanding. "You have an interesting tale, my friend. Truth be told, I knew it would not be a happy one. You wear the mark of knowing pain, Psimon. I did not ask for your tale that you might cheer us. I asked, that we may know you better." She speaks calmly, her voice still quite warm. "Let me tell you what I hear in your tale. It speaks of who you are, my friend." "You have had a long journey, with much peril and pain along the way. Through this, you are sculpted. By this, I see your strength. You have endured much, and you are still whole." Hexen pauses, her gaze going to each face at the table. "We are honored to have you among us." "And because your life has been hard, you have learned an appreciation for the little things in life. To be accepted among us is something worth celebrating. Many take company such as we find for granted. But you recognise that which is precious and worthwile. I say that you should be proud of your past, and of your trials. They have made who you are." Sings a short line to a song, "You should wear with pride the scars on your skin, to remember the adventures and the places you've been.." Gives a quirky smile to those at the table, as though to excuse herself for silliness. The barmaid brings the bread and some chunks of stewmeat in a dark thick gravy and sets it on the table. Hexen looks up and thanks her, looking hungrily at the food. "My friends, let us consummate this friendship with the breaking of bread. For even a soul who walks through the veil between this realm and the next, even I cannot live on beer alone. I am famished." Removing her black leather gloves for the first time, she breaks bread with her clean fingers and pass it round to her companions. Then taking the bread and scooping up meat and gravy with it, wolfishly devouring and then licking her fingers clean. There is a pleased smile as she finishes chewing. "It is the simple joys such as this that make life worth living." Seeming to remember something, "I wish I had a story to tell. A way to define my life and my experiences. My story is at it's beginning. My soul is young and inexperienced. I am only a simple girl." She shrugs. "My story is still in the telling as it happens. I define myself with every breath, for my life will be short." She says this simply, without emotion. Looking to her other companions, "Perhaps Tourist or Windsong have a tale worth telling." Hexen picks up another chunk of bread and munches on it, with curious eyes. Vermehren (8/1/01 1:53:04 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist looks courious what happend to Lady Hexen and Psimon. A smile is comeing on his lips, but he seem to realise that this would maybe hurt the two so he take a long drop of his beer, to avoid of smiling or laughing at the two.* *As Psimon ask to sit down to them, he nods short to accept his inquest. Tourist remains silent, while Psimon tells his stroy. At the end he seem to be disagreeing with something but he still remains silent.* *As the barmaid came with the bread he gaves her a sign and when she comes closer he is whispering in her ear. She nods and come back later with a a little cheese in a cup and a candle, where he put the cup on it and wait, till the cheese is fluidly then he put some of the bread on his dagger and dip it into the cheese and eat the bread, cover with warm cheese.* Hmm... That is good... *Takes another dip from his mug.* Well, I think I better don't tell the tale that just came into my mind. It is a sad one... *Look around.* Anybody else want to share something with us? Lady Hexen (8/1/01 5:30:18 pm) Hexen turns her dark blue eyes to Tourist as he shirks the tale-telling. Her gaze is sharp but she quickly softens it with a polite smile. "Surely our guild leader can grace us with the telling of his story. I would not presume to ask except that Tourist has already said that within these walls we are all equals. You are not off the hook so easily." She chuckles warmly, then becomes serious again. "Sad or not, we would hear your tale. Perhaps, in sharing, the burden can be made lighter." She is calmly relentless, allowing for no polite way to refuse her. "Shared pain is diminished, and shared joy increased." She smiles softly and nods encouragingly. "Share with us..." Seeing the way Tourist is eating his bread, Hexen takes a short wide blade and helps herself to Tourists cheese, spreading it on a chunk of bread. Sitting back in her chair to munch on her bread, she watches the guild leader patiently. Vermehren (8/3/01 5:09:16 pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist looks long into the face of Lady Hexen* Well, everybody say that it is a tale. From thousand only one would consider that it could be something more than a tale. So I think that it would be the best, if someone tells a better story. I don't think that I'm the right one for story telling. *His eyes seek someone else, who is wanting to tell a story and looks defeated, as no one seem to want to release him from the hook. He sigh sad than he takes a long drop from his mug and starts telling.* In a country far in the south, there is it tradition that a newborn infant have to spend the first night outside, without someone around. This isn't a great problem in this country, because the weather is warm and there are no animals that could harm a baby, beside some mosquito. I think from one million babies has only one not surive the first night. It was a tradition that the baby have to show that they are strong. Shrugs* Only a odd tradition and no one got harmed by it. *He take a drop and look around.* And than a beloved king dies. Some people where whispering that there was poision from the guidance of the king, but there was no proof so no one was accuse him. The good think was that the queen was pregnant and so the successor of the king would be born very soon. But the guidance was able that the queen make a travle in her fifth month in a cold country with much snow. Right in the middle of a snowstorm the bird starts. The baby of the warm country is born in a very cold place and the guidance insist that the kid must follow the old tradition and remain the first night in the outside. The queeen wasn't able to do anthing against it, because even the guards want that the old tradition has to been followed. *He takes another drop out of the mug.* On the next morning not even a simple sign was left, from the son of the death king. *Now he lifts the mug and swallow it, till it is empy. He looks into the faces of his bibitor and seem to wait for a comment.* Hexen ------------------------------------------ Sitting in silence, patiently waiting. When she sees that Tourist has ACTUALLY stopped, her jaw falls open. "Who was the baby? What happened to the baby?" She leans forward in interest, her concern showing in her pained eyes. Psimon2001 Psimon, too, waits for Lord Tourist to continue. In his heart, he believes that this baby, as he did, has somehow survived, and is the stronger for the journey. He waits... holds his breath... Windsongwind Windsong sits beside Lord Tourist.She looks verry sad . There are tears streaming down her face. She quietly asks " Please.What of the babe?" Lady Hexen Hexen becomes aware that she is not breathing. She holds her breath in anticipation of the tale. Vermehren Tourist makes a sign to the waiter and let first refill the mug than he looks around.* You really want to hear more? Nealy everyone would say that it is only a Tale. So please don't expect that it is true. *He takes a long drop to wet his throat.* No one is sure what happened really at this night but the most used explanation is this: As the newborn baby is laying in the cold snow, helpless and animals are coming closer to take it as a meal the baby was crying and hopes that something would ease his pain, but the cold is only takeing more and more of his little body and it would be only a matter of minutes till the baby would die, without ever seeing the sun... The fate seem sealed, just another victim to it. So would the baby die, with his mother crying for it in the house, while the guards still hold her to let the baby alone in the snow? As the last minutes of the lifeclock of the poor baby passed by, there is suddenly something awakeing inside it, something that was burn deep inside it, a special forces that no one would ever expect. *He looks around if still his companions listen to him, than he nods.* Please don't be mad at me, if you found this unrealistic. *Again he looks around if everybody is still listening to him.* Deep inside his soul there was a force that seeks a familiar force. This force would call itself magic. But at this moment the baby seem to concentrate everything inside itself. It concentrate itself so hard on this force that it don't understand and finally this force surround the whole baby and than the baby is going transparent till it is gone completly. *He take a little dip out for the mug.* Hundreds of miles away the baby is becoming visible. Right in front of one of the mightiest wizards of this ages. He notices at once how strong the magic is inside this little baby, imagines how strong would it be if trained well and take it as his apprentice. But his apprentice was too curious about what blood was flow into his vein. At the age of sixteen years he was able to see back in time to learn his history and from what country he came. He sneak away from his master and hike toward the country that he never has seen before... *Tourist takes a long drop from the mug.* It is a unrealistic and sad tale. Are you really want to hear the rest? *He looks unsure at his companions.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) Mages of Forgotten Wars Acolyte BE Low Mage (#199) Old Secret Guild Masters Ascendant-Immortal Lady Hexen Mortal Posts: 71 (8/6/01 10:03:19 pm) Reply Re: Tavern Lady Hexen leans forward on the table, the wood groaning under her weight. The story has hold of her, she releases her breath in an explosive and exasperated gasp. "Yes, we want to hear the rest." She rattles off quickly, her voice almost shrill with tension. She takes a breath, seeking her calm. "Please Master Tourist, please tell us the rest. I beg of you." She seems to suddenly remember the mug in her hand and takes a long draw from it, wiping the foam from her lip. She forces herself to grow still, her steady gaze pleading with Tourist. Psimon2001 Psimon is spellbound. The tale is incredible, yet has the unmistakable ring of truth to it. This is no mere fable. This is as true as life itself. "Please, M'Lord Tourist, continue. It is a tale well told and I feel myself compelled to hear the full telling of it..." Psimon leans forward, waiting patiently once more. Good Health and Knowledge to you all, P S I M O N Lady Hexen Hexen is beginning to turn a slight shade of blue from holding her breath... ICQ# 113071560 Vermehren *Tourist seem to study the mug in his hand very long and don't seem to care about the time and what happend around him. But a good observer would notice that his eyes seem not to notice the mug. Maybe he is just thinking about what he should say now. After a while that someone would see as a eternity he looks up as his companions.* You suprise me. I never thought that someone else would ever hear this fairy tale. Nearly no one belives that it is true. And nearly everyone agree that this is a silly story. *He empty the mug with one drop and sign to the waiter to refill his mug, after that he wait till the waiter has go away.* Even that this mage was young in ages, the magic was very strong inside him. He would be able to teleport into his country with a wink of his eye. But he don't do it. He was going to his country only on his feet. Nobody know why he did do this. I guess even he don't know it. Some guess that he was to afraid, what will happen, when he arrived at his home country, some others think that he was just enjoing to hike to much and also some others suggest the he see this hike as a pilgrimage toward his home. *He takes a dip at his mug, than looks around.* After two years he was close to his country and the pilgrimage would only take some months, but than he hear a rumor, that the former advisor of his father has taken over rulership. He was very crule and was subjugar the people of the country. He also heard someone whispering that the advisor was practice the art of necromancy. *He take a long look into the face of Lady Hexen than go on.* He don't hesitate any longer and with a blink of his eye he teleport right into the hall of the king, where now the advisor was sitting on the throne, surronded by zombies and Skelettons. *Tourist looks very shocked about it.* The whole people of this country where slain by him and all where awaken by the advisor to raise up again to live there second live as the none liveing. *Seem to speak to himself.* The whole peoples.... All of them... *Than he suddenly realize that he was not alone.* Sorry, where was I? Oh yes... The advisor was surprised, but very soon he send his creature against the young mage, while he start casting spells on him. The young mage was to shocked to do anything now and just before the none living kill him, he just teleport himself a short distance away. After a while he has think about this and prepare himself for a great battle. He tries to teleport himself back to the advisor, but failes. Also the advisor has prepare himself and has cast some magic enchantments on his country to proteced himself against any form of magic. What should he do? We are all now long time enugh magicans to know what he had to do. *He takes a dip from the mug.* He takes a few acres of land and starts building up a kingdom to defeat the black mage. *He looks at Lady Hexen than at Psimon* It was the battle white against black, and even the gods seem speechless, as they see what happends. The battle take very long, because the young mage have such a little kingdom, but he does his best and finally his holy troops defeat the dark creatures. The whole time the young mage has tears in his eyes, because he was slaying his own people and he expect a better return home. *Sigh long and deep* It would be easy if he could kill the evil, but he have to hurt the erranty good. And so each hit against them, also hurt his heart. *He takes a long drop till the mug is empty and waits till the waiter refills his mug again* In the middle of the great celebration after the defeat of the advisor. He stands up and thank his people of his now large kindom and tell them, that they should choose a king by them own, because he will leave them now. And than with a wink of the eye he was gone and no one knows what he is doeing now. But everyone agree that he will be somewhere and use is strong magic agains the ones who opposite him... *He looks around in the faces of his companions.* Well, this is the fairy tale. No one really belive in it. It is just a silly story. I'm sorry if I bore you. *Takes a dip, but his eyes seem to explore the faces of his companions.* Psimon2001 Psimon sits back in his chair, nodding thoughfully. After a short time he sits forward once more. "You do not bore us with this tale, Lord Tourist. I think I speak for all when I say you do not bore us with it at all. Your tale has moved me, but I wish to know one thing... Where is this mage now, that I may stand with him against his foes. He sounds a worthy fellow indeed, and I would like to one day join his cause if he will have me...", Psimon adds, looking carefully at Lord Tourist's eyes, "That is... if I haven't already joined that cause...", this last with a small smile and a raised eyebrow. Lady Hexen Hexen listens to this tale of light versus darkness with a growing dread... This tale has a resounding familiarity. The tale of light versus darkness is etched into her mind, like the afterimage of brightness, a glowing black void. She is touched by the heroes deeds, she is moved by the cruelty that he stands against, her eyes fill with silent tears for the incalculable losses that he and his people endured. Her heart rejoices to hear of the heroes victory over darkness. As the story ends, it takes Hexen a few minutes to come back to herself. Slowly she frees her wits of the enchanting tale, sitting back to ponder it's import. She seems almost startled from her reverie by the words of Psimon. Her stormy brow slowly relaxes as he speaks, as though putting it into perspective. Hexen nods her agreement to Psimon's words, "In truth, I admire this mage. He did what was needed, even though the cost was great. 'Tis not often you find such strength, such stoicism. To be honest, I would not want to stand against this one, be he real or a fairy tale as you have said. Such a worthy adversary would be the joy of my lifetime to do battle with, but I do not know if I could prevail." "It always seems to me that the darkness is always conquered... It lets us sleep better at night to think this. But I think that without darkness we would not know what light is." She ponders her beer as she takes another sip. A wise man once told me: "Light and dark is both sides of a coin. You can't take only one side... You must take them both or leave the coin..." She nods silently, her gaze still in her mug, though her attention is inward. Windsongwind Cautiously Windsong picks up Lord Tourist's hand from the table and turns it palm up. She looks at the lines traced there but says nothing for his future is not for others to know. She kises his palm and lays it back onthe table and takes some of her mead she seems lost in thought. Lady Hexen The silence seems to stretch out, becoming a palpable thing. In a sudden blur Hexen slaps her palm down on the tabletop with a sound like thunder. The cups on the table clatter. Hexen is wearing a foolish grin and she scoots forward in her seat, laying her reddened palm open to Lady Windsong. "Read my fortune to me sister. And spare me nothing. I am a toughminded girl and I want to hear the good with the bad." Muttering, "That's the problem with the world today... Fairweather friends. They only want to be together during the good times... None seem able to endure the hardships together." Her voice comes back up to talking pitch. "Well, I say bring it on!! I can take it!!" Hexen looks around frowning, challenging anyone to dispute her claim. Suddenly, she laughs as though this is all some great cosmic joke. "Ok, sister. Read!!" Vermehren *Tourist nods in the direction of Psimon and Lady Hexen* Thank you for your kindness. I'm happy that you like this fairy tale. *Shrugs* Only a few belive that there is somthing more in this story. Most of them are only called a fool. *Tourist smiles in a way that no one seem to understand. And than listen to the motto that Lady Hexen is saying. Suddenly he is repeating it silent.* "Light and dark is both sides of a coin. You can't take only one side... You must take them both or leave the coin..." Each time you throw it in the air you don't know on which side the coin will fall. You may always hope for the light, but you must accept it, when the coin showes the dark... *He takes a long sip from his mug than nods.* A very wise man. I hope that you can share later some more of his wisdom with us. *Suddenly Lady Windsong takes his hand and study his palm and than lay his hand away. He listen if she say something, but if she remains silent, he nods and smiles a slightly smile and than put again the mug on his lips.* *Than suddenly Lady Hexen layes her hand with the palm on top on the table.* Oh my dear, be carefull what you hear. The future is open and you will lost your future if you already know it. Then your present will only be a performance to fill your knowen future. *He nods to himself and takes another dip* Windsongwind Looks at Hexen and shakes her head .I will not do this for friends Psimon2001 Psimon looks from one face to another around the table. "A poem is in order, I believe, and I will share with you one of my own creation,...", standing, he begins, "I am Tornado, I come when you call me I come whirling down at your cry I am Tornado, my surname is Whirlwind I come on black wings from the sky My sister, the Lightning, in letters of splendour writes my name on the sky My brother, the Thunder, reads the inscriptions announcing my name as I fly I shun mansions, the dens of the wealthy I roar overhead, on I fly I come for the trapped, they do the dance they call me down from on high I am Tornado! I bring liberation don't flee from me, children of earth! I come for the people of poverty's nation I whirl down to bring them new birth My black velvet wings I'll wrap tightly round you I come whirling down at your cry No more worship when Tornado has found you I bear you up, free, to the sky" Psimon raises his cider, " A toast... To friendship and to hatred, to love and to loss, to light and to darkness, to goodness and to evil, to all that seek to build us up and tear us down. To all the things that we have been, are, and will be, and above all, to us. Good health to you all, for I count you friends in all weather, be it fair or foul", he chuckles, "And now I'll sit down for I'm thirsty and out of breath..." Good Health and Knowledge to you P S I M O N App : United Nations of Terra S1: Shaolin Temple B2: Mages of Forgotten Wars Lady Hexen Her eyes fill with wonder at Psimons rhyme, listening with rapt attention. It reminds her of a riddle. Enigmas have always been a weakness of hers. She holds her cup aloft at his toast, and in response she says simply, "To the coin of life, both it's sides! May we be rich with it." Windsongwind Windsong stands and raises her glass . "Thank you that was inspirational" then very shyly " In the storm we are born From it we emerge Live in peace at its center for a short time Then to the storm we return For only there are we truely alive When the storm passes so will we To return on the next winds or fury" * she quickly takes a sip of her mead and hides behind the mug* Psimon2001 "Well spoken ladies, well spoken indeed", Psimon raises his cider in salute. He smiles widely, his heart at rest, his mind a-whirl with thoughts of blissful moments. "Truly I tell you all, I have never been happier!" Psimon begins to sway in his seat, slowly at first, then a little faster. His free hand struggles with something in his pocket, his other hand becomes unsteady with his tankard. With one last sway he slides off his seat, uttering a small cry of "Oopsie-Daisy", and falls to the floor, the remainder of his cider spilling from his tankard. As he falls, a large, black and white coin tumbles from his unconscious hand. It is inscribed on both sides. On the white side it reads: "Good day to you, friend. It rarely happens, but if you have found me in a state of drunkeness, please be so kind as to place me by the nearest fire to sober up. I will reward your noble deed upon my recovery. Many thanks in advance. Peace to you, Psimon." On the reverse, black side of the coin you read further: "Rob or assault me while I'm in this state and I will hunt you down like the dog you are, tear your limbs asunder, crush your eyes beneath my heel, having first fed you your own heart while it still beats. Then I will slaughter your children and your children's children. Are we clear?" The coin feels balanced in your hand... Good Health and Knowledge to you Lady Hexen Hexen's eyes watch Psimon as he sways, smiling knowingly as she can feel the intoxication filling his head. There is a familiarity to the way she watches him, her eyes possessive. As he tips from his seat, her hand moves out with a quick whisper she calls a grey shadow that cushions Psimon's head from hitting the floor. The momentary shadow fades, laying his head down gently. She gets up from her seat and bends to pick up the coin, reading both sides. "Hmm, shall we flip for it?" With a little laugh, she tosses the coin in the air, watching it flip around and around as it seems to fall in slow motion. She catches the coin in her bare palm and slaps it down on the back of her other hand. She lifts her hand and peeks inside at the coin, not showing it to anybody. "Ok, you take his boots, I want his cloak and his hip pouch." She raises her eyes with a roguish flash as she closes her hand and drops the coin into her pocket. Hexen crouches down beside him and her hands lift him gently to a sitting position as she gathers him up and lifts his long, featherlight frame as she gets to her feet. She walks so gently to the hearth, careful not to stir him. She lays him down on the thick fur by the warm hearthstones before sitting down beside him. The flames light her face, turning her skin to bronze and her eyes to flickering orange as she stares distractedly into the fire. She sits stoicly over him as she guards him like a dragon might guard it's precious horde. "Hexen he is safe here with us why don't you come and play some cards with me. We can pull a table up close to him so when he wakes you will still be there." Windsong reaches into the sleeve of her gown and pulls out a set of very ornate playing cards. then reaching back into the sleave she removes a small vial . "He might need this when he wakes" she says and smiles She begins to shuffle the cards . they flash through her fingers in a blur "You call the game" Vermehren *Tourist seem to think about some toast that he can say. His eyes seem to be filled with memories, but just before he stand up, Psimon passed out. He looks worried at him, but he see that there are already the wonderfull Ladies take care of him and it isn't serious hurt. He looks just courious at what is happening and his interesst raise, when he see that Lady Windsong is drawing some cards.* Windsongwind "Would you care to join us in a game Sir Mage " Windsong askes Tourist when she catches his eye. "Here give us a hand pulling the table closer to the fire" Lady Hexen Smiles as her reverie is distracted by a friendly voice. "I don't remember any card games. Except maybe solitaire. Ghosts are bad at playing cards with. One strong gust of emotion and you've got 52 card pickup." Laughs. "I guess I need to get out among the living more, eh?" "Please Lady, teach us a game... I want to learn!" She looks suddenly childlike with her eager eyes dancing. Vermehren *Tourist nods* Of course my Lady, to help you is a special pleasure for me... *He stands up and with a smile he is pulling the table a little more toward the fire, carefull not to make to much sounds to let Psimon regain his streagh without any interruption.* *His look moves fascinatet from the face of the Lady Windsong and back toward the cards again.* Windsongwind The cards change and shift as Windsong runs them through her hands. Tourist sits down to join the ladies an Windsong begins to deal the cards. five to each "The object is to have 21 points in your hand you must discard one and you may ask the dealer to cange one or all of your cards if you are over 21 you are out untill we begin a new game . OK Hex ? The value of each card is evident" She lifts her cards and studies her delt hand. Vermehren *Tourist looks confused, but very interested* I never played this game before, but it sounds like a game of chance. Go on and help me to learn it... Lady Hexen Hexen listens to the rules with interest. She tilts her head as though listening to some unknown voice and her face lights up with comprehension. "Ohhh... Yes, this is a good game." She asks the air, "Why didn't you play this game with me before, Jack?" She nods with a wry smile at the response. She shrugs and rolls her eyes, "Ghosts!" "My Lord Tourist, this game is not entirely chance. There is some element of skill as well as chance." Hexen seems to listen again, thoughtfully, then laughs slightly with pleasure at some silent joke. "Friend Tourist, if you would allow me the honor, there is a spirit I know of who has a love for all card games. He says he would like to help you play your game." She tilts her head to listen, then actually turns her face with a shocked and slightly angry expression to an empty spot of air. "No Jack. That's cheating! You will speak only to Tourist, if he chooses to listen. AND I will make it so I cannot hear your words. Tourist will have to tell me when he is done with your advice and I should release the bond." She works the spell quickly with an angry sounding whisper, leaving it to Tourist to decide if he wants the advice of the card playing spirit named Jack. Meanwhile, she picks up her own cards. She seems to listen to a voice at her ear, arranging her cards as she nods with understanding. Looks back up at Windsong. "Is there any bet? Do we discard now?" To Tourist's perception only, a sharp faced spirit is walking from behind Hexen to greet Tourist. He seems eager and quick eyed. He sounds irish when he speaks, clipped and fast talking. "Greetings friend. Any friend o' Hexen's is a friend o' mine." He rubs his hands together, his eyes flashing. "So, uh... Do you mind if I sit in and watch?" Vermehren *Tourist looks unsure at the spirit than he seem to think about it.* Ok... *He nods and take up to cards, but makes sure that no one can see it, even the ghost. His face is full of confusion.* Hmm... What value have the cards? *He say a few seconds nothing.* And the Ace, if I may ask you? *He seem to hear something inside him and than he nods* Hmm... Thanky you. *Tourist looks long at his cards.* I think I need a card more... *Looks unsure at Lady Windsong.* Psimon2001 As the friends 'learn' this wonderful new game, Lady Hexen notices a strange rumbling sound begins, slowly getting louder. She glances across at Psimon sleeping in front of the fire, only to discover that he is no longer there... In the place where he lay there sleeps a large black and white snow leopard. Lying fully stretched before the warmth of the flames, the leopard is purring..... Good Health and Knowledge to you P S I M O N App : United Nations of Terra S1: Shaolin Temple B2: Mages of Forgotten Wars Lady Hexen This girl sits guarding over her resting love. She sits on the thick werebear pelt rug near the fire, her back warmed by the flames, her soul warmed by the flame of his nearness. She must shift up to her knees to see the table, rising up to take her card before resting back on her heels as she arranges her cards. If Psimon had left her side, the bond between them would have informed her of the loss. Perhaps this is why she turns so calmly at the gravelly sound behind her. Her eyes widen with the sight of the huge animal stretched and sleeping there. She giggles softly, tugging off her black gloves to touch the fur of this great beast, fearlessly and familiarly running her fingers through the fur. She leans close, rubbing her face through his fur with a big grin, just loving the feel of him. "Psimon..." Her voice is soft and singsong.. "You're dreaming, beloved, and you aren't dreaming of me..." Hexen pretends to pout. Her voice drops to a whisper, "And you're snoring." She giggles as she sits up, smiling softly at him in his sleep. Still idly stroking his fur with her bare hand, she looks back at her cards and a wispy tendril of shadow slides a card from her hand and lays it face down on the table. "One please, Lady Windsong." Psimon2001 The leopard wakes at the feel of Lady Hexen's hand and slowly rolls over so his sleek stomach can be rubbed. He playfully catches her arm with his front paws and licks along the length of her arm with his very rough tongue... Lady Hexen Turning back to look at the stretching cat, her finger run over his belly, her nails running scritch, scritch. She wrinkles her nose in a smile at the look of lolling pleasure on the cats face from scratching the right spot. Impulsively, Hexen leans back. She rests her head on belly of this big cat while one hand still lingers through his fur. She looks at her hand of cards with a bored expression. "Windsong, cards are boring without something to gamble for." She pouts a little, then lights up with an idea. "Hey, what if the loser had to do something to entertain. Anything. Song, poem, dance, fighting demonstration... whatever. Just something to break up the game of cards, eh?" She rolls her head to the side, her cheek rubbing on the soft fur of the
  2. I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls with vassals and serfs at my side, and of all who assembled within those walls that I was the hope and the pride. I had riches all too great to count and a high ancestral name. But I also dreamt which pleased me most that you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same. I dreamt that suitors sought my hand, that knights upon bended knee and with vows no maidens heart could withstand, they pledged their faith to me. And I dreamt that one of that noble host came forth my hand to claim. But I also dreamt which charmed me most that you loved me still the same that you loved me you loved me still the same, that you loved me you loved me still the same. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finishing the song, Hexen takes a low, stiff-necked bow to Tourist. Her voice is still many that speak through her lips as she says, "I hope that pleases you better my lord. I would not want to offend my own guild leader. Perhaps the girl of this song is more decent; remote and perfect." Hexen withdraws from the table again, beginning a lovely gaelic song, rhythmic and pretty with the voices intermingled like a choir. (OOC: Enya is always good for a pretty song. For those curious it's "Marble Halls") AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Vermehren Registered User (7/28/01 12:15:45 pm) Re: A more decent song... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *He smiles big* Well, I think I wish for a better reward for the drink. But ok, I will now enjoy your company and will hear your play later. *He turns around to hear Lady Hexen. After her song she bows before him. He nods.* Yes, that was a very interssting song. And more descent. *Smiles and think about it.* I love the songs of love, most of the time the tragic. Thank you very much. I hope I'm allowed to order you a drink? *Makes again a sign to the wrench and lift his hand to show three fingers.* I think you will get thirsty very soon. *He looks at Lady Windsong. Yes, she has a wonderfull voice with this collar. Her music is so wonderfull. *He is seem to be happy with the mug of beer in his hands an the wonderfulll Ladies around.* Well, I think I should finish my studdy of the magic spells sooner and enjoy you companie earlier. *He take a long drink and put than the empty mud down on the table and take one of the three full muds and smiles, while he is leaning back in the chair.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) BE Low Mage (#199) Edited by: Vermehren at: 7/28/01 2:25:03 pm Lady Hexen Registered User (7/30/01 6:38:16 pm) A tragic song... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepting the drink from Tourist with a grateful nod as her voice weaves through parts of the song. She waits for a break in the song to take a thirsty sip from the mug. The voices continue to sing as she akwardly drinks from the mug, due to the way the collar holds her head. The voices, unshaped my her mouth and throat, sound eerie and garbled, as though coming from underwater. The gaelic ditty comes to an end and she drinks deeply. "My Thanks, Lord Tourist. I believe you said you like the tragic songs. A spirit bound in this collar is reminding me of a tragic song. It's the story of a veteran hero who took an audience with his Lady Empress. I think you will find it interesting." Sheet music on smoky colored paper appears in front of the musicians. The voices singing through the collar have thinned. There is one female voice, simple and intimate sounding, and partway through the song, a man's voice sings out in a plaintive tenor from Hexens empassioned face. Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The soldier came knocking upon the queen's door He said, "I am not fighting for you any more." The queen knew she's seen his face someplace before And slowly she let him inside. He said, "I've watched your palace up here on the hill And I've wondered who's the woman for whom we all kill But I am leaving tomorrow and you can do what you will Only first I am asking you why." Down the long narrow hall he was lead Into her room with her tapestries red And she never once took the crown from her head She asked him there to sit down. He said, "I see you now, and you are so very young But I've seen more battles lost than I have battles won And I've got this intuition, says it's all for your fun And now will you tell me why?" The young queen, she fixed him with an arrogant eye She said, "You won't understand, and you may as well not try." But her face was a child's, and he thought she would cry But she closed herself up like a fan. And she said, "I've swallowed a secret burning thread It cuts me inside, and often I've bled" He laid his hand then on the top of her head And he bowed her down to the ground. "Tell me how hungry are you? How weak you must feel As you are living here alone and you are never revealed But I won't march again on your battlefield." And he took her to the window to see. And the sun, it was gold, though the sky it was gray And she wanted more than she ever could say But she knew how it frightened her, and she turned away And would not look at his face again. And he said, "I want to live as an honest man To get all I deserve and to give all I can And to love a young woman who I don't understand Your highness, your ways are very strange." But the crown, it had fallen, and she thought she would break And she stood there, ashamed of the way her heart ached She took him to the doorstep and she asked him to wait She would only be a moment inside Out in the distance her order was heard And the soldier was killed, still waiting for her word And while the queen went on strangling in the solitude she preferred The battle continued on -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the last drumming notes sound, harsh like a dirge, the song seems to take a toll on Hexen. She frowns as though she must experience this memory, channelling the experience even as she channels the voices. Wavering slightly on her feet, her eyes clouded with a painful memory that may not even be her own. "Milord, Milady, may I sit to find my wits? I did not know that this spirits remembrance would be so powerful." Looking fatigued, she sinks into a chair. Once seated, she starts to unbuckling the voice collar. She lays the segmented, gleaming metal collar on the table with a sigh. Very quickly, the color is returning to her pale cheeks and the melancholy is passing. She chases it away with few drinks from her mug. Relaxing now, she sighs contentedly, sipping now and then from her mug. She sits back to enjoy a moment of calm reflection, watching the interactions going on around the bar with a voyeurs smile. (OOC: I think I'll give up the stage for a bit. I'm sure you're all quite sick of my grandstanding. BTW: That song is "The Queen and the Soldier" by Suzanne Vega, from the self titled album.) AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Edited by: Lady Hexen at: 7/30/01 6:42:23 pm Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/30/01 10:18:38 pm) Re: A tragic song... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The crowd was pleased and touched by these songs. Cheers were coming from everywhere. The winged creatures appreciated the songs and a particularly sensitive one wipe tears from her eyes. - That was so sad... *snifs* - Come on, said another one, its just a song - How come Mistress is missing this, adds a third one - She ain't missing anything, replied the 2nd, you always forget that her eyes sees everything and she hears everything. - I still wonder if she REALLY hears and sees everything, answered the 3rd Sprite Then the little creature was stun as if she had been suprised. The other 2 laughs. - See?, said finally the first one, we told you so.... (Since Celes is physically elsewhere, I had to make her presence felt from one moment or another, besides, I do think it helps for the ambiance. ) Vermehren Registered User (8/1/01 9:48:56 pm) Re: A tragic song... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist hear the song without saying anything or showing a emotion. He is still stilent, when Lady Hexen sit down. He takes a long drop and than look at her.* Indeed, that was a nice tragic song. We are honored by your present. Thank you very much for singing for us. *He smiles at her.* Please promise me, that you will later sing for us again. I think that everybody is overwhelmed by your presentation. But now, pleaes drink your beer and relaxe. You earn your rest. *He takes another drop and is also looking around the tavern to see if there are other visitors that are also able to move or if all of them are still speechless after the song.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) BE Low Mage (#199) Edited by: Vermehren at: 8/1/01 10:27:15 pm Psimon2001 Registered User (8/1/01 11:04:03 pm) Re: A tragic song... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind swirls, carrying tiny snowflakes from outside towards the table of Lady Hexen. The snowflakes gather, twisting and turning in the breeze, seeming to form something... The snowflakes become more dense and eventually a figure is seen, standing where the flakes once were. "M'Lady Hexen. Ally. You called and I am here", the figure addresses the fair Lady, then bows to her. Psimon has arrived... Lady Hexen Registered User (8/2/01 3:06:06 pm) In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen sits sipping her sweet honey mead. Nodding to Lord Tourist she says, "It would be my pleasure to sing for you again. That soulchoir collar fatigues me somewhat. Though truth be told, I can't carry a tune in a bucket without it..." She smiles wryly at her self directed joke. Her wan face is slowly becoming more animated, her eyes glint with humor. Hexen shivers as a wind whips her hair across her face, she turns into the wind with curious eyes. Squinting against the gust, her face then lights into a luminous smile, a pink flush coming into her cheeks. She rises to her feet to greet him. Her voice is warm and soft, "Psimon, my calm in the storm..." She looks puzzled. "I did not think that I sent a call. Oh, I must have called out in my disquiet from the soulchoir collar. You felt my distress." She looks amazed, then shakes herself. "Some day you will tell me how all this works." Stepping toward him, still a little tired looking, "But I forget my manners. Please join us. You know Tourist and Lady Windsong." She reaches out a hand to take his, embracing him and going on tiptoe to press her cheek to his. "My word, you are frigid." She calls to a nearby Sylph, "Hot Cider." Rubbing his hands between hers, she blows her warm breath over them. She fusses over him as she leads him to an open chair at the table, "I won't have you catching a cold on my behalf." Back at the table, Hexen looks at Tourist and Lady Windsong and their smiling faces. "What?", she askes with an exasperated sound, laughing. Suddenly blushing and smiling far too much as she sits back down into her own chair. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Edited by: Lady Hexen at: 8/2/01 3:09:45 pm Psimon2001 Registered User (8/3/01 12:21:38 am) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon moves closer to the table and nods his greeting to the companions. "Well-met again, Lord Tourist, Lady Windsong". Psimon is most definitely warmed by the cider (or is it Lady Hexen's company which warms him so?). Feeling much better he removes his cloak, revealing his heritage to all in the tavern. Drow/Grey elven blood courses through him as he sits with Lady Hexen and her companions. "M'Lady called across the planes, across time itself, so I am here. I have brought thee a sonnet, nothing more than a poem, for no music has been put to it. If thou wouldst hear it, M'Lady, I will tell it. Stop me if you've heard it before", this last with a wink. Presuming Lady Hexen's consent from the smile in her eyes, Psimon begins... "A thousand blades upon her left a thousand more to her right Thrice the number before her view glistening with the morning's dew The burden crushed as none before. Whence she came, long past, her destination, well known, though certainly not her choice A banner raised, then lunge thunderous roar of steel on bone. Silent tears of blood on earth and lo, they laid to rest". Looking into Lady Hexen's eyes intently, Psimon takes her hand, "It is yours, M'Lady, in truth and in the saying. Will you have it?" Edited by: Psimon2001 at: 8/3/01 3:44:39 am Lady Hexen Registered User (8/3/01 10:23:00 am) In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Lord Psimon speaks the words of his rhyme, there is the faintest of sounds coming from atop the table. The soulchoir collar, though discarded, whispers in perfect time with Psimon. The effect is such that his voice is disperse and multitude. Hexen watches all of this, her eyes alight with interest. Her brightest smile upon her face, "There is a memory in time and space, a resonance of those words. They are imprinted forever, though my mind still has trouble with what the time, and where the place. Your gift honors me." She softens then, the armor of her ready smile falters. "Though truth be told, I cherish more the mind which craft it and the breath which spoke it." To Hexen's perception, the moment seems to stretch forever, her words hanging against silence as she reaches out to pull her soul back behind the wall of her mundane face. Hexen shakes herself, her grin almost sharp in its speed. "Well, now we are all together!" Her face is lit with a merry energy. Turning to the Sylphs nearby, "I heard something about a hunt. Has it begun yet?" Looking back at her companions at the table, the words tumble in a rush. "What say you to a hunt? The Lady Celes is hosting. It would almost be rude to not partake." She leans forward with her eyes dancing restlessly. "What say you? A hunt to quicken the blood... An adventure shared between good friends, shall we join in with our new friends here in Ice Region?" AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 LightningRider85 Registered User (8/3/01 11:49:41 am) A little show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Lightning Rider observes the growing amount of people joining the table occupied by Lady Hexon and Lady Windsong. She is glad that new the Ice Region family is growing, but something bothers her. Unaware of the feeling she has, she sits staring into space. "It shall come to me sooner or later" Bored now that the entertainmennt has ceased, she pulls out the kinfe she found in the snow. She runs her hand along the ruby-studded handle. "If I remember correctly, there is some sort of magic locked in this." She plays with the phoenix-crested handle, then accidently drops it. Simultaneously, as the handle hits the ground, a puff of smoke comes from the phoenix's mouth. "I guess the magic is gone" she says as she picks it back up again. Suddenly, green light pours out of the fire-bird's eyes. With a large flash, the weapon emits glittery dust all across the room. As quickly as it appeared, the light and dust disappear. "What was that?" Lady Lightning Rider says as she puts the knife down. "I guess it was all for show". Then, she felt as if she was overcome with laughter. The gitty sensation caused the entire room to burst into giggles. "Now I remember, what this does.... it..." Lightning Rider falls to the ground holding her stomach as she laughs so hard that it makes her pass out. Draug Hisie Registered User (8/3/01 12:01:47 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door opens and Celt comes in. She looks around at all the unfamiliar faces, obviously a bit uncomfortable. She stands near the door a moment still shivering within her cloak then moves to an empty table and sits. She drops the hood of her cloak revealing a mass of fiery red hair. As she continues to look around she relaxes a bit, but is still unsure of herself in these new surroundings. Lady Hexen Registered User (8/3/01 3:55:42 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Startled and frightened by the flash of light, Hexen leapt from her chair, going down into a feral protective crouch on the floor. As the smoke quickly clears, the snarl on her face softens and she stands slowly. Hexen chuckles to herself for how silly she feels now, jumping at flashes of light. She tosses LightningRider a smile and a nod. "Thanks for keeping me on my toes." As she walks back to the table, chuckling to herself, she cannot seem to stop. A stronge case of hysterical giggles is shaking her, weakening her knees as she finally reaches her chair and goes to slump down into it. Convulsing with wave after wave of loud laughter, Hexen misses her chair, collapsing onto the floor. She hasn't the strength to stand. Floored by funny magic, Hexen crawls across the floor. She crawls to the chair where the new arrival with the pretty red hair is sitting. Pulling herself weakly up by the table, Hexen tries to get words of welcome out. She opens her mouth to speak, then lays her head down in a wave of laughter on the table. Helplessly, Hexen pats Draug Hisie on the hand in welcome before falling on her back on the floor. Helpless with giggles, she reaches out to her friends for help, unable to get up. Draug Hisie must think all these laughing people very strange, since she entered after the dust exploded. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (8/3/01 6:01:16 pm) Celes' mirror play. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the bar, the wall are covered by mirrors, mirrors which appeared on by one through the evening. Even the columns and the fountains are covered with mirrors. Taking the advantages of the effect of the laughter powder, Celes reflexion appears in one mirror right in front of Ladies Hexen and Lightning Rider and gives them a big grin. Both ladies burst in a huge laughter. Then, Celes "walks" from mirrors to mirrors surveying the bar and smiles at what she sees. Draug Hisie Registered User (8/3/01 6:04:21 pm) A most unusual welcome.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celt looks down at the pale blonde and wonders at her odd behavior. She lets out with a faint smile seemingly a bit unsure of herself amongst these strangers. She looks up to the others with a puzzled expression and quickly turns away as she senses a familiar presence. A black wolf has appeared by her side and she absentmindedly reaches down to rub his ears as she continues to ponder over everyone's mirth. The wolf looks up at her with silvery green eyes that match her own and lays down, resting his head upon her soft leather boots, a protective look in his eyes as he looks around. She looks down and speaks softly to the creature, "Do not fear for my safety here Lagu, I am in no danger. I do wonder at their odd behavior though." She stops speaking and seems to be listening, as though the wolf is speaking to her. She nods and looks back to the others with a smile. Vermehren Registered User (8/4/01 12:17:33 am) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist looks confused at Lady Hexen* Really? Now you make me courious. Is this magic really so strong to make your voice so soft, when there isn't a good voice inside you? I think there must be also in you a very good voice to let the magic work. Maybe we can test it sometime later. *As the snowflakes come from the outside and form slowly together to a figure. Tourist take a look at Lady Hexen, as he want to say something that he already mention sometime before: "Didn't I already told you this?" His lips slowly spreat for a smile. As Psimon is full materialized he nods toward Psimon.* Welcome, it takes long, till you arrive... *His smile got brighter with is turning into a thoughtfully.* A hunt? Well we could see this as a challenge, but to be honest I also like to sit her fith such nice companion. *He looks unsure around.* My friends, what do you think about it? *His eyes look again around and his eyes catch Lady Lightning Rider, as she is playing with the knife. He is staring at the knife and seem to try to rember, where he see the dagger before. As Lady Lightning Rider drops the knife and a puff of smoke is released his eyes go bigger as he seem to rember now and he is preparing to say something, but it is to late and the dust is been spread all over the room.* Oh now, not THIS magic.... *He starts laughing loud and is falling of from the chair and lands behind the table. No one can see him now, but he is still laughing. Draug Hisie is entering but he seem to still lay behind the table. After a while he came back from the table and look around. He sees Draug Hisie and tries his best to don't look him so silly.* Hmm.... Well... Hmm... Oh... Hello.... Don't be surpriesed it was a strange magic. It was so hard that that I couldn't stand up anymore. *He looks at Draug Hisie for her responded at is blushing a little.* NO! I wasn't drunk that I couldn't stand anymore.... Well, let's forget it. And don't worry. We are nice and you don't need to be afraid. *He looks at the wolf.* Hmm... Good, I see that you already have someone that keeps care about you. *He sits down and takes another drops. Soon his old skin color returns.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) Mages of Forgotten Wars Acolyte BE Low Mage (#199) Old Secret Guild Masters Ascendant-Immortal Psimon2001 Registered User (8/4/01 2:11:49 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon looks on as his companions succumb to the magic powder one by one. With all his might he clamps down his magical and psionic barriers. He strains with the effort, a bead of sweat breaking on his forehead and trickling down his face, joining the small tears of laughter that are welling in his eyes. His eyes close tightly as he wraps his arms around his body, straining to contain himself, but slowly, almost painfully, the chuckles begin to break through. His slight body heaves once, then again. A noise, almost a squeak, escapes his tightly closed lips. Then another. A full five minutes passes, and Psimon is overcome. The strain of holding back against such powerful magic (and the sight of his stoic companions in fits of laughter) cause him to pass out. His cider tankard crashes to the floor, spilling it's warm contents to freeze on the floor, a pool of pale yellow (!) against a sea of blue ice. Across the eaons of time and space a voice is heard crying, "OI!!! NO P...... IN THE POOL!" P S I M O N Windsongwind Registered User (8/4/01 5:29:53 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Windsong at first seems completely immune to the magical powder. Until suddenly ,she is not laughing like the rest but crying uncontrollably. Sobbing in great gasps of grief until she too passes out,crumpling unto the floor. Lady Hexen Registered User (8/6/01 9:37:41 am) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The laughter glamour seems broken by the sound of sadness, Hexen snaps into sudden sobriety. She moves quickly to the side of her Lady Windsong. Kneeling on the floor, Hexen rests the Lady's head on her lap, brushing her hair gently back. Leaning close over her, Hexen seems to weave whispers into a chant. The Lady Windsong can hear only a vague sound like faraway winds, or the crashing of waves. She can feel Hexens breath near her face as Hexen chants. The spell urges the Lady's spirit to release its pain. Unconcious on Hexens lap, the tears slowly fall down Windsongs face in a slow and gently release. Hexen sees Psimon beginning to stir, turns and runs her hand over his face almost blindly, just to be sure he is alright. Windsong rests for a few more moments, but when she begins to slowly stir, she feels more rested than she has in a long time. Hexen relaxes her attention on Windsong, seeing that she is resting easier now. Looking back to the table of Celt, clear eyed now. "Welcome, Celt. I apologize for my earlier performance." Hexen smiles weakly. "There was a bit of magic in the air. Something to take down the walls that keep our emotions so safely walled up." Hexen looks back to Windsong, watching her face in repose. "Being a Nether mage, I have much experience with grief. My country is filled with it, by my will. I must know the way to speed the grieving and heal the living souls." Hexens speaks matter-of-factly, without emotion. "Life is defined by moments of pain, and moments of joy. You cannot have one without the other. So I have learned to welcome both, in equal parts." She smiles in reflection. "I've noticed that pain is not so strong when you do not flee from it." Hexen grows still, watching over the Lady Windsong patiently. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Author Comment Draug Hisie Registered User (8/6/01 4:43:45 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celt looks over to Hexen with a faint smile, "I understand." She then returns quietly to her table looking a bit distracted. She sits gazing at the surface of the table intently as if deep in thought, then sighs and lays her head down. Psimon2001 Registered User (8/6/01 10:58:22 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon begins to recover, moving slowly at first, his bones chilled by lying prone on the floor. He feels Lady Hexen's hand touch his face and is amazed at the tenderness there. It is the hand of one who has seen death, indeed delivered it to many, yet knows gentleness and compassion. Psimon listens intently as Lady Hexen explains the source of her understanding, and looks upon her face with new awe and an increase of his own understanding. Lady Hexen speaks as one who is as Psimon once was, grasping the necessity of the duality of life. Evil/good, pain/pleasure, love/hate, life/death. All part of that which simply is. "My apologies to you all for my clumsiness", he utters as he lifts himself from the floor, retaking his seat. With a gesture, the spilled cider is no more and the tankard restored to the bar, cleaned and in it's proper place. Psimon glances at Lady Hexen, as though he is searching her face for a sign of what he can possibly do to help. Edited by: Psimon2001 at: 8/6/01 10:58:58 pm Lady Hexen Registered User (8/8/01 8:37:14 am) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen sits quietly and humbly on the floor, happy to give even a little comfort to a friend. Absentmindedly she brushes the hair back from Windsongs face as she hums tunelessly. Hexen loses herself in her thoughts. She ponders the way emotions can lead us on such a wild ride. From nowhere to bliss and then plunged into sadness by the loss of bliss. After a few moments Hexen looks up at Psimons concerned face and she cracks into such a bright and beaming smile, her laughter bubbling up as though to some personal joke. Her eyes still alight with humor she asks Psimon, "Could you pull that big armchair up close to the fireplace?" Almost without waiting for a reply, Hexen bends to gather the slight frame of Windsong up into her arms. Hexen gets to her feet, carrying Windsong to lay her in the chair that Psimon has drawn close to the fire. She lays the curled up form of Windsong into the chair, tucking a blanket around her and standing to look down at her. "She looks like a little angel. Look Psimon, she's so precious." She smiles happily, seemingly bursting with contentment. Hexen sighs deeply, then turns. Hexen walks over to where Lightning Rider passed out and crouches down to make sure she is well and resting comfortably. Nodding to herself, Hexen moves over to the bar and hops onto a barstool. Speaking to the barkeep, though she seems to address the Celt. "Barkeep, I should be honored if you would allow me to buy a drink for the lady Celt. Ah, and do you have any more rabbit left? I'm sure her furry companion would like some rabbit, though you will have to ask HIM how he likes it." Hexen smiles and winks at the silver eyed wolf. "As Lord Tourist has said, we are odd, but certainly not dangerous." She tells the wolf before turning back to the bar to lay a small bag of coin on the counter. Hexen asks and then waits for the barkeep to fill another pitcher with the sweet honey mead that has become her addiction. At the table, she refills her mug and then holds it aloft. "To friendship. Past, present and future..." AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Windsongwind Registered User (8/8/01 3:41:26 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong awakes confused to find herself in a chair by the fire .She feels some how relieved of a great burden she did not know she carried. "Hexen "she whispers hoarsely. "Could you get me a drink my throat is tight?" She looks pleadingly at her friend. Lady Hexen Registered User (8/8/01 4:14:54 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her cup aloft, in mid-toast, Hexen walks to the side of Lady Windsong and goes to her knees before the chair. Hexen gives her own new mug into the Lady's hands with a smile. "If you prefer something else, I will gladly fetch it." Hexen is near to bursting with energy, her eyes sparkling with gladness. The two Ladies exchange knowing glances and Hexen lets slip a happy little giggle before she regains her composure as she is guiding Windsong back to the circle of friends where she is warmly awaited. Filling the empty mug and holding this aloft, Hexen smiles at Windsong, waiting for her to speak the toast. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Windsongwind Registered User (8/8/01 4:23:55 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaking the last of the meloncoly from herself,Windsong rises "A toast everyone a toast to good friends and new ones may we live life to its fullest while we are here." *winks at Hexen in encouragement* Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (8/8/01 4:25:21 pm) Re: In good company... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Celes Crusader, who usually prefers to look over her guests from a distance was pretty bored, although that she must plan an attack against a small guild that disrespected the Region, she needs to change her mind. She misses Darkwolfe thought, the lone mage who's also her usual diplomat is gone for the beautiful season and now she must handle practically everything by herself. From what she sees through the mirror, everyone have a good time, perhaps she deserves a break. Her reflection steps out of the mirror and walks at the entrance, when it reach the entrance, the door opens and Celes' image turns into a shadow... leaving her place to the real Lady. She walks in calmly, knowing that her presence unnerves her servants. She goes over the bar and orders a glass of porto and looks back over the crowd. Lady Hexen Registered User (8/8/01 4:48:06 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen's face will surely crack if she smiles any bigger. Her eyes light up with an idea as she reaches her hand in a flash out to the table. Scooping up the black soulchoir collar, Hexen tells it the song she wants to hear before walking over to set it down amidst the musician Sylphs. Then, walking back to the table with a gleam in her eyes she says, "I want to dance! I'm so filled up with joy, I want to dance!!" Darts her hand out and grabs the Lady Windsongs hand and pulls her out onto the floor. Hitching arms with Windsong, the girls whirl in a laughing dervish as they catch up with the happy lilting dance that the musicians let loose. Releasing the laughing Windsong's arm, leaving her sister spinning and happy. Hexen keeps dancing around the room, dancing past the table of Celt in a happy little jig and then dancing near to LightningRider, inviting them both to join in the dance... Skipping past the Lady Celes while clapping out the rhythm, she invites their lovely host to join in the dance with a nod of her head. The jig becomes more complicated as though to challenge the Lady Celes to a friendly dancing duel. The invitation remains open as she spins away with a smile. Breathless and joyful, Hexen dances back to the table and holds her upturned palm out to Psimon. "Will you dance with me, if I promise not to be so clumsy?" The color is rising in her cheeks as she dances a jaunty little jig first backwards and then back toward him, her hand still outstretched. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Edited by: Lady Hexen at: 8/8/01 5:25:16 pm Windsongwind Registered User (8/8/01 4:56:56 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Windsong dances on a little while longer by herself when she notices thier hostess has joined them. She stops her dance beside the lady and bows low in respect. "We are honoured by your presence . Please join us." Psimon2001 Registered User (8/9/01 1:36:00 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon watches as the ladies dance. He is amazed at the strength and grace, delighted by the joy as they whirl about the floor. Lady Hexen dances close, holding out her hand, "Will you dance with me, if I promise not to be so clumsy?" Psimon laughs nervously as Lady Hexen dances to the centre of the floor and back again. "In truth, M'Lady, it is you who will risk broken toes if I dance, but if M'Lady wishes it, then dance I will". Rising from his seat, Psimon grasps Lady Hexen's hand on her next pass and is carried into the dancing group by her strong grip. Bowing to Lady Celes, and with a helpless look to Lady Windsong and Lord Tourist as he passes, Psimon is whirled to and fro. After a few moments of faltering, clumsy steps, he begins to catch onto the gist of the dance and starts to really enjoy himself. With a flourish of his hand, Psimon produces a pale blue rose for each and every lady there, to wear as they wish, save for Lady Hexen... Laughing as they dance, Psimon smiles at her as two roses form in the air between them, one black, one white. The delicate flowers swirl in the air as Psimon and Lady Hexen dance around them, as though joining their dance. The flowers rise slowly, till all of ten feet from the floor, then more blue roses appear, enough for each and every person in the room, and they too join the dance. Psimon laughs heartily for the first time that he can recall, and dances on... Edited by: Psimon2001 at: 8/9/01 1:37:27 am Draug Hisie Registered User (8/9/01 6:14:37 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celt sits back to watch the others dance, a wistful smile on her face, and looks down at Lagu. She laughs softly as the wolf sniffs at the rabbit and looks up with a puzzled expression. "I know it is not that which you are accustomed to Lagu, but don't be rude, eat!" She then notices Lady Celes and nods to her in greeting. As she looks back to the others dancing a single tear rolls down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away, hoping it was not noticed. LightningRider85 Registered User (8/9/01 9:08:11 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up from the powerful spell, Lady Lightning Rider feels as if her head was run-over by a stampede of beserk horses with iron-clad horse shoes. "Never in my worst day have I felt so bad, INCLUDING that time those mindripper held me captive for a week... that reminds me, I hope those buzzards are having a bloody good time... in hell... for all it's worth..." Lady Lightning rambled on to herself. After she stumbled back up to her bar stool, Lightning Rider slid the knife back into her pocket, in fear that her clumsiness might open it once more. "That blasted thing could of killed someone". Thinking to herself, she grinned over her new-found toy... "I could use it during the war, that fool, dim light, won't see it coming". Lady Lightning Rider asked the nearest wench for "The strongest drink in the house". As the wench walked away, L.R. muttered... "I need to kill this golem-sized headache... before I go into battle that is..." Windsongwind Registered User (8/9/01 9:36:18 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tears do not go unnoticed. Windsong does not intrude on the celts space but sends her a silent wave of compasion and understanding. Then swings back onto the floor she looks for Lord Tourist Hoping that he has not already been coaxed from his chair.Swinging up to the table she holds out her hand."Dance with me Sir Mage" She smiles shyly wishing now she had not asked (what if he says no, I'll just die) Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (8/9/01 7:05:57 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Celes nods to everyone who greets her and looks at Lady Hexen. She smirks and steps on the dance floor. She starts with slow and simple steps. Bit by bit the the pace of her dance is faster and her steps more and more complex. She spins and dances in complicated and graceful steps while always keeping her gaze on Lady Hexen. Her long air floats strangely around her, giving Celes' dance an unreal look. She seems to not failing or slowing down at all. Lady Hexen Registered User (8/10/01 1:38:54 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Childlike with wonder and laughing with Psimon in this joyful madness, Hexen cannot imagine a better time. Her eyes moving over the dance of black and white roses between them, symbolic of Psimons pure magick and her own dark magicks. A moment of doubt passes her eyes, making her seem fragile as she wonders at the wisdom of such a pairing. Her step falters for a moment. But then, hearing the resonance of Psimons laughter, feeling the thrum of his bright soul, she is conquered. Tears seem to brim in her eyes as they spin, her mouth forms the silent, reverent word, "again..." With a nod, she lets go of these doubts, a joyful sob of laughter as she is quick to dash away the sparkle in her eyes. She quickens the dance. Turning a moment later to see the acceptance of her dancing challenge by the Lady Celes, Hexen gently excuses herself from Psimons side. Skipping over to the Lady, her eyes mischievous and playful, Hexen watches the steps of Celes. When Celes takes her pause, Hexen matches these easy steps. The two woman go back and forth this way, Celes setting the step and Hexen trying her best to mimic them exactly. As the steps get faster and faster, the ladies are dancing at the same time, Hexen hard pressed to match the movements of Celes who does not seem to be slowing. Hexens movements are strong and bold, having almost a rebellious energy to them as her eyes still hold the grinning challenge. Celes in comparison is so much more graceful and lovely. Hexen finally gives up this merry chase, stepping back to take a slow bow to acknowledge her defeat. She lets out a great laugh, panting to catch her breath. "In truth, Lady Celes, I knew that I could not win against you in such an arena. I knew that I was DOOMED as soon as I chose you for my opponent. But if this were a gladiators circle, I would die proudly by your sword and would have such boasts to tell in the afterlife of the honor it was to be slain by your hand." She laughs again after this strange compliment, then bows her head in deference before turning toward the table to get a sip from her mug to quench her parched throat. Finding Psimon there, Hexen takes his hand into hers and smiles like one who understands what heaven must be. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Windsongwind Registered User (8/10/01 5:15:36 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong abandons the table to take Lady Hexen place . "I'll be right back " she says to Lord Tourist. Standing beside thier hostess she first watches the Lady's dance steps very carefully .Slowly she she takes up the dance. She follows the dance exactly then adds her own steps to the end .Pauses and looks to Lady Celes with a wink and a big smile. The steps are very intricate requiring the body to remain very still while the feet move very quickly. "Your turn my Lady"Windsong challenges Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (8/10/01 7:27:41 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although she raises an eyebrow after hearing the weirdest complement she ever had, she smiles at Lady Hexen. - I've learn the greatest lessons of my existence within defeat, dear Lady Hexen. You were a great opponent Then she turns her head and observes Lady Windsong's dance. -Hum... very interesting... She mimics the dance and decides to push the thing a little further and adds some steps of an extremely complicated pattern. In fact, there was no room to error. - I'm sure you can match these LightningRider85 Registered User (8/10/01 8:21:08 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intrigued by the dancing competition that had risen between the other ladies, Lightning Rider's natural competitive streak grew strong. She convinced herself that she could keep up with the best of them, so she downed the drink that the wench brought her and risen off her bar stool. With the snap of her fingers, music from the far away land called the Kingdom of Naples filled the room. Lightning Rider began to perform a traditional dance that her grandparents taught her. The slow melodic steps showed a sort of grace that stupified the others, for Lightning Rider never seemed to have any at all. Then, with the clap of her hands, the music picked up to much faster beat. At that very moment, the "strongest drink in the house" that she had finished moments before took over. Suddenly, her feet became clumsier. After a few seconds, she tripped, diving head-first onto the floor. "Whoa...that der was some strong stuff..." Lightning Rider crawled up into a ball and fell asleep. Psimon2001 Registered User (8/11/01 11:53:47 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psimon takes his rest, his weak body exhausted from the fun, his mind and heart a-whirl with a mix of thoughts and emotions. When Lady Hexen returns, he takes her hand and looks at her carefully. "M'Lady, I do not mean to pry so boldly, but your thoughts on the dance floor were shouted in my mind. You wonder if we are right to allow this to happen between us, and I will answer you plainly". Psimon pauses to sip his cider then continues, "Light and dark, good and evil, love and hate, *all* seemingly opposed forces, are merely two sides of the one coin. One cannot exist without the other, for one judges itself by the measure of the other. As you can see from my face, I am the better for accepting this truth. If I did not accept it, I could not exist as I am. Do you see the truth of it?" Without waiting for her reply, Psimon continues, "If it is difficult for you to accept or no, it matters not. Simply know this, I will not, nay, cannot deny what I feel. I have said it and it is done". Smiling, glad that he has shown more of his heart to Lady Hexen, Psimon sits back. He looks hopefully at her, trusting he has stated it clearly and, after ordering more drinks for all there, he waits for her reply... Windsongwind Registered User (8/12/01 6:05:54 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong goes to the table and finishes her mead. She returns to the dance floor just as Lighting Rider falls to the floor. With a giggle she takes the steps she had watched the Lady Celes perform, copies them but at a much slower pace, then bowing low with great respect. "I concede. Your talent is unmatched!" Windsong then whispers something to the musicians. Returns to her companions. "Now Sir I would dance with you." A slow romantic song begins to play. To Her friend Hexen she winks "This is for you too." Author Comment Lady Hexen Registered User (8/17/01 10:05:17 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen's eyes move over Psimon's face with such fondness as he speaks. To hear the confession of the way he feels, the tears brim up in her eyes. For the first time in her short life, she seems at a loss for words. Her throat is constricted with the biggest feeling, one she can't even put a name to. Into his hands, she places her fate. She is a little shocked by how much she trusts this tall Elven stranger, who seems so very familiar. Her hand squeezes his and she brings his long smooth hand to lay against her cheek. In her mind, she simply trusts that he understands all that is in her heart. She rises, still with the sparkly in her eyes. As she stands, she does not relinquish Psimon's hand, instead she draws him to his feet and slowly out onto the floor. Her hold on his him is slow and gently, but relentess and cannot be refused. Her face is radiant with emotion, turned up to hold his gaze. Tall as she is, she is not accustomed to looking UP to a man. She slips into his arms easily as they move slowly on the dance floor, as if her body knows the way home. Laughingly she comments, "M'Lord, I think the next time I reincarnate, I shall have to choose a taller frame. It would be easier for dancing" She smiles, her shining eyes filled with playfulness. She tries to force her face to be serious, holding his gaze steadily. "You know, as a Nether mage I have learned one lesson. I think I should tell it to you, for it has bearing here." Her smile is slowly breaking through... Her hand flattens against his back as the slow sway of the dance has hold of them both. Her eyes glint with wicked humor, "Do not summon up that which ye cannot put back down..." AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560
  3. I have to get my son to read this it is a great little piece. He is a swimmer too and i think he can appreciate the feelings even better than I . Your description and emotioin comes across verry well putting the reader in the water with you . Thank you for sharing a little bit of yourself
  4. Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *A mage dressed in a blue robe with a long white beard comes over.* If somebody leaves it is sad, but if somebody cames back the joy is much greater... *He smiles and is looking for the drinks* Tourist (#50) Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/16/01 9:38:40 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Suddenly, several fountains of crystals wounds the floor and grows out of the ground. When the tremors are finished, hydromel, ice wine, and other alcoolic drink are flowing out out them. Sylphs (who had been taught Drew's drink recipes) are flowing aroud the place waiting for any order. A crystal flute of champagne is brought by a Sylph to each of Ice Region's guests* - Welcome dear guests. I hope that the gods and the weather were clement during your trip. *The owner of the feminine voice was standing in a corner of the room, leaning against one of the walls. She wears a black leather leotard that follows her curves perfectly with dark tights and long boots. She also wears long satin gloves with a short-sleeves white-fox fur coat which ends right below her chest. The only things that betrays her specialty magic are her waist long blue hair that she tied up in a pony tail that constantly moves around and her lips that changes color according to her mood. Now, they are blue. Her blue eyes shows her determination and strong will* - I hope you'll enjoy your stay here dear gentlemen. I'm organising a cariboo hunt outside. You are invited to join us. *She salutes her guests and leaves the bar* Edited by: Lady Celes Crusader at: 6/29/01 4:08:46 pm Xylan Cole Registered User (6/18/01 11:25:45 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arms plenty of books, Xylan Cole walks quickly all around the Frozen Garden. > I'm sure I've lost it there... He put his books over the ground and try to find the book in which is written the spell of "Summon Mind Rippers". >Maybe here...no. Or there...? He spend one hour and, at the end, stop searching for his lost book. Sad he is to know that he'll have to pay a fortune to have another one. Xylan Cole looks tired; until today, he has spent all his days and night reading his spell books, trying to learn what could empowered him. If only there were magicites in Terra! He wears a blue shirt, white pants and a shining necklace. The magic is still emiting from him, as his resurrection is still recent. Resigned to lost a little more money, Xylan Cole picks all his books and starts making the trip to the Spell Books Merchant. Icestorm181 Registered User (6/19/01 10:02:12 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Pulling up a comfy chair he orders a drink from one of the pass Sylphs before getting to business...RELAXATION!!! Picking up a very large book he starts to read about lands far away, lands that are filled with magic and creatures similar to those here in Terra* Greetings All! I am glad to be in such good company and hope that soon we will become good friends. I look forward to spending time with all of you conversing, plotting, or just simply gossiping over a cup of hot tea (laced with a little alcohol or your choice or course) Icestorm DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (6/20/01 6:02:57 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icestorm, you asked me why I quit Ice Region...... I made a guild called Clan Of All Mages, please look in my guild page for more information.... Oh Hell Yeah! DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (6/20/01 6:08:09 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celes Crusader, I will never forget what you tell me all the things when I in Ice Region. Lady Hexen Registered User (6/21/01 2:47:47 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tall form strides through the doorway, stopping to shake the snow from a black cloak and pull a damp hood back. Underneath, a blonde mane of hair wildly perched atop a pale face flushed from the cold. Hard eyes scan the room and then light into a bright smile to see such welcoming sights. Crosses to the bar, hurling her cloak at a peg on the wall, and then perches atop a barstool. In a voice cracked and dry, she orders a drink from a passing sylph. She drinks deeply of something foamy before sitting back to enjoy the settings. The energies of her reincarnation still give her skin the glow of a newborn. "Hail, Tourist. Leader and friend. Such a treat to be in such noble company as this. Our hosts are most... hospitable." Taking the pitcher and some mugs and moving to a more central table, she sets these down and settles herself into a low chair, her black boots kicked up on the table. In a clear voice she calls out, "Someone come and drink with me. Someone come and be a poor girls friend. I have too long been away from the company of the living. The drone of the dead is in my ears. Someone bring a warm body to sit beside me and quicken me with talk." A wicked smile stretches across her lips. "Who wants to talk about... THEOLOGY." APLady Hexen (#6379) Nether Mage angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Edited by: Lady Hexen at: 6/21/01 2:54:38 pm Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/21/01 8:31:04 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *From her igloo, Celes checks in an mirror the activity at both the tavern and bar. A smile is drawn in her face as she continues to plan the little hunt* At the bar: *A sylph arrives nearby Lady Hexen and looks at her. This sylph's eyes are bright blue unlike the other creatures of her kind* - Theology, the creature said, I'll be more than delight to share with you this interesting conversation. May I introduce myself? I am the voice of Celes Crusader, Ice Region's leader and your hostess. I've made sure that our guests suits are already prepared for your comfort. *As she speaks, you can see that she seems to be distracted by somethings that arent in the bar* - I apologies. Talking through a sylphs right now is too mind bearing. I'm organizing some distraction for our fellows who are carving for actions nearby. If you want to see me personnally, you are welcome to follow our little friend. DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (6/22/01 2:07:34 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings,my noble one, Celes Crusader. Have you tried my Jellyfish drink? I have made a new drink! This drink is called "Blood Of Hell". I added in jellyfish and some human blood and flesh, and at last and not least, a dinosaur skull! Which dinosaur skull? T-Rex, of course! Oh Hell Yeah! Lady Hexen Registered User (6/24/01 1:41:15 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepting the appearance of the Sylph with ease, "Celes, I will be glad to join in your hunt, after I have rested just a bit. The journey is far. Perchance, what do you hunt for? I would be curious of what the quarry is." Finishing her cool drink, turns to Drew. "I would like to try your Hell's Blood drink. It sounds potent." Looking into her red filled mug after he pours. "Nobody I know in here, right?" Smiling, not waiting for an answer she drinks of this red conconction. Setting down her mug with her lips stained as if from blood, her face twists into a grimace. "Smooth." She chokes out in a raspy voice, before coughing a couple of times. "I think my tongue is numb, Drew. That's good stuff." When offered another, she declines. "No, another of those and I will be the next ingredient. I'll pass, thank you." AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether Mage angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Windsongwind Registered User (6/24/01 8:27:53 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Lady enters the Garden . She walks Quietly almost as if her feet do not touch the floor. Dark brown hairs flows to her waist and though unbound it is not disturbed by the blast of cold air from the open door. That ,is not the most striking thing about this lady .Her eyes ,they are almost white. just barely reflecting the royal blue of her riding gown. She walks over to the table of the Lady Hexen and introduces herself. (bowing slightly) "Hail Sister I am Lady Windsong . May I buy you a drink before you hunt." She also inclines her head to the gentelman at the table. "Well met may are meeting be profitable to all. What are you drinking?" Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/24/01 9:58:02 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sylph lands on a bench and smiles at Lady Hexen. "I was planning of a Cariboo or Fox hunt with a twist, she said first but she seems toughtful, Hum... I think a fox hunt will be more appropriate, but it wont be your usual fox hunt. The setting will be within a labyrinth and I'll spice things up of course " The Sylph looks over Lady Windsong and smiles at her "Its nice to know you Mylady, I hope you will enjoy your stay. Soon, our chef will cook a solid meal before you go on hunting" She shows over the Restaurant's menu (which is a different section of the bar) Entries: Pea soup Sausages bites with bread Crud vegetables with oignon dip Main courses Hare stew with carrots, potatoes and oignon Cariboo steak with 3 peppers (Our chef can cook from bleu to well-done) Turkey breast with brocoli, gravvy and peas Spagetti with Cariboo's meat ball Roasted Ice Fish with rice and vegetables Mechoui (roasted lamb) with vegetables Desserts Angel Cake with whipped cream and strawberry Rice Pouding Carrot cake "It might be rustic, the sylph add, but we need solid meals to live under these conditions, even if we are mages" Lady Hexen Registered User (6/26/01 4:27:19 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing to greet Lady Windsong, Hexen sways a little on her feet. Gripping her chair she says, "Greetings sister. I was wondering when you would find your way in out of the cold. I am glad of your company." She eases herself back into the chair. "Please, do sit down. Have a mug of the fine draft they serve here. Honey mead, I think they call it. I can't recommend the 'Hell's Blood'. I think it's still in testing." She pours out a mug of honey mead for the lady and motions to a chair. Calling out to Drew, "Ok, I asked to speak of Theology, not to meet my maker. That brew is noxious." Her voice is quite raspy. Her eyes swim back to the sylph. Slowly fixing her eyes on it, she rasps, "Water please. My tongue is numb from that drink. I need to sober up, or at least not die if there is to be a hunt later." She pauses, bringing her cup of honey mead to her lips and swishing it around her mouth before swallowing. "Ah, better... The honey heals all, yes?" Looking back to Lady Windsong. "I am double glad of your presence lovely one. It would not do to be drunk and passed out in a foreign land, even one so hospitable as this. You will please make sure I do not make a fool of myself." Slowly turning her wobbly head back in the direction of the Sylph. "Perhaps some food to fortify me. Rabbit stew sounds good." She giggles, "And carrot cake, just to stay with the theme." She sinks into her chair quietly singing, *wabbit, wabbit, wabbit stew...* *wabbit, wabbit... I wuv you* AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra B2 Lady Hexen (#190) Verdant Mages of Forgotton Wars BE Heat (#2722) Eradication Clan of Inner Strength angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/26/01 4:56:01 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sylph snaps her finger and another one arrives and takes Lady Hexen's order. After the waitress tooked her guest order, she looks over the mind controlled sylph who is now thinking of its own. - Mistress Crusader wishes to order the crude vegetables, the creature said with her normal voice, a Cariboo steak and the pudding for dessert. She wants the bleu cooking for the steak. The now free minded Sylph turns her attention to the Lady Windsong - I must agree with Mistress Crusader that the menu is very rustic but its excellent. Feel free to order anything you wish. The creature takes off - Will you excuse me? I'll make sure that your suites are ready and warmed enough With those words, she flies away Author Comment Windsongwind Registered User (6/26/01 7:00:16 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I too will have the Hare."Lady Windsong says before the waiter leaves the table. "and a pot of your strongest coffee, It would not do for this fine lady to not be at her best for the hunt" Windsong leans over to Lady Hexen and gives her a small vile. "drink it , it will counter some of the effects of you Experimental concoction." Making sure her companion is comfortable Windsong looks around. She is looking for her long time friend who should be arriving soon .She hopes he arrives before the hunt begins . "Bladesong should meet us here and then will another fiend in this strange land" sighing softly "I hope the food comes soon for I am famished." LightningRider85 Registered User (6/28/01 8:40:07 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A slow-rising rumble can be heard in the distance. After a few moments, a black-cloaked figure appears in the doorway of the tavern. She removes the cloak to reveal a silvery-white robe and an ivory-shaded complextion hidden by a long black mane with a solitary silvery-white streak to match that of the robe. When she approaches the others who are gathered near the bar, they notice a stream of crimson whose source runs from her eyebrow, one which over-shadows her endless black eyes. After taking out a healing salve and dabbing at the minor flesh wound, she sits down at the bar stool in the far corner. Realizing that she suddenly became the center of attention, she decides to say a few words in a low-rumbling voice that resembles that of the noise that was present prior to her entrance: "It's a sad, sad thing to see when such an insignificant creature such as I is the source of all this. I plead that you carry on with your conversations before my presence truly begins to bore you all, for I am nothing but a newcomer to this society. My name is Lady Lightning Rider, servant to that of the Goddess you call Moon... that is all I am and all I will ever be." When everyone's attention turns back to their conversations, the young girl orders an ice wine and broods over her battle scars and stradegies. Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/28/01 3:14:38 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two pair of Sylphs arrives with the Ladies Hare stew. The pot of stews are so heavy and hot that the little creatures needed all their strengh to carry these. "Bon appétit" says the 4 creatures before leaving the table. All the pieces of vegetables and meat are big and chunky while they had mijotated in a rich and thick consomme. The smelles of the meals invaded the bar and lots of people seems very tempted with a solid meal. ******************************************* OOC notes: My english vocabulary in cuisine is limited. I hope that I gave a comprehensible description of the meal For RPG logic, those of you who'll wish to go to the hunt you'll be able to post only in the Hunting ground topic. Lady Hexen Registered User (6/28/01 4:51:59 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wakened from some sort of trance by the sumptuous smell of food, Hexen looks about groggily. Seeing the little vial offered by Lady Windsong, the picks it up, eyeing it curiously. Holding the vial dramaticallly, she says, "Have you left me no friendly drop to help me after?" And pops the cork, drinking the little potion. Grimacing at the flavor, she looks at Lady Windsong's confused expression. "That's from Romeo and Juliette. I'm a nether mage. I have a fascination for theatre with death in it." Hexen shrugs, muttering something in slurred tones about nobody ever getting her humor. Blinking as she starts to feel the mind clearing effects of the potion, Hexen pulls her bowl of stew closer and inhales deeply of the aroma. Hunkering down over her bowl, she starts to eat heartily. The way she wolfs down the food, it's as if she hasn't eaten in days. Halfway through the bowl, the ravenous devouring slows and she sits back, wiping her mouth with a napkin before taking a drink from her honey mead. "I thank you Sister WindSong. You're potion has healed me mightily. I feel much refreshed. Good company, good drink, a fine meal." She sits back in her chair, sipping her mug of mead. Her voice is clear and easily audible, as if she speaks to the room "Ah... Life is so short and precious. It is the simple moments of contentment that make it all worth it. Don't you agree?" AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra B2 Lady Hexen (#190) Verdant Mages of Forgotton Wars BE Heat (#2722) Eradication Clan of Inner Strength angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 LightningRider85 Registered User (6/28/01 5:53:28 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After she finishes her drink, the young girl looks at the gathering crowd of people and wonders what the source of all the commotion is. She wanders over towards the group and notices the stew to which everyone is devouring. Pulling out a long, slender, blue-steeled sword, she plunges it towards the pot and pulls out a rather filling piece of meant... "Pheasant, why I haven't had such a delectable meat since I was a child..." The one called Lightning Rider walks back over to the bar, nibbling at the meat while fightning a massive bout of nostalgia. As she orders another ice wine, Lightning Rider polishes her sword, wondering when she'll have to use it next. "I can only hope that every day following this shall be less painful than that of the first time I had to use my deadly acquaintance. May the Moon Goddess bless me and my faithful companion on the journey that lies ahead, until the day I complete my mission, or until the day of my demise." Asking the nearest tavern wench where the lodgings are, the young girl slowly walks up the stairs for a long-awaited night's rest. Windsongwind Registered User (6/28/01 8:20:16 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Windsong acknowledges her new friends observation . "Life is too short." But comming from a newly reencarnated mage it seams strange doubly so since it is her first. The last time she saw the world it was breaking. "Glad to be of service fair Lady, I always carry asupply of resorative when traveling. You never know when you have to be in top thinking form." This stew smells amazing ."Bending her head to the task she tucks in. Lifing only to wash the delectable food down with some mead. " I'm going to have to order another plate I did not realize how hungry I am" " NNot very ladylike EH? Hexan? There seems to be an awful lot of women here . Where are the Men?" Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (6/29/01 4:16:13 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Among the busy Sylphs that flies around, taking and bringing the orders to the customers, the very same Sylph that was used by Celes as her voice within the bar flies out of the tavern with her mistress order. The lightning of the bar darkens and the fountains glows with colorful lights. A Sylph leads Lightining Rider to her quarters within the Fortress. Angel Lord Registered User (6/29/01 6:38:13 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door swings open and then shut, in strolls a tall figure. Dressed in chain mail, the figure removes the helmet upon his head. Long silvery white hair falls out, he pushes it away from his pale white eyes. He looks down and removes his sword belt, his sword is of a silver metal, the pommel is incrusted with an emerald. Spying a empty table he walks over and places is helmet and sword on the table top. He nods to the Ladies across the room and then sits down. "I require a drink, please the cold as parched my throat and my flask has frozen over," he says with a deep bellowing voice. He leans back in his chair and drags a deep breathe into his lungs. The warm air brings the red back into his cheeks. "I am Sir Maurice, Lord of Archangels. I am a humble servant of Father Sun. I pray the blessing of the gods on all of you." LightningRider85 Registered User (6/29/01 7:41:36 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The young Lightning Rider follows the helpful sylph towards her room. After thanking the sylph and promising a reward the following morning, she prepares for a night's sleep. Laying down her sword in grand ceremonial fashion, she notices a note on her pillow. After saying her prayers to the Moon Goddess, she pulls a candle closer to the letter and reads aloud: Dear Lady Lightning, I hope the accommodations are to your liking. Breakfast shall be prepared for you by morning. Pleasant dreams. -Lady Celes Lightning Rider smirked at the idea of breakfast in the morning. For the past five years she spent every night wondering if she would live to see another day; now she was wondering what would be served for breakfast by sunrise. "Life is a strange thing", she said to herself as she blew out the candle for a long night's rest. Windsongwind Registered User (6/30/01 6:13:58 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Lady Celes, I think that once my friend and I have finished this hardy meal we should retire and get some beauty sleep before life cathes up with us again. " Windsong says this aloud knowing that she will be heard even though she does not see the lady. Finishig her last morsel of food she looks at her companion. Lady Hexen is also finished . The lady Hexen,s attention is now on the newest arrival. Well what do you think? Windsong asks. "Do I retire alone or would it be more prudent to share acomodations ? Or do you have other plans? Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/3/01 8:45:33 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Celes had left the igloo after finishing preparing the hunt. She retired in her rustic but comfortable quarters. She checks the activities at the bar with a mirror and smirks when she heard Lad y Windsong. She focuses her attention over a sylph and made another telepathical contact with the creature - Of course Lady Windsong, the sylph replies to her guest, Tomorrow we will have plenty of time to hunt. Celes added: - I wish you good night my dear guests and my servants will guide you to your rooms. She cuts the telepathical link with the creature, unties her hair and lies on her bed, her mind still occupied by the planifications of the hunt. Windsongwind Registered User (7/3/01 9:25:56 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you Lady your hospitality is impecable " I look forward to the hunt. Until the morrow. Safe slumber." bowing respectfully. So! My Lady Hexen Have you decided to turn in or are you hunting tonight? Windsong does not really expect her companion to leave the bar just yet. So she settles in to watch the show. Peertje73 Registered User (7/4/01 1:30:50 pm) A new friend... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All, friends and allies huddle together in this place of peace and comradery. Slowly time advances and so does the volume of laughter and good stories told by the group of friends. And with the time the sun descends and darkness slowly cover these peace covered lands. Just as the last rays of sunlight have discipated behind the horizon and darkness takes over a soft silent glow starts to grow at the very spot the last rays of sunlight just went. As the glow grows until the very sky is alight with it's warm colors when a formation of magnificent Angels burst from the clouds, precise in formation, kind faces hiding a lethal power but the onlooking groep of friends are only filled with a feeling of peace and love. "tonight we talk without fear of our enemies, without pause to listen for strange sounds...because tonight...tonight we all have an angel watching over us." Everybody looks around at this new voice, a plain man in his twenties, plain white clothes and an obsidian black walking stick. He is looking up to the angels his face filled with joy and his hands locked in praise."I am sorry my friends if I startled anyone, I am Ar'Debaz and I came here to join this loyal group that fight for a cause I have been pursuing all my life...may I join...?" *** Hi all, I am Toxie (#1119)...the lastest addition to the UNoT. It is nice to have so many allies that can talk and work in harmony and peace in this dangerous game. Win your battles but do it with grace and a sense of goal...a common goal we will all share. Mad48 Registered User (7/4/01 7:00:40 pm) Re: A new friend... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello people i was just invited into the garden. glad to know that everything is doin well and goin well. *strolls in with an all white suit with white suade slippers and a white top hat. takes a seat on a blanket by the frozen river and ponders about the reset* *sits there in silence as if meditating* Windsongwind Registered User (7/4/01 9:06:31 pm) Re: A new friend... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- welcome friends! The sight of your angels are heartwarming. I will sleep better knowing they are there. (bowing deeply)Meditation is good for the soul. May it serve you well.(inclining head to the other newcomer) I am Lady Windsong Xylan Cole Registered User (7/5/01 12:00:28 am) The sounds of War -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exhausted because he has run for 1 hour, Xylan Cole just arrived in the Garden. He takes a time to get back his breath then start to speak to all the people who are in the Garden. "Pl..ease... Li .. Listen to mee..." he says, still exhausted. "The war will soon break out: TWOR and House of Rastafari has declared war to the Shaolin Temple. By the system of alliances, the Cercle (IR + TfC + The Imperium) may be involved in this war... We have to be ready and to prepare our troops". Then he sits on the ground in order to get his strenghts back and starts remembering the last war in which he lost so many people. "Why people keep on making war..." he thought while he was starting to sleep on the ground. DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (7/5/01 2:16:10 am) A war? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A war? Are you sure, Xylan Cole????? Damn, another war?! LightningRider85 Registered User (7/5/01 7:22:05 am) War... what is it good for... absolutely nothing... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Startled by the commotion that has been taking place in the lower quarters of the tavern... Lady Lightning Rider wakes up with a jolt and walks over to the door. As she peers out, she notices several new faces, but one that is flush with excitement stands out... from this person she hears the one word that she dreads the most...War. "Do my ears and eyes deceive me, or is this true... I am not of full stregnth, yet I must fight like I have before." Lightning Rider runs over to her bed, grabs the cloak to which she wore when she first made her entrance, and runs down the stairs. When she approaches the door... the same sylph that brought her to her room stands in her way. "You aren't going to leave in this time when we need as much help as we can get... are you?" "No", the Lady replyed, "I never leave when faced with hardship... I must prepare for this battle... I shall return shortly" "Carry on then", the sylph replyed as she moved out of the way. Lady Lightning Rider runs out of the tavern and travels along the path of footsteps that led her to the Frozen Garden. After a short distance, she finds a covered burrow she dug herself and commences at brushing the cold white substance out of the way. Ten minutes later, she approaches the tavern again and enters unnoticed. She runs back up to her room and drops a dripping wet sack onto the floor. In it, she pulls out several pieces of distinctive armor, along with good luck charms developed by a high priestess she encountered some 2 years prior. "Here we go again," she said, drying the armor. "War...what is it good for?" she said as she sat on her bed. "Absolutely nothing," an angelic voice said, coming from the familiar sylph that was peering in to her room. "Say it again." Lady Hexen Registered User (7/5/01 2:32:02 pm) Re: War... what is it good for... absolutely nothing... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turning to answer Lady Windsong, Hexen says, "I will get enough sleep when I am dead. For now I am too covetous of these breathing and riotous moments. I cannot rest in such good company as this." Her eyes dance with a kind of fervour, passionate and desperate. Startled from her conversation by the entrance of the messenger, her expression becomes grim. She grows still, contemplating war. Calculating in her mind and counting on her fingers she can feel the fear crouched there in her gut. She knows that she will likely not survive. She whispers to herself, "My soul is too young... Too inexperienced. What do I know of war?" Seeing Xylan Cole resting on the floor, she moves with decision, snapping orders to nearby Sylph's. "Bring our messenger a cot. If he wishes to rest here in the tavern, we will at least give him a warm bed near the fire." Setting the cot near the hearth, she assists the Sylphs is moving Xylan Cole very gently to the cot, so softly so as not to disturb him. With a tender expression, she brushes the hair back from his forehead as she pulls the fur up under his chin. "Sleep well, messenger." She whispers. "We will all need our strength in the coming times." Looking up from her reverie, she sees the grim looks around the tavern. Standing and walking to the center of the room, she addresses the entire tavern. "Look not so dour, my friends. Even in these hard times, there is joy to be found. This world of ours is dangerous. But truly, there is little to lose. Our immortal souls find their way in and out of this plane. We die and are reborn and each time, our souls become stronger." She pauses, looking around the gathering of friends and allies. "I for one, welcome the coming fire. This fire will be the forge to make me into a blade with which to cut down our enemies." She picks up her mug and drinks slowly, savoring the taste blissfully. "Now don't get me wrong. I'm terrified." A dry, ironic laugh. "I probably will not survive this fire. My land will be torn apart by enemies, by dark passions and by my own magicks." She looks around meaningfully. "But death holds no fear for me. And pain is part of this precious life that we have been given. All things move in cycles. Life, death. Peace and war. Love and fear." "There is joy to be had. There is the lust of battle to quicken the blood. There are the cries of our falling enemies to savor. And though I may die, I will take those that I can down to hell with me." A wry, wicked smile spreads across her face. "Though you may not admit it, you all feel the passion for the coming battle. There is no shame in enjoying victory." Eyes ablaze with passion, she sweeps the whole room with a beaming smile. "An we WILL be victorious." "But that is for tomorrow. Tomorrow comes the war. Tomorrow we will stride into battle, side by side." Her eyes moving over this friendly company. "I will be glad to have you all at my back." "But for tonight, we are blessed by the protection of these angels. We are safe, secure and happy. We are surrounded by good company, we have good drinks and fine food. What other joys can there be?" "And when we return from this battle, either in this life or the next, we will have tales to tell." Eyes alight. "Let us have some stronger drinks and draw close. There are those of you with more war stories to tell. I am eager to learn of your battle wisdom and hear the tales of your victories. Tonight we forge the bonds that will hold strong in the coming battles. For one more night, we will have peace. And time passes differently in this land. While our concentration is on our own lands and on the battles, a part of our conciousness is here, in good company. While many days pass, and many battles, still we will enjoy this single sunrise here, in this forever moment. This is the union of friendship. Here, we can turn our thoughts when times are rough, and here find solace among friends." AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra B2 Lady Hexen (#190) Verdant Mages of Forgotton Wars BE Heat (#2722) Eradication Clan of Inner Strength angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/5/01 4:14:27 pm) When Celes speaks up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celes looks over the mirror across the bedroom... She did heard about the commotion and the war. She had been informed by The Imperium's diplomat about this breakout and she knows that Ice Region can only watch the war as a spectator but she'll make sure that her guild will be ready for any intervention. - I think I've things to clear up downstairs... She takes a closer look in the mirror and surveys the garden, then she tied her hair up and walks out of the door. She ask two of the Archangels that guards her quarter to come along and she makes her way back in the garden. When she enters, all the Sylphs stops their activities at once and focuses their attention to the one who summoned them. Bit by bit, the attention of the people turns to their hostess. When silence takes the place of the chaos, Celes finally speaks to her audience. Her lips turns pink (she's stressed but its under control). - Greetings ladies and gentlemen, she said with a controlled tone of her voice, I am aware of the war that is plagging a part of Terra. She snaps her finger and her Archangels walks over Xylan - Take him to his quarters and from there, resume your assignement. - As you wish, replies one of the angelic servants and they gently pick Xylan Cole up and brought him to his quarters. Celes turns her attention back to her guest - I was informed about it by Wishmaster of the Imperium Academy but there is no need to panic. Although The French Connection and the Imperium Academy will probably participate, it will be because they will assist the Shaolin Temple. Although I wish to assist our allies, it will be against some unwritten diplomatic rules. But nonethless, Ice Region will be ready. She walks around while talking and grabs a glass filled with hydromel. She pauses and takes a sip before resuming her speech. - I know that Ice Region will be in an uneasy and frustating situation but we can't repeat the mistakes made in the Shadows war. I will watch the situation with interest. But enough with politics, everyone came here to relax and enjoys good meals and drinks, she empties her glass her fills it in one of the fountains, and I am planning to do the same tonight. Tomorrow, I'll worried about it. She snaps her fingers and the Sylphs resume their activities and slow celtic music plays Author Comment Xylan Cole Registered User (7/5/01 11:42:10 pm) An arrow message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resting in his quarters, Xylan Cole made an awful dream: in fact it wasn't a dream but a memory of the past, during the last War between TfC and TCG. All these dead sprites laying around his kingdom. He woke up suddently and found a magical arrow in his door; he took it and started to read it: " Dear Emperor, The news is official: the TfC will be at War in a few hours, as the Imperium asked them to join in this war. As expected, your troops are starting to grow but they're anxious: they remember to have lost their parents in the last war and aren't happy to be involved in a new war. I don't have heard news about the fact that the TfC will ask the IR to join in their war; if you're right, there are some days until IR goes to War. But it may be wiser to be ready. May we never be involved in a war. Your faithful Assistant, Yelos the Brave Sprite" - So here it is. The war is at our door. May we help our friends, or may we stay away? Xylan Cole doesn't know what to do. He knows that even if the TfC seems growing in power, they aren't ready for a war, even if they pretend the contrary. They're his friends. Will he help his friends or will he stay in safety with his people? - I need to go back near my people. We must think of this important choice. He left his quarters and went cross the Frozen Garden. He looked at some of the IR's members. He thought: - I know they aren't as involved as I am: the TfC was here when I needed it. I must help them if they ask it. Then he starts walking towards his kingdom, worried about the Future. Edited by: Xylan Cole at: 7/5/01 11:52:08 pm DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (7/6/01 1:49:09 am) Bad news for All Guilds of Terra! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The biggest guildwar has began! Clan Of All Mages, The Dogs Of War!, The Guardians of the Rift, The Shaolin Temple will fight against TWOR and ROM! Well, Ice Region, I needed help and We need it now! Let's end this war! Celes Crusader, come on, let's be allies and join us to end this war! Oh Hell Yeah! Angel Lord Registered User (7/6/01 7:54:37 pm) Re: Bad news for All Guilds of Terra! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remembering the last guild war Sir Maurice was involved in, he shudders. "My land was destroyed, my people slaughtered. I forced my people to fight before they were ready and I payed for it in there blood. Even now my people are not ready my forces are only big enough to defend my small scrap of Terra, not an army for invading foreign lands. When my training is complete, my army large, and the war has reached IR then I'll will be force to defend for the Honor of the Guild. Until that time I will stand in the shadows, assist my alliance mates and wait." Windsongwind Registered User (7/7/01 9:50:21 am) Re: Bad news for All Guilds of Terra! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Shuddering)Windsong laments "At least for you ,you have memories to build on I am newly reborn it is my first War I will have to rely on my allies and guild members to see me though .. May the BLESSED LIGHT OR WHICHEVER GODS YOU REVERE WATCH OVER US ALL! " Morvael Registered User (7/7/01 7:23:23 pm) I´m back Again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region of Eternal Ice,two Archangels enter in a Black Ice fortress. AA1-Are you sure we must awake him?, He told us to remain undisturbed. AA2-Yes, It is an important message. AA1-bah, the same thing did those sirens, and where are they?. AA2- I think they are on the lava Pits, but it´s only a legend. AA1-ok let finish this quickly. As they enter to the fortress, they fly among tall ice columms, everything seems to be invaded by ice and snow, but they enter in the darkness.They aproach to a wall of ice, where a shadow lies in an eternal dream. AA2-ok do it. AA1-Me?, you are crazy, I will not do such an error, i´m older than you so you must do it. AA2-older... yeah you are older, you have lived enought AA1-do you think he can heard us? AA2-no, he is sleeping. AA1-I think he had moved!!! AA2-you are crazy, ok i will do it. The Archangels aproach to the dark figure and cast a long forgotten spell.A voice flows from the ice wall: -I told to remain undisturbed. AA2-Yes master but it´s important. -I hope so, only for your benefit. After some minutes of conversation, the Archangels depart from the black ice tower.Now the tower is beginning to iluminate, and all kind of creatures come called by his master. AA2-ok we aren´t in a lava pit AA1-we haven´t finished yet. We must carry this message to Lady Celes Crusader. Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/8/01 12:52:57 pm) War developpement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little sprite arrives quickly in the Garden and looks for her mistress. - Mistress Crusader!!! The honorable Wallace from the French Connection has an important message. She brought along a small crystal ball in which you can see a blurry image of Wallace. - Greetings Sir Wallace, says Celes, what are those important news ? Wallace replies in his native language, Celes smiles and wishes him farewell. WHen the communication is done, she turns back over the intrigued crowd. - The Shaolin and The Weaver of Red agreed upon an non-agression pact. The war is no longer at our door. DrewHuangLiangHui Registered User (7/8/01 5:29:01 pm) ................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's good news! Oh Hell Yeah! LightningRider85 Registered User (7/8/01 8:40:25 pm) Sigh of Relief -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After over-hearing the good news, Lady Lightning Rider breathed a sigh of relief. Glad that she would not have to go to war so soon, she began to put the armor back into its wet sack. The only thing she regretted was taking it out of its hiding place in the first place. Lightning Rider decided to leave the sack in the dark corner of her room and then join the others in the celebration. She slid the armor into the shadows, then proceeded down the stairs. Lady Lightning Rider then walked over to the same corner of the bar where she had occupied previously. She ordered a blood wine then held her glass up high as to make a toast: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor of mine to be in such company as you tonight. Your likes are that of something I have not seen in ages, for my company has been occupied by that of armies of brutes and savages who know nothing but of greed and power. Never have I seen such kind-hearted individuals whose generosity knows no bounds. I would like to thank you for inviting me into your society, as well as to thank our leader and hostess, Lady Celes, for being a great leader, and a great hostess as well. It is true that war will probably be inevitable, and I would be proud to fight by your side when the time comes, but not now. Now is a time for celebration, and celebrate we shall. To friendship, honor, loyalty, and all else that makes us unique from the others that rule in Terra... to ICE REGION and to our allies... may the gods bless us on our journey towards prosperity. LET US CELEBRATE!" Edited by: LightningRider85 at: 7/8/01 8:42:21 pm Xylan Cole Registered User (7/8/01 11:40:26 pm) The Joy of Peace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riding his sea horse, Xylan Cole was travelling all the region spreading the news: no more War at this moment! All his people was having fun since the moment they've heard these marvellous news. Sprites and Nymphs was spending their time dancing in the forests to celebreate such a good new, even if Xylan Cole told us it doesn't mean that the war has really ended. But he knew that they need to think as if; they've grown up in war periods, and are so happy when peace arrive. Xylan Cole went to the Garden, but as he has expected it, everybody was aware of the news. He went back to his country, still wondering if the threat of war has really disappeared Lady Hexen Registered User (7/9/01 10:25:40 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting quietly, Hexen sips slowly from sweet mead. She seems to slowly absorb the feeling of relief from the room. Hearing the celtic tune, her foot tapping in time to the drums, she seems to get an idea. Going to her coat, she takes out a piece of gleaming black jewelry. It looks almost more like a jeweled piece of armor, a black neck guard, high and flanged. As she walks back to her seat, she puts it on. The collar fits over her neck, buckling in the back. From her shoulder to her jawline, it keeps her neck from turning too much, forcing her face to be tilted upward a bit. Raising her voice, there seems to be a faint whisper of other voices. "This is a soul choir. It has voices of the long forgotton bound within. A minor trinket, of no real use. But still, it is pretty." The sussurant whispers behind her voice are a legion of throats that speak through her lips. Gently she picks up the celtic tune. She sings in gaelic, almost as if the words are practiced and not really her own. The voices of the choir harmonize and intermingle, crafting an exhaltant, sweet song. Sweet arching soprano voices, commingling with male Tenor voices, raised in joy. Deep resonant Baritones laying a soft background as the middle voices of the female altos weave their way in melody between them all. Lady Hexen picks up her mug and moves to sit close with the musicians, the music becoming a fine background, the words of the song unintellible. It fades easily behind conversation and comradery. The Lady Hexen seems to enjoy making music with the magicians, her face alight with pleasure as she wiles away the evening in song. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra B2 Lady Hexen (#190) Verdant Mages of Forgotton Wars BE Heat (#2722) Eradication Clan of Inner Strength angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/9/01 8:31:45 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celes makes an unnoticed exit as soon as she sees that everything is fine and she walks outside the bar. LightningRider85 Registered User (7/10/01 7:47:30 pm) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing as how nobody had a response to her toast, Lady Lightning Rider realizes that everybody is already drunk with merryment enough and that her presence is no longer needed. She walks to the window to watch the little snow flurries collect on the window. Quickly, she walks outside to enjoy to cool crisp air. She walks around to the back end of the tavern, only stopping to take notice of a jagged object sticking out of the snow. Lightning Rider kneals down, picking up the object and holding it up to the light. The object, a knife with an intricately carved handle, forces her into a bout of deja vu. "Where have I seen this before..." she wondered aloud. Suddenly, she realized that the newly-discovered object belonged to an acquaintance of hers... one she had not seen in ages and never thought she'd see again. "But how did it get here..." she said as she walked back over towards the tavern's door. Windsongwind Registered User (7/11/01 6:45:03 am) Re: Welcome to Frozen Garden! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Windsong is rapt with the music .*shudders * Then as if coming out of a fog reaches into a soft leather case she has attached to her belt. Carefully she removes a golden flute ,brings it to her lips and bigins to play a haunting harmony to the singers . In the music ,Windsong is transformed ,her feet nolonger touch the ground ,her hair floats around her like waves, changing color depending on the mood of the music. Xylan Cole Registered User (7/20/01 7:40:47 am) Meeting the Lady Death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An arrow message was left in Xylan Cole's quarters. On it is written the following message: "Frozen Guild of The Ice Region, During a week, the Archmage Xylan Cole has been dreaming about a voice saying "Be ready, your time is nearly exhausted". He understood that his reincarnation wasn't a definitive gift from the Gods. During the following week, he prepared his people to be again without a king; he teached them the democratic system and tried to convince them it was a good political system. He gave last orders to his most valuable men. Just before leaving, he made a speech in which he told his people to move away from the country, as ennemies are still wandering around, and to try to found an heaven land. Then, the Honorable Xylan Cole went to his son's grave waiting the Dark Lady to come. Today, as you're reading this message, we're walking throught lands to find a new home. Our dear King had given us some of his most powerful scrolls to help us. We're hoping you won't take his leaving as a flee. Maybe, one day, the Dark Lady will bring back our King. Since this moment, he'll be resting aside his son and we'll be looking for our home Yelos SunField, first Knight of the Free Sprites of Terra " Edited by: Xylan Cole at: 7/20/01 7:44:35 am Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/20/01 10:01:43 pm) Re: Meeting the Lady Death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sylph brought the letter to her mistress and sees her expressions getting sadder at each words she reads. - He had always been guided by wisdom, may his soul finds the peace he never found in this teared land. She leans back and looks up to the sky through a window. Vermehren Registered User (7/22/01 10:03:52 am) Re: Meeting the Lady Death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Unnotice, Unseen, Unobtrusive the mage have been sitting in the corner, drinking a few beers, studing his books and leading his kingdom with his magic power from the tavern.* *After a long time he looks up.* Well, this was a interessting war. Unfortunatly it is over so soon. *He take makes a deep sigh and is looking at the other customers. One of his eyebrows has been lift.* Hmm.... So much lovely Ladies, maybe I shouldn't pay so much attention to my books. *He smiles.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) BE Low Mage (#199) Lady Hexen Registered User (7/23/01 3:31:35 pm) Re: Meeting the Lady Death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexen weaves her multitudinous voice through a few more sweet and light songs. In between songs, she moves to the table to take a drink from her mug. Looking around the room, a gleefully mischeivous look enteres her eyes. Going to the musicians and to Lady Windsong, speaking in low tones, she quickly teaches the tune to them by humming it. Satisfied that they know the tune, Hexen brings up her mug and drains it before addressing the bar patrons. "This is a baudy but fun drinking song. It's one of my favorites. I just hope our hosts don't throw me out for it's content" Her eyes twinkle with evil humor. Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair, And one could tell by how he walked that he’d drunk more than his share He staggered ‘rround until he could no longer keep his feet Then he stumbed off into the grass to sleep beside the street Rrring ding diddley, La dee Oh, Rring die diddley eye oh-oh He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street Well about that time two young and lovely girls just happened by And one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye “See young sleeping Scotsman so strong and handsome built I wonder if it’s true what they DON’T wear beneath their kilt” Rrring ding diddley, La dee Oh, Rring die diddley eye oh-oh “I wonder if it’s true what they DON’T wear beneath their kilt” Oh, they crept up on the sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be They lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see And there behold! For them to view beneath his Scottish skirt ‘Twas nothing more than god had graced him with upon his birth Rrring ding diddley, La dee Oh, Rring die diddley eye oh-oh ‘Twas nothing more than god had graced him with upon his birth Oh, they marveled for a moment, then one said “We must be gone.” “Let’s leave a present for our friend before we move along.” As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon tied into a bow Arrround the bonny stars the Scots kilt didna lift and show Rrring ding diddley, La dee Oh, Rring die diddley eye oh-oh Arrround the bonny stars the scots kilt didna lift and show Well, the Scotsman woke to natures call and stumble towards the trees Behind a bush he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees And in a startled voice he says to whats before his eyes, “Oh, Lad I don’t know where ya been, but I see you won first prize.” Rrring ding diddley, La dee Oh, Rring die diddley eye oh-oh “Oh, Lad I don’t know where ya been, but I see you won first prize.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finishing the song with a triumphant, glowing smile, the Lady Hexen looks around the room. She seems to expect that someone might throw her out. AP Lady Hexen (#6379) Nether United Nations of Terra S1 Lady Hexen (#496) Verdant Storm Front angelhexen@icqmail.com ICQ# 113071560 Lady Celes Crusader Administrator (7/23/01 7:32:05 pm) Re: Meeting the Lady Death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The drunked crowd laughs and applause. Some even ask for more. Some sylphes raises an eyebrow about the below-the-belt humour and expected to receive an order from their mistress, but obviously, Lady Celes didn't mind at all. - She must be used to all this stuff, said one of the creature - Normal, replied another one, you should heard what conversations she have with Darkwolfe when she's drunk - Husssh, hissed a third one, no dirty gossips about our Mistress Windsongwind Registered User (7/24/01 4:55:19 pm) Re: A very baudy song -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the end of the ditty Windsong is laughing too much to continue playing.she carefully puts away her flute and goes to sit with the Tourist." I think Sir Mage you owe me a drink." She continues to listen to the music . She is fascinated with the Lady Hexan's collar.Mayhap she will sell it to me, but no, it must be very important to her.It would be impertinent to ask. Instead she takes her drink and concentrates on the music committing it to memory to play at another time LightningRider85 Registered User (7/24/01 5:27:23 pm) To kill a mockingbird -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After walking back into the tavern, Lady Lightning Rider takes her seat at the far corner of the bar. Listening to the music that has delighted so many of her company, she dozes off to be awaken an hour later by a light commotion she hears outside of the near window. She turns her head to see a starving peasant pounce away. She then notices a small scroll, neatly left on the windowsill... Lightning Rider walks over to the letter and reads to herself: I hope that you are of full power, and that your army is strong... you would not like to be caught in the middle of a war without being prepared... and clean that wound on your head, it's repulsive...send my regards to your brother when you see him ~Mom "Nag nag nag. She's always doing this to me..." Lightning Rider screams out to the peasant that delivered the message. "I thought I told you to destroy her crystal ball! You good-for-nothing fool!" "You can't tell me what to do!" "There's 1 million geld in it for you." "I'll have that thing shattered first thing in the morning." Lightning Rider smiles and turns away from the bumbling servent. "Be gone!" With a wave of her hand, the peasant dissapeared into the night. Author Comment Vermehren Registered User (7/26/01 11:21:09 am) Re: A very baudy song -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist seem to be speechless, after what Lady Hexen has song. He slowly shakes his head.* In the past the girls very much more descent. Maybe I should go back to my books, where the girls knows to behave. *He is still shakeing his head about the girls, as Lady Windsong is sitting herself on his table. He looks long in her face.* Hmm... I hardly remember that I owe you a drink, but maybe you can sit here with me and let me a little enjoy your presents. *Gave the wrench a sign* Just two more of them, ok? *He looks back at the Lady on his table* And what do I get in return? *He smiles at her.* AP Tourist (#50) United Nations of Terra Leader A1 Low Mage (#3) Pacifists? Lowest Member S1 Vermehren (#193) B2 Tourist (#423) BE Low M
  5. Wow! *pauses and rereads* This is absolutely beautiful.
  6. I live with my greatest fear every day ............... that I havn't done enough
  7. Happiness is a choice we make . I firmly believe this.
  8. intresting but it gave me the creaps ...very clock work orange
  9. great stuff!!! I like the third one had me leaning forward and wanting to run away
  10. A frantic flutter of wings streak across the sky like a frighted flock of dragon flies all heading in the same direction. I couldn't help but follow as thousands of them wizzed past me . Over the farmer's field and down to the bank of a small creek running as fast as possible and I can barely see where they are all headed. A little further along the bank of the creek I see the swarm of fairy folk hover over a pool of very clear water .it takes me a few minutes to clear my head and see what is happening . each fairy takes hold of a silken thread . I follow the thread from tiny hands to the source. A baby otter cought in a fisherman's trap the fairies struggle to keep it's head above he water.In a soft voice I say "I can help" and I slowly move forward slippping my hand under the exhausted mite and un hook the wire that had gotten wrapped around it's leg . I set him down gently on the back and set backout of the way as the fairies take over. each one flying over it and sprinkling a little dust on the otter's head with a tiny chant "From me take this gift for strength" A life is saved
  11. Great work hon
  12. My favorite bit. I always like it when questions are asked it involves the reader and makes you look again . good work
  13. Gripping and a great twist. Well done!!
  14. i was soo hoping that would be the out come no one should have to pay for someone elses crimes. Great story !
  15. glad to see you here . Good luck! I liked this gave me shivers
  16. *claps her hands in joy* Great story so far Beloved. I want more please.
  17. Echos Peredhil's message. You got to love yourself first sweety. Millions of hugs
  18. There is frost on the window and ice on my heart. You said your peace now take off!! and just Start.. Your new life I do wish you well but don't expect to see me for your wedding bells You have set me free to find me a wife So cold! you won't even shed a tear do I still have a soul? I don't think so, and fear was that your goal? it will be my strife Frozen forever, heartache's pain lost in the nothing I've gone cold and insane A spark , I am warming? The sounds of new life They hand me a child So tiny and new My heart thaws and runs wild A miniature version of you I've lost my x-wife
  19. a little polish *laughs*( I'm one to talk ) but good , very emotional . Good work hon keep it up
  20. It is very good an you are improving. And i got the part about the icecream right away it made sense to me . To just sit and relax and eat a bowl of icecream like anyone would a kind of care free thing to do .
  21. hugs everyone and get to bed early saterday will be hectic for me Semi finals for my munchkin and he has to be at warm up for 7 am
  22. *musical laughter floats down from the rafters* "It will take more than bravado to even get close to such as he who has been named target." With effortless grace a small woman jumps down and lands beside the tall, still cloaked member of the gathering. She tosses a tumble of black curls out of her way and flashes mauve eyes around ,shakes her head and mutters "We all must be insane ........ count me in but I would be paid a small sum in advance to prove your commitment and to get some supplies I will be needing. * takes the pouch in her hand pours out 50 gold coins and then tosses it back to the stunned man on stage * "Thanks I'll meet up with you all in Tel Reth" *back up into the rafters and out the sky light and all that is left of the woman is a breath of fresh air*
  23. *chuckles * been there now it is Mom i need to get here for this time and then i have this here at that time and are you sure that dad will pick me and all my friends up? things change but stay the same . Worth every frustration though to watch them become (in my case) little men
  24. i really liked the repetition in this like the spine of the piece bringing your thoughts back to the center. *So go on deceive me make me feel all right. So tell me what I want to hear. Cuz today I can't face my fear* Good work
  25. Bit the bullet and took my snippets from here and an idea to an illustrator . he thinks it is a good idea but hasn't read the bits yet . So keep your fingers crossed and maybe i will have get something published. Thanks to the encouragement from all of you here. I'll keep you all posted.
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