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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Wren spreads out her blanket and leans up against her cooler and pats the ground beside her for Peredhil to have a seat . and as soon as Kandara joins them she pulls out a birthday cake with little skulls for candles and sings happy birthday just before Phish takes the stage. Happy ,Happy Birthday!!!!
  2. My first reaction to this is... Wow!!! I feel like i have been punched in the stomach. The tempo of the piece seems to speed up taking the reader along until it smashes into the wall . Well done . I really like this . Wren
  3. Blank paper stares White, lined and bare No thoughts to scribble on the page Nothing to say that is witty and sage You left I'm bereft empty of feeling stare at the ceiling no pain not sane can't run it's done curl into a ball and watch the world fall Blank paper stares White, lined and bare No thoughts to scribble on the page Nothing to say that is witty and sage
  4. I tried Hon but I couldn't get Real to install on my comp
  5. *cuts the cake and shares with every one* Thank you all for the well wishes it is a great way to start the day.
  6. Beathless and a bit dazed. I'll have to it read again. *hugs*
  7. *smiles* sound like a great adventure
  8. We are currently undergoing a recode of the website. Please check back later. looks like it could be cool though
  9. congrats!
  10. *smiles and hugs Appy tightly* Love you Hon!
  11. I was breathless running with them...This is wonderful kudos Regel!!!!
  12. beautiful Hon!!!
  13. Wren literally bumped into Bob in the market place dropping the packages she was carrying. Bob of couse didn't even flinch he just stood there a stared at her untuill she got herself collected then thrust out his hand and gave her the parchment , turned on his heel and dissapeared into the throng of shoppers lining the market alley. She stopped at the the Golden Boar Inn and changed into something a little more feminine and called for a coach. She was going to arrive in style for this.
  14. *stands and raises her glass* Here! Here! Well said.
  15. "Thank you" *sits back down and waits patiently for things to settle out *
  16. *settles in on the chair beside Zen and get out her knitting to wait out for the almost dragon to show up and concider thhis lovely little poem *
  17. i really like this .... like waking up out of a dream still there but not quite at the same time *hugs*
  18. *Smiles*
  19. Love you Nim. Good story besides the tense thing that i didn't notice i enjoyed the flow and emotion . You did a great job. *hands out someem tissues and then settle in to wait for Wyvern with Nimue*
  20. It is very rare that a woman would kill her agressor then kill herself and with a child is in the mix she would be even less likely to. Men are more likely to use a gun and to follow through with killing themselves. The psyche of a man like this is " If I can't have her nobody can" and once she is dead then he has no reason to live.
  21. "Mommy?" "Quiet Little one. Daddy is still sleeping" "But Mommy?" "Shhhh! Baby we dont want him to wake up now. He is tired." "Mommy why are we up already?" "We have to go catch a bus, we are going to go visit Mommy's friend. Hush now! Daddy got home late we don't want him to wake up." "Mommy?.... I'm hungry." "Quiet now Baby i'll get you a snack in a minunte. First i have to get a few things out of your dresser " "Mommy?" "Hang on Baby I have to close the bag. Grab your blanky and go wait for Mommy in the kitchen " "Mommy? Can I bring Spiderman?" "Yes! Yes! Come ,Lets go downstairs.Remeber tiptoes we don't want daddy to wake up" "Mommy?.....How come Daddy isn't coming with us?" "Shhhsh! Baby. Daddy has to work later and he got home real late last night" "There is a box of granola bars in the pantry. You grab it and Mommy will get you something to drink " "Ok" "Here put on your coat. It's time to go." "Mommy?" "Go Baby! I'm coming. Just go to the end of the driveway." "Mommy?........Mommy? Two shots ring out in the night just as the Police pull up to the house . The little boy is taken into one of the squad cars. "Daddy woke up didn't he?"
  22. loved it .luv you. cant wait for another tale *hugs*
  23. X-Sabre as Donkey from Shrek
  24. i have had them since i was in grade 2 and they got so bad in uni that i had to quit Teenagers have lots of stress I remember!
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