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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Happy Birthday !
  2. Pitter patter What's the matter? My head is about to explode Willy nilly This is just silly I can get this darn thing to load Dither dather The words are all gathered Just a small bit of prose --------------- I did it all right Now it's gone from sight The work so carefully crafted Next time the muse hits I'll make sure it fits Writen down with a pencil and paper
  3. With all that love I'm sure the dreams are happy and the monsters are kept at bay. A beautiful piece. *Hugs*
  4. Well deserved. Congratulations!
  5. Brilliant cyrstals suspended seamingly in thin air , step closer to see tiny threads with silver droplets of dew hanging from them. Reach out to touch and recoil as a huge spider appears between your eyes
  6. a police file . not a bottle of booze but a bottle of pills
  7. no laughter here not even a smile the sun has gone down So dark lasts for miles throw the bottle away just swallow the bile sweet nothing comes fast cheek hugging the tiles close your eyes now and become just a file
  8. The picket fence has fallen down A lawn that's never mowed Prom time pictures now turned brown The happy smiles are all just frowns The supper meal set out each night Is too often left gone cold His golden ring is not in sight The other one's gotten too bold The fairytale turned out to be A nightmare in reality
  9. *chuckles * I guess for the spurr of the moment it isn't a bad tale. I didn't want to to be lost so i posted it here. Grav|-_-z begs wren to tell him a story <WrenWind> once apon a time <WrenWind> a very long time ago <WrenWind> lived a handsome prince <Adidas> named adidas * Adidas whistles back away <WrenWind> he was not very happy beccause he had lost his way in the big bad forest <WrenWind> for years he wandered around in the woods <Grav|-_-z> aaww.. will the prince get out..?!? <WrenWind> finally he stumbled into the cabin of the uglyest witch he had every seen <WrenWind> the witch fell madly in love with the prince * Grav|-_-z squeezes wren's hand <WrenWind> she told him she would do anything for him but it came with a price <WrenWind> the prince never asked the price and demanded that she get him out of the woods <WrenWind> so she led him straight out into the valley where he could see his castle <WrenWind> he never even turned to say thank you . he ran to his castle <WrenWind> but the castle was in ruin and his family long dead the trip through the forest had taken years not hours <Grav|-_-z> ....zz.z.z.z...... <Grav|-_-z> *tugs blanket* * WrenWind kisses Gravity's forhead and tucks him in <WrenWind> good night <Grav|-_-z> gnite wren <WrenWind> When the prince finally turned around to see if the old witch was there all he saw was a beautiful woman walking sadly back into the forest.
  10. Happy day!!
  11. Some times the attention is very uncomfortable and it is better to go unnoticed.
  12. Very profound for a short work . Brava!! my favorite line . Wren
  13. *agrees with Appy * That is a very good stanza very vivid imagery . Love it Wren
  14. I like it
  15. Great images and a wonderful story. *Hugs*
  16. I think we have all felt this way and one time or other . *hugs* It would make a good song
  17. could some one kindly delete my smiley posts . I edited the whole piece for spelling and grammer.
  18. Aphrodite how appropriate for a woman who has made her living on the love and lust of others. But no one cares about buying her her tapes and vidios any more. Just staying alive is much more of a prioity. Elizabeth Larran contributed all of her accumulated wealth to the project with only one condidtion. That she became the brain for one of the probes. A rough life to start then great wealth built from exploiting the men and woman she catered to and ultimately making milllions on the self help gimmic tour had left her with out anyone who really cared about her . Her as a person not the celebrity. No children no love her family had long since writen her off. This project was the perfect way to leave it all behind. Waking up with out a body was more than a little odd. Then everyone started to get very excited . The war!! Elizabeth grumbled. No real time to adjust she was one of the last coverts. Using her own advice she quieted down to listen. "Launch time excelerated, Count down to commence in 30 min all stations to your posts! "People buzzed around the probes making last minute adjustments. in the flurry of people Aphrodite tries to take a deep breath (oh yeah I don't need to breath anymore she chuckles to herself) Blast off and she is flying and dodging bits of debris and yes missles Men they always manage to screw things up !! She makes it through the mele with nothing but a dent in a feul pod she will shed just out side earths orbit she trains her camera eyes to the planet and sets it to record then usuing another set of eyes she looks forward and laughs as the words "Space the final frontier!! resound She does an internal check all her SOUP is still safely stored she starts to absorb all the bio information so she knows what to do when the time comes.
  19. thank you .
  20. so glad to see you add to this story. *hugs* i wait impatiently for more
  21. bump............. made some changes and added a bit
  22. a very good effort i have never attempted to write a song .......... Bravo !!!
  23. This is good it flows very well ....it also hits hard leaving me with a lump in my throat holding back unshed tears.
  24. intresting
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