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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. happy day
  2. Wren stands for a minute slightly stunned at what has just passed then turns to Regel with a great big smile "Congratulations Regel !!" then she gives him a huge hug .
  3. * looks up from her book when the commotion of Peredhil wandering through finally gets her attention * "Oh Hello and welcome Louveteau please excuse me if i don't keep writing now i will loose my train of thought"
  4. *pulls up a chair ans sits with Regel as he waits for wyvern to come in and take a look at the application* i came prepared Hon . *slowly begins to take things out of her bodice and sets them on the coffee table ...cheeze wine and some lovely little crackers * "This should tide us over for a while "
  5. *Hugs*
  6. /me hugtackles Regel and grins "Welcome Hon enjoy this place "
  7. I've been thinking a lot about this poem and the discussion that it has stirred and it had made me realise that I was able to write this now because I am in the process of (this sounds corny ) finding myself again. Too many years I have been everything to everyone,obliviously hiding in my little world no sence of self . slowly over the course of the past two years i have realised that there was still a person in behind the reflection in the mirror.One that loved lif and people. A woman,not just a Mom and wife but a sensual beautiful woman. The confindence is slower to com but I feel more an more the person left behind so many years ago. Joining this little community and writing again has help me along the way. Thank you all for your comments and support.
  8. Exactly
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. Wow!! I was there trapped ,drawn, sinking into those eyes with your character. awsome piece
  11. I like the structure of this ...makes you stop and think about each set of lines. Good work Zen !!
  12. Fat girl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is comfort in this layer of fat It hides the curves that make men stare A warmth that lets women be her friend No longer do they point ,whisper and glare Not many know that under it all is beauty Nor do they care She is a fat girl Outward beauty is a mark of success in our society Where those who don't measure up are cast aside A prison where looks matter more than deeds Slowly over time beauty blissfully hides Queitly She joins the outcasts Takes her place and peacefully abides Comfortably invisible
  13. I would with out a second thought . I have never been body shy. If you don't like the way i look then look the other way. LOL Besides swiming nude is a great feeling. When everyone is nude it just seems silly to leave your clothes on.
  14. Happy Day
  15. Congrats Hon!! *showers Zen with hugs and kisses as he walks out the door* Time to cellebrate with good company and great beer. *grabs Zen by the hand and starts dragging him towards the pub*
  16. Good luck Hon and keep your head down . *hugs*
  17. Thank you Hon *hugs* sometimes going with what flows at the moment produces wonderful things
  18. Gives me the sence of a true bard setting the mood for a longer story. Well done Parm !!
  19. good work
  20. Some thing about this makes me wonder how much has been lost in between the extremes. *hugs*
  21. me is on the edge of her seat .... I love this story ...such tension ans suspence
  22. Teleportation and to never need sleep
  23. *stands to accept her promotion a little bewildered * This is quite un expected Thank you and congratulations to everyone else *sits back down hastily*
  24. she sat watching the would be lovers stare and part looks so fleeting then the masks cover preventing the start so sad to walk away for love is worth the pain
  25. Do you understand now? *wiggles her toes in the glorious fur at her feet* Psimon2001 The leopard rolls over onto Lady Windsong's feet, wrapping his forepaws around her leg. He grips her leg between his strong paws and starts to lick her leg. After a few moments of this, he snaps his jaws upon one of her slippers, proceeding to chew on it's softness... He is still purring loudly. Windsongwind Mortal Hey! you naughty cat give that back! It's my best pair.Then she just collapses into a fit of giggles. Cards forgotten as she slides off her chair to tickle the huge beast. Lady Hexen Laughing to see her friend wrestling with the big cat, she ducks the powerful swishing tail as Psimon tussles gently with Windsong. Scooting out of tailsweep range, Hexen wonders who has the upper hand in this match, knowing how slight Psimon is built. Hopping up on the chair next to Tourist with a gleam in her eye, "I'll bet you that Psimon can outwrestle Windsong." She is grinning maniacally. "I'll bet you a poem. The loser has to recite." Hexen seems pretty confident, but not confident enough to bet much. She has a sneaking suspicion that Psimon might just "let" Windsong win. The pair of wrestlers tussle over the slipper, the deep resonant growl set up sympathetic vibrations all down her spine. The girl laughing, the leopard playfully growling, they roll right into the table. Like lightning the hands of Tourist and Hexen both snap out, catching the mugs of beer before they fall. She laughs, exchanging a humorous glance with Tourist. "Didn't spill a drop, here! How about you?" She looks over Tourist quizzically. "Nope... Because, we know what's important. We saved the beer!!!" She dissolves into laughter and then takes a breath before draining one of the mugs and tossing the empty to the barwench. Psimon2001 The leopard is slight yet agile, his paws large and forceful. The match is a close one. After much tumbling and growling, a tangle of two arms, six legs, four paws, and a tail, the big cat springs from the floor onto the mantle, slipper still firmly held in his mouth. Realising he is too large for the ledge there, he falls back to the floor, landing softly and facing Lady Windsong as she rises to her hands and knees. The pair face one another, Lady Windsong very still as the leopard growls deeply, the rumble easily heard outside the tavern, his tail twitching from side to side quickly, as though agitated. His body is very still as he stands proudly before her but she could swear he winks as he opens his mouth to drop the slipper in front of her... The leopard rubs his face across Lady Windsong's shoulder then moves to rub against Lady Hexen's leg as she sits at the table with no beer in her tankard. Her wager is lost. Lady Hexen owes Lord Tourist a recital.... Windsongwind Windsong stands up still laughing .Picks up the now soggy slipper and wrings it out "Ugh! It's slimy..... Oh well!" She tucks both slippers into her belt. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror behind the bar she Quickly staightens out her gown and brushes out her hair with her fingers. But it is hopeless her hair is a mess. She just gives up on it and gets some mead at the bar and rejoins her friends. "Barkeep I think a pail of cold water is needed for our feline friend." And to the leopard she winks "You let me win! I think that it is you who owes us a poem." Re: Tavern Hexen smirks at the cat as she gets to her feet. She carries her empty mug to the bar and sets it down without a word. Then she turns and draws herself up very straight. She prepares the words of a song in her mind. The soulchoir collar hangs unused in her beltpouch. She will not seek it's aid. Instead, when she sings, her voice is fragile and soft. Her singing voice isn't beautiful, but she sings with a soft and loving passion. The song is intimate, slow... Somewhere between a lullaby and a love song... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You come from far away With pictures in your eyes Of coffeeshops and morning streets In the blue and silent sunrise But night is the cathedral Where we recognized the sign We strangers know each other now As part of the whole design Oh, hold me like a baby That will not fall asleep Curl me up inside you And let me hear you through the heat You are the jester of this courtyard With a smile like a girl's Distracted by the women With the dimples and the curls By the pretty and the mischievous By the timid and the blessed By the blowing skirts of ladies Who promise to gather you to their breast Oh, hold me like a baby... You have hands of raining water And that earring in your ear The wisdom on your face Denies the number of your years With the fingers of the potter And the laughing tale of the fool The arranger of disorder With your strange and simple rules Yes now I've met me another spinner Of strange and gauzy threads With a long and slender body And a bump upon the head Oh, hold me like a baby... With a long and slender body And the sweetest softest hands And we'll blow away forever soon And go on to different lands And please do not ever look for me But with me you will stay And you will hear yourself in song Blowing by one day Oh, hold me like a baby... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Her eyes are closed and she sways on her feet, rocking softly as the song finishes with a lilting and wordless harmony... She grows still and opens her eyes, blinking as though she must remember herself again. The smile chases away the last of the softness and she makes a quirkly little curtsy, which looks even funnier dressed all in leather as she is. She strides back to the table and sets it back up, winks at Tourist to show him it's safe to put the two mugs down on the table. She gestures to the barmaid for more beer. Then looking at Windsong and Tourist she smirks sarcastically and starts clapping. "Not bad, not good, but not bad either... That girl can't carry a tune in a bucket... but not bad despite that." Her eyes dance with mirth as she takes a slow sip from the mug the barmaid brings her and eases down into the chair. OOC: For those interested, it's Suzanne Vega, "Gypsy". It's long been a favorite song of mine. ICQ# 113071560 Vermehren *Very soon are the cards forgotten and Tourist looks this interessting fight. He was sure that the cat wouldn't hurt the Lady* What for a challing fight. And what for a good price... a pair of slippers. *He laughts and catch the mug of beer, before anything serious happend.* Yes, my Lady, this is a good price. Let us bet on the winner of this fight. *He sits himself again down and is looking courious, who will be the winner of this fight. Moveing his lips a little, as if he was saying silently words to cheer up someone.* *As Lady Windsong was winning, he looks toward Lady Hexen, with a smile on his face and say nothing, as if he now expect to get the wagner.* *His eyes lay on Lady Hexen, as she is singing and as she has finish and sit down he points at the collar.* With this your voice is so beautyfull and everybody will say how wonderfull and charming your voice is... *He is thinking about this.* But everybody that have hear you sing without it, hear your voice fighting lonely against the silent like a little bird in a storm. So defendless and pittyfull but still trying your best. *He slowly shakes his head.* Thoese that have heard this will wish that you dig your collar and never use it again. I have seen two kinds of beauty today. One beauty by the magic of your collar and one truly beauty. *Looks long at her, than he nods.* Thank you very much. I feel honored that you have sing this for me, even when it is only a bet wagner. Psimon2001 When Lady Hexen has finished her song and returned to the table, the leopard stands his front paws onto her seat, his head now level with hers, only inches from her. For a long moment he stares into her eyes, blinking slowly... Lady Hexen hears his 'voice' in her mind, the message focussed, for her alone. When he is done, has said what he wants her to know, he lowers his head to her lap and rests there...content just to be close to her. Lady Hexen The girl holds the steady gaze of the leopard for a moment, her vision feeling tricked to see one black eye and one white looking back at her. Though his duality is mixed throughout in this form, his eyes still remember their color. Hearing his silent thoughts whisper through her mind, she closes her eyes and butts her forehead against the head of the cat, seeming to take comfort for some secret and gentle ache. She relaxes her hold on this feeling with a sigh as he lays his head upon her lap. Smiling softly at Windsong. "Sister, seeing the two of you romp around... it just looked like so much fun. Perhaps getting low to the ground and running about as an animal is a good outlet for our primal nature. Sometimes we just need to let the beast run, lest the beast take us for a run, eh?" She strokes through the thick spotted fur and she looks down into his catface as though asking him the question. "It could be fun to become an animal and romp and play, though I think that Psimon would be at a disadvantage for any more wrestling matches. I can't think of what we should do. Any ideas?" Windsongwind In the blink of an eye Hexen finds another large cat at her feet.A puma sleak and pretty. She buts her head into Hexen's lap pushing the leopard away to ger her ears rubbed. Lady Hexen Suddenly her lap is a coveted place and Hexen seems most surprised by this change. Stroking the sleek and tawny head of the puma, Hexen leans down to rub her face against the head of this new cat. As the two cats rub their faces, vying for her lap and her attentions, Hexen laughs and tousles the scruff of Psimon while still stroking Windsong's sleek ear. She sits up again with a little laugh. "Two big cats, predators... I could continue this game, choose a form that I would be sure to win against you both. A tiger?" Her eyes widen. "Or I could make it fun and be a big wolf. That would make it a bit more challenging for me." She seems to ponder and then suddenly her face lights with an idea. In the same instant she disappears from sight. The two cats mentally hear Hexen's voice. "I wonder which one of you can catch me. But if you do catch me, don't eat me all up, ok?" There is a small motion from the chair, and they suddenly see a tawny little rodent standing on it's hind legs on the chair where Hexen once sat. The dust colored kangaroo rat is 9 inches long, half of that length being made up of its long, bushy-tipped tail. It stands up on its oversized backfeet and jackrabbit looking hind legs and wiggles it's little nose and whiskers at the two cats as though taunting them. Some instinct and curiousity is piqued in the pair of cats and they cannot help but draw close and sniff. With a little tan blur, the rodent is off, and before they realize it both cats are giving chase, unable to resist the game. Windsongwind Mortal The puma jumps straight up into the air landing on top of the unsuspecting leopard and then she leaps on to the table. (So much for trying to save the beer sorry) then she is off trying to catch the rodent. Psimon2001 Momentarily stunned by the puma landing on him, the leopard is slow to give chase at first, then quickly accelerates after the long-tailed rodent. As he runs around the room, his paws slipping on the smooth floor, his bulk smashes into the other tables and chairs in the tavern. Some patrons are lucky enough to save their food, their drink, or their dignity. Others are not so fortunate. The uproar in the tavern is enormous as food, drink, and tavern patrons are scattered in all directions, scrambling to escape the two big cats as they pass or simply brushed aside as though they were only so much tall grass or snow-covered branches. The cats pass one another many times as they give chase, and the leopard checks his run at times just to block the puma's path, at one point even planting his forepaw in the face of his opponent. If he cannot get the rodent, he will not allow another to get it too easily... Lady Hexen As the two cats give immediate chase, the little rodent moves like lightning, filled with a very real fear for her life as her tiny little heart hammers in her chest. The same primal instinct that makes the cats give chase, gives a sudden burst of panic induced speed to the little rat. Small as she is, she weaves and darts so quickly, turning and springing, weaving under the low and small places. The more agile puma goes around, while the great brute of a leopard often goes through or over, mowing down patron and furniture alike. In tight quarters like this, the little rat has no place to flee to, sometimes springing against walls and changing direction so fast it leaves the faster, bulkier cat sliding face first into the wall. The waitress begins screaming in panic and hops onto a chair as the furry blur scurries past her foot. Seeing an opportunity, the rat scampers under the chair and stops. The breakneck pursuit of the pair of cats carry them to the chair as their claws dig into the wood floor in a last-ditch effort to stop. The tawny eyes of the puma widen as she draws just to a stop before impacting the chair, but then the leopard slides into her, knocking the chair and waitress tumbling in a heap down on the tangled pair of cats. Stunned and tangled, a heavy waitress sitting upon the back of the leopard, he cannot move as the little rat jumps up and lands on the top if his nose. The leopard crosses his eyes to focus on the rat, who stands on her hind legs momentarily to wiggle whiskers at him. The little rat voice sounds almost like laughter. In the meantime, the puma has freed herself of the tangle and slinks up from one side, bunching to pounce. As the tawny paw comes sailing downward, the rat darts, quick as a flea, leaving the bare nose of the leopard open to the swat of the puma's paw. The rat still seems to be laughing hysterically as she zigzags across the bar floor and then disappears under the tavern door, leading outside. Windsongwind The puma stops short of the door and blinks. Windsong appears again for a brief moment. waves her hand in the air and sets every thing back where it belongs. "Sorry" she laughs Then the puma reappears and races out the door Psimon2001 The leopard looks dumb-struck as the rat runs under the door with the puma in hot pursuit. He sits and rubs his sore nose for a moment, then with a resigned look and a thought to Lord Tourist, "Come, join us, my good friend. It will be fun to run for a while. We have sat in this fine establishment too long. Our minds grow still. Let us feel the wind in our fur...er, I mean hair as we run together", he sets off out the door in pursuit of the rat and the puma... Windsongwind | Edit Re: Tavern With a great leap the puma clears the door and heads for the nearest cover, an overturned barrel .There she crouches surveying the area. Tense and ready to strike Lady Hexen From her perch atop the barrel, obscured by a little bed of brown leaves, the Hexen rat wonders what the puma is doing inside the barrel. Still too timid to move, she strains her ears to listen for any activity from within. Petrified, she holds completely still, even when a gust of wind picks up the leaves that were her camoflage and blows them away. Suddenly unprotected, she sits in plain sight, but cannot find even the courage to move. ICQ# 113071560 Psimon2001 Magician Posts: 154 (9/13/01 1:32:56 am) Reply Re: Tavern The leopard stops and stands just outside the tavern door, his eyes becoming accustomed to the light. Suddenly he disappears... The rat, cowering and shaking on the barrel, feels a mighty weight pressing down on her tail, holding her fast to the barrel. Turning her head, heart like a trip-hammer in her throat, she stares straight down the throat of the leopard who has reappeared silently behind her. His jaws open, teeth glinting, as her doom encompasses her. The leopard snaps the rat into his mouth in one very small, very afraid bite. The lights go out for the rat as she sits, warm and now wet inside the leopards mouth, but he does not chew or swallow her, simply holds her in his mouth, his lips allowing a small breeze to pass through. Windsongwind Silently the puma crawls out of the barrel and around behind the smug leopard.Who is so proud of himself he innot aware of her passing . She gets in just the right spot and grabs a mouthfull of tail biting down hard. The leopard Yeowls and drops the little frightened rat. The puma lets go and heads for cover. Lady Hexen The rat hits the ground stunned, and sopping wet. She stands up, shakes herself from head to the tip of her little bristling tail. Then she stands, trying her best to look fearless though her heart feels like it will burst. She stands to her full bristling height of 4 and a quarter inches and she squeaks her protest at the big leopard. In their minds, her voice sounds shrill with panic. "You cheated!! Nobody said anything about teleportation. Where's the fun in that? We are playing cat and mouse and then you go teleporting!! Oh, you big cheater. Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!" The little rat looks all spiky with wet fur, she stands on her hind feet, her whiskers twitching furiously as she squawks and chatters. "Eww, I feel so funky, all covered in cat drool. Your tongue feels like sandpaper!!! Cheater, cheater!!" Her little shrill voice rattles on, until abrubly the little rat vanishes. Her mental speech is more calm now, like a low whisper. "Now, you have the choice. Do you want to play an animals game, or a wizards game? I'm up for both." ICQ# 113071560 heyitspat The door opens and a second later, someone enters. "Wizards game?" asks a poorly dressed stranger. "Do you mind if I join?" All the animals turn to stare at the new, old man. "I happened to be passing by the door of this tavern when I heard someone mention wizards games." The man changes form, to a black serpant, and back again in the blink of the eye. Now all can tell that he is able to control magic as well. "You have no need to know my real name, but those that know me now call me Bane." heyitspat Everyone just blinks at the name of Bane. The man starts looking from face to face, "what? it's my name, really." "well, maybe it's not my name but come on, you would change your name too if it was Clarence Boobers III." Clarence sits in a vacant chair and puts his head down on the table, crying. "darnit all, why am i such a big loser." Once he gains his composure he gets up and asks, "well, can i play? after all, i was willing to tell you my biggest secret. you can trust me now." Now everyone is staring at the leapord. Lady Hexen A little rat squeezes under the door from the outside, scurrying across the wooden floor. She stops at Bane's boot and stands up on her hind legs. Her manner is very straight and proper for a rat. She seems to take a very slow and courtly bow. In the blink of an eye, the rat disappears and is replaced by a bowing Hexen. Tousled blond hair almost obscures her dancing blue eyes. "M'Lord Bane, I find your true name to be most dignified." Her bow brings her face close and she leans in to whisper. "My parents gave me the name of Hortence Crook." She makes a fast of disgust as she stand up. "So you see why I like to be called Hexen. If you really ARE a loser, then I think you are in the right company. I know that I'm a loser too." Her funny smile wrinkles her nose up and then she disappears and on the floor where she stood stands a sleek little brown rat, wiggling it's whiskers at Bane. The Hexen-rat hops in an excited little circle. Gently projected, her mindspeak whispers in Bane's brain. "So the game so far has been to catch me. They are cats, and I'm a rat. But then silly Psimon cheated and now the rules have changed. Come and play, come outside and play!" She stands on her hind legs and hops a couple of times excitedly before starting for the door. She stops a few yards from the door to the outside and stands to look back. (Meanwhile, outside) The two cats are still, looking and listening for any sign of the rat. There is a rustle in the bushes. Then there is a sound of movement from a completely different direction. The sounds seem to come from many places, but for her to move that fast, it's near impossible. And then some of the movement seems to come simultaneously, confusing the pair of cats. Little brown blurs are dodging between the low underbrush, dashing under the deck of the taverns porch. There seems to be quite a swarm of rats now. Hexen's voice is taunting in their heads. "Alright, then. Now you have to figure out, and catch, the right rat. Which one is me?" Psimon2001 The leopard closes its eyes for a moment then bounds off after the real Hexen-Rat. Running quickly between the trees, under, over and around the low undergrowth, he pursues her. She scrambles under the tavern's porch, he follows. She bounds over the pathway, he follows. She tries to shake him by ducking underneath a thorny bush... It works! He barrels, unthinking, into the bush; realising too late that its thorns are long and sharp, his fur is long and prone to tangling in thorny bushes... He screams in anguish, a bone-rattling screech, as he is stuck fast to the bush, the thorns digging into his flesh when he tries to move. Black blood from the thorns entry points begins to clog his soft fur. He struggles but it only makes matters worse. He quickly becomes weak, too weak to hold himself upright, as his blood pools beneath the thorn bush, seeping into the ground, staining it black. Within moments of crashing into the bush, he is unconscious, trapped within his doom... Lady Hexen The "true" Hexen-rat that the snow leopard had followed stops on the other side of the bush to watch him struggle in the bramble. In truth, every one of the little rats is truly Hexen. Her soul has fragmented into the swarm, her thinking also made disperse. The rats slowly gather together, the presence of her growing with each new arrival, all focusing their attentions on the Psimon leopard. When there is enough of her gathered up, Hexen focuses her mind on sensing Psimon's essence. All of the rats hold very still, then suddenly they sweep into the thornbush in a little brown wave. The rats seem to cover him in a living blanket, their little teeth going fast to work on the thornbush. The brambles are one by one untangled, the thorns removed. Slowly the cat is lowered from the embrace of the briar, the little rats still seem to swarm over his bulk, removing further thorns and little rat tongues cleaning the wounds. Inside the Tavern, the little rat looks back at Bane with a squeak. "Oh, my love. He's hurt." And then she scurries out faster than lightning. Psimon2001 As the leopard is lowered, unconscious, to the ground, he slowly changes form, reverting to Psimon's true form. The rats work feverishly over him, cleaning his wounds, the last of the thorns is removed, the hole sealed with coagulated blood. All the rats gather over and around him, but they can feel the warmth of his body leaving him, just as his blood had seeped from him earlier. He is still. His chest does not rise or fall. No air enters or leaves his lungs. There is no beating of his heart. Hexen can feel him, 'see' his soul, within the lifeless husk that is his body. He is gone. There is no life in his form, yet his soul remains, bound to this place by something stronger than life and death itself... A chill breeze picks up the leaves scattered over the path, whipping them into small whirlwinds, swirling along the path, over Psimon's body. As the last of the cold air leaves his body, his robes sag to the ground, empty. His body is no more, but his soul remains, now without a home. It stands where his body once lay, looking lost, mournful, a little afraid. His soul reaches forward, arms outstretched, seeking comfort from those he loves, seeming to mouth the words 'hold me...' Lady Hexen There is a growing moan, a sussurant aching sound as the rats all gather together. But it is not the voice of Hexen, but the pain of the souls that she holds within her. The rats all gather together, leaving Hexen kneeling on the ground, holding her beloveds robe to her weeping face. The spirits tug at her, lift her face, force her to see that there is yet a way. Though the ache of losing him makes her ears somewhat deafened to their cries, slowly the screams sink through her haze of pain. "He is not dead. He plays a trick of spirit shifting. He is not on this side." Her look is sharp, burning with rage as she looks up, following the direction that the spirits show her. Her glare is piercing when she finds him, his body resting in the treetop while he projects his spirit. With a hiss of rage, her eyes blacken and the storm of her spirit brood move with such stinging speed that the chill of them surrounding him and caging him, surrounding him in frightening and alien intelligence. Her pain makes her wreckless, she does not hold them back as well as she can, and some of the more hungry spirits pierce him, sharing their ache and their darkness with the Ascendant mage before she notices and hisses the word of command that makes them draw back. "Tag is it?" Her own voice sounds raw, shaking in anger. "Well, you're still it!" With another hissing command, the cloud of wills draw back from him, letting him fall. They flurry around Hexen as she closes her eyes against the spirit dust. Obscuring her for a moment in the gray blur, when it clears, she is nowhere to be seen. Psimon2001 Psimon's body disappears from atop the tree, as his spirit vanishes also, then he steps whole and very much alive from within the tree itself. "Rats!" he declares, his feint thwarted by Hexen's sharp mind and wise spirits. He stands, looking at the puma, and shrugs his shoulders. "Curses!... I think I've angered her, M'Lady Windsong... I meant no offense but I have been insensitive to her. To me, all things, even death, can be faced with an emotion of one's choosing; dignity, grace, fear, anger, laughter or weeping. But I sometimes forget that not all have that perspective. I have seen inside her world, I have seen it and been awed by it, yet still I stumbled like a fool over her feelings. Like a fool, indeed! I am a fool!! Why must I always learn these lessons at the expense of someone I care for?" He bangs his fist against his thigh as he sits on an exposed tree root, his head hanging low. "What can I do to make amends? I must surely do something... mustn't I? Oh ... I am lost in matters of the heart! I have too little experience. I am ignorant and I dispise ignorance! " "Do I continue the game or go after her, dear Windsong. What must I do? Help me..." But before Lady Windsong can change form or speak, Psimon lifts his head... "Wait... she is not far away... " then without warning, he lunges forward and gently swats the puma on the ears... "You're IT!!" he shouts and then vanishes... Windsongwind Windsong unlike her sistermage had figured out the trick. In the guise of predator she had smelled his presence in the tree. and the mind bond to Psimon had not been severed so she did not mourn. But the game has lost it's appeal and in the center of the forecourt of the tavern a bright light forms around the puma . the light grows and glows enveloping the large cat.A loud clap is heard the light dissipates .Windsong stands in the puma's place.She strides through the door of the tavern tapping the mage in her way on the shoulder "Tag your it." she whispers into his ear. She grabs a mug from a passing wench and not even looking at the contents drinks it all in one gulp. Then she walks to her chair by the fire , picks up her hand of cards and waits for Lord Tourist to play his hand. Lady Hexen As Windsong relaxes down into her chair, wearied by the game, she feels a little tickle on her side. A little movement makes her jump and look down to find the sleek little rat hiding in a fold of her gown. The little creature curls around herself seeking comfort, the little bushy tail folded over her nose. The Hexen-rat focuses hard on clamping down her mental shields, thus explaining why Windsong did not at first sense her. Even knowing where to look, Windsong senses only the rat, Hexen's mind is locked away. The little rat brings a finger to her little rat face and there seems to be the tiniest curl of a smile on the thin lips. She nestles down, finding some respite as she sends the spirit fragment of her broadcasting sense of self skidding like a kite over the landscape, leading Psimon the merry chase. Windsongwind Windsong gently picks up the small rat. Nuzzles with it nose to nose for a minute then places it on her shoulder so it can follow the game and watch the door from it's perch. Lady Hexen The little rat scurries over the fine skinned shoulder of the Lady and darts up into the safety of her neck, hidden by Windsong's thick black mane. The rat tries not to tickle too much, but the sleek furred little body and the cool padded feet and tiny claws are enough to make the Lady squirm just a little. Meanwhile the Lady Hexen's id, charged with all of her emotion slips through the land, hiding and then darting onward, just out of reach of Psimon's awareness. Psimon2001 Psimon once more stands within the large tree across from the tavern, as one with the tree. His senses survey the area; the standard senses which so many take for granted, along with his unique senses. They search high and low, finding many fragments of Hexen scattered widely and spreading further as the little rats scurry about. Having watched Lady Windsong return to the tavern to take up her cards again, sensing a small, indistinct life form very close to her, and after a pause of several minutes, Psimon steps out of the tree once more. Watching carefully for the mage who is 'IT', he crosses the pathway to the front of the Tavern. He appears to be talking to himself... "Well Logan, I've done it again. Yes, I know... I think I'll sit here for a while. Maybe they've grown tired of my company. Maybe they've grown tired of my games... These humans are so very 'immediate', though, so emotional... I have much to learn... No, Logan, thanks for your concern, I think I'd better wait here... I have waited more than two hundred human summers to know love, I think I can wait a little longer to know forgiveness... Yes, you carry on with your hunt. Part of me is not far from where you are, but do not worry for us... " he laughs, "Yes! I know you love them too, and I'm sure they love you. You are a part of me after all!" He smiles. A contented, patient smile. Part of him is disturbed by events, part of him wonders what all the fuss is about, still another part struggles with the questions of why and how, and yet another gives up - surrendering to the moment, content to simply be near them. He sits on the ground, folding his long legs beneath himself, and begins to meditate... Lady Hexen A breeze slips close to him, cold and faintly bitter like dark earth. Not wanting to disturb him, the Hexen spirit gains physical form very slowly so that the wood planks of the porch don't give her away as she rests down on them. She sits silently, watching him in his meditative state. Some dull and sad ache is still in her as she looks upon him. The sight of him brings her joy, a sweet and undeniable longing, but also this little sadness. "You should never cry wolf beloved, for now I will never believe you if you ever are truly in danger. You have shown me that you are invulnerable, and now I will believe only that all the length of my days." Her whisper is so tender and sad. "And one day the universe may prove you a liar. I hope I do not live to see that day." Psimon2001 Armageddon has come and gone again. Life awakes - stirs anew - amongst the cracks and crags of the world known as Terra, and the mages, knights, clerics, and peasants join the multitude of wondrous creatures in greeting the new dawn... Psimon stirs from his meditation and gazes into the frowning face before him. "Fret not, beloved, for nought that this universe contains can destroy me utterly. But the others will no doubt be joining us soon... see, the cycle begins again, as it always has, and always will do" His eyes shift to the renewed form of the world around them and the spark of joy that he has found here is lit once more within them. A smile breaks across his face... "Come, let's go inside and greet our dear friends as they emerge from their 'sleep'. And let's see if we can sneak a few rounds of drinks in before we have to start buying them for everyone again!" He laughs heartily and grasps Hexen's hand, pulling her through the Tavern door. Rushing up to the bar, he levitates two tankards, fills them with beer and hands one to Hexen. Raising his drink, he declares a toast "To the new dawn... It's a BRAVE NEW WORLD!!" Windsongwind Windsong rises from her chair to greet her beloved friends in a warm embrace. " I'm so glad to be back together." hugging them both tightly to her. Lady Hexen The young soul of Hexen has not known as many cycles through Armageddon and back again, and so she seems a bit far away, blinking around confused as she sifts through the memories of her soul. As the settings become familiar she is relaxing, remembering the sights and smells of one of her favorite places. To Psimon and then Wren and then Tourist, she looks and searches each face and then smiles brightly as if in greeting. Suddenly she strides to the table where Tourist sits, lifts up the pitcher to toast to Psimon's words and then she starts to drink right from the pitcher as though it were only a very large stein. She sits in her familiar chair still keeping the pitcher to herself as she smiles so happily around. Vermehren *Seconds and seconds pass, minutes and minutes, hours and hours, daey and dayes, weeks and weeks and Tourist is still looking at his cards, not noteceing anything around him. His friend where playing this magic cat game and he is to concentratet to realize what they are doing, his eyes are still staring at the cards. Armagedon came and everybody is dying outside the Tavern and than recarnating and Tourist is still studing the two cards, not moveing his eyes not away from them. After a time that seems to be more than one eternity he looks up to Lady Windsong, his face bare without and emotion and he seem not to notice how long he has looks at his cards.* Please one more card, Mylady. *He looks around for the pitcher and looks a little confused, as he found the pitcher in the hands of Lady Hexen.* Windsongwind Sits back down and hands Tourist two new cards.Then gets up ,goes to the bar and brings a new pitcher to the table and refills everyone mugs Vermehren *He looks very happy as he see his mug refilled and takes first a long dip than he looks again at his cards.* Hmm... Five cards are the maximum you say? Than I still need one card. I hope that I finaly get some points... *He looks a little unhappy at his cards.* Windsongwind Windsong reaches across the table and gently puts her hands on his cards and pushes them down. " You seem upset by something my friend care to talk about it?" The cards magicall disappear and end back in Windsong's pouch. and two more jugs of beer are delivered to the table..... "would you like a refilll?" Vermehren *He looks up, confused and shakes his head.* Don't worry, that where only the cards that I dislike. *He pats her hands.* I'm fine. Thank you very much for concern for me. But I'm quite okay. *He smiles at her than looks at the new jugs and smiles a little more.* That is very nice from you. Always want to take care of me? *He lift the jugs and and cheer to her, than put it on his lips and take a long drop.* Lady Hexen Hexen sits in fine company and slowly drains the entire pitcher of beer, gradually becoming more and more pink cheeked and shiny eyed. She seems a bit surprised that her alcohol tolerance isn't so good, due to her newly reborn status. When she stands to take the pitcher back to the bar, she must steady herself on a chair and then she walks very carefully over to the bar and sets down the pitcher with a clunk. "Ummm, thank you." she says in slurred tones before weaving her way slowly and carefully back to her seat and sinking down into it. Lady Hexen then looks over at Lady Windsong and at Tourist with a silly grin. Then her eyes very drunkenly shift around the room, looking for someone and not really seeing him right away. Psimon2001 He carefully watches the table where his friends sit. Watches as they take up their cards, imbibe their drinks, smile and begin to laugh once more. The trauma of Armageddon is fading in their memories, though the event always remains. He stares at the table, his gaze extending beyond the wooden surface, his eyes focussed on a time and place so far away. "Why do you taunt me like this?" His voice is low, a mere whisper. His face appears tormented. "Haven't you done enough to me? Leave me alone... let me be. .." Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong senses some deep torment with in her friend but refrains from going to him an as the feeling also carried with those thought is dark and old and very evil ..She gives him a mental hug and motions for him to come and join them "I have some ice water for you My Lord" Vermehren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist is looking worried at Lady Hexen.* Are you okay now or are you feeling a little to drunk? *He is looking courious at her.* *Than he hears what Psimon is say and wants to answer, but than notice that Lady Windsong already seem to take care of him.* *So he payes more attention to Lady Hexen.* I don't want to force you to something, but I wouldn't look down at you, if you would drink a little of a none alcohol drink. *He smiles at her.* So can I order you a drink? Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a sudden flash of alarm in the drunken blue eyes of the Nether mage, a frown clouding her features as her mind struggles to grasp what is wrong. Through the severence from life and reincarnation, the link with Psimon's soul seems to have weakened for when she reaches out her mind she finds the place that his presence once occupied is closed to her. The tall girl gets to her feet, her hand on Lord Tourist's shoulder first to steady her and then to tell him that she is alright as she feels her blood slowly purified of the alcohol through a force of will. Gently she moves to Psimon and waits near his side, her mind willing him to use the strength that those who love him can offer. Hexen feels her sister mage moves so lightly near also. Her awareness takes in the concern of Tourist and the like will of the slightbodied Windsong opening her strong soul to help bear the burden. The sisters, tall and blond, and small and dark haired, Nether Mage and Ascendant Mage, Hexen and Windsong, join hands. Their love for each other and for the precariously balanced soul of Psimon is evident in their attentions. The joined minds of the girls hangs back and at the ready, but waiting for him to accept the strength that they may offer. They wait lest their aid be unwelcomed by the proud Elven heart. A gestalt of care and comfort and the resilient endurance of women's hearts open to share in his burden. There is a darkness of fear from one mind, a knowledge of mortal danger. In her fear she cannot name it, though on some level she knows it almost too intimately. Hexen whispers, her guardian spirits joining her words so that a choir of souls speak. "Psimon, we are here. We want to help you. Let us help you." The hum and hiss of spirit words and the gentle insistance of Hexen's words are powerful, but not half as powerful as something that could so distress Psimon. She prays silently that it will be enough. Psimon2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His clouded vision clears after a moment. Psimon shakes his head, as though shaking free of a bad dream into the cool reality of a brisk autumn day. He shudders and brings his robes closer around him. "Forgive me, my friends. He reaches beyond the veil and torments me with his laughter... There is something still not right but the moment has passed. And I have learnt something in the bargain" He smiles as the psionic link between them is restored. "I had to distance you while he was in contact with my mind, lest he see both of you and know your importance to me" His face shifts from a smile to a frown as swiftly as the winter storms rolling in from the hills, their snow-filled clouds bringing a cold doom. "He is here. In Terra... somewhere... Yes, he is definitely here" "Who?" the question explodes from the lips of his beloved two at the same instant. "GBH" Psimon's furrowed brow deepens as he considers the full impact of his discovery. "He seeks to finish me here, where I am weakened. Less than I was or could be. But he has miscalculated!" A wry smile returns to his face. "Yes. He has miscalculated badly... but intelligence was never his speciality. He has revealed, in his own pathetic stumbling way, how I may best him. How I may return to my own realm, restored. Made whole once more..." His face blackens once more as a thought winds its way into his mind - a black cerebral worm seeking to undo his plans - and a chill hand clutches his heart. He has discovered a way to leave this place - to leave Terra... He turns to look at each of his three friends."Lord Tourist. Lady Hexen. Lady Windsong. I will need your help now, more than ever, for I have learnt the secret of my entrapment here" He takes a long draw of his cider then continues, "The magic here in Terra is fragmented. Each discipline, each colour if you like, holds but a portion of the true power. I must master all five magical disciplines, become completely attuned to the ways of each, then combine them all thus unlocking the True Magica. With this True Magica I can defeat GBH, unlocking the portal between my realm and Terra. I can go home..." P S I M O N Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsong goes to Psimon's side and wraps her arms around him in a comforting hug. "What power I have is yours you need not even ask." *leans into him snuggling her cheek in is chest*......*sigh*.... "You have been missed" Lady Hexen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The intense blue eyes of the Nether mage cloud as she hears what is unspoken. ...leave Terra... go home... Made whole once more... For a moment her selfish heart rages like a child. For that moment she does not want to help, but somehow hinder him, keep Psimon limited and trapped. At least if he stays, she can keep him, can still know him. But then there is a stilling within her. The wise old soul cannot allow her to hurt that which she loves. "Psimon, you have any aid that I may give. No matter the price, we will pay it." The voice from her lips is joined by so many wills, so many whispering voices. Steely eyed with sudden resolve the blond asks, "How can this be done? What is required? How can this rock troll be beaten?" Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Windsong decides that the place it way too quiet so she congures up a band and some music grabs Tourist by the hand and swings him onto the floor * "Come on lets dance sing and be merry!!!!" Vermehren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Tourist is looking long at Psimon, short at Lady Hexen and than again long at Lady Windsong. But than is Lady Windsong strongly pulling him on the dancefloor and just before he realize he is standing in the middle of the room with Lady Windsong.* Windsongwind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The music is fast and joyfull fitting the renewal of seasons and old friendships. Windsong holds on tightly toTourist at first showing him the steps then letting him lead as he picks up the dance.. "Thank you for this lovely dance" *smiles joyfully* The music slows and the tempo mellows. Windsong snuggles closer into the great mages arms and sways with him to the song.
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