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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Great job Hon good to see you back *hugs*
  2. I like what you have so far
  3. Locked in eternal embrace ,wings open for flight ,caught in the instant of a kiss they are trapped in a piece of amber
  4. of all that this phrase sticks out at me *shudders* very grafic Love it but the top verse doesn't seem to fit with the rest ..did i miss something?
  5. Trophy Wife pretty as a picture you chose her well "You look like Barbie and Ken together" said with a smile and a nudge but don't look too closely now her plastic looks and painted face turns your blood ice cold happy in her vanity she has the things she wants but where does that leave you she doesn't ask and doesn't care Where you have been all night brush the curl off your forhead kiss your sleeping brow tiptoe out into the hall and out the hotel door When you wake you smile and sigh read the note on the pillow stumble to the shower ,dress read the note again and smile "Always here and always gone"
  6. Warning does not always come. Ziggerat vision blurrs the world and you try to get home before it hits. The signs are all too familiar. Too late only steps from the medicine cabnet I'm on my knees. The left side of my head is exploding. All of the things i take comfort in now cause even more pain . The drugs won't work now. I'll have to tough it out and hope this one only last a few hours not days. I wish someone could just remove the train spike from my head (that is what it feel like) punded in and out like with sadistic ease. Don't turn too fast oh! how i know that feeling. Sometimes even the slightest movemet adds blinding sharp pains. I fell in to a store racking 2 weeks ago because i turned too fast. The joys of trying to function like normal when you just want to take out half your brain and soak it in cold water for a little bit Migraines Ugh!!! *hugs*
  7. no offence taken I am thrilled to have some construtive critism. Thanks! realization hits me hard love is what you make it now it's time to drop my guard not sure that i can take it careful study of my heart tells me i have to choose need to know i can restart but my head is afraid to lose it is time to get a grip stand in another line dont you give me any more lip just pour another glass of wine hard decisions to be made thinking that my heart will break but i think my passage paid and it's worth the life at stake
  8. realization hits me hard love is what you make it now it's time to drop my guard not sure that i can take it carefull study of my heart paints a picture, dreary need to know i can restart change things over, cheery it is time to get a grip stand in another line life, it is not a free trip just pour another glass of wine hard decisions to be made thinking that my heart will break but i think my passage paid and it's worth the life at stake (i think this still needs some work )
  9. 1) A Pen Member -Psimon 2) A distance - 3000 miles 3) A place in the Pen - Peridhil's doorstep 4) An adjective - tired 5) A number -10 6) A noun - bed 7) A verb - slumber An adjective - dissheveled 9) A Color - mauve 10) A plural noun - people 11) A material - silk 12) A type of light - sunlingt 13) A part of body - fingertip 14) A name for an underling - james 15) An animal (plural) - wolves 16) An adjective - sexy 17) A height - 30cm 18) A cryptic phrase - The pearls floating on the water didn't match 19) A verb - walk 20) Any phrase - I am alive.
  10. Love the visiuals of this and the way this verse flows
  11. pipe dreams and lollipops air line tickets and tooth fairies all these things take over my brain and make me smile a while Then the bubble bursts and darkness comes bills in the mail and groceries to buy goons at the door and car out the drive reality makes me want to cry (don't ask )
  12. Good luck Hon *hugs* we will keep a spot warm for you by the fireplace when you need it
  13. Happy day
  14. This is very good and i can sympathize with the feelings that it protrays. it makes me think of a poem i wrote a while ago check here *hugs*
  15. *Hugs* It will be lonelyer without you
  16. *hugs* I've read and reread this poem it is good yet disturbing. I'm no great poetic analyst but this one tiggers a very emotional responce. *hugs you some more*
  17. Thank you Regel for posting this .
  18. I also like the color change idea. Wren and Vlad gets the black. Thank-you Vlad for you patience. Modern Knowledge Just a few short words Writen down in cyberspace There for all to read The joy of having knowledge Found in a few simple thoughts Spread information A plague through the internet Ignorance be bliss Much can be learned if you take the time A gift given to the literate What happens to the hardcopy A tool for all everywhere Lost in the internet age Treasure never to be found Mist of time sweeping away We are so brutish In this so-called modern day Brains thought of as naught Creativity abounds New artforms are growing strong Between who has all There must be a balance found With who lacks access Passwords and security Mistrust and lies create hell
  19. *gets a cusion for the numb bumm* keep it up !! good poem
  20. *adds a few streamer to the decorations and makes sure there are enough plates and things for everyone . Then she sets up 2 chairs in a dias for the Bithday celebrants
  21. It is always intresting to see how someone else interprets things I like the image you see.
  22. i would have to take mine back in time a few years and put them in my kids rooms just to watch them sleep as babies
  23. *smiles* wonderfull little story!
  24. *hugs*
  25. Intresting but it is a little abstract. *hugs*
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