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Everything posted by WrenWind
Getting to Tel Reth was easy getting into the city a little more difficult when you don't want to be seen and magic isn't always a good idea. Wren stopped a village away and went to visit the local wise woman . After tea and a small meal they get down to bussiness. Wren buys some herbs and a few of the womans clothes a leather satchel and one fat chicken she gives the wise one some of the gold and also a small packet of dried mushrooms that are very hard to find in these parts. "Thank you Sister, peace and light be with you!" Then Wren takes off towards Tel Reth on foot enjoying the scenery it will be a few more days till the meeting . She had time to smell the roses.
thanks i missed that ... edited
Stone A carefully crafted statue stands with arms outstretched ready to accept or give comfort In the dark of the night they come to talk, to cry and pour out their hearts. The statue is shiny, burnished by those that stop for solace found in the arms of stone. the old rock begins to show its years so much has been chipped away slowly eroded by all the tears inside a tender heart still beats absorbing all the hurt and fears thousands of comforting words are spoken as the stone skin begins to crack and split little pieces are taken home as tokens hoping that they hold some comfort but really only they can fix what's broken there is nothing left for self protection cruel have been the lessons learned. all expecting such perfection no one sees the man behind the stone but now for him there is no more rejection the granite casing crumbles to sand even a diamond can crack and shatter look around and take my hand all ways know that you do matter together we can make a stand For those who venture into the park all they will find now is the base of the statue and a note that says "Thank You to all who helped me grow enough to break free"
Willow looks around the room making sure no one notices her Writes Jim in the dust on the mantel before she leaves the party room to find a quiet place to take a nap.
Wren never quite makes it to the door befor her head feels like it is about to explode and she crumples to the floor . A glittering heap of silk and gold draped across the exit.
*smiles* Thank you . I hope you don't have RED hair
Willow steps out of the corner and looks the volleyball player over carefully and shakes her head. She walks around each person in the room carefully inspecting them. then without saying anything she points to Nathaniel and slips back into the corner
*steps up te Vlad and gives him a huggle * What a great idea !!! I'm game to play sign me up with any one .
Willow takes a custard salad and slips back into the corner to watch .
black long dress and a hood that covers most of her face Willow enters the mansion taking carefull note of all possible exits. "This place gives me the creaps " She sees the Party room and slips in hopefully unnoticed.
After banishing the experiment cart to the darkest corner of the room Wrenwind tuckes a curl behind her ear ,straightens her skirts and turned back towards the dancefloor as if nothing happened. Dodging snakes and people she madkes her way across to hug DL-Snake and asks him to dance with her to the encahnted flute music. As their feet touch the pollished wood Wren feels her bodice begin to get looser and then sees one of Celes' sylphs slip over her shoulder and down onto the floor. She would have followed it but to do so would have caused her costume to fall in a most embarassing way ."DL " in a whispered voice "You need to dance me over to the door. I have to well ...... ummm..... have you do up my dress again" Ever the gentleman , with one hand holding up the slipping apperal DL dances her to the door.
It's great to see something different. Love them both they mad eme smile.
I'm In. Never played this kind of game . Sounds fun
Great poem Arwen it flows very well. You get better with every post.
*Hugs X-Sabre* Great poems both nice to know we are appreciated sometimes.
Very well desearved. Congratulations!!! *sneeks in a hug*
Wren follows Regel with her eyes for a while after thanking him for the lovely dance then heads off to ask Wyvern to dance. and takes his claw only to be interupted by a huge purple bubble forming in front of her nose. Bigger and bigger until it starts to push Wren backwards onto the dance floor again. Wyvern !!!!!!! help!!!!
*hugs* your poetry gets better with every post Hon.
Love it when you two get going *smiles* Lots of food for thought. I have been lucky here when things have been difficult and I have writen something that shows pain you have both been there for me as have a few other members. Thank you for being you. It does point out though and make me realize I should try a little hard to take time and read more of what is here and to give my support too.
*hugs* be safe we can wait for you and have a dance or tow to pass the time . This is great fun so far.
Just as Wren is about to ask Wyvern to dance there is a loud poping sound and then a shower of purple bubbles begint to flaot around the room. Wyvern turns around quickly forgetting to check that there is clear space for his tail The tail whips around and it catches Wren at her ankles. Wren goes flying landing in Regel's with enough force that they both end up on the floor at Peredhil's feet. "Nice to meet you again !" Wren blushes and giggles "are you ok?"
Welcome and well we don't bite hard promise
It had been a long and dusty ride for Wren and a heart wrenching one. So many memories to revisit. When she had found the invitation to the ball she called on Arken her Lifelong companion and guardian to take her home. Riding in folded space to save time was cold but with Arken always a fast trip. Sliding off the Unicorn's great back she stares at the mansion built for her long ago as a wedding present. The trees and vines had begun to take back what they considered their own. The door still opened to her touch and thought and inside not even dust dared settle on the beauty elven furniture graced the entry way but Wren didn't even have time to wool-gather she took the marble stairs 3 at a time and ran down the hall way then stopped at the double doors grabbing the golden handles she threw them open hurried in and started to rummage into a huge ornate trunk at the bottom of the matching 4 poster bed gold leaf on hand carves beauty filled the room all natural forms winding vines and tree trunks, leaves and tiny representations of the wildlife found around the elven forest. At the very bottom of the trunk Wren pulls out the wedding gown never that she never wore. Forest green silk, carefully embroidered autumn leaves with bronze, silver and gold threads in a thick border around the flowing skirt the as the workmanship rises from the floor the leaves get smaller until the form small borders up the bodice lacing "I’m going to need help with this but it looks like it will still fit " Wren smiles to herself fold the dress carefully and leaves the house the same way she came stopping only to pick up the necklace given made for her with such love. She stuff everything in a leather sack hugs an kisses Arken thanking him for his patience then leaps onto his back again for the ride home. Wren fusses and stresses what to do with her unruly hair and finally gives up letting it take it natural tumble of curls falling past her waist then win a cloud of green and gold she slips into the dress. Thankfully there is always a stray person in the hallways of the pen. She peaks her head out and grabs hold of Regel who is on his way down to the ballroom. "I need your help" As she drags him in into her room and closes the door behind him. With a look of almost panicked pleading she then turns around to show him the golden lacing up the back of the bodice of the gown. Could you help? “Wren?” Regel started “Absolutely, what can I do?” with that WrenWind swept him into a room and closed the door. Regel’s heart jumped a beat; it often did at the best of times around WrenWind. She turned and explained her dilemma to him. Regel stood there frozen in the moment unable to speak or move. The light that fell of her bare back was a warm yellow light that emanated from a small lantern in the corner. The gown was strikingly beautiful and glimmered in the soft light. As quickly as he could Regel watched as she gathered the cascade of curls to one side and showed him what she needed him to do. Regel took the golden lace and started threading it from the bottom. Quietly Regel weaved the golden strand through the openings in the bodice of the gown. The curve of the young woman’s back left Regel’s mouth suddenly dry. Char’s voice echoed the same message he had spoken earlier aloud to himself. He quickly gather himself and finished the pleasant task at hand. “All done” was all Regel said when she suddenly turned and thanked him. With a hug and a kiss on the cheek Wren shoves the now beffuddled mage out the door and pionts him back in the direstion he was heading before she kidnapped him from the hallway Wren takes one last look in the mirror and tucks an unruly curl behind her ear. She lifts the necklace off the vanity and carefully claps it around her neck mithril and diamonds a delicate design mad for her by Knight as his wedding gift to her and one he bade her keep when the vows were never taken. He was called back and she has rarely seen him since. Wren sighs, shakes off the old. "Oh no! I forgot shoes"!! For the first time since entering the pen Wren uses some magic. Only a little weave to make a pair of silk slippers to match her dress. "Ok I think I'm ready." Wren walks silently down the hall and around the corner to the ballroom doors. She reaches into the bodice of her dress and fishes out the invitation and shows it to the guards at the door. One of then politely opens the door and in a booming voice announces her entrance "The Lady Wren Windsong" Taking a deep breath she calms herself and smiles greeting the Hostess with a customary huggle. "The place looks absolutely beautiful. Thank you for inviting me." One more comforting squeeze and Wren steps back turns and looks around the rest of the room Her tiny frame with ample curves and the tumble of dark curls framing a fair skinned face with large violet eyes cause a few of the gentlemen present to stop and take notice. She spots the almost dragon heading for the dance floor and heads off to cut him off before he is swept into a waltz by one of the other lovely guests. (OOC big thanks to Regel for doing his part )